Hey, Jorge!

Started by Destina Faroda, April 30, 2006, 09:33:10 PM

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Destina Faroda

I haven't seen you around in a little while.  Whazzup!
Sig coming...whenever...

Jorge D. Fuentes

Hi there.  *waves*

Work has me too busy to actually check a lot of my online hang-abouts.
Only IRC keeps me mildly sane at work, but I keep on leaving my desk, and coming back, and leaving, and coming back...
This is mostly due to me being in charge of a second machine at work, and apparently I'm the only guy that can successfully code for it.

I've been pretty stressed out, AND because my LASER is now fixed, i'm stuck with two months' worth of backlogged orders, which means I've to stay overtime, and I get home in time to have dinner and with only two hours of Free Time.... Free time which is taken up by many Projects which I can't seem to have enough time to finish.  By the time 9pm rolls about, I'm already with heavy-as-anvil eyelids.


I'm well... not THAT well, but well.

Oh, and Allergies suck ass. *cough* *wheeze* *Multiple Uncontrollable Sneezing*

Thanks for asking.  *Sigh*  :|


Funny how you had time to check on just when we we starting to miss you. you rule :P
Hang in there!
