[Clothing, Accessories] Jigsaw crochets? OMG!

Started by Jigsaw Forte, November 29, 2007, 06:29:59 PM

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Jigsaw Forte

I do, in fact, do more than just draw ;) Most of these are done away from the computer, and typically I have some purpose behind what I do; either I'm looking for a use for a particular yarn, or need an item, or see a design that I want to steal reverse-engineer for my own purposes.

Even with trying to limit myself to working on it when I'm not at the PC, I still make too much stuff.  :U

One of the few times I crochet at the computer: when I needed to consult a grid beforehand for my first real attempt at Tapestry Crochet. Part of the reason the Tapestry Crochet project took so long is because I kept having to scale down my work in order to make it a useful size; the final version finally had it down to a 13x15 grid, which is just enough for . . .

Fingerless gloves! The left glove (I always start with the left glove for whatever reason... being right-handed, I suppose) is a finished version, while the right one is shown here with 'just' the body of the glove and the logo completed in tapestry crochet. The side seam for the thumb isn't lined yet (a quick row of single-crochet cleans up raw edges), there needs to be a few more rows of white/grey at the top to finish out the glove and give the side seam more support, and the Teal trim gets put on at the end.

Also, you'll notice how the right glove's version of the logo looks rather 'raw' compared to the left; Once I have the general structure down, I went over the logo with an overlaid chain, which is basically just using slip-stitches across the surface of the fabric to embroider it, which in this case cleans up my edges.

The finished "set" if you will; this entire ensemble was made using those Canadian Wools I mentioned over a month ago. The hat and scarf are more generic compared to the gloves. The gloves themselves are a little 'tight' in their final form, which I tend not to notice except when I take them on and off.

All that, and I still have enough wool left over to make something else. It won't be made for a while, though, because my next big project is, well . . . big.  :3


Neat.  Very neat.

I'd be interested to know what this thread is going to be tagged as... [knitting]?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Jigsaw Forte

Quote from: Tapewolf on November 29, 2007, 06:58:38 PM
Neat.  Very neat.

I'd be interested to know what this thread is going to be tagged as... [knitting]?

I decided to go with [clothing]. TBH I think the thread isn't going to categorize down very easily.



I've been meaning to get into it, but I'd probably need a class to get started.

Anyways, I'm impressed with anyone who can knit, so my hat goes off to you.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


i am really quite impressed, it even fits with modern style and looks fairly comfy.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

Sienna Maiu - M T


I love you~.

Anyways, nice work, love the scarf and hat ensemble. A lot of work was put into the gloves, I can tell.