Honor Circle Returns! (OOC) - Open

Started by Boog, November 02, 2007, 07:14:13 PM

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FYI, Rule VI (http://clockworkmansion.com/main.php?page=rules#rule06) specifically tells you not to gripe about admin decisions. Try to keep that in mind in the future.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Anywho, Tech. He sees fairly well in low-light conditions, although absolutely no light would be trouble. As for the rules, they're fine.


Quote from: Darkmoon on December 07, 2007, 12:29:34 AM
FYI, Rule VI (http://clockworkmansion.com/main.php?page=rules#rule06) specifically tells you not to gripe about admin decisions. Try to keep that in mind in the future.

I know, I know. That's why unfortunately I had to speak with llearch to forward my point to you instead. Come on, man! We're adults. Can't we talk like adults then?

Quote from: Damaris on December 07, 2007, 12:27:15 AM
Your tone was what caused you to get your ban, Stygian.  You were rude, dismissive of the people in charge, and raised a simple issue into a flame war *when you weren't the one in charge of dealing with it*

The ban was neither arbitrary, ill-considered, or one-sided.  The ONLY reason you are back early was because two people spoke for you, and in this case their opinion mattered greatly.    If it wasn't for them, you'd be finishing your 48 hours.

Sorry. I know that I should have really talked to Boog about it behind the stages instead, but I still think and claim that in this case it was as much Xeksue being arrogant and dismissive, why I reacted. And you call this a flame war? I am tempted to quote Amber with her E-Z Bake Oven comment.

It's just that it seems so much like certain people are being arrogant, throwing threats and punishment around, back-talking and stepping on each other's toes, when what you really ought to do is face the problem and solve it.


Quote from: Boogeyman on December 07, 2007, 07:11:45 PM
Anywho, Tech. He sees fairly well in low-light conditions, although absolutely no light would be trouble. As for the rules, they're fine.
I thought so...Even though this is 'almost' a fight to the death, it is still for the heck of it, and not for keeps or honor or anything like that. The ideal terrain for Karazkt would be his home, underground. Deep underground. There would be no light at all, and the pressure and temperature would be rather high. Add in Karazkt's natual underground abilities (and his tunneling mech), and the odds are stacked heavily for him. So, we won't fight there.


Siolen rushed the mech as soon as Karazkt finished his sentence, leaping and kicking off from the canyon wall to try and grab onto the machine's upper body.
Uh, how big is Siolen?


Roughly human sized. It's not like he's trying to arm wrestle the mech, just grab onto it where he can climb around and hit something important.


Erm. I've got a character who I'd love to put in, this but she has two very big problems: 1) She was first used in a friend's RP, and 2) she suffers from narcolepsy, due to my needing to leave the RP early very often. If I edit her enough, could I use her?

Also, I think I'd better put in a little explanation about Sylvie's hypnosis powers, in case she needs to use them again later. Her hypnosis spell only works to a certain degree. She could convince you to do something simple, like step backward into a trap, but she can't force anyone to do anything too extreme (so if she said "Kill yourself," her victim could resist it). She's not that powerful with enchanting magic yet. To do something that advanced, she'd need to trick you somehow, or be working with something slower than a sentient being.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Quote from: Black_angel on December 09, 2007, 05:50:59 PM
Erm. I've got a character who I'd love to put in, this but she has two very big problems: 1) She was first used in a friend's RP, and 2) she suffers from narcolepsy, due to my needing to leave the RP early very often. If I edit her enough, could I use her?

Also, I think I'd better put in a little explanation about Sylvie's hypnosis powers, in case she needs to use them again later. Her hypnosis spell only works to a certain degree. She could convince you to do something simple, like step backward into a trap, but she can't force anyone to do anything too extreme (so if she said "Kill yourself," her victim could resist it). She's not that powerful with enchanting magic yet. To do something that advanced, she'd need to trick you somehow, or be working with something slower than a sentient being.

I think that would be most nice to see, Angel. I still think that perhaps you should get in some more and longer posts if you are hoping on this though. Look through some examples, and I'm sure you'll do just fine.

And I presume that this hypnosis magic is not designed to, and indeed will not, work on computers or mechanical beings?


Quote from: Black_angel on December 09, 2007, 05:50:59 PM
Erm. I've got a character who I'd love to put in, this but she has two very big problems: 1) She was first used in a friend's RP, and 2) she suffers from narcolepsy, due to my needing to leave the RP early very often. If I edit her enough, could I use her?

Even though it's not my decision, nor my place to speak, I personally don't see how either of these things are a problem. 1) The Honor Circle is deliberately made for out-of-canon continuity, so a charcater can be from anywhere. That's how we have Ronin as the Xenomorph Queen. 2) Falls alseep all the time... :giggle Amusing, but I don't see how that would be a problem, per se...

But, this is Boog's ground, and decision. I just added my input.


Quote from: Stygian on December 09, 2007, 06:03:15 PM

I think that would be most nice to see, Angel. I still think that perhaps you should get in some more and longer posts if you are hoping on this though. Look through some examples, and I'm sure you'll do just fine.

And I presume that this hypnosis magic is not designed to, and indeed will not, work on computers or mechanical beings?

Thanks. My short posts are partially due to my being stuck in a battle, but your advice is, as always, appreciated.

And no, it's not. Where Sylvie comes from, the closest thing you can find to a mechanical being is a golem.

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on December 09, 2007, 06:04:28 PM
Falls alseep all the time... :giggle Amusing, but I don't see how that would be a problem, per se...

Well, think about it. Wouldn't that be the best excuse ever for quitting a fight? Not that she's the type to do that, but still. In the RP, her sleep spells were GM-controlled. Lemme tell ya, it was pretty good stuff. One time, when I had to leave, she had jsut taken a sip of beer. Scott had her collapse on the counter, and then made the bartender lean over and ask her friend if she was really that big a lightweight.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


She'll be fine, Angel. We could use the variety and, as for the whole narcoleptic thing, not a problem. You don't have to leave it in if you don't want to, but it'd be funny to see it played in a combat oriented RP  :P


*ahem* Risky is actually still in the ladies' room. I knew I was going to be marginally able to keep up for a few days, but didn't expect it to stretch quite this long.


Agh! Sorry. That mistake will be rectified at once.


Alll righty! Here she is in all her glory - my next character, to be introduced as soon as Sylvie's fight is over!

Name: Danielle Adrienne Sanders
Nicknames: Dani, Dan, "Sleeping Beauty"
Age: 25
Species: Human (Red)
Family and Associations: Mostly unknown, though it's known she has two younger brothers and her parents are alive; her only other associates are the people she befriended at her current workplace
Place of Origin: Northern Hemisphere; Rustburg

Physical Description: Dani is a child of the Chaos layline of magic, part of a group of humans more commonly known as "Reds."* She has long, fire-engine red hair that reaches to the small of her back. She usually ties it up in a high ponytail. Her eyes are roughly the color of brick dust, and she has a young-looking face that looks like it smiles a lot. She's about 5'6" and has an athletic build. Her oddest feature besides her eyes is three red, almost tribal-looking marks on her face. The only way to describe them is that it looks as if someone shaved her head and carved three curved slash-marks on her: one starting just over her left eyebrow and ending on the middle right part of her scalp, one starting just behind her right ear and ending at her jawbone, and the last one curving across her left cheek and ending at the left side of her neck. (It should be noted that many Reds have markings on their faces like these.)

Her favored outfit is a royal blue tunic over slate-colored mid-calf leggings, tied off with a black belt. Her typical footwear is a pair of gray sandals.

Dueling Info: Dani should be able to use Chaos magic, but one of the defining traits of this branch of magic is that very few people know how to control it. Like many Reds, Dani has no idea how to activate her inborn power. Because of this slight setback, her primary weapon is a long polearm resembling a naginata, only with a slightly wider blade. Her specialties are armed combat and hand-to-hand.

Her main weakness is something worth noting:  Dani is a narcoleptic. Like many others with this condition, she sometimes has cataplexy (temporary paralysis) when she falls into a sleep spell. If she was dreaming, she wakes up very disoriented and scared. The only other weakness she has is her own fiery temper.

Personality: Dani is rather cocky about her abilities and strength. She, like almost every other Red in history, has a very histrionic temperament, prone to sudden mood swings. A good way to describe her would be to turn Jack Nicholson in The Shining into a young, strong woman. Her main emotion seems to be sadistic glee, but anyone could tell you that this is also her way of expressing anger. Reds are extremely feared in normal society, because of their power and violence, and Dani's aware of this. Anyone who mocks her race regrets it, though, so she doesn't have much to worry about from racists.

History: Dani's history is mostly unknown, as she doesn't really have that many close friends, and even her close friends don't know that much about her. It's known that she grew up in a little town called Rustburg, where the end of the Chaos layline is found. She seems to have been hired to many guard positions in her life, partly because she's good at it, and partly out of a joke among those who don't know her too well (a narcoleptic guard is apparently a funny idea). But she's turned out to do pretty well at these positions. Her current job is at the Diekan-Duria Correctional Facility, where she works as a prison guard.

*The species name is incidental. Not every species in the RP is called after a color. And if I hear so much as ONE Christmas joke about Dani and Sylvie, I'll run a bowstring through the offender's teeth till they need braces for the next ten years.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Awww. I haven't got my char in there, so I can't make Christmas jokes. :-/
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Oh Boooogeyman! Since the duels are lasting a bit on average, any chance of getting another Circle or three? Pretty please?

lucas marcone

man soon as this duel is over i gotta go through the IC and findout who all entered since Ian went in and what everyone is doing at the moment....and i gotta put all your characters down on paper so i can refer to them at a glance.....not hard work but it'll be tedious.


I'm just "the cloaked hunchback"(will change once he fights) and "the bug in the mech" ;)


going between the constructs legs to the wall behind it, climbing for the open space at the top of the canyon. He spat a few blasts of tar behind him, to keep the device at bay.
Boog, I'm clear on the other side of the corridor. You have to traverse a good distance to get to me.
Plus, I repeatedly said in the profile that the legs of the mech are 'short and stubby'. You can't walk under or between, them, really, you'd have to crawl.


Ah! My apologies, the distance wasn't clear to me and the mech I pictured was of mildly different stature. I'll edit.

lucas marcone

Quote from: lucas marcone on December 13, 2007, 11:43:07 PM
man soon as this duel is over i gotta go through the IC and findout who all entered since Ian went in and what everyone is doing at the moment....and i gotta put all your characters down on paper so i can refer to them at a glance.....not hard work but it'll be tedious.

done. ill post tomarrow.


So, I'll be gone after tomorrow. I'll think of some way to have Styg and Sahlena exit smoothly. And if not, well... then I think I'll just leave it be for the seventeen days I'll be away.

lucas marcone

seventeem days of drinking? sabastian's gonna be perty shit faced


Is it just me, or have things here slowed down quite a bit? Or is that just 'cuz of the holidays? They are mostly over now, I think...


Not for everyone Tech, and there's still recovery from them. The major posters have slowed down a tad, and I've been busy. Been working on that, my appologies for the inconvenience.


Hey Boogey, since the rest of the Haunted Ballroom is going through a tidy-up, can we get an index of all players and their chars in the first post? People have repeatedly said it's difficult to keep track of everyone and their profiles, so it would be very much helpful in this RP.


You know, I might be alone about this but... I wonder whether if I've done something wrong and whether if the IC thread will ever pick up speed again.


Well, the others are trying, even if they are a bit busy. As for me, I'm just trying to figure out how Dani would respond to that kind of question...
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


I'm just waiting to see if Boogey is gonna escape Karazkt's mech grabbing him from underground :B


at the exposed pistons and gears that had initially attracted his gaze to the point
Just a minor note, Boogey, but as this is a mech that's designed for deep-core tunneling, not much is going to be visibly exposed. Everything's armored, even the joints are protected with interlocking plates. This is to keep out large chunks of solid rock, since that is pretty much all you will find deep underground, dirt not so much. That's actually why your tar works; it seeps through the plates and into the inner mechanisms. But the actual workings are not visibly exposed.

Also, are you going to make a player character index? That would be wonderfully useful.