Space Empires V

Started by techmaster-glitch, October 22, 2007, 11:55:01 PM

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Who has it, who's played it, who's heard of it? Anyone here know that game? I'm starting a discussion thread because I have it and I think it's awsome :cool

What do you like/dislike about it?


1) The UI. Bleh. I highly recommend the DarkUI mod. It makes the shiny UI much more visually pleasing and not nearly as headache inducing.

2) The minimal 'stock' use of the 'resources' Aaron gave to modders such as varying shield and armour types. The once again sub-par implementation of organic, crystalline, temporal and religious technology. These weapons are rarely useful from the start, and instead rely on a lot of research and specific situations to become effective. The remaining technology is a leg up from it's start in SE4 (the solar panels were terrible) and most of it is decently useful now (about the only useful facilities in SE4 were the Crystalline Restructing Plant and the Temporal Spaceyard) instead of being planet slot wasters.

3) The bizarre planet texturing. At least in SE4 you could tell an oxygen planet from a hydrogen planet at first glance. Fyron's Quadrant Mod goes some way towards fixing this, but it still needs some work and TLC.

Got it, played it, still prefer Space Empires 4.



I've never played SE 4 though...therefore I think SE 5 is great :B


Kids these days. :rolleyes

SE4 is ludicrously cheap on Steam these days. It's nowhere near as flashy or high tech as SE5, but I still prefer it over SE5 for more casual gaming. SE4's "just... one... more... turn..." impulse is a lot stronger than SE5's, for me.