Random Huggles (II)

Started by xHaZxMaTx, July 03, 2007, 01:20:00 AM

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The plasma dog gets today's hug! (That's Taskidog, in case there's anyone who doesn't know.)
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Faerie Alex

Mustachio gets tonight's random huggle, iffin he comes back to receive it.
Jeez I need to update this thing.


Boy howdy, The Bourne Ultimatum sure was a good movie! :3  Also the reason I missed huggles, last night (no excuse for Wednesday night).  So now I owe three hugs.  And those three hugs go to Aleolus, stiletto, Kitsune Ascendant.


I haven't checked the forum lately, and didn't even know about this until I was hugged.

That so just made my night. Thank you for the huggles!


Not a problem, glad the hugs could help, that's what they're for. :3

Kitsune Ascendant

That last huggle seemed almost TOO well timed. I need a little cheering up after my laptop broke. Anyways, off to find things to quell my boredom.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!

Faerie Alex

True randomness allows for the same number to be called twice in a row. As such, Mustachio gets his second huggle in a row from me.
Jeez I need to update this thing.


Billy (BillBuckner) gets another hug! :3



I missed a hug... Sorry, exam days are exhausting.

Today's first hug goes to Boogeyman.

And the second one goes to Seth C Triggs.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Seth C Triggs

BIBP Webcomic - bizarre and NSFW - http://www.bibp.com

Faerie Alex

On the first spin of the randomizer, ShadesFox gets tonight's huggle.
Jeez I need to update this thing.


ForestCat gets today's hug o' randomness.


And Forsaken gets his first random hug.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Faerie Alex

Unfortunately, I must break the string of F... usernames, as James StarRunner gets tonight's huggle.
Jeez I need to update this thing.

James StarRunner

Hehehe... I was waiting in this thread to reply to the hug. Thanks modelincard! ^_^


Toric gets hugged, tonight. :3

BTW, nifty avatar, James; OMGTKB?


Wow, Ronin foxtail's getting a lot of hugs these days! Still 3 hugs away from Charles and Meech, but at this rate he may catch up.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

James StarRunner

Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on August 07, 2007, 03:31:58 AM
BTW, nifty avatar, James; OMGTKB?
Yep. Commissioned him at AC.


*hugs the huggers* :3

Faerie Alex

txgorilla gets huggled tonight.
Jeez I need to update this thing.

Faerie Alex

Tonight's huggled peep is Shadrok.
Jeez I need to update this thing.


Missed last night, two peeps gettin' hugs tonight - Violet Dusk and Nerikull both get their first hugs, if I'm not mistaken


Quote from: modelincard on August 07, 2007, 08:10:09 PM
txgorilla gets huggled tonight.
300th member to get hugged!

Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on August 09, 2007, 05:22:32 AM
Missed last night, two peeps gettin' hugs tonight - Violet Dusk and Nerikull both get their first hugs, if I'm not mistaken
Sorry, you're mistaken. That was the 5th hug for Violet Dusk and 7th for Nerikull.

I missed yesterday (too much pressure, no free time at all), so I'm giving out 2 hugs today:

1. RobbieThe1st
2. Azlan

Note: next hug will be random hug #666.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gabi on August 09, 2007, 12:18:24 PM

I missed yesterday (too much pressure, no free time at all), so I'm giving out 2 hugs today:

1. RobbieThe1st
2. Azlan

vixen snug... aww, Neni is going to get jealous.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

lucas marcone

i hug....techmaster glitch!


Quote from: lucas marcone on August 09, 2007, 03:39:20 PM
i hug....techmaster glitch!
Was that random? How did you choose him?
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gabi on August 09, 2007, 12:18:24 PM
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on August 09, 2007, 05:22:32 AM
Missed last night, two peeps gettin' hugs tonight - Violet Dusk and Nerikull both get their first hugs, if I'm not mistaken
Sorry, you're mistaken. That was the 5th hug for Violet Dusk and 7th for Nerikull.1
Well then I'm an idiot. :B


Quote from: Gabi on August 09, 2007, 04:26:33 PM
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 09, 2007, 03:39:20 PM
i hug....techmaster glitch!
Was that random?
I doubt it. He purposly mentioned that I am the 666th to be 'random' huggled.

Lucas, don't get me wrong or take this the wrong way; the gesture is greatly appreciated, really, but there is a reason this is called the 'random' huggles thread, and hugs don't count if they aren't random.



Faerie Alex

IF: hug from lucas to tech is random
     DISP: Huggle #667 goes to Black_angel.
ELSE: DISP: Huggle #666 goes to Black_angel.

@ Shadrok: You're welcome.
Jeez I need to update this thing.