08/13/07 [#806] Molesternated

Started by Tapewolf, August 13, 2007, 04:30:12 AM

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Quote from: bilbo-sama on August 13, 2007, 05:45:35 PM
'Molesternated' is now the new word of the week.  :P

Also, DMFA seems to have randomly contracted bi-polar disorder. I knew we shouldn't have let him play with that morbid Abel's Backstory. D:

which one?
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

King Of Hearts

O noes! Now poor Jy will never find true love!

Albanion, you will have to answer for this transgression or by the power vested in me I now declare you Husband and wife!


I din't want to spoil it but I was planing on having a trial in the unholy RP by the end of the week, with Abel as  Al's lawyer and fi as "the doll"

Jy's mom: now Jyrras, I want you to show the jury where Albanion touched you.

of course Fi would protest to being used in such a manner, and nutmeg would be the judge.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

Attic Rat

All forms of Molesternizationistic activity must hereby cease. The Mows have told me this.
They whisper to me in the night.
While they eat my venetian blinds.
And that is why I can never sleep in late.
Which would you like to be, ignorant or misled?


Quote from: Zina on August 13, 2007, 05:19:57 PM
*pats* It's ok, here, have some fire water


This forum is the reason why I've become an alcoholic.
Jack Drama is the only kind of drama!


It's the best kind of drama.  Give into the green bunny, for he is the epitome of tortured souls.


:mowmeep Goodness ! Jyrras has been pushed through the hoops again, and suvived ! Jyrras is tough, but do we all know who is pulling the strings of his indignity ... When will he break, and run amok ...

8) Just Hanging Around ...


Quote from: Manawolf on August 14, 2007, 04:32:52 AM
It's the best kind of drama.  Give into the green bunny, for he is the epitome of tortured souls.


Quote from: Zina on August 14, 2007, 06:08:04 AM
Quote from: Manawolf on August 14, 2007, 04:32:52 AM
It's the best kind of drama.  Give into the green bunny, for he is the epitome of tortured souls.

i dyed it blue.  :P

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Makes me wonder whats next on the soup of the day in the mind of the wicked girl know as Amber. Makes me wonder this will be a classic tv moment.



Quote from: Zedd on August 14, 2007, 06:25:03 AM
Makes me wonder whats next on the soup of the day in the mind of the wicked girl know as Amber. Makes me wonder this will be a classic tv moment.


whatever happens, i can predict one thing..


Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


    8) And I bet he has no forgotten all those issues that he had to talk out with Lorenda now ...
8) Just Hanging Around ...


and of course the chance that nutmeg will show up wearing his pants

followed promptly by someone saying a "getting into your pants" joke

QuoteWhat is ten thousand years? Time is short for one who thinks, endless for one who yearns.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

Seth C Triggs

Pants... pants... singing the praises of pants.

Well, since many Fae wear clothing, I bet that if Jy's pants are TOO ripped they can just shuttle him over to the local Abercrombie & Fitch or something.

Or they could have Jy do a mental exercise too.

"You can do it! Believe you have pants! Be one with the pants! Believe in the pants!"

BIBP Webcomic - bizarre and NSFW - http://www.bibp.com


Quote from: Zedd on August 14, 2007, 06:25:03 AM
Makes me wonder whats next on the soup of the day in the mind of the wicked girl know as Amber. Makes me wonder this will be a classic tv moment.




Quote from: Turnsky on August 14, 2007, 06:22:55 AM
Quote from: Zina on August 14, 2007, 06:08:04 AM
Quote from: Manawolf on August 14, 2007, 04:32:52 AM
It's the best kind of drama.  Give into the green bunny, for he is the epitome of tortured souls.

i dyed it blue.  :P

You blued yourself?


Why do people keep talking like Albanion stole his pants?

They're RIGHT there.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.

Castle Pokemetroid

Why did Albanion steal his pants again?

On another note, I wonder if he has gadgets in his pants as well. What? He has a lab, so it's posible.


Quote from: Seth C Triggs on August 14, 2007, 01:17:31 PM
Pants... pants... singing the praises of pants.

Well, since many Fae wear clothing, I bet that if Jy's pants are TOO ripped they can just shuttle him over to the local Abercrombie & Fitch or something.

Or they could have Jy do a mental exercise too.

"You can do it! Believe you have pants! Be one with the pants! Believe in the pants!"

Saying "Believe in the pants" made me remember a comic book from some years ago.

There was a comic book called DNAgents by Mark Evanier.  A character named Rainbow had mental powers and liked to go to the beach naked and use her mental powers to make everybody think she was wearing a one piece bathing suit.  In one episode, she was knocked out by a mugger.  The mugger then saw her naked, which distracted him long enough for one of the other characters to knock out the mugger.  However, on the way back, her mind was still fuzzy and her clothing developed a few bare spots.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


It's just possible that we're about to see Mab actually furious, for maybe the second time ever... and maybe more so than the last.

Flaming orbs, angry look, and full on wings and power aspect.

If she seriously believes Albanon molested Jy... or even just comes to know what he DID do to Jy... Well, Mab cares.   And I get no sense that she cares at all about Albanon, much less Nutmeg.

This could get really ugly... and violent.  Faewar violent.


Quote from: SkipSanders on August 14, 2007, 10:49:52 PM
It's just possible that we're about to see Mab actually furious, for maybe the second time ever... and maybe more so than the last.

Flaming orbs, angry look, and full on wings and power aspect.

If she seriously believes Albanon molested Jy... or even just comes to know what he DID do to Jy... Well, Mab cares.   And I get no sense that she cares at all about Albanon, much less Nutmeg.

This could get really ugly... and violent.  Faewar violent.
:mowignore And remember, before she blew up like an atom bomb last time, it was in the outside world, what happens when she blows up the Fae world ? Another scenario, ( remember Nutmeg was with Mab and Lorenda at the time ), is do we have a united group of females soothing an embaressed Jyrras, and bashing Albion up ? Would Albion survive the combined attack of Mab, Lorenda, and Queen Nutmeg ? I wonder ...
8) Just Hanging Around ...


Quote from: Rafe on August 13, 2007, 05:05:35 PM
Okay, I'd been waiting to see when someone else had noticed, but it looks like Amber has been serving us up some very interesting parallels with David Hopkins' Jack in this comic.  Both the cute Jyrrass and cute Fnar have been assaulted.  If that's not enough, look at the art


In this story, Jyrras has been marked on his arms.  In "Fnar Reborn", he Fnar gets the slashes on his eyes.

Poor violated pantsless guys... and shocked friends.

Hmmm...Given that Mab appeared in one of Jack's crossover arcs, there may be something to that.


Quote from: SkipSanders on August 14, 2007, 10:49:52 PM
It's just possible that we're about to see Mab actually furious, for maybe the second time ever... and maybe more so than the last.

Amber once mentioned that we've never seen her get angry.  Blowing up the glen and stopping the fight are closer to 'mildly irritated'  :U

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 15, 2007, 04:09:50 AM
Quote from: SkipSanders on August 14, 2007, 10:49:52 PM
It's just possible that we're about to see Mab actually furious, for maybe the second time ever... and maybe more so than the last.

Amber once mentioned that we've never seen her get angry.  Blowing up the glen and stopping the fight are closer to 'mildly irritated'  :U
Only time we will see her mad..Is when her head is about to explode type of thing


Mab is a bubbly girl. 
Those are the hardest to get angry but if they do get angry you will want to be in the next state over (at least).

Besides Mab's previous bouts of anger were not bouts of anger.
A bombed her glen was pure surprise because someone yanked on her antennas.
Stopped Dan and Aaryanna's fight was more annoyed because Dan was fighting someone (more like evading her attacks).

I'm dreading to see what could happen if Mab got angry.  Which might happen if Jyrras mentions what happened with him and Albiaon.
Mab's more powerful than she lets, so on I wonder where this will lead to.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


My guess is Mab is the first Fae! she has never "Died" So shes the oldest, and mostest powerful of all! 

:mowhappy  :B

((And by default the most insane  >:3 ))


Quote from: Aurawyn on August 15, 2007, 12:07:35 PM((And by default the most insane  >:3 ))
I doubt it.  Wild card though she may be - one of the main reasons I've looked forward to seeing more of her - she seems a lot more stable than Albanion or Nutmeg.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


mab is unlikely to be the first, otherwise how could she be selling her parents souls? she may be damned old, but don't tell her that to her face.

QuoteGo on, prove me wrong. Destroy the fabric of the universe. See if I care.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Yeah I'm with Brun on that. Mab's having parents kinda disproves the whole 'Mab's the first fae' thing.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.