08/13/07 [#806] Molesternated

Started by Tapewolf, August 13, 2007, 04:30:12 AM

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Quote from: Illusionist on August 15, 2007, 04:05:00 AM

Hmmm...Given that Mab appeared in one of Jack's crossover arcs, there may be something to that.

Actually, Mab has appeared in at least two Jack arcs.  Most people know that she has her very own chibi-heaven in "Fnar's Vacation":

But she also shows up (with some friends) on the last page of "Harold"


Yes, that person in the lower right is Mab. 



Wow i never noticed that before but you're right Rafe.

Dave and his wife are also there, and is that fourth tavern goer you Rafe?
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Yeah.  Apparently Mr. Hopkins decided to have Karma, Pepe, Rafe and Mab go out for food and/or drinks.  Dismembered corpses have to be expected, I guess.


Quote from: Rafe on August 16, 2007, 04:00:41 PM
Yeah.  Apparently Mr. Hopkins decided to have Karma, Pepe, Rafe and Mab go out for food and/or drinks.  Dismembered corpses have to be expected, I guess.
And I get souls of the people! Souls! Must have more! >:]


Do you ever not try to reference something to yourself?
I swear, you and Mana...


But all in all...Hand in hand..It just shows soon Mab will have to turn her cheek towards the king right now


Mab will only turn the cheek if Jyrras was not hurt.  Fae and non-Fae have different definitions for hurt, Albiaon should know this, Mab knows this (as far as I can tell).  Mab may seem a bit of an air head but that only means she loves to have fun and she loves having fun with her friends (no 18+ jokes if you will), which is why Mab goes on adventures with Dan every now and then. 
Sometimes I wonder what Dan and Mab's (never to happen but fun to think of) child/children could look like.

Mab: Oh Dan he has your eyes and wings
Dan: Mab he has your antenna and... Wings?
*watches as the contents of the vegetable crisper suddenly burst into flames*

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Quote from: Zedd on August 15, 2007, 04:12:23 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 15, 2007, 04:09:50 AM
Quote from: SkipSanders on August 14, 2007, 10:49:52 PM
It's just possible that we're about to see Mab actually furious, for maybe the second time ever... and maybe more so than the last.

Amber once mentioned that we've never seen her get angry.  Blowing up the glen and stopping the fight are closer to 'mildly irritated'  :U
Only time we will see her mad..Is when her head is about to explode type of thing

Quote from: AnizInDisguise on August 13, 2007, 08:55:44 PM
Quote from: Rafe on August 13, 2007, 05:05:35 PM
Okay, I'd been waiting to see when someone else had noticed, but it looks like Amber has been serving us up some very interesting parallels with David Hopkins' Jack in this comic.  Both the cute Jyrrass and cute Fnar have been assaulted.  If that's not enough, look at the art

In this story, Jyrras has been marked on his arms.  In "Fnar Reborn", he Fnar gets the slashes on his eyes.

Poor violated pantsless guys... and shocked friends.

My god, you're right! And if all continues as it did in Jack, then.......... OH BOY.

Okay then, lets assume Mab does get REALLY angry this time, and AnizInDisguise is right about how it goes...

Sorry, I was tired of waiting for an update (and I decided the showing what Mab does in the following panels would be way too horrifying).


So is Albanion going to be left as half a head in the middle of a field somewhere?

Slightly off topic, but I've never liked how Farrago reacted to that. "Because you went full rage for the greater good, beat up someone who deserved it, never presented any risk to anybody I care about and the whole thing was over in 10 minutes, I'm dumping you and denying you the chance to say goodbye to one of about 5 people you ever truly cared about."


Jack let his wrath take him over.  He did what he did because he let his sin control him.  True, who cares about Drip, but he strangled one of his only friends, and scared Fnar horribly in the process.  It was what he did to himself more than anything, that turned Farrago and Central against him. 

After that, Central had to protect Farrago and Fnar, and she put on a fierce fighting face with Jack, but as soon as he left, you could see (from Hopkins' excellent body language) that she hated to do that to him.  In fact, the next time Central shows up, in "Ghosts of Plato's Past", she is still upset - almost breaking down emotionally - because she couldn't help him.

But back to Albanion - yes, it would be tempting to see Mab come crashing down on him and slice and grind him into a half-alive disembodied head, and then use her power to keep him that way.  But that's obviously taking things too far, even just joking around here.  I have to admit, Amber has brought out a lot of violence in this story - what with all the stabbings of Nutmeg and Albanion scaring Jyrass horribly, but she does it in such a masterful, controlled way (and she is extremely good at that) that all the nasty bad feelings (the sinful wrath, if you will) are removed, and everyone is friends again.  Seeing how she does that whole process is why I love this comic.


that actually reminds me of a conversation earlier held somewhere around here- electing seven of the forumers to be the 'seven deadly sinners'

ive got dibbs on sloth, i recommend zedd and TGH battle out for the title of lust, and were going with the title 'greed' and not 'avarice' or 'covetous'.

QuoteFreaky birds, scary gargoyles, and a bit of Gothic revival exterior. Yep, I,d say thats the place where our demon lives.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: Brunhidden da Muse on August 19, 2007, 09:25:46 AM

QuoteFreaky birds, scary gargoyles, and a bit of Gothic revival exterior. Yep, I,d say thats the place where our demon lives.

That's no demon's residence, that's my summer cottage.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Quote from: Rafe on August 15, 2007, 04:40:03 PM
Actually, Mab has appeared in at least two Jack arcs.  Most people know that she has her very own chibi-heaven in "Fnar's Vacation":
You've just reminded me that I last kept up with Jack a couple of years ago. I've spent the last few days catching up, and recovering from catching up so quickly.  :erk
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.


Quote from: Rafe on August 19, 2007, 08:28:53 AMI have to admit, Amber has brought out a lot of violence in this story - what with all the stabbings of Nutmeg and Albanion scaring Jyrass horribly, but she does it in such a masterful, controlled way (and she is extremely good at that) that all the nasty bad feelings (the sinful wrath, if you will) are removed, and everyone is friends again.  Seeing how she does that whole process is why I love this comic.
In the cases you noted, it helps a lot that - although exactly Albanion's attack on Jyrras will entail remains to be seen - it's been established that it takes more than a spear to have any lasting effect on a Fae.  I'm not sure it really applies here... or anywhere else in the comic I can think of (except maybe the odd incident with Wildy, if not all of them, even), really.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


Quote from: SpottedKitty on August 19, 2007, 06:45:19 PM
Quote from: Rafe on August 15, 2007, 04:40:03 PM
Actually, Mab has appeared in at least two Jack arcs.  Most people know that she has her very own chibi-heaven in "Fnar's Vacation":
You've just reminded me that I last kept up with Jack a couple of years ago. I've spent the last few days catching up, and recovering from catching up so quickly.  :erk

You wouldn't think Jack could keep getting better like that, coming up with even more ways to make you care for those characters and jerk on your emotions - and for that matter DMFA has gone from "wow, that's a good comic" to "this is one of the best things I've ever read". 

I don't know exactly why there are so many DMFA/Jack crossover fans.  There are a lot of differences, but what they do have in common is characters you get attached to and care about.  That and very good plots to put them in from Amber and David and Katie Hopkins.

By the way, according to the Belfry Comic Index of something like 5,000 web comics, the top ten most read are:

1.  Better Days ALV
2.  Sabrina Online A
3.  FreeFall
4.  Faux Pas
5.  Jack ALNVX
6.  VG Cats LV
7.  Peter is the Wolf ANVX
8. Kevin & Kell
9. Dan & Mab's Furry Adventures
10. Ozy & Millie

Janus Whitefurr

*takes deep, calming breaths* Statement to follow.

I have read Jack from its inception through to the end of the arc that starred a good friend of mine (Aecas). It failed to continue holding my interest. Hindsight has made me wonder what I saw in the first place.

Jack is incredibly, vastly overrated by its fanbase, at least those visible on this forum. The constant comparisons said people make are largely irrelevant ones, which seem to serve no purpose other than a reason for them to spout the 'glories' of the comic, be it a character's personality or the emotion of a particular arc.

It is blown far out of proportion by its fanbase, and whether I am alone in this statement or not, I don't care. I wish you people would be quiet for once and stop making the damn references every chance you get, because it's tiresome and irritating. You're fans, we get it. I'm not, and surely others aren't either. Now please.

Shut. Up. About. It.

This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


*hugs the ferret*
i wont say anything either - but i do agree with what janus said - i orginally started reading it when an old friend refurred me to it as well - but soon it become to much for me - but as janus said YES Jack has a HUGE fanbase - but damnit stop going so damn hyper over it saying its the best thing since sliced bread - that if something happens in DMFA you gotta go compare it everytime to jack - its annoying ><

sorry ><


I totaly agree with you there...Sides I know its a webcomic..Nothing more just a lovely timekiller..And a abit of exsitement. I just wanna state..Its good comic and so are others just as good or better. Im glad most of us can enjoy a good story created and inspired others. Me? I just look at webcomics as a lovely time muse and enjoy what to read. And I agree...Noone should take Jack this far anymore,Nuff said.


Imagine, discussiing webcomics on a forum dedicated to a webcomic, especicially one that has a lot of mutual fans including both authors, and one that is known  share characters.  And of ALL THE TIMES to do it, when there is major lull in the primary comics' story.

You people are as bad as the ones on the Jack board who complain about DMFA.  Seriously, lighten up a little. 


Quote from: Brunhidden on August 19, 2007, 09:25:46 AM
that actually reminds me of a conversation earlier held somewhere around here- electing seven of the forumers to be the 'seven deadly sinners'
Forum sins, huh? That'd be the seven sins of Flaming, Trolling, Spamming, Pornography, Gratuitous Thread Derailment, Swearing Your Tits Off, and Spelling So Bad We Can't Tell What You Mean.  ;)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Rafe on August 20, 2007, 01:13:58 AM
By the way, according to the Belfry Comic Index of something like 5,000 web comics, the top ten most read are:

7.  Peter is the Wolf ANVX

Hmm. This is the only one I don't read. Yet. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Wow touched a nerve there eh Janus? Sorry you feel that way but as a rather avid member of many fandoms I can tell you you're not going to escape the comparissons so easily. Mutual fans exist in all fandoms and when you have people who are fans of two different things comparissons will come up, even if they have nothing to do with each other.

Try being a comic geek and hearing the million and a half {Insert DC hero here} vs {Insert Marvel hero here} debates. They're never ending.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on August 20, 2007, 10:13:30 AM
Woooo hypocrisy at its finest!

Pot, this is Kettle. Listen, I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but there's been some concern raised recently regarding your current hue...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


You apparently don't even know what that means, since you're accusing me of doing what I didn't.


Who's a hypocrit?  I'm confused now.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


I'm going to have to throw my hat in as well and say how incredibly annoying it is to see constant comparisons to Jack and ONLY Jack from certain forum members. Jack is a webcomic, guys. It isn't the end all and be all of drama, Drip isn't the king of bastards, and Amber doing something dramatic in DMFA doesn't mean she's taking a page out of David Hopkins' book.
It does seriously feel like whenever people get the get the chance, they have to jump in and tell people how great Jack is. And, guys...guys...it gets so old after a while.

Amber Williams

Soooo....anyone read Dominic Deegan?  :3


Quote from: Amber Williams on August 20, 2007, 01:57:04 PM
Soooo....anyone read Dominic Deegan?  :3

Yup, another of my favs. I met Mookie at Otakon too
Once upon a time I actually posted here.