Who did you sit at the lunch table with in school?

Started by WingedMayhem, March 22, 2006, 12:33:02 AM

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I never sat at the lunch table. I always sat in the library and slept. Then I got fast food after school.


Destina Faroda

Same here, Joseph....oh man, I can tell you about lunch in high school.  I sat by myself most of the time for several reasons.

1.  I'm a sloppy eater.  I'm also slow eater, at least when it comes to eating a multiple-part meal within 20 minutes.   These factors make eating with people I don't know difficult.

2.  I like my personal space and to have people sitting around me on those cramped cafeteria benches made me uncomfortable.

3.  No one talks to freaks.  Geeks hung out with other geeks, and as much as I hang out with geeks on-line, I'm not geeky enough to be a geek.  To be a geek, you must have either a specialized skill and/or knowledge set in something geeky.  I did not and still do not.  Popular/pretty kids hung out with popular/pretty kids, and I wasn't popular or pretty.  That left only the freaks and though I was a freak I didn't like them and they didn't like me.

4.  The only people who would talk to me are jerks who would want to talk about if they would give such and such a blowjob for a certain amount of money.

A lot of the more popular kids, though headed away from the lunchroom to a teachers room where they partied every day.  Of course, me not being popular, didn't know abut this until the 11th grade.

So lunch was ironically isolating, as despite being surrounded by human beings no one wanted to come within 10 feet of me...and vice versa.
Sig coming...whenever...


The stoners (i dont do that) and the semi geeky kids

Xuzaf D

I actually never sat either. Nobody would let me.


I don't eat lunch. I eat branch. Also, there are only a few benchs so I just walk around and eat.


Well, when I was in school I sat with a mix of idiots and some people I still talk to today. We used to play pranks on the preps because we all learned to eat fast.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?


I eat lunch with fellow gaming nerds. Unfortunately I can't really talk to them cuz they're all playing D&D at lunch, which I don't play and never will O.o


D&D are fun. play with me. you can be a rogue.


Clara, you are so not allowed to post here anymore. ;P

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber



Destina Faroda

Aw crap.  Here I thought she was banned for having friends.  That's a far better reason to hate someone.
Sig coming...whenever...


Quote from: Sailor Steeler on March 25, 2006, 10:44:14 PM
Aw crap.  Here I thought she was banned for having friends.  That's a far better reason to hate someone.

No No you're allowed to have friends. They just can't be cliquey and popular. And they would have to have been to a library at least once in their lives for something other then a school report.

Destina Faroda

Bah.  What are cliques but a group of friends?  If you're not part of the group, you're ostracized no matter what they call it.
Sig coming...whenever...


Nah, I'm just more social is all. Interaction is great!


Well, noone at first. But now I sit with my girlfriend, and her crazy goth friend in a stairwell. Where we talk about how much we loathe our IMT instructor and I read or play AoS. *nods* Other times I go out alone and park under a tree to sleep.  :dndist


We didn't had tables O.o we just sit by the coffeshop eating on a chair or something and we only ate breakfast because we go from 7 am till 1 pm so no need to lunch at school. As for the people with who i sited with? same as the whole year. We only where 30 and we pretty much knew eachotherr pretty well.