Dream Thread

Started by KarlOmega1, June 28, 2007, 12:32:02 PM

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Okay...when I was asleep, I had this strange dream I was about to set out on an adventure. I had went to a Crystal shop (the crystals were used to amplify stats and abilities) and ordered a +5 Atk crystal. However, I did not have enough cash on hand to buy it, so I instead ordered a +2 Atk crystal. I bought the crystal and the shopkeeper also gave me a milkshake (the place was more than a Crystal Shop, it was also a Burger Time...hehehe). After that I went to some of the other shops in the market, one of which was the Armament Depot. I was mostly looking for some head protection when I stumbled into a friend of mine. He (or she, couldn't quite tell the gender) noticed I was still using a Broad Dagger. "That thing wont even pierce armor, let alone scratch it" the friend said. So my friend gave me a better looking blade. Next thing I know I'm in a Trainers shop (In other words, a pet store). I was looking for a fire wolf when someone brought out a cub...it was cute.

What do you guys think of this dream?
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Roureem Egas

*Insert Freudian joke here*

As it is, sounds like you're really getting into a game or that world in your head.


Not neccesarily. The sleeping mind is near competely-random. Twice in my life I've had dreams of the N64 game Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, and I hadn't played it very much.


it sounds pretty random, but at least it had some cohesion. If anything it would show you are exposed to MMORPGs, and that you have a semi-organised mind.

Not like my dreams, they are messed up to the extreme. I would quote, but thankfully I forget as soon as I finish dreamin, so ya.


Just shows how deep rooted games can be within your long term memory, that's quite a nice dream and interestingly your friend is portrayed as a giving person however the characteristics are blurred eg gender could be meaning all your friends share the same trait , or being surrounded by people who are caring.

According to wikipedia 12% of people dream in black and white, personally i have never experienced this but I find it fascinating

Also has anyone ever been able to read anything in a dream? From past experiences if I've ever tried to read a sign, I've been able to read it but the lettering is incomprehensible sort as if the brain is working one step ahead of what you perceive as the dream


Since people post about their dreams, why not have a thread where people tell about their past dreams/recent dreams?

Last night, I dreamed I was Thor trapped in a girl's body. I even had Mjolnir in my hands. But what made this dream cool was that I was in a small town by a large lake, and the streets were made of stone. Some houses were stone, while others were a mixture of wood and concrete. In the town center, you had a fountain with a statue of a valkyrie on it, and there were a set of stairs. leading from the town center to different levels of the town itself as the town was set into a small mountain. But what made it really cool is the enemies. They were Jotun. I shouted for them to leave the town alone, and one of them replied, "I can't do that, Aesir. Now, I would like you to come with us quietly."

When one of them tried to grab me, I turned and yelled, "*something something*, Mjolnir Roar!!" I can't remember the exact phrase right off-bat.

I should note that I had full awareness of myself throughout this dream. I forgot the first part of the sentence, but I said Mjolnir Roar on purpose because of having watched Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok(series based on Norse Myth), and thinking it would be cool to say as I'm zapping/smashing the living hell out of the Jotuns. I even remember seeing some on horses with black armor. It was really cool.

I remember there being an Inn that was mostly wooden, and the rows of shops by the harbor had coverings the sidewalks. It was like a covered marketplace.

I would love to turn this into a book... :3


What am I looking at? Everything on that site is based on Norse Mythology. My dream was based on Norse Mythology because it's my favorite kind of Myth, aside maybe Celtic and Shinto-ism.

That site is cute though. I like Loki's kitty form. X3


I don't know. Thor trapped in a woman's body? I am pretty sure he'd freak out, what with not having his MANHAMMER. I guess the comic is kind of like the dream idea...


I thought it was cool dream though. ;.;


Well it probably was. Women have a knack for dreaming up these whimsical scenarios involving very non-canon interactions between often prestigious characters, after all.



I had two dreams years ago of a post-apocalyptic scene where the city was partially sub-merged in water. The crumpled and half-destroyed buildings against a sunset sky was actually very breath-taking with it's reflections in the waters. My role in these dreams was that of an Angel of Death, skimming the water's surface and bearing a large scythe. From the shores, people were shooting at me as I came racing towards them. I could hear their angered shrieks and violent threats as I apparently was not a welcoming sight to them. I remember turning in a wide arc and leaping from the waters surface to take to the skies so as to avoid the bullets.

My second dream was a continuation of the first. I had made it into an overly-populated suburban area, and was setting homes on fire while using my weapon to fight off the people who attacked me. But then, in a blink, I was suddenly sitting in a bar that looked like one you would find in New York with a comfortable, irish-pub decor. In one of the booths, a child was sitting and watching me with a peculiar smile on his face. I didn't say anything outloud, but as if I were speaking with my mind, I asked him, "Did you do this?" He simply smiled.

Then I woke up.

Kitsune Ascendant

Hmm... I should probably start off with one of my relatively tame ones.

Anways, this one was probably about a year back. I'm in my house, and I look out the window and there is this GINORMOUS tidal wave coming in over the mountains. Keep in mind this house is in albuquerque, and it was at least twice as tall as the rockies. yeah, pretty big. Well, it cuts to a scene in the garage. Don't ask me how the garage or the house survived. Anyways, there's weebo, talking about something or other. I can't remember what.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


I've been having these dreams lately... Everything follows a chronological pattern, and I'm somewhat self-aware in them... but not entirely.
Either way, It'll play like a little sequence, sometimes it's in first person, sometimes I'll just be off, watching it... And then I'll wake up in between each little bit and fall back asleep, and everything will pick back up where it left off...
It feels like watching a TV-show.

Each night it's about something different, but it's followed that pattern for a week now.


Dude. My dreams are tame. I distinctly remember one about the end of the world, and one where I had pink hair. That's about all.

One of my more interesting brain fictions was one where I had seven or eight or so "spiritual guides" that were all different breeds of herding dogs - "Patience" the Australian Cattle Dog, "Faith" the smooth collie, "Joy" the Pem Corgi. It was cool. ^^

Janus Whitefurr

....ahahahahahahahaaaaaa... heehee... hooooo...

Tempted, but mine are generally crazy.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


There was this one time I dreamt I was Digitized into a computer network and was investigating a viral infection...I think I was quite shocked at the experience.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Recently after I got back from my vacation in Ohio, for almost a week I was taking only 5-hour sleeps at night (don't ask), and toward the end, I power-napped during the day. I repeatedly fell asleep, went along with a dream for awhile before I realized something was out of place thus realizing it was a dream and woke up...or so I thought. I was locked in a cycle of dreaming then thinking I woke up then dreaming again the thinking I woke up again... I was finally freaked out enough by the fifth cycle to REALLY get out of bed, and take a proper sleep that night.
So kids, make sure you get your at least 8-hour sleep cycles every night! Don't only get 5-hour sleeps for a week and then try to power-nap! It really funks with your mind!


Actually, my random odd dream-stuff started when I was on vacation in Ohio, too.

Obviously, the state does weird things to your mind.


I had a werid dream... It was odd and quiet for a short while till I heard...Frosted Funeral Flakes! The brand cereal that leaves a trace of death each bite!!


I had a dream last night that Kidz Bop did covers of AC/DC songs.

Needless to say, my dreamself was so mad she tried to break the TV.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 30, 2007, 01:33:39 AM
I repeatedly fell asleep, went along with a dream for awhile before I realized something was out of place thus realizing it was a dream and woke up...or so I thought. I was locked in a cycle of dreaming then thinking I woke up then dreaming again the thinking I woke up again... I was finally freaked out enough by the fifth cycle to REALLY get out of bed, and take a proper sleep that night.

I like those.

Last night's dream was about a sort of demented boating trip down a canal with my family.  The boat was made from junk and steam-powered using a brazier made from an old rusty oil-drum.  It was taking on water and we had to stop it from reaching the brazier or it would be extinguished, the boiler would explode and we'd never be able to start the barge up again.  We managed to prevent that somehow but the canal began to dry out instead.

We managed to nurse the barge into the nearest dock, which happened to be some creepy religious compound.  As soon as we stepped ashore it began to play some kind of litany through the PA system.  I was absolutely horrified at the idea of spending the evening with some whacko cult but we had no choice.  Further investigation revealed that the cult consisted of just one person.  Either that or the others were off on some pilgrimage.  It was unclear.
The only place they had where we could sleep was on the floor in a large hallway, but they locked all the exits so we couldn't escape.  We managed to find a pickaxe and other digging implements and began to dig through the tiled floor.  In doing so we discovered a number of secret chambers some of which contained ancient treasure, the rest of which contained used tins of red paint that had been there for sixty years.

[I suspect this was inspired by the scene in 'Edge of Darkness' where they discover a forgotten nuclear bunker from 1963]

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: mini-lion on June 29, 2007, 07:04:58 AMAlso has anyone ever been able to read anything in a dream? From past experiences if I've ever tried to read a sign, I've been able to read it but the lettering is incomprehensible sort as if the brain is working one step ahead of what you perceive as the dream

I remember that this was an actual plot point in an episode of Batman--he couldn't read anything, so he knew that he was dreaming.  No clue if it's actually true.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


I don't see why, as i've had to read things in dreams before.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 30, 2007, 01:33:39 AMI was locked in a cycle of dreaming then thinking I woke up then dreaming again the thinking I woke up again... I was finally freaked out enough by the fifth cycle to REALLY get out of bed, and take a proper sleep that night.

I've had dreams like that where I think I've woken up and I have to pee. The first couple of times I ended up wetting my bed. But after that, I manage to wake myself up completely so that I actually CAN go for real. I felt horrified with one time that it happened because Vinnie was sleeping beside me. ;.;


Quote from: mini-lion on June 29, 2007, 07:04:58 AM
According to wikipedia 12% of people dream in black and white, personally i have never experienced this but I find it fascinating

I've never dreamed in black and white before. Mine are always colored. That is a rather interesting note though.

Quote from: mini-lion on June 29, 2007, 07:04:58 AM
Also has anyone ever been able to read anything in a dream? From past experiences if I've ever tried to read a sign, I've been able to read it but the lettering is incomprehensible sort as if the brain is working one step ahead of what you perceive as the dream

I have had dreams like that actually. But in mine, I can read what's on a sign or in a book. I think at one point I read a book in a dream that was written by me. It was for my Twist of Fate story I believe... X3 Probably just wishful thinking on my part though.


Thinking about it, I have never actually been able to read anything in a dream either. I see letters, and I understand them, but it seems like actualyl picturing the words is too much for my lil ol brain to pull off.

Here is another one, though, prompted by the 'Thor in a womans body' dream by Angelsephy. Has anyone dreamed they were a different gender then normal? This has happened to me a time or two, and I always wake up with a "What in the hell was that about" thought in my skull.


I had strange anime and x-men prompted dreams last night, which involved me breaking into a doctor's office to bake a cake, an audition for a play run by Storm, in which I got the role of a male character from an anime series, who was, for some reason, portrayed as a female character from another show.
There wa some dude that looked like he could have been from Avatar, but I have no idea. >>

It was strange.


since every ones posting there dreams i figure i should talk
about some of my more interesting dreams    :)

i once had a dream i was driving through a highway in hell in the scooby doo van

i also had a dream where i went to heaven dressed like inuyasha    there was a cafeteria were i saw kenan and kell  :U
and for some reason god was dressed like elvis  :erk
i could see the hair and the body but i couldnt see his face, it was covered by a shine.

and recently iv,e been having dreams where i (at one point or the other)run on all fours,like an animal,with no problems.

i have more but i will post those lateron
once i peace them together .


I remember once, a long time ago, I dreamed I was the only survivor in a zombie-infested city. It was strange, because there was a river cutting through and an island in the middle of it. All of it was connected by a bridge, yet for some reason the zombies couldn't get to the island, so it was like a safe zone. Anyways, for some reason I was a Modern Ninja, outfitted with all kinds of cool weapons and gadgets. Throughout the whole dream, I was doing little more than slaughtering zombies. It was fun.