Villain's league (IC)

Started by Miaka, June 26, 2007, 10:04:55 PM

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"North Carolina I believe, a little ways north of Charlotte." , Daemon replied. A thick fog was beginning to roll over the highway; the sirens faded. Looking up once more at the sky it appeared that it was going to rain, he could see dark clouds gathering overhead. It struck as kind of odd that the weather would change so quickly, and that there was absolutely nobody out here. He already scared the boys off, but he figured he would have atleast seen a car go by since then. It just seemed so desolate out here.


Liz let out a surprised laugh. He wasn't amused, just dumbfounded at the distance between them. "I'm in Michigan, Daemon. We're at least nine hours apart by car." He got his iphone off the nightstand and fiddled around on Mapquest for a minute. "Hang on... let me try and find a good halfway point so neither of us has to waste a whole day hitching rides." There was a pause as Liz scrolled around, looking at city names. "Hmm. Parkersburg, West Virginia. It'd take us each about five hours to drive there. Any ideas on a faster way?"
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


"Hmmm, yea I got one. I could fly up there. I can buy a private jet, and since I'll have the money later, it should be alright. An ordeal like that should only take three to four hours or so. As for getting a pilot license I can come up with something quick for this to work.", Daemon suggested, "This way you can finish waking up and set up a more suitable meeting point since I'm sure you'd be more comfortable working in a familiar area."

Daemon's phone then started beeping, he looked down at it. The battery power was low. "The charger was probably destroyed during the motorcycle crash.....god damn it.", Daemon grimly thought.

"I'll give you a call when I arrive. I have to go now, later." He hanged up. Daemon then looked over himself, this wasn't the appearance of someone who would buy anything as extravagant like a jet. "Heh, alright.....this is gonna be a challenge. I suppose I'll head down to Charlotte, go to a Men's warehouse, then the airfield and get out of here." , Daemon concluded as he got into the car. The weather seemed to disagree though, he could hear rumbling in the distance, and the fog still hadn't lifted. It didn't matter though, nothing was gonna stop him. The engine revved to life and he drove off.


Liz hung up a second after Daemon did, finally getting the incentive to get up. After throwing on a pair of jeans and a short-sleeve black button-down shirt, he went into the kitchen and greeted Crystal.

"Whoa. You're up before eleven?" she smiled, kissing Liz on the cheek as she set out some plates. "Who was that on the phone?"

He wilted a little, not wanting to tell her. "Let's save it for after breakfast. Is that pancake mix on the counter?" he added eagerly. Business has no place in the morning. Tell her later.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Roulette had barely gotten off the phone before jumping straight on the plane "the boss" had prepared, and was on her way to Laos.
Upon arriving, she wandered through the streets, a small pount on her face.
Everyone seemed so terrified of her, it was truly a pity... She loved people so much, but they all seemed so afraid of her. if it would have made things easier, she could have worn a cloak or soemthing to cover herself, but... Having fabric combut when it touches the parts you want covered... doesn't add up well.
Eventually finding the building the Boss had pointed out for her, she walked up, set her best smile on her face, and knocked on the door.


Rue was called int to his bosses office. the stack of paper on DarkE's desk never really seemed to change. as the boss turned to face him Rue wondered what was going on. so far 3 corporations had been shut down due to repeated  sabotage. that and allowed the boss to take control of their niches.  but this was something Else.

said the boss putting down a report. have you been keeping tabs on what the others are doing?

yes. i have.

then you know it's time to step up to the next part of the plan. i'm requisition a meeting with a representative  of  the origination of this being held in a city called Lockport in a sate called Pennsylvania. i assume you know what i'm requesting this meeting?

Rue nodded. "yes sir"

very well be on you way and be warned the Government   is becoming  suspicious of the actions of ones Randolph Ulysses Elliot so i recommend you act with caution.

Rue nodded and  made a note to shift the power in his main group to a background member while Randolph took a leave of absence. "i'll leave this afternoon to set everything up sir." the boss nodded and waved him off returned to his seeming endless about of pater work. as Rue turned to lead  he was called again.

" take a few shadows with you. and let Neko chan look after the  corporate sabotage for now."

"but sir." Rue said feeling that he was being pushed aside

you can't do everything and do it well rue. that's one lesson you still have to learn. now get going and focus on your task at hand.

with that rue left and  DarkE sighed. some times he had to step in or else Rue would lose focus. a good sense of administration yes but with little to no sense of delegation he tried to directly handle too much and that's when he began to make mistakes such as loosing track of when it was time to move to the next step of the plan. with any luck he would have a meeting in one weeks time and Rue could further their involvement in the downfall of Europe but deprive it one one of their more powerful allies. and should that allies fall into his hands while there were doing such more the better. now if only there was a way to sabotage that computer hack but his contract with him prevent him for sending any one to directly sabotage his company. ah well all in due time
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

lucas marcone

Dae Whan answered the door. "On behalf of the ma'dam president welcome! I will show you to your room." He seemed genuinely upbeat and happy. one would wonder why but if they looked at Laos' involvement in world affairs and the way their new regime was running things it became obvious.


Later that day, Liz walked into Crystal's workroom. He had to tell her. Granted, the setting was an odd one, since Crystal was using welding tools to make a pair of metal-lined boots, but he still had to tell her. He cleared his throat and flickered the light switch to get her attention.

"Hey Liz. Something wrong?" Crystal asked, turning off the torch and removing her mask. She set the torch aside and gazed evenly at her boyfriend.

"Well, Cryssie, one of my coworkers is coming to Michigan for a transaction. He needs money to do what he's going to do. I have to go meet him and tell him our address. I just wanted to be sure this was all okay with you." God, this was awkward. Why did she put up with him, Liz wondered.

She responded by walking up to him and staring into his blue eyes. "Liz. If telling him our address will keep us safe, I'm happy to tell him that. I trust you, you know. You'll keep us both safe. Even if your work means destruction, as long as we're safe, I'll be happy." She smirked apologetically. "Does that make me evil?"

Liz smiled gratefully and kissed her. "Hardly." Even if she was a little insane at times, she was the greatest thing he could've asked for.

"I'd better wait for him to call again so we can figure out where we'll meet." He hoped his eyes said everything else he wanted to say, then turned and went back upstairs.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


The fog had drawn thicker, it was up to the point that it was blocking the meager sunlight that every once in awhile broke through the cloud cover and that even though it was eleven a.m. it still seemed like night. It didn't even seem like the car was moving anymore. Just as Daemon noticed that his vision began to blur, he immediately stopped the car and gripped his skull, trying to maintain consciousness. He could feel that he wasn't alone anymore.

"Not bad, you didn't black out this time....I have to admit I didn't think much of you a few weeks ago, but you've proven far more resiliant then your file gives you credit for. You should feel proud." Daemon's vision then came into focus and he looked to the passenger seat next to him, it was one of the boys from earlier, he looked behind him and he saw the other one sitting in the back seat smiling at him with a sadistic grin. "What the...How the hell...I thought they ran off...this isn't right..", thought Daemon. He was shocked, confused, and angered all at once.

"I did run off, but only to confirm with that you were still alive. In light of this I am obligated to offer you an opportunity to forsake whatever prior allegiences you have, and give yourself over to us. I'm not going to offer this again, if you refuse I will have to destroy you.", said the boy in the seat next to Daemon, his mouth didn't even move as he spoke, it seemed as though his voice was coming from inside Daemon's head. "And yeah I can read your mind, so don't fool yourself into thinking there is another way out of this."

Daemon didn't know what to think, he then said, "Alright....have it your way. Give me a second though I need to get my gear. Then we'll go." As Daemon said that he cleared his mind, only permeating thoughts of aligning with these....boys. He got up and out of the car and popped the trunk. He looked down, equiped both of his gauntlets, and swong his zweihander onto his back. He looked down to his side and he saw the other boy staring up at him, still ever smiling. They were seeing right through his charade. "That's enough. You made your decision."

The other boy darted out of the car and jumped up, the kid next to Daemon jumped up to meet him and tossed the boy straight at Daemon. In a split second Daemon unsheathed his blade and deflected the boy with the broadside of his sword, he then springed up towards the other boy and drove his blade through the kid's neck, Daemon landed a few feet away and turned to look upon the kid. He was laughing, but more then that he didn't even have a scratch on him. "Foolish..." Daemon then felt a sharp pain in his right leg, he looked down behind him; it was the other kid. He had drove a dagger through it. Daemon blinked, and instantly the two appeared on top of the car next to each other, one of them holding the dagger. Their sadistic grin gone, both of them staring coldly at their wounded prey. "Just accept it. It'll make things easier."

Daemon's hands ignited in dark flame, he was furious, yet he was trying desperately to maintain his focus. Something just didn't seem right about these two. He then noticed that the dagger the boy was holding had no blood on it, just as he realized this though the dagger became drawn with blood and was dripping. There was a faint line of red in the air seemingly correcting this minor detail, and it stretched directly up from the dagger into the sky. "A projection?", Daemon thought, just as quickly though he heard a screaming from within his mind, "The end has come!!"

The two were darting straight for him at breakneck speed. Daemon jumped up and threw his sword up into the air, he was then blasted by the shockwave of an explosion from above and landed on the road. He could see a burning wreckage slowly descending upon him, and with no time to spare he quickly rolled out of the way. He then got up, the boys were gone, and the veil around the area was dissipating. The wreckage was that of a helicopter, the make of a CH-53, there were no markings on it though. Daemon walked up and spotted his zweihander. He reached down to grip the hilt, then the voice once again echoed in his mind, it was faint, but the hostility was gone. "Th...thank was see you again....for now though take a' holding back..."

The fire within the broken chopper vanished, Daemon's vision blurred again. He stumbled backward onto the ground, and looked up. To his amazement the chopper was restored. " time I won't either....whoever you are.", Daemon quietly kidded himself, but in actuality it was by a stroke of luck that he came out of this incident alive.

Daemon loaded the chopper with everything and took off for Michigan. For the next few hours Daemon kept trying to figure out what just happened, and he was also trying to figure out why he knew how to fly a helicopter. Daemon could see a huge lake out in the distance, he knew he was closing in. With that he pulled out his phone and called Liz's number again. He was gonna have to make this quick, the battery on his phone was nearly dead.

lucas marcone

As Dae Whan brought roulette to her room Croc wandered over. He had a beer in his hand and a remote in the other, looking like a typical american. "Long time no see. Da boss have a problem with us ot somthin?"


"Hiya!" She giggled, waving.
"No, the boss doesn't have any problems with you. You meantioned being a powerful alliance, and he sent me to check it out!" She put her hands up behind her head, grinning to show a row of very sharp teeth. "Nice deal you've got goin' on here. Tryin' for Asia?" She asked conversationally, looking around with wide eyes.
"You guys sure work fast!"

lucas marcone

"Yeah it helps to know what the people want....Appearntly dictatiors get groupies around here. Asia would be nice. I think I'll take a home in Japan if we can take it when this is all over. Learnin' another language will suck though." Croc took a relaxed position. "DL would be the one to talk to about intle... stuff."


Liz was upstairs, calmly waiting by the phone. It rang after about six minutes. The caller ID had Daemon's phone number on it. He picked up.

"Hello?" he said, hearing some sort of noise in the background, like wind whooshing or a plane going by. Guess he got his "faster way" after all.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


"Intellectual?" She offered up for him, giggling again. He was funny.
"Ooh, I've always wanted to go to Japan! Granted, I can't really go much of anywhere, but..." She laughed again.
"That's not the point. The Boss said that your offer for an alliance was a very tempting one And sent me to check it out, see how you've been doing." She walking to him, and would have been nudging him with her elbow if it weren't for the overheated spike coming out of it.
"So, so! Any nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction, Anything fun, huh?"


"Hey Liz, gonna have to make this quick I'm running out of power on my phone. I've reached Michigan airspace, but I need a location on the ground to land, any ideas?", shouted Daemon over the constant noise of the rotor blades. "When I land I got to tell you something impor......"

The phone died.....

"Oh god damn it!!!", Daemon growled as he threw the phone onto the floor, before it hit though a mini parachute deployed out of the iphone slowing it down before impact. He then sighed, "......stupid phone......hey wait a minute....oh...of course this helicopter should have some sort of GPS locator or something!!"

Daemon looked over the control console, at the moment there were no waypaths or missions preprogrammed into it. He realized if he entered in the co-ordinates of Liz' residence it would show the path on the console. After he entered in the address the console lit up and began cycling through a digital map-out of the earth. It then slowed down to a stop over the supposed location in Michigan, showing distance and direction needed to reach the target. Daemon was surprised, he was closer then he realized. He followed the guidance system down from the stratosphere until he could see the house on the ground.

"Hmmm....the backyard is probably the best spot to land, its flat enough and no telephone or power lines seem to be arcing through it. He's probably gonna be pissed...heh...", thought Daemon as he lowered the landing gear. Once he landed he powered down the chopper, lowered the back door, and walked out towards the house. He then leaned casually on the fuselage of the chopper and waited for someone to come out.

lucas marcone

Croc smiled one of those smiles you get when you think of something so utterly destructive it fills you with joy. These smiles made him famous. "You'd be surprised how hard these guys work for such low pay! We're catching up to many of the leading nations and noone knows a damn thing! DL wants to piss off the US to keep everyone in the dark about what ever methods of continental domination you guys would like."

Dile Lass came from around a corner. "Roulette! so glad you made it here in one piece! So..." Dile Lass seemed like she was waiting for approveal. "How do you like what we uh... did with the place?"


"DL! Nice to see you!" She bounded forward to the younger girl, and would have smothered her in a hug- well, almost did, but stopped short.
"Ack, burny. Bad idea." She stopped herself, and rocked back onto her heels.
"It's great! The people here seem so happy, it's almost bizarre!"


Liz listened carefully to Daemon until the connection broke.

"Daemon?....Daemon?" His eyes widened a little, but he hung up. What had all that noise been? Daemon had probably stolen a plane, or a chopper, but Liz's driveway wasn't nearly long enough for a runway, and even though his neighbors didn't live very close by, someone was bound to notice. Also, the helicopter landing pad was still waiting on approval from the FAA. Maybe I should wait around and see if the news reports any-

At that moment, a blast of noise outside interrupted Liz's thoughts. Whirring rotor blades, coming from Liz's backyard. He looked out the window, then slapped himself in the face once to make sure he wasn't going crazy.

Nope. He was sane. Daemon had stolen a chopper and landed in his backyard.

Liz stormed out the back door, across the deck and toward the relaxed-looking Daemon. "WHAT THE %&$#, YOU IDIOT! ARE YOU REALLY THIS STUPID?! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!"

Crystal ran out after Liz. "LIZ! What was that - OHMYGOD!!" She stopped at the steps of the deck when she saw the helicopter. "I thought you said the landing pad wasn't approved yet!"

He turned back for a minute, his eyes still blazing, but his voice calmed down about a quarter of the way. "No, Crystal, the chopper we ordered is blue. And this - " he gestured to the scary-looking armored fellow - " - is Daemon, the guy I mentioned earlier." He turned his head back towards Daemon, an odd look in his eyes. "And if the police show up, then he will have to have copious amounts of bronze removed from his eye sockets."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Daemon stared at Liz flipping out for a few seconds quietly laughing to himself, when he calmed down Daemon walked up and began explaining himself. "I know what your thinking. How the hell did this guy steal a helicopter, and manage to fly through five different states without a military scouter threatening to shoot him down if he didn't land immediately. To be quite honest I really have no explanation for that, they should have noticed something the minute I left the ground out back near Charlotte. BUT I can assure you that I wasn't followed here, and I didn't steal the chopper."

Liz looked very distressed, Daemon sighed and then said, "Mabye we should sit down for a bit, there are some things I think you need to know which may explain some of what's going on. Don't worry I won't let anything happen to you guys, if anything happens just say you were being held hostage and I'll get out of here as quick as possible. I'm fairly sure I haven't been followed here though and since it's the middle of the day I don't think any 9-5ers out here saw my landing."

lucas marcone

"It helps to know what the people want. If you want loyalty throwing a dog a bone once and a while will have a better effect than beating it. A folly most dictateors like to make." Dile Lass smiled pleasntly and tilted her head slightly. "When this evil plan is said and done feel free to visit any time, oh prestigious diplomat of the mighty west."


Liz stared angrily at Daemon for a moment, nostrils flaring and eyes burning. How could he have NOT stolen the chopper? It obviously wasn't so easy to purchase one, or else the gecko wouldn't have had to go through so much paperwork just to get a pilot's license. Daemon's solution for the fuzz arriving was pretty close to what Liz himself had had in mind, and he was right about all their neighbors having day jobs. 

Daemon seemed to be telling the truth about needing to tell him something, though. After another minute of getting over his seething, Liz sighed and turned toward the deck.

"...All right. Come on in, we've got fresh coffee if you want it."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Daemon left his gear by the deck and walked on in with Liz. He then helped himself to a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. He then began, "Some of this may seem a bit strange, I really can't explain most it. I do know that after that meeting we were at a few weeks ago I headed for Florida. I was passing through North Carolina........something seemed like I blacked out as I was heading down the highway and crashed into the side of the road going up in flames. The next thing I know I'm lying naked in a coffer in the basement of a morgue, and to my surprise it had been a few weeks since that incident."

Daemon took a sip of his coffee, he seemed to be looking past Liz into the beyond. He then continued, "Well naturally I broke out of the morgue and went back to the scene of the crash. That's when I called you around 8:45. I gathered all of my gear scattered about the wreckage and headed out to Charlotte as per my original idea. As I was driving though.......I was attacked....two boys, or atleast that's what it looked like. They revealed themselves to be the ones who originally caused my crash, and demanded that I go with them or that they would destroy me. The rest.......well the rest was what really got to me. They were some kind of projection, or like an artificial visage. I found the source, and destroyed it. Then the will behind them revealed himself, he made material the helicopter you see outside. I can't explain why, but it seemed like he knew me. That pretty much sums it up to right where we are now."

Daemon got up and walked toward the window and stared at the chopper in the yard, letting Liz take in what he just said. "I guess it's safe to assume the reason no one detected my approach here is because.......errr....", Daemon said, he then went into a pause. The helicopter outside was disintegrating into the wind, within seconds it was gone. " just vanished...."


"You really can't say thigs like that to me." Roulette giggled once more. "I'm hell to get rid of. I mean the Boss has had me around for at least 20, 30 years, so..." She shook her head. "Just hope you don't get stuck with me that long."

lucas marcone

"Nonsense! You're not that bad. Belive me the last fan boy who wanted to be all "Gangsta Gee! N' rollin' wif da Croc daddy yo!' didn't leave without a good reason."

Croc smiled and laughed. "He was funny for a while then i got tired of him. You don't want me to get tired of you unless you're worth the time to have a good fight with."

"Yes, good times, good times. That bugger was a bit grabby though." Dile Lass said slightly adjitated.


"Bah. You're lucky I know well enough not to hug any of you, then you'd want me gone fast enough." She shrugged, and motioned to the spikes on her body with one hand.
"I don't think I'm a very good fighter, no.... Well, I don't actually know. I tend to black out after a bit... Then I come to and everything's on fire." She put a finger up to her lip, and looked off to the side.
"Oh, well."

lucas marcone

"Come we have much to speak about!" Dile Lass gestured for Roulette to follow her into a rather opulent confrence room.

Croc sipped at his beer.

meanwhile near the boarder a man stood talking to a table of his peers.
"My friends, my family and all that could be here tonight; I thank you. We have to deal with this menace these new 'leaders' are nothing more than TYRANTS! We have to stop them no matter the cost. Our blinded brothers see nothing but prosparity but at what price? What freedoms will they take away? Will we be percecuted? We need to FIGHT!"

"But Lee they haven't taken anything away,yet. and were doing better than when commedore Hiro was in office." Said an older man

"Ryu, You want to sit around and wait for them to take our freedom away?"

"No." Ryu trailed off.

"We must gather more to the cause. WHO IS WITH ME?!"

Cheers all through the building could be heard.



Roulette followed DL into the conference room, and sat in one of the many chairs around the room.
"So, what did you want to talk about, hon?"


Liz sat at the table inside and listened to Daemon's tale. He looked like he was being honest; Liz was pretty good at telling when someone was lying. His story was pretty incredible, if he'd really been attacked. And how the man who had given him the chopper had known him was even more interesting to Liz, but he knew Daemon didn't know how this was so.

When he suddenly said the helicopter had vanished, Liz blinked. "What?" He stood up and walked to the window where Daemon was. He was right. The helicopter was gone. " did.... what?" There were really no words for a situation like this one.

Crystal walked in at that moment. She held up her cellphone. "I got it on tape. It disintegrated. Do you think it'll come back? I wanna see that again."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

lucas marcone

"Well you did say that the 'Boss' wanted you to figure out wether or not this would be a good partnership."

Croc walked in rather quietly for a big man just insight of Dile Lass but out of sight of Roulette. It could be assumed he wanted to make sure Dile Lass didn't do anything to burn bridges or hurt their chances of doing what they had so do to take over asia.

Dile Lass spoke up again. "Is there anything you would like to know about our polocies or the country you might not pick up if you go looking around your self?"

meanwhile at a gun shop
Alarms are blareing and a bunch of people left the owner and a few patrons dead. One of them was shouting. "Come on! Quickly, before the cops get here!"
"Lee this is madness! We need to find ANOTHER way to get them out of power!"


"Oh, I'd much rather pick thngs up from how they're running now.... Maybe you could give me around the city?" Roulette asked. "If I've got any questions then, answer them." She nodded, and got up out of her chair, almost as quickly as she sat down.