Villain's league (IC)

Started by Miaka, June 26, 2007, 10:04:55 PM

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Liz heard a trace of nervosity in Daemon's voice, and he suspected that he wasn't telling the whole truth. But if something strange was going on around here when he got back, he'd handle it.

He rolled his eyes when Daemon jokingly (he hoped) suggested attacking Liz's neighbors first. "No thank you... they've just started getting used to the fact that a talking gecko lives next door. I don't think they could handle knowing that the same gecko shot copper in their windows. The city sounds way better. It's crowded, and the witnesses will sound crazy."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


   Quaddle was sitting down in front of his 'broken' portal, staff in hand, brows furrowed in frustrated concentration, and muttering rapidly under his breath. Eventually, he stopped muttering, opened his eyes a little wider, and said "Aha! Finally!". The portal-spell, being an extreamly complicated and very powerful one, one that Quaddle certainly couldn't make from scratch at his current power, had simply fallen apart a bit. Think like a jigsaw puzzle that got bumped, or a chain that broke. He had simply picked up the pieces of the spell and put them back where they belonged. Good thing too, it would be at least another ten, maybe twenty, millenia until he would be powerful enough to conjure an instantaneous-transportation spell on his own. But by that time, he'd already be powerful enough to be promoted to Solar System-Guardian and reassigned to a different place in the Universe.
   Quaddle stood up and waved his staff. This time, the portal responded. Blue magical energy cracked to life around the arch of the portal, then coaleced into a swirling vortex in the center. However, Quaddle had yet to set a destination for it. He brought his staff up again, this time activating a very minor scry-spell. This one, being very weak and unstructured compared to the scry-spell he could make with the enhancer, couldn't allow him to farscry or see as much as the enhanced version. It didn't even have sound. It did, however, have the advantages of being very easy to conjure. And since so little energy went into sustaining it, the 'eye', as it were, was virtually indistinguishable from backround magic. He brought Daemon and Liz back into focus. He didn't want to jump them, yet. They were in a residential area, and what Quaddle had in mind involved a bit of...fireworks. He knew they were going to head from the suburbs to the city, in between is a mostly empty, remote area. He would wait until they got there.


Daemon grinned, Liz was right. No one was gonna believe that a medieval knight and the guy from Geico were terrorizing the city. Response time from the authorities would definately be long, which worked perfectly with the general idea. "Lead the way then man. Let's go!", stated Daemon with renewed enthusiasm, to mask the paranoia building within. He went out into the front yard toward the driveway, waiting there for Liz who went back inside to get the keys.


Elsewhere, Anastasia was finishing up something she was quite proud of.
Sebastion's showing up had turned out a bit less horrifically than expected. He'd had manners enough not to be followed. What had been really tricky had been making sure he didn't catch a look at her latest project. She didn't like giving people the chance to steal her work.
It was a brilliant little number, really. She'd been trying for an upgrade to the biovats she used so much in her work and happened upon a rather nasty mutagen. The best part was that it didn't do anything at all without a certain level of diffusion in the subject's bloodstream. She worked on it, stayed up late typing away at her computer. She pulled mindless drone after drone made up of organic slurry from the biovats for test subjects, throwing them back to the vats when they inevitably died so that the material could be reused. She made the mutagen more potent, raised the minimum amount before symptoms began to show, sped up the gestation of the various bacteria involved when it actually began to work, made it hang around in someone's systems for ages...
Now she stood on the outskirts of a city in Michigan that she'd chosen for a field testing of this lovely little bioweapon. Three drops into the water supply, an extra four for those pipelines heading into the local prison; day by day her toxin had been building up in the city residents.
They latest drop she'd added this morning would, by noon, have either mutated the entire populance of that prison into mindless killing machines or killed them outright, depending on the stability of the individual mutations. By about one in the afternoon, those dangerous mutants will have escaped. And next week, when the lower dosages the rest of the populence kicked in on the 20% of the population that were genetically more susceptable, it would happen again.
Anastasia sat down in the beach chair she'd brought with her and pulled out a pair of binoculars and a beer. This would be a show worth seeing.

((OOC: Miss me?))


Liz strode back inside, grabbing the keys to his Lexus. Crystal walked in, and Liz went over a quick safety procedure.

"Keep the news on."
"I will."
"If you get hurt?"
"Call your cell. If you get hurt?"
"Call your cell. Keep the doors locked. If the cops show up?"
"Lie. If you get caught?"
"I escape and we move. Love you."
"Love you too. Don't die, and try not to kill anyone."
Liz smiled. "Sure." He kissed her cheek and walked out the door to the car. "Ready when you are!" he called to Daemon.

(OOC: If you kill Crystal, I get to make Liz kill you, Boogey.)
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Daemon held his fist up in the air and yelled, "Alright lets do it!!"

He then watched as Liz unlocked the Lexus and got into the front seat, reclining the chair all the way back so he could lie down. The engine revved to life and they drove off.

"Oh, better put this under the seat.", said Daemon as he hid the briefcase full of jewels. "I'll pick em up later when were done."

Daemon then looked out around the window as they passed out of the suburbs. Something seemed out of place, but he couldn't place it. He then suggested, "Hmm...put the radio on. That way we can get through traffic easier. At the very least mabye something good will be on one of the music stations for once, heh."

lucas marcone

"Hm?" Dile Lass was surprised when her fingers grazed the Mustang emblem. More Laosian. "Hop in. Tomarrow you'll get a rare look at the innerworkings of the United Laosian empire. Let's hope this satisfies the rebels." She closed the door with a rusty clunk. "If not a policeing action may be in order. i have the freedome of speech, not violence."


   Quaddle was still standing in front of his active portal, with the minor scry-spell still trained on Liz and Daemon, who hadn't left yet, when a wave of cold washed over him. It was similar to the one he felt five weeks ago, but this one was more....focused. More...localized.
   Keeping the staff upright and active in his right hand, he raised two fingers from his left hand, touched his forehead, and closed his eyes. He heard the deep voices again. This time they were telling him that something very, very wrong was happening, or right about to happen. Quaddle tried to get a bearing on it's location...and found it to be the very same city that Liz and Daemon were going to terrorize.
   Well, that's interesting. Quaddle thought. He knew that whatever was going on in the city was important, and probably required his attention very soon...but he would take care of the reptile and the knight first.
   He returned his gaze to the scry-spell in the orb of his staff, and found that the duo in question were finally on their way. He mapped out the road ahead of them and found it to be a mostly empty straightaway. There were small hills and a few boulders on the side. He look around-ah. That one will do nicely.
   He deactivated the scry-spell and turned to the swirling blue portal. He quickly went though how this was going to work. Once he set the destination for the portal, a second portal of energy would appear at that destination. Once Quaddle stepped though, the portal would close. It couldn't be set multiple times at once, and Quaddle couldn't actually send his magic over a great distance to reactivate it remotely. At least, not on his own. Once he messed around with his two targets abit, he would have to rely on a more conventinal means of magical transportaion to get to the city, then back to his hideout.
   He only hoped things would actually go that well.
   Focusing his magic, he set the destination, and without further delay, stepped though the portal.

   A blue vortex of energy, giving of no real light, appeared behind a boulder. A red-robed figure stepped though it, and the blue energy behind him vanished. Quaddle quickly looked around the boulder, down a long, dark road. He spotted two headlights off in the distance. Right on target, He thought.
   He had about thirty seconds before they reached the boulder where Quaddle was hiding. Quickly, he turned to his staff, motioned his left hand around it in a constant gesture, and started muttering. He quickly devised a three-part spell to get their "attention". First, the spell would cut the seatbelts holding Liz and Daemon in place. Then, the spell would sheer off the roof of the car. Finally, the spell would instantly make an solid and about four-foot tall barrier grow out of the ground directly in front of the car. With the car's speed, the slashed seatbelts, and the missing roof, the car would slam into the barrier, and literally catapult Liz and Daemon right out of their seats. Brilliant. They wouldn't even be able to avoid it; it was going to happen in a matter of seconds, one second and a half, to be exact. One half-second for each part of the spell. If their reflexes were good, they would look down at the sound of their seatbelts snapping, half a second later they would look up at the sound of shearing metal right above their heads. And after another half second...they could look any direction they wanted then.
   Speaking of which, they were now about ten seconds away. Since Quaddle was there, he could easily hear the car approaching. He began counting down in his mind...
   Quaddle gave one quick swing of his staff. Inside the car, there would be a quick snick sound as the belts came apart in several strategic places.
   That's the belts...
   Half a second later, he gave a second small wave of his staff. This time, there was a quite audible sound of metal shearing.
   That's the roof...
   One more half-second later, Quaddle gave the final wave of his staff.
   At that exact moment, Quaddle was treated to the very entertaining spectacle of two bodies literally sailing though the air in front of him in the most comical fasion. He couldn't help it; it was just too funny. A loud, teenage laugh echoed around all the hills, unintentionally amplified.
   Once Liz and Daemon were to collect their senses after finally touching down, they would find the source of the laughter is a teenage boy, wearing what looks like a cultist uniform straight out of a movie, and hanging on to a staff that looks like it belongs in a DnD collectibles case. They would see that the boy could barely even stand--he would be laughing so hard he had to use his staff as support.


"Hmm...there's never anything good on the's always some retarded rap song about pimping hoes or an anoying pop song from some nsync rip off.........wait...what the?!!"

Daemon blinked, when he opened his eyes he was flying through the air. He glanced to the side and saw Liz next to him with an expression of shock on his face. Acting purely on reflex, Daemon did a barrel roll grabbing Liz to his side, then landed on the ground sliding a hundred feet from the car. He let go of Liz and slid himself upright, unsheathing his void blade in one motion. He could hear loud unnatural laughter echoing across the road. He then saw a young man rolling on the ground laughing behind a nearby boulder. He had a peculiar staff clutched in his hands, and was garbed in crimson threads as if he was the body guard to a sith lord.

Daemon stood there for a second and nodded his head, he even letted out a small chuckle of his own. "So I suppose this is your idea of a practical joke. Not bad, but you made a couple mistakes.", Daemon barked on at the crimson man, who had gotten up, but was still laughing to himself. "The first one was coming up with this stupid idea in the first place."

Daemon cocked his left wrist and aimed it at the young man, the submachine gun popped out and Daemon opened fire.


   Quaddle had managed to settle down to a small chuckle when Daemon started talking. The moment Daemon first said the word "mistake", Quaddle stopped laughing entirely. He then remembered the wrist-gun that Daemon had practiced with earlier.
   As Daemon started on his second sentance, Quaddle muttered a few short words under his breath, and began spinning is staff with both hands right in front of himself.
   When the bullets started flying, they all impacted on a disk of green energy an inch away from the spinning staff.
   Quaddle knew the problem with this, and hoped he could keep these two guessing for as long as possible. the frontal shield-spell was just that--a shield that only blocked in front. A full sphere-shield spell drains a good deal of energy, and Quaddle would only use it if he was faced with some sort of are explosive effect.
   All he needed to to was keep both Liz and Daemon directly in front of him. They were over a hundred feet away, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem...for the moment.


Daemon fired for a few seconds then stopped once he saw he was getting nowhere. "A shield? .........alright fine then, we'll do this the hard way."

Daemon retracted the machine gun and swong the huge void blade's tip to the ground at his side, gripping the hilt with both his hands. Then he started running towards the man dragging the blade on the ground shooting up sparks and jumped up high into the air swinging it over his head in an attempt to drive his blade down upon the man's head in one stroke, cutting him in half.


Liz had flicked on the radio, and was just trying to change to a news station, when his seatbelt was cut by nothing, the roof of his car was ripped off by nothing, and he was catapulted through the air, by nothing. Daemon grabbed the gecko and they landed safely on the ground, only to hear a young voice laughing.

Liz looked up to see an oddly dressed teenager, barely breathing through his laughter, and holding a staff that looked like the kind used by LARPers. This kid pissed Liz off, and for good reason. "YOU BASTARD!" he yelled up the street. "I LIKED THAT CAR!"

Daemon yelled at the kid for a second, then opened fire with a wrist-gun Liz hadn't seen until now. Cool. But the kid blocked the bullets easily - with the staff. He was a magic user.


Daemon was less concerned with this. He pulled out the biggest sword Liz had ever seen and started running towards the kid. While he did this, Liz darted to the side of the road and bolted towards the kid under the cover of surrounding trees, generating steel darts in his hand and holding out his other hand to create a large bronze disc with a curved, open handle. He watched as Daemon jumped, tring to slice the kid in half; Liz himself ran behind the boy in case the knight failed.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


   Quaddle frowned when Daemon drew his blade and rushed at him. Quaddle said, "Aw, come on, you don't wanna talk, bubba?" in his teenage voice and attitude, but he thought with his pretty darned old mind, I don't know how old this Black Knight is, but I'm obviously older than him. Only a fool does a rush like this without knowing who the hell he's facing. Know thy enemy. For all he knows, I could be a twelve-hundred-year-old archmage who also is fairly adept at melee combat with an indestructible staff...oh wait. I am.
   Quaddle's staff and arms quickly flashed golden, and Quaddle held the staff in both hands, crosswise, over his head, and braced himself. When the sword came down it, slammed right into the staff...and nothing more. No splintered wood. That's not to say there wasn't any give, though, about a whole foot's worth, but that was just Quaddle bending his magically-enhanced body as a shock absorber.
  Quaddle also decided to goad him, keeping up his young, boyish persona. That should annoy him to no end. "Come on, I was hoping for a smart fight! Instead ya run around like a madman, jumping and swinging like a barbarian... and even your swing is weak! My grandma can hit harder than this!"
  Then, just out of his peripheral vision, he saw movement, like a large, humanoid... reptile......
  "Whoa, now!"
  Quaddle pushed back with his staff, pushing Daemon back into the air a yard or two. In a mere second, Quaddle pointed his staff straight at Liz. There was a flash of white, and Liz would be quite startled as he would feel an invisible force grasp his waist. Quaddle swung the staff back towards Daemon, and Liz flew in tandem. Liz collided with Daemon in midair and sent them both all the way back where they started.
   Quaddle still did not make an offensive move. He would keep his cool, watch both of them, anticipate them, counter them... wait for them to lose it... By human standards, he was freaking old, and had more wisdom under his belt than any ordinary human alive. He learned the values of patience well thoughout centuries of practice. Let's see if these two learned the same...
   But might as well tease them while he plays the game of patience. "Flanks R 4 n00bs!" he said in exactly the voice you would imagine if internet-chat was given audio.


The kid was trying to piss off Daemon - not a very smart move, in Liz's opinion. Just as Liz was about to throw his darts at the boy, his slit pupils dilated in shock. The so-far nameless boy had whipped around and was pointing his staff right at Liz. SOMETHING was tightening around the lizard's waist. Before Liz could do anything about it, the boy had thrown him into the air and right into Daemon, and both of them were flung right back to their starting point. Liz's darts flew out of his hand and skittered across the pavement, and the shield clattered beside him.

Before Daemon could get up and attack the kid again, Liz held out one arm. "DON'T. Attack. Him," he hissed through his teeth. "He's stronger than he looks. I'm gonna try and learn who the hell he is." Sure, maybe he was just pointing out the obvious, but Daemon's attack had been slightly suicidal.

The kid yelled an Internet insult across the road as Liz got up and checked himself for injuries. How such a young-looking kid could be so powerful was beyond him, but he was about to try and figure that out. "STFU, Larper!" he yelled back, as he started to walk towards him. "You almost fell for it; quit giving yourself credit!" He stepped around the wreckage of his car, going forawrd until he was about fifty feet from the kid.

"I don't need the insurance money on that car, otherwise you'd be pulling iron out of your ass right now," he called to the kid. He slid one thin bronze spike ou of his palm, but behind his back. He kept it up his sleeve - literally - in case the kid tried anything. "But risking our lives just for your own amusement pisses me off. That's my job, not yours, if you're what I think you are." He paused. "So what's your name and why are you trying to kill us?"
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


   Quaddle laughed aloud when Liz threw back his own internet retort. "Good one!" Quaddle called back. He can appreciate a good retort when he hears one. He smiled when Liz stepped forward, and talking-albiet agressively. But it was an improvement.
   He smile faded, just a little, at one of the things Lz said. "I'm not risking your lives, it's not for my amusement, though it can be a perk, and I know full well that's your job.
   "As for me though, Quaddle's my name, and as you've probably guessed-" Quaddle did an elaborate flourish routine with his staff, ending with it being pounded on the ground with a flash of light, "Magic's my game.
   "As for you two, your name is Liz, Your name is Daemon, you're some damn wierd reptile guy who conjures all kindza shit outta the air, and you're an, obviously dense, Black Night. You both are part of a group of various... unscrupulous individuals, headed by a big guy in a shadow, attempting to enact an elaborate plan that involves creating trouble abroad, screwing over America, and using the ensuing political chaos to perform a worldwide coup. You're allies are Dr. Anastasia, Sebastian, DarkE, Sheridanna, Croc and Dile Lass, and Roulette. You also have a close aquaintence, another reptile by the name of Crystal."
   Quaddle then waited to see what kind of reaction this revelation of knowledge would bring. And it was only the tip of the iceberg.


Daemon just stared at Quaddle for a few seconds, he then sheathed his blade as if in disappointment. "That's wonderful, but what does it all mean Mr.Magic Man!? It means nothing!! Ha! There I said it! Good day!", Daemon scoffed, he then began to walk towards the wreckage of the car, and leaned on the hood. He then commented,"Hmm....kind of odd, I thought there'd be traffic here. It's almost rush hour and no ones in sight."

Daemon then gazed at the city in the distance, he could see smoke rising up. It didn't really concern him more then the matter at hand, it was probably just a traffic accident or something blocking off the road they were on. He then looked on at Liz, awaiting a response from him. He probably cared a little bit more then Daemon did at the moment, who made his disdain evident by whistling the Kill Bill theme.

lucas marcone

All was quiet in the kensington suburb of pittsburg, when suddenly out of a grave in the Shady Willows cemetary a red forearm burst through the top soil of a grave. Then another. The hands gripped the grass still fresh with the morning dew. Then she rose screaming out of the grave like a phoenix over it's ashes. Her torso free all she could think about was how incredibly HARD it was climbing out of hell. The least God could do after she exposed Satan's last attempt on heaven was to get her to the surface. but no she had to setlle for a pardon and her freedom. after freeing herself fully she realized she needed cloths. A loin cloth would not do her on earth. But for now she needed to rest. laying at the base of her head stone she read it quietly to herself. "Tabitha huh? I'd forgotten." She smiled and a tear rolled down her cheek. "I was only 24."


Liz rolled his eyes at Quaddle's fancy staff tricks and bit his lip when he heard the kid's name (Don't giggle; your name is stupid too, remember?). But all that went away when Quaddle revealed just how much he knew already about Liz, Daemon, and their coworkers.

The only real twinge in Liz's face occurred when the boy mentioned Crystal. His immediate desire was to punch the kid in the face, but he calmed himself down quickly - though he did shoot a glare at Daemon for whistling the Kill Bill theme. Just because he knows her name doesn't mean he'll attack her. His kind never threaten the innocent. Daemon's got the right idea; take away the kid's bluffing grounds, and we take away his power.

Liz crossed his arms over his chest. "Cute display, kid, and I'll admit your knowledge is impressive. But Daemon's right; it's all just sound and fury, signifying nada." He turned and looked at the smoke rising from the trees. "Dammit. If you hadn't destroyed my radio, I could learn who beat us to it. Thanks a lot," he said to Quaddle.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


   Quaddle shook his head, crossed his arms and legs, and sat back. But instead of falling to the ground, his feet lifted up off the ground, and he was suddenly sitting on...nothing. He was floating in midair.
   The he started speaking softly, with a tone, voice, and demeanor that most certainly was as far away from kidlike as you could possibly get. Even his face seemed almost like it got older for the moment. "I knew you two were young in age, but I did not know you were this young in maturity. Knowledge is power. Know thy enemy. I know you, your strengths, your weaknesses, and I can use that knowledge against you, but you know no-thing about me. Yet you honestly believe that means nothing?" Quaddle shook his head again. "This is sad. There must be someone in your group who is worthy. I was not dragged out of my peaceful three centuries of hiding after my last crusade to deal with two bums of evildoers like you. I have apparently seriously overestimated your prowess. Maybe your allies will be a little bit smarter, and more of a challenge.
   "I have much more important and urgent business to attend to. Incidentally, it has to do with those collums of smoke rising from the city. But you haven't seen the last of me, oh no."
   Quaddle was suddenly back on the ground, his smile and teenage persona back in full force. "But that don't mean I can't have some good-bye fun!" Since Quaddle had not moved his position at all since this started, the boulder he appeared by was still behind him. Using a spell similar to the one he used on Liz earlier, he picked up the bolder with his staff, levitated it all the way towards the wrecked car that Daemon and Liz were standing by...
   And dropped the boulder on the car.
   Taking advantage of the temporary distraction (which he got great satisfaction out of making), he quickly conjured two small golden disks in the air. He jumped on them, and each one attached itself to a foot. He then silently flew at Daemon and Liz with his staff held behind him, with that looks like a double-sided hook made out of blue energy having sprouted from the orb-end. When the two turned around, Quaddle would have flown between them,
   And both their shins would be caught by the hooks. They would instantly be tripped and fall flat on their faces, while Quaddle rocketed up into the air.
   As a final goodbye, he said in what sounded like a perfect replica of Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice, "I'LL BE BACK!". Then he shot off towards the city.


Daemon ducked out of the way of the boulder, dodging the hook that flew overhead as he lied on the ground. He then got up and looked on as the man flown off into the distance. "Cocky son of a bitch! Damn right this isn't over, it'll be over when I'm done wiping your smeared carcass off the soles of my shoes!", Daemon yelled. He then unsheathed his blade and sliced open the boulder with one swift move and knocked the bits off of the car. He looked around in the passenger seat and found his briefcase still intact.

"Well atleast the money is okay.", he then spared a glance at Liz who looked just as annoyed. "I'm going after him, it's personal now. Besides even if someone did beat us to the punch I can still get something out of there. What are you gonna do."


Liz wasn't lucky enough to avoid the hook. He fell flat on his face, then gritted his teeth when he saw the boulder sitting on his car.

"Cryssie's gonna kill me..." he muttered. What Quaddle had said had actually made sense to Liz. And he probably was as old as he'd said, which Liz should have realized from his power. But even if he was stronger than Liz, that didn't mean he wasn't going to try pounding him into the ground till he talked.

"I'll follow you, but I gotta make a call first," Liz responded. He checked his pocket for his iphone. Amazingly, it was scratched, but still okay. He hit speed dial and walked toward the side of the road.

"Crystal? It's me. ...No, I'm all right. The car, though... well, I doubt you'd believe me if I told you. Let's just say calling it totaled would be an understatement. ... But that's not the important part. Are you okay? What's on the news? ... Wait, the water's...? Well, don't drink anything if that's the case. But listen. The guy who wrecked Dennis knows who you are. If a young-looking kid dressed like a cosplayer shows up, keep the doors locked and run into the basement. You know where to go. ... Good luck. Love you. ... Bye."

Pocketing his cellphone, Liz turned to Daemon. "Think she'll understand if I kill our magic man?"
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


As Liz was making his call, Daemon walked back and forth trying to figure out a quick way to get to the city. The way it seemed it looked like they were gonna hoof it. Daemon then sat down and began to ponder,"We'll never make it in time to do anything meaningful if we just run....hmm....."

Daemon then began to take off his gear, he was having a hard time thinking straight with it on. For some reason that kid just really got to him; it wasn't even the insults, it was something deeper. He then started walking back and forth again in deep thought,"Liz could ask his girlfriend for another car....if she speeds she could reach us in time........but then she'd be stuck walking in the middle of nowhere....they won't go for that...........damn....I forgot how heavy that armor doesn't even feel like I'm standing on anything......wait.."

Daemon turned to Liz who just hung up, he then replied, "Yeah I think she'll understand, he destroyed your Lexus man. One sec I wanna try something. I saw this in a video game once before I destroyed some twelve year old's home one time."

Daemon picked up his gauntlets and reequipped them, they were much lighter then the rest of the armor. He then grabbed his sword and raised it above his head with his right hand. "God I hope this works!", Daemon thought as he began twirling the sword around and around. It spun faster and faster, the air around him was flowing rapidly downward. Daemon then looked down and noticed he was off the ground, his eyes widening in disbelief. He then shouted at Liz, "Holy crap I didn't think this would actually work!! Alright Yoshimitsu!!! I guess I'm gonna have to leave everything else here though! It'll be too heavy carrying all that plus you at the same time!"

Daemon descended and grabbed Liz with his free hand and within seconds the Deathcopter was speeding off towards the city.


   After flying on his twin golden disks for just three minutes, he hit the city limits. The plumes of smoke scattered around looked worse close up. He flew into the city to find what the heck is going on.
   And as he flew around, keeping out of sight, he saw swarms of horrible mutants chasing crowds of people in various pockets of the city. What in the Great Balance is going on here?!? Quaddle thought, horrified. He focused his staff on a group of mutants and tried to identify them. To his absolute horror, he found they used to be people... as he continued to focus, he also found that some sort of biological agent was causing this. He might be able to reverse it...but for that he needed a sample.

   Later, a mutant straggler was wandering along the sidewalk of an empty street. All of a sudden, the mutant was picked up into the air by nothing and pulled right through the door of a nearby shop. Once inside, Quaddle quickly gave it a good blast of stunning magic to subdue it. He then quickly got to work at identifying exactly what the heck this was...


Progressing nicely. Large number of the mutations are sustanable. Hell, some look fairly beneficial. Small minority of subjects remain sane, gotta work on that. Wait... Anastasia rubbed her eyes, knocked back the rest of her beer and held the binoculars to her eyes again. Some red thing? To narrow it down, a red thing with two discs and a staff. Either the lewdest choice for a superhero theme ever or... She spotted whatever it was again, on the outskirts of the city, whisking away one of her mutants. The rabbit lowered her binoculars with a snarl and beckoned her (thing that looked like a) van closer.
"Little @#$%er better not be doing what I think he is..."


   After some intesive magical scanning of the unconcious mutant, Quaddle thought he finally figured out how it worked. He began making up a spell to counter the effect.
   When he was done about a minute later, he tried it out. He pointed the staff at the horrid figure, and a massive burst of golden light flooded the room, and some out the window of the shop. When the light faded, he observed his handiwork. What was formerly a mutant was now an oozing puddle.
   "Eww..." Quaddle said, disgusted at himself. He thought it over, the figured out what he did wrong with a 'Eureka!' moment. With the new spell in his head, he knew he was going to need a lot of energy to use it on large crowds, even more so sweeping the whole city. He decided he'd have to continualy stop to recharge as he went.
   Having expended only a small fraction of energy during his squabble with Liz and Daemon, he had enough energy stored for two, maybe three good-sized blasts with the purifying reversal spell.
   Readied, he quickly conjured his two small golden disks, stepped on them, then zoomed right out of the shop, making an instant turn down the street at a ridiculous speed, looking like a red blur, to find the first mutant crowd he could.

lucas marcone

Red Anvil stood up. the late morning breeze felt chilly against her nude torso and exposed legs. She opened her wings and took flight. Some minutes later she spotted a shop with clothes. After landing she walked in. It was pretty empty except for the shopkeep.

"My lands!" The old man cried "Is it my time?"

"No." Red Anvil replied "I only need some clothes."

"Well I don't know what you demon types are into but have a look."

"This looks nice, and these." She had her shirt and pants.

"Credit or debit?" the man asked

Red Anvil looked taken aback. She had completely forgotten about money. She looked at him pleadingly.

"It's ok, I'll put it on your tab."

"Are you sure? will you remember?"

The old man laughed and said "Will i remember a large red woman owes me fifty bucks?"

"You have a point. Thankyou."

After changeing in the rooms of a similar name, she walked out of the store and infront of an electronics store with a bunch of TVs with the news on.


A few moments later they reached the edge of the city. Daemon touched down on the rooftop of a building and letted go of Liz. He looked over the edge, there were people running and screaming hysterically. He looked further and he could see.....he really didn't know what the hell they were. They almost looked human, but grossly transformed. They were devouring and tearing apart the humans who couldn't get away fast enough.

"Well this place really went to hell....", Daemon commented as he looked past the burning buildings, he couldn't see his adversary flying through the smoke. Daemon then turned to Liz and asked, " do you want to do this. Split up? Or do you got something else in mind."


Liz was still a little amazed that a trick that usually only worked for Tails from Sonic had worked for Daemon and himself. When he and Daemon landed, they received the nasty shock of a mutant and/or zombie uprising taking place and terrorizing the people. So THIS is what the water did, he realized, remembering what Crystal had said.

"They found some kind of weird virus in the water a little while ago. I haven't drank any recently, so I think I'll be okay, but you shouldn't drink anything either."

Liz was snapped out of his daze by the Black Knight asking if they should split up or if Liz had a plan. "I wasn't really planning on this happening... if we split up and quaddle turns up, it'll be easier for him to beat us. And I dunno exactly how you'd kill ... whatever the hell those things are."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Daemon walked over toward the edge of the building again and looked down. As luck would have it the building they landed on was a Best Buy, giving him a sound idea. He then replied to Liz, "Well if they are anything like your standard zombie.....if you take off the head or destroy the brain that should be enough to stop em, but yeah I agree this was probably the last thing I expected to happen today.....ok second last........errr....third last......damn it this whole day from the moment I woke up has been nothing short of insane!! ...Alright, I'll be right back in one second."

Daemon walked over toward the center of the roof, he then took his blade and thrusted it down causing it to crack open, bringing him down onto the floor inside the store. As he fell he jumped outward onto a shelf and wall kicked down to the floor safely. The store was dark, no doubt the power was out, and no sign of life or movement in sight. Sheathing his blade Daemon sprinted for the cellphone and accessories aisle, grabbing up a cellphone and two wired earsets. Something then fell over on the otherside of the store and made a crashing sound of breaking glass. He could hear footprints coming at him from seemingly all directions. Daemon then made a jump onto one of the overhanging television units and fired sporadically into the darkness with his free hand. Keeping up the pace he jumped to another overhanging unit under where he fell in and immediately he heard a loud inhuman screech. One of the mutants was flying through the air straight towards him. It looked horribly disfigured, with razor sharp spikes coming out of it at random points all over its body and had three bulky arms. Daemon aimed the gun at it's head and blew it clean off splattering blood and guts all over the place, he then jumped back up through the hole landing on the roof again rolling a few feet. He then got up and walked over to Liz, handing him one of the earsets for his phone.

Daemon then began to elaborate as he assembled his cellphone,"Ok it seems like we're just gonna have to make this up as we go along. Quaddle admitted he was a magic user, each time he countered us out on the road he was using that staff each time. Our best bet is to try and seperate him from it somehow, or atleast keep his attention on one of us so we can catch him off guard. We're gonna use our cellphones here to co-ordinate our attacks and call out his positions plus what it appears he's focusing on at the moment. If you can try to hose him down with mercury, it may not kill him immediately but the poisoning effect from it will probably put a drain on his abilities. I'll try to keep him focused on me so you can get behind him to do this. He wanted a damn challenge, so by hell we're gonna give it to him."

Daemon then turned on the cellphone and called Liz' phone, keeping the line open so they could communicate. He then gestured over in the distance and said, "Alright, I'm gonna head that way. You head in that other direction, we'll encircle the city until one of us spots him, then we'll call it out and move in. Lets do this." Daemon then ran up to the ledge and jumped off, doing a swan dive. He then flipped and landed gracefully on the ground and began sprinting at breakneck speed through the city streets, keeping himself out of sight as much as he could.


Anastasia set aside her binoculars and rubbed her forehead. It was always something. She knocked on the door of the van once to get it to loyally pop one door open and hopped in, double checking what she had on her. Deadman switch remote detonator, various concialed defenses, a couple frozen med-drones, gun, a few lob-drones... And a few things in the back of the Van. It'll do. The vanlike thing gave a roar that was a fairly good fascimile of that of an engine and took off toward the city. Someone better have a brilliant explanation for this...