Villain's league (IC)

Started by Miaka, June 26, 2007, 10:04:55 PM

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Roulette stayed in the room after all of the others had left, remaining mostly silent- except to wave and say a quick farewell to those leaving.  After a few moments, those odd eyes turned to the emplyer, narrowed slightly.

"I've never understood you, sir." She said, cocking her head to one side.

"I thought I would be the one saying that, my dear." The shadowed figure's voice lost any of the majesty it had previously had when addressing the others, though keeping the air of amusement.

"You act like you hate me. I've been locked up since I was 50. I don't even know how many years have passed since you've done this. You've made me worse. And here you are, sending me out to help you?" She scoffed. "I should really just kill you one of these days." She muttered darkly.

"You'd like to do that, wouldn't you, my dear?" He asked, chuckling. "You'd never be able to, and we both know it. Now please, I'm giving you a second chance, dear! And you'd better use it wisely if there's still anything like a brain left in that head of yours."

There was a long pause before Roulette stood from her chair, her strangely colored hair falling into her face. "yes sir."

lucas marcone

It hadn't taken more than a week. Croc and Dile Lass had taken over Laos completely. The people didn't resist because Dile Lass was going to make their country powerful and rich. Dile Lass called up the "Boss". "Hello Boss? Yes I just got myself a power chip here. I want to make an offer to you. If I help you take over Europe then you would help me with Asia. We could be a powerful alliance you and I."


DarkE sat in at his desk as a shadow demon appeared behind him. "whats is it?" he asked as he went over the  reports. "has he now? send him in " Rue entered.  and set down his weapon. Dark he  turned to view his General. setting aside his weapon was both a sign of truce and respect. the ARC edge special. infused with the magic both ancient and new it was one of the few weapons of this world that could inflict considerable damage on him others such as Excalibur, majour and the sword of Eliander were lost to time or in good hands. he gestured and Rue sat. " what is you plan?"

Rue sighed. " using our organising i shall set up several rouge cells of Greenpeace. this done we shall enter and sabotage several important  industrise in the country that you've expressed an interest in" 

"what will this gain me and at what risk?"

"we will coordinate our efforts with those in the group that you sent me the. the risk are minimal but for the sake of being prepared i have already outlined a false train that with dead end with and imagery group. this group will take the blame.  form this effort we shall gain a foot hold in this country if not the entire country and also gain workable allies for future endeavors."

DarkE nodded pleased. as usual Rue had done excellent work. indeed  Rue's power though less thin his own were growing quickly and  faster this his own. in their first battles his defeat of rue had been total but aster that Rue's grown had made it harder. after accepting him into his organization Rue's power had grown even more. Still Rue's honer would keep him in line much like his own promise he looked over the planes and status of the work. using what he had it would take him 10 more year's to make good on his deal with Rue but is he could just get his hands on... ah well no need to worry about that. " Baika"

She appeared at once in her kitten form her wings were not evident thong he knew she understood him. " go with Rue and help his set this plan in motion.." Baika mew and turned to Rue. " one more thing Baika., Rue "  they both looked at him. " i want a list of the companies you plan to hit before you hit them. after all i may own stock in some of them and well list just say i have a little list of acceptable losses in them as well" the both nodded and were gone. DarkE sight and returned this his work taking only a moment to listen to a report from a shadow demon about yet another emergence  group of powered entities on this world."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

lucas marcone

Well one thing was certin Croc thought it weird how the people loved him so. Dile Lass was makeing great strides in improveing liveing conditions and economy. The people saw him not as an invader but an acolyte of change good change. Men wanted to be him and weman wanted him to sire their children. Croc felt so out of place he considered leaveing for Boss's building. At least there he felt normal. He walked into a store

He grabbed a nice box of cigars and some instant noodles. As he walked to the reister the man was greeting him in his native tongue but Dile Lass taught him most of the language but he remembered two words above all else, free and hero. Croc thanked the man and left the store.  maybe I can finally give up robbery He smiled to himself. I'm going to like being a hero.


Liz returned home, to a quiet little neighborhood in Michigan. After tipping the cab driver, he walked up to the house he shared with Crystal, greeting his neighbors politely and planning out what to do. He regretted not giving more people his number so he'd know who needed money and when, but hopefully the boss would call him soon and he'd be able to see the others. He reminded himself to call Daemon first, if he got the chance.

He walked up to the door, and knocked. He heard music playing as Crystal opened the door and shot into his arms, hugging him very tightly.

"Hi, Liz!" she greeted him enthusiastically. The male gecko just smiled and hugged her back.

"Hey, Cryssie. How'd you do while I was gone?"

She eased up her grip and looked at him. "Well, I made a pair of penny loafers for you, watched an episode of Scrubs, and basically did whatever I could to distract myself. So, what about these people you're working with and you telling them about me?"

Liz rolled his eyes and walked in with his girlfriend. "Well, they'll be causing random destruction throughout the U.S., and I didn't want them to hurt you in the crossfire. So I told them I'd accept the job as long as they left you out of it. They all understood, from what I could tell, so when I see them again, I'll tell them our address. Okay?" He hoped she wouldn't be upset about this. Telling people you barely know what your girlfriend looks like is bad enough, but to give out your address...

Crystal smiled again. "That's not as bad as I thought! I thought they'd forced you into it, or I'd have to live with them or something! Now c'mon, I taped House for you!"

He sighed in relief and followed her. He hoped to get a call soon, if the others had already started...
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Anastasia was never very tidy about packing.
"Alright, bring those cages over there. I advise against rattling them too much," the rabbit gestured from atop a large crate. A huge creature that looked like it may have, at some point long ago, been human shuffled over on its chitinous legs and lifted up aforementioned cages in its large, three fingered lobsterlike claws, "Good boy, Peotr. Now come over here and help mommy down," the creature eagerly clattered over to obey, offering the tip of one enormous claw to hold as Anastasia clambered down. "What a good boy, Peotr." She reached up and scritched at the area between its neck guard and its shoulder, producing a clicking purr (which was testament to the rabbit's skill in and of itself, because that sort of combination of human and crustation mouthparts shouldn't have been able to produce that sort of sound at all). "Now, back to work." The beast shuffled off to continue packing as Anastasia continued looking over what she would bother to bring for this job. The Business Suit, absolutely. Never know when you'll need something like that. Most of the weaponry, the Van, the Sub... Most of the pet projects I can abandon, but I better hang on to the Dragon and the Native. She smirked to herself. If she was correct about the native, she was going to soon be the most hated person in the eyes of organized religion and the most loved by evangelical atheists. And, coincidentially, go down in history as disproving the existence of God, but she was more interested in the social experiment.
But, in the short term, which safe house would she be going to? For the time being, San Francisco looked like a good plan. Better than her current place in Ireland, anyway.
She saw Peotr carrying the device housing the Native over to the boat. "Careful with that! Mommy doesn't know what it is yet..."

lucas marcone

Dile Lass was a Great ruler indeed but even she wasn't about to straighten out and fly right. she called up ana. "Come on pick up.... I know it's your number. At least it better be I payed a grand for it!" Dile Lass said quietly to herself.

Croc walked into Dile Lass' office. He kept saying "free" and "Hero" in the local dialect. He then started to eat the instant noodles dry.
"mmmmmmm*crunch* Dif suff if gud!"


DarkE surveyed the reports. Rue and Baika were  doing well but what really caught his eye was some of the associates he's been told to keep and eye on. it seems that Rue's Estimate on their abilities and likely pattern of movement was right thong they had struck a city that was not one his  list of targets. their effectiveness was also to  be considered. yes they could be helpful in his grand scheme later. that is assuming there first project the distraction of America and much of the world lead to the conquest of Europe as planned.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Right, so, my stuff will be moved in by noon, gonna have to put off some of that setting up if I'm gonna be meeting with Stygian... And then, of course, her phone rang. Now, Anastasia was bright enough to have made her phone untrackable. However, she also never gave anyone the number.
"Whoever this is, you have twelve seconds to give me a good reason as to why you know this number before I hit one of these buttons labeled 'consequences' over here..."

lucas marcone

Dile Lass stifled a quiet snicker. "Guess who has her own country? Word on the street is you need a nice place to stay. what do ya say to a nice lab in Laos? And hay, if we get bored we can always bomb Hollywood."

Croc swallowed his mouthful of instanoodles. "Who ya talkin to, DL?"

"Hush Croc this could be an important conversation! Ah uh sorry about that. So you interested?"


It's been some time, some time since the meeting, some time since Daemon made his charge for the cape. Unfortunately he never made it. Somewhere through North Carolina he lost control and was sent careening into the underbrush next to the highway. To those who may have witnessed his crash it was presumed he died in on impact when the bike lit up into a hellish fireball of death. The ambulances arrived, he was pronounced dead on the scene although his body had remained intact. It was assumed that the shattered armor surrounding the wreckage saved his body from physical damage, but that the shockwave from the explosion ended him immediately.

And now, Daemon awoke a few weeks later, to the sweet pitch black of the void. Or so it would seem. He was actually in a coffer, in the basement of the morgue his lifeless body was taken to after the crash. He kicked and forced the coffer open and collapsed onto the floor. He looked himself over, everything seemed intact and functioning to much his surprise. There was a conversation going on upstairs, probably between the poor souls who made a living working with the dead brought here. Daemon quietly worked his way up the stairway until he came to the door, he stopped and listened on to the conversation.

"Hmmm, so has anyone called in to claim that yet? You could probably make some good money pawning it, haha!", the voice of an elderly man laughed. Then a younger man's voice responded, "Nah to hell with that, it'd be worth more on e-bay. It's truely remarkable, and you know some eccentric billionaire would be willing to pay a heck of alot more for it then any two-bit pawn shop would. Hell the poor sod was probably one of them. To each his own though eh am I right? Hehehe."

Daemon had heard all he needed to hear, there was no point in delaying it any longer. With that Daemon kicked the door off its hinges and like lightning he bolted out towards the younger fellow, grabbed his head and ripped it clean off from the force of his charge. He then jumped up as he was speeding toward the wall and kicked off it landing on top of the old man's chest, crushing it on impact. Daemon then squated down and took a good look at the poor soul who had mere seconds left and coldly uttered,"Where is it...."

The elderly man coughing up blood lifted his right hand and pointed towards the table behind Daemon. "Thank you." , Daemon grimfully acknowledged, he then snapped the poor man's neck to put him out of his misery. Daemon grabbed his sword from the table and swong it onto his back. He then searched the persons of the immediate deceased for anything of value and to his surprise he found his iphone. Once he found some reasonable clothes to wear he went into a nearby closet and found a kerosene lamp. He spread the oil from the lamp all over the floor and took the lighter from the younger man's person, lit their funeral pyre, and quietly strode to the man's car and drove off. Daemon had only one thing set on his mind at that point. Returning to the scene of his accident. In his mind he wanted to make full assessment of what happened to him before going further.


Anastasia was speechless for a few seconds. This was not necisarily a good thing.
"Dile, pardon me if I miss details, but what does Laos, a country on the same continent of all those things our employer wanted left alone, have to do with your becoming president?" she leaned against a nearby crate, resisting the urge to call Peotr over so that she could slam her head against his armored carapace in frustration, "Points for working fast, I'll give you that, but having that sort of distance between us and the real targets seems inadvisable..."

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"I realized that persons of my nature can't win an election. Even if i did the citizens would not be on my side....Laos was a far better option to open up doors to do what i need to do. And the citizens are all too happy to help. The plus side is that you can't be arrested or foiled by heros because I control this place so I get to make the rules. Unlike the U.S. and it's pesky constitution."


"Sir?" Roulette opened the door to the very same room they'd met in not too long before, though now it seemed so different than the last time she'd been there.
The lights weren't dimmed, it'd been cleaned since, and the area at the back of the room wasn't cut off in shadows, hiding the "boss".

It wasn't surprising at all that the boss hid his appearance from the people he was hiring- he wasn't really the type to inspire fear, or even respect- he tended to be laughed out of things such as what he'd orchestrated. He couldn't have been more than 3 feet tall, with a slight, almost wraith-like build, and a narrow, sharply-featured face with almond-shaped eyes that would have been quite large if he hadn't had them narrowed most of the time. Brown hair was rather sadly in an attempt to look good and presetable, with a pair of pointed ears, tufted with the same shade of hair as on his head. A dark grey suit- obviously tailored to fit his exact needs, and accomadating for the long tail curling around his legs- graced the small bdy as he glanced up from his book.

"Ah, Roulette, I'm glad you were able to come up."

"You don't give me much choice, sir."

"So you continually remind me. Now, things are going well, I trust?"

"I don't know."

"I specifically asked you to check in with our participants, Roulette." His tone grew dangerous, as those narrow, muddy eyes were turned on her finally.

"And never gave me the contacts?"

"Well, if you needed them, you should have asked that, shouldn't you? I thought it might be something you... things could do."

"No, sir." She barely hid the contempt sneaking in her voice.

"Either way. Croc and his bubbly consort contacted me not so long ago... They've seized Laos, congratulate them on that, and are proposing an alliance. I beleive that yes, as he said, we could be quite a powerful allaince, but he could pose a threat in the long run."

"Yes, sir. Why are you telling me this, sir?"

"Because you're the one working with them! Change of plan, I think. I'd like you to pay a visit to our dear friends in Laos, and make sure they're not up to anything that could be potentially dangerous."

"Yes sir." Roulette nodded, and left the room, knowing that he'd have all of the arrangements set up for her to leave within the hour, and set to packing what little belongings she had.


Liz was bored.

He hadn't had much to do these past few weeks, save for screwing up the stock market and bribing a few crime lords. He had decided to avoid any vulgar displays of power, considering what the others had said about him needing to stay alive and not arrested. Not that getting out of prison would be that hard, it'd just be a hassle.

It was midnight, and out of pure laziness, he was watching the news, chewing on a tiny gold toothpick and hoping for opportunity to strike. There was a little filler episode on a power shift in Laos, but Liz was half falling asleep out of boredom.

He barely paid attention, until he saw Croc.

Crystal burst into the living room when she heard Liz swearing and exclaiming at the top of his lungs. "Liz, honey, what is it, what happened?!"

He barely heard her. "Three weeks - not EVEN - since we met and he's already ruling a COUNTRY?!?!? WHAT THE HELL!!" Liz stormed into the mudroom and grabbed his blazer and a pair of shades, glowering. "I need to go break something." If all else failed, mindless destruction helped him feel better.

"Liz, no! They said to be careful!"
"It's dark. No-one'll notice me. And I'm not gonna do anything really big - something small, but noticeable." Seeing Crystal's frantic face, he calmed down a little. "It's okay. No-one's gonna catch me; I guarantee it. Everyone's asleep." He stroked her hair. "I'll be back in an hour and a half." With that, he kissed her on the cheek and left.
An hour later, Crystal was watching the front door carefully, worrying about a cop car showing up, but then she heard someone knock at the back door. She ran over and opened it to find Liz, looking a little rushed, but satisfied. They hugged tightly, then she let him in.

"What did you do?"

Liz smiled. "Shot metal darts into two traffic lights. One in Detroit, one in Ann Arbor. I used aluminum, since traffic lights use a lot of that already." He walked into the kitchen and sat down, hanging his coat up on the back of a chair. "And the darts I used are tiny, so it'd take a genius to figure out it was done on purpose."

Crystal poured two cups of coffee she'd made while waiting, handing one to Liz. "But what do we do if someone does start asking? I don't want you to get arrested, Liz!"

"I'll be fine. I've already paid off the local police, and if I do get arrested, I'll just break out of prison." He smiled wider. "No regrets here, though. I feel better."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


It was just when Croc was finishing talking that there was a slight crackle, and then a short, extremely high-frequency tone in the phone for just a second or two. Then, suddenly, came another voice. Sebastian's.
   'You haven't helped us ruin that constitution yet, so thus far I don't think you've assisted our cause much,' he said, his tone slightly droll. Before either of them could get a word in, he quickly changed the subject. 'Sorry for butting in like this, Anastasia, but you haven't called. And I could use a bit of help right now, as a matter of fact.'


Anastasia smirked impercievably. Resourceful little fellow, aren't we?
"Sorry about that Sebastion, so much to do. You know how these things can be. As for your offer Dile, he has a point. Better to stay near the target where we can throw aforementioned laws into disarray. Now then, Stygian, what's this about needing help?"

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"O.K. but when I'm have the fun of invadeing the U.S. all alone we'll see who makes the bigger state of panic. good bye anastasia, i look forward to the point when we might actually work together." Dile Lass said with censarity<sp? and hung up the phone.

Crocs room was a bachlors heaven. it came with everything a personal bar, bar games (such as pool, air hocky and darts), big screen TV video games (though it costs extra to buy and have them shipped from english speaking countries), and sat TV. Croc was curious as to what was still makeing the news in america so he flipped to Fox.

"YO DL?! Didn't I tell you the reportes wern't to even enter the country?!?"

Dile Lass enterd the room. "Yes but it is in our best interest to make our presance known. What better way to intill the fear into the world than a quick take over of a country and rapid expansion?"

".....Smaller words please."

"We are quickly takeing over much of Asia and when we have enough power we'll turn on the us."

"Thank you very much. I think i see where you're going now.


It took about twenty minutes for Daemon to find his crash site. He knew he wasn't far from Charlotte on I-77 before it happened, somewhere around Bells Crossroads. He drove up to the side of the road where the shoulder seemed scorched from the fire, he knew this was it. There were still pieces of the bike scattered about, most of it though seemed to have been cleaned up. Daemon got out of the car and lent against it in deep thought.

"This doesn't make any sense." , thought Daemon as he went through images in his mind. He can remember himself driving up to a few ways up, then the memory just blurs and fades. He couldn't think of anything that he might have done to himself to set this up, he knew he was fine. Was someone on to him? On to us? A pre-emptive strike? Could they have gone after the others as well? These thoughts circulated through his mind, it was not impossible. Just then though Daemon heard voices coming from the underbrush further from the highway that wasn't scorched. From what he could make it sounded like there were two boys, not much older then twelve. Daemon quietly walked up until he got behind them, apparently they found his armor and were trying to take off with it. Unfortunately for them they could barely move the heavy armor.

"What are you two doing out here.....its dangerous here one of you could get hurt." , Daemon spoke up, startling them both onto the ground. They struggled to back away from Daemon trying to make distance. One of them then shouted, "Get away, we dun nuttin wrong! We found this he're loot fair and square!"

Daemon began to laugh, he then bent down and picked up the left gauntlet and put it on. "Even together both of you aren't strong enough to carry this. You should head home now while you still can. Trust me.", Daemon said as his expression became that much darker. Taking his advice the two kids ran off into the woods scared out of their wits. With that Daemon loaded up the rest of his armor into the car. Once that was done he contemplated on his next move. His original plan couldn't be done anymore due to the time he lost from this whole "incident". He then figured he should probably get in contact with Liz so they could finally make their transaction. If he couldn't hitch a ride he was going to have to just buy his own. Then it dawned on him, he never got Liz's number. A stupid error on Daemon's part, though it could be circumvented. Using his iphone Daemon did a Google search on Liz's girlfriend Crystal and found her home address number.

"Mabye she can tell me where I can find him, I doubt she'll co-operate with someone she never met on a completely random phone call....", Daemon sighed as he dialed the number on the roadside.


Roulette sat on the table in that same room they'd met in, humming to herself as she waited for Croc or DL to pick up the phone.
If she was going to be taking the time to go and pay them a visit, might as well at least let them know first- though this was the Boss' idea, not hers. She would have been fine with showing up one day at their doorstep and ask to be shown to a room, but...
Croc was big. Not a good idea.
Granted, if push came to shove, him taking advantage of his brute force could have led to quite a lot of burning, and no-one wanted that.


The man still on the other end of the line coughed.
   'Well, see, I've just killed senator Goldstein, and I need an alibi for a bit,' he said, calmly. 'I don't want to intrude, but could we meet back at your place in... say... fifteen minutes?'


Anastasia groaned. "Of course. First our big political plan goes to hell while I'm setting up, and now you need a hiding place when I'm barely moved into my new safehouse," she gestured Peotr away from what he was setting up and muttered something to him about getting the security systems ready, "You need directions, or did my current address come with the number?"


Sebastian's voice grew still for a moment.
   'I said that I don't want to intrude. I'm sorry. I just thought that, what with you seemingly being the most sensible of all those people, I should talk to you first. It won't be long,' he said, hurtfully. 'And you can throw me out as soon as you like. But, for your own good, hold on the security. I don't want to cause unnecessary expenses.'
   The line clicked, and went dead.


Anastasia turned the phone off and rolled her eyes. Prideful little fellow. However, one thing he said does ring true...
"Peotr, don't leave the security systems on too high a setting. Just the grapplers and stunners. Stopping whatever follows him here won't be nearly so satisfying if we waste an ally. Oh," she smirked to herself. Someone who took offense that quickly would be slow to let said offense go, "Also, set up the dining room for guests, and escort dear Sebastion there when he arrives. I get the distinct impression that an ego like that is going to require mollifying before anything else happens." The creature lumbered off to do as asked, leaving Anastasia alone with her machines and her musings."

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"Roulette what a pleasant surprise. What interest do you have in our cozy little corner of the world?" Dile Lass was always the one to deal with politics, Croc was just there to provide moral guidence, support muscle, and tactics.


"As a reply to your request of an alliance with The Boss, he's requested that I be flown out to hang with you guys for a bit- Aren't you exited, huh?" She giggled, her raspy voice reaching a point people must wonder how anywone ever listens to her.
"he's got the big flying plane-thing all set up an everything! So make sure you'd got a room ready for me when i do show! Bye-bye!" She hung up without giving them a chance to respond, before running off to pack her bags.


The morning after Liz's temper tantrum, the phone next to his bed rang. He groaned and rolled over to check the time. 8:45 AM. Obviously, whoever was calling didn't know Liz or Crystal very well. Her friends always waited till after 9:30 to call, and Liz's friends waited till noon. That way, they'd be sure to catch them awake.

But the number didn't look familiar anyway. It was probably a business call, but Crystal's business calls all went to her shop. Liz decided it was probably for him, whether it was safe or not. So he picked up the phone after its third ring.

"Liz speaking," he mumbled. God, I hate being woken up.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

lucas marcone

"Dae whan!" Dile Lass called her house keeper. "I have a friend comeing over. Make sure you have a nice room ready, then when she gets here show her to it. After that contact me so I can properly greet out guest please."

"Yes mad'm President." Dae walked off to prepare for roulette's arriveal. Dile Lass just hoped he was ready for her appearnce.


"Hello Liz, this is Daemon. Sorry for calling you on this number, but I need our transaction finalized and for some reason your other number wasn't getting through.", Daemon said as he looked up into the morning sky. He could hear sirens off in the distance through the morning air. Daemon didn't think much of it, he then said, "If you can specify a good time and location I'll be out of your hair. You sound like you just woke up."


"Yeah, I did," Liz sighed, propping himself up on his elbows. "Where are you, exactly? Just so I have an idea of a convenient place." He could smell coffee brewing in the kitchen, so he was waking up a little more.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...