Villain's league (IC)

Started by Miaka, June 26, 2007, 10:04:55 PM

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Rue wondered how this would fit in to his bosses plan but figures it would be bust to join up. as long as the goals wee clear then his boss had skill at steering things in the directions necessary  to meet his own goals. a planetary war and the chaos shrouding it seemed like it would suite him. Granted it was a bit  more then he's expected when he fist met his coworkers but it seems like it would be fun. " I'm in and i'm sure that my boss will agree to help support this planetary shift in power"

Rue how every agreed with Mint. no not Mint  Roulette " bizarre methods would only help so much. the non specific targets should also be linked to things people dislike or hate. that could bread more irrational  hate and mistrust in those who would stand against us."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Liz nodded gratefully at Daemon. "Thank you. I know it's a strange request. I think I have her picture on here somewhere...," he said, pulling his cell phone out of his pocket and flicking through the picture section. "The billions won't be a problem. I'll need a less crowded room than this, but I can do it. Ah, here she is." He showed the picture on the phone to Daemon.

The picture was of a yellow-green, white-blonde gecko with light brown eyes, wearing a pink shirt and white capris, smiling at the camera from her workbench.

"Her name is Crystal, and I can give you our address later. But I could just call her and tell her to lie low for a few days. If that's acceptable," he remarked, looking pointedly at the employer.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


"I understand, Liz." The employer said, and one got the distinct impression that he was nodding. "Whatever you wish to do to keep her safe. Even keep her here, with me, if need be."

Roulette looked as though she was going to protest, but decided it would be best to shut her mouth.

lucas marcone

"so when do I get to blow shit up?" croc asked slighly anxious. "Quiet please! w we'll get our chance to cause a comotion....right?"


"Thank you very much, but I doubt Crystal will need to stay here," Liz replied to the shadowy figure, setting down his phone. "I'll call her later and warn her to be careful. Your hospitality does you credit, though."

He looked over at Rue. "What do you mean, 'things people dislike or hate'? Do you mean we should target... criminals?" In a strange way, the boy was right. Killing other criminals would confuse everyone, and maybe even pull more people over to their side. The thinking went a little like this: Killing is wrong, but if someone's a bad person, they deserve to die, right? So why are we still upset? And wannabe heroes going after them wouldn't be sure whether to kill them or not.

"That could work even better than random chaos. Blur the line between good and bad." Liz grinned toothily for the first time. This was amusing.

The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Rue turned his head to the side thinking about it. " that would definitely work if they are violent criminals to begin with but i was thing  more alone the likes of people in the fur trade and abortion clinics. not matter what the issue you will always fine that there are people that hate something. attacked those that the majority hates would not only  put off suspicion for a while but it would also help to eliminate competition. "
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey



Meeting Hall

And with that, Sheridanna makes her exit, guards following as she makes her way back up to the roof and into the returned helicopter, goons jumping aboard after her. It again takes off and returns to the island.


An Undisclosed Island:


The helicopter slowly touches down at the pad, and Sheridanna and the soldiers alight from the vehicle, quickly heading back inside. From there, Sheridanna makes her way to her own lair, whilst the soldiers head to the cafeteria.

The Inner Sanctum

"Good to be home," she remarks, moving over to the desk and settling into the seat, " least if nothing else I can get some peace and quiet in here, unless.."

The bulkhead hissed open as Langdon entered.

"Unless you show up."


"Nevermind. What is it?"

"I've located several prime targets - scientific, mineral and other assets that would be ideal for expanding your current developments."

"Ahh, good. Send me the list later, would you? The meeting went fairly well, we should have plenty of work in the States this year or so."

"Yes ma'am."


Langdon walks out again, the bulkhead closing...


Someone you're looking out for? Anastasia raised her eyebrows when Liz even brought out a picture of the girl, Getting the impression that he hasn't done this too often. Telling us what she looks like...
"Those the majority hates? And you suggest abortion clinics?" she scoffed at Rue's idea, "The vote's fairly split on that one; so long as it's legal, we'll still be looked at badly. Going by your logic, our best bet would be an assault on the white house. Majority hates, right? We'd be better off orchastrating our own trouble; attack, and then when we're done have somebody show up and make a big display of 'driving the bad guys off.' We create all the pandimonium we need, and meanwhile are able to hide in plain sight. I suggest Croc. So long as he can keep from smiling with his teeth and not scare anybody he'd probably be best for that sort of thing. The whole 'guy you can have a beer with' sorta thing. Hell, from there we can mess with politics on a pretty large scale too."


Daemon nodded as he saw the visage of the she-gecko on Liz' iphone. It was kind of hard for him to see the beauty beyond her outward appearance, but it was not to him to judge, it would be hers should THAT day ever come. For now though Daemon was confident he could secure trust between him and Liz, for he played a crucial role in the plan that was beginning to unravel in Daemon's mind. To escalate his plan to a grand scale though he would need an ample amount of capital to buy the time he needed, this plan of chaos that the host has will put a drain on the nations of the world and Daemon wanted to be able to get some use out of their corrupt systems before they fall into anarchy, ripe for the insurrection orchestrated by this dark man.

"The stage is set.", Daemon thought as he came to grim realization, "Already I can feel the lost hours of the Apocalypse slipping through my fingers."

"Yes we can secure that end later I'm sure, as you can see I kind of need to clean up a bit myself.", Daemon said to Liz with a light hearted chuckle. ,"My reasonings for wanting to know her location are so that she does not become a casualty of collateral damage that may occur from this.....plan. I'm sure you can agree."

As Daemon overheard the strategies being shot across the floor he had an epiphany and letted out a suggestion of his own ,"Man is his own worst enemy. At the moment I'd say it's fair that the power infrastructure of the U.S. is basically hanging on by a thread. If we take out America's power and other important utilities we'll be able to cause all the pandemonium required, using America's own citizens no less. They won't have anyone to blame, but the government for it is their responsibility to ensure that the country readily has all of these conveniences online, and with the recent memories of rolling blackouts in New York and California its safe to assume the simple minded American will think that this is the one that broke the camels back and assume that the end is nigh."

lucas marcone

"I have an idea." Dile Lass said. "How about a power shift through legal routes? If one of us were to become president... war with europe for not 'aiding in the war on terrorism' namely france then attention would be signifigently diverted. all the flag waveing hicks in america would over rule the more intellegent portion. and the same would happen in europe. when all eyes are on the 'new cold war' we strike......if thats ok with everyone."


"The man did say to leave Europe alone," Anastasia pointed out, "Although I was thinking that the legal routes wouldn't be a bad idea. An inside man, so to speak."

lucas marcone

"Like i said," Dile Lass continued. "This would be a cold war. not a drop of blood shed....Like with the soviets it would be more a dance of ploicies and paper work with the proper amount of WMD to keep a presance but not use i makeing sense or am i not putting it correctly?"


Liz looked back at Daemon carefully. "I understand your reasons. Though it's still a bit strange to give my girlfriend's address to someone I've known for less than two hours."

He shook his head at Dile Lass when she voiced her ideas. "I get what you're trying to say, but I'm not entirely sure if it would work. Other new leaders would rise up and try to take control amid all the chaos. And politicians are far scarier and more manipulative than most of us when it comes to wartime coups. I agree with you and Anastasia, though. Having plants in the government could be a serious asset."

The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

lucas marcone

Croc had been noteably absent for a while when the elevator open he came in toteing beer and energy drings and plenty bottled water. "Hey guys. I miss anythin'?

Dile Lass tried her best to keep what composure she could as  sh was rapidly returning to her natural state. that "insecure kansas girl fresh out of James E. Shavez Collage" as she had on the dateing service site Croc found her on. Croc wasn't looking for love mind you. Just some one to make him look better and to come up with "brain gems".

"Croc,.....What are you doing with beer energy drinks and bottled water?"

"Well DL I figured if this were to go any later we would need the energy drinks for 'brain storming', the beer for entertainment."

"And the water?"

"Do you really like hangovers that much DL?"

"And just how did you get it without money?"  DL was on to something... she always kept the money because it was Croc buying stuff like that that made their bank accounts overdraw every other week.

"Well DL I AM a villian ya' know."

Dile Lass looked embarassed as he put it all down on the center of the table.

"Dig in guys."


Daemon grabbed one of the water bottles and emptied it over himself in an attempt to wash away the ash he was covered in, he then cracked open one of the beer bottles with his teeth and kicked back in his chair.

"Not a bad. Perhaps the stir you caused will draw out the authorities and we can get this party really started, hehe.", Daemon grinned, although he had his doubts of any authoritarian figure showing up. Convenience stores are robbed every day, and to think the police would take a call that a store was robbed by King K. Rool was just not something Daemon could fathom them taking seriously. No, if anyone was going to be the would-be hero here it would probably be some young desperate fool or an eccentric billionaire with too much free time on his/her hands and a troubled past which compelled him/her to become a crime fighter to in some way avenge the loss of a loved one. 

Daemon shrugged and then spoke, "Speaking of which, you didn't happen to notice anyone following you back here did you?" 


Anastasia already had a bottle opened and halfway drained. Somebody must have blinked. Probably for the best; some of her better work was accomplished drunk.
"Alright, so, politics. What else? Mass attacks, sure, but lets avoid anything too obvious. To be quite frank, New York City has a high population of skilled vigilantes and I don't wanna tempt fate right off the bat. But we should start with some big city. Mebbe Chicago, San Fransisco, something like that."


Anastasia had a point "rue admitted to himself. there was no telling how many back to back battled there would be once started. and red tape was one of the best wast to stop motes so called government special forces. he listed to there places for war learning more about " is their and organization called Green peace here?" He asked.

Rue didn't know why but he was  thinking they could vandalized some  production factories and causes chaos then blames the chaos of grass roots organizations that were known to have violent scions. of the ones he knew Green peaces stood on in his mind for sinking whaling ships and burning fur factories. it would raise a ruckus and generates mixed support and opportunities  in the right setting.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

lucas marcone

"I'd like to see Tampa in flames.... and just how many heros were these to help ME out? NONE!" Croc said with his big grin. "All those people who were being assholes will PAY hehheh."

"Dosen't anything motivate you besides those bullies?" DL said

"Food?" Croc said sheepishly


Liz snagged a water bottle. He didn't feel like getting drunk yet, and he preferred wine to beer anyway. "Thanks, Croc," he said.

As he twisted off the cap to the bottle, he raised an eyebrow at Rue. "Greenpeace? Well, if we piss them off, the world gets pissed off. But if we stage some sort of destruction that looks like it could've been Greenpeace, it might work."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Rue nods. "my thinking exactly. we could have it look like a rouge cell of green peace is behind some of the sabotage." he smiled" and while the cities deal with the destruction the population divide themselves and Greenpeace gets disorganized by trying to track down their rogue cells cells that we will have set up prior to committing the act's those of us with more political influence and suave can work to keep the general population off balance. That is not something i can do but I'll be happily to go on some of the raiders to discredit the companies and start the havoc brewing."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Liz smiled at Rue. "I like the way you think. I'm pretty sure making rogue cells of Greenpeace wouldn't be too hard, what with Sheridanna's soldiers and the amount of crazies willing to blow up ships for a price." He drank some of his water, then he had an idea.

"You think we'd be able to get a few planted agents in the media?" If anyone knew how to spread and skew rumors and stories, it was newshounds. A few well-placed liars could be substantially helpful to get people to their side.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

lucas marcone

"It would seem we have this thing do we have any ideas for who does what? if not it will....uh.....but utter chaos for nothing and when....the.......uh....heros swoop in and clean up if they can the worlds resolve will be stronger than ever before." Dile Lass pondered out loud.


"I'll be running armaments, technology, all that good stuff. Also, while I may not come with my own brute squad like Sheridinna, I have a few things working for me. Methinks I can orcastrate a few disasters," again Anastasia gave that impression of grinning with her mouth covered, "And since Liz is already on cash cow duty, I think we should try to keep him near whatever base of operations we'll be using."


Rue smiled and sipped his drink. " as for placing the false evidence my Employer has agents that are very good at getting into  places to place to copy things. they are part of a force or  general inventory spies. if you have some false records that we can use to justify our attacks on the targets companies. there papers can be leaked to the agents in the press create a viable paper trail and and excuse to keep green peaces of the backs of the rogue cells long enough to case some real chaos"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Liz shot a half-hearted glare at Anastasia. "I think you mean cash lizard, my dear," he corrected her lightly. "And I don't have to just be a credit card. I can lend a hand to the destruction-with-seemingly-insane-witnesses part if necessary. I mean, what sounds crazier than a gecko shooting gold spikes into every window of a building at once?" Unlike his previous statements to Anastasia, there was no intentional vague threat in his words. Liz didn't want to just sit around and make diamonds all day. That was boring.

When Dile Lass spoke her piece, he smiled at her. "Good. I'm not the only one here who knows comic books are right sometimes. But organized chaos isn't that easy to clean up when it's successful."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


"Either way, my point stands. Capable of a good deal of destruction you may be, you're also a valuable resource that we should risk as little as possible. If you are to go out into the field, I say you have someone backing you up and stay where we can get you out of trouble fast. Which means no rampages far from home," Anastasia replied to Liz, "Which brings us back to 'where do we start?' I heard one vote for Tampa, and I'm offering one against New York. Any others?"


"New York here.", Daemon replied. "Or if necessary I can provide Liz with some back up, I doubt he really needs it though."

Daemon then reclined and went into deep thought, "If is capable of firing spikes akin to bullets he really shouldn't have a problem. Heck if he's captured he can probably buy his way out or...improvise.  The main issue is probably his own mortality.....he's useless to us dead... Although those scales....they're probably more resiliant then normal flesh.....and if he's talented he can probably use his gift to stop bullets with some kind of diamond shield or something.....yeah. Even if something happens I bet he can hold his own until relief arrives...."

"Or...if you want I could run for President." , Daemon laughed. "We got enough funding for a campaign and as long as I preach what the public wants to hear and we make the message shiny enough I'd probably win. Heck we could probably just buy a trained monkey and he'd win at this point."

lucas marcone

"If don't mind I'd run f...for president....With all due respect i belive i could p..pass my term off as m...m...mmore...legit." Dile Lass was dieing under her skin but for once sehe actually seemed to present some real confidence.

"Atta girl I KNEW you had it in ya!" Croc seemed genuinly impressed with the "balls" she just showed as he would put it.


Liz pouted at Anastasia. "Yes Mom," he muttered. The worst part was, she was right. Doctors had tested his blood, his DNA, everything, and physically, Liz was completely normal. Like the golden goose, once you cut him open, the gift was gone. So he had to stay alive and not risk himself too much.

He smirked admiringly at Dile Lass when she offered to run for president. Although she was smart, she seemed awfully shy when it came to promoting her own abilities. Especially over someone like Daemon, he thought, impressed. "Hm. Well, you have a point. Anyone else got an opinion?" he asked the table at large.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


"Are any of us actual candidates for presidency?" Roulette pondered. "Money or no, There are requirements that need to be met." She said, sounding, for once, something near her age, but that illusion broke down in a moment as she whined impatiently. "Besides, that takes too long!"

"The best plans time time to execute, mi'dear." Their host sighed.