Villain's league (IC)

Started by Miaka, June 26, 2007, 10:04:55 PM

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Liz smiled at Dile Lass, deciding that maybe she wasn't as ditzy as he thought earlier. "Good to meet you, miss. And Croc didn't offend me at all. Like I said, a lot of people think I look too preppy to be a threat." His smile lessened a little. "Sorry to hear about his past, though. That would be rough."

Once he was sure it was polite to do so, he turned his attention to Sebastian, arching an eyebrow at his earlier comment. Liz was rarely so obvious about his power as he had just been, for safety reasons. He had a sneaking suspicion that most people, upon discovering his power, would lock him in a cage and milk his ability for all it was worth. Usually, it was the better-dressed people who made him the most paranoid about this. And yet, here was someone he would've expected to treat him that way, and he was actually reluctant to use Liz's ability; not only that, but his reason was perfectly sound, not simple fear of the unknown.

"You know something, Sebastian? You just might be the first truly intelligent person I've worked with." Liz smiled a genuine smile. "Thank you. It's nice to not be treated like a bank for once."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

lucas marcone

"Hay you!" Croc pointed at kate "I don't like the way you've been ignoreing my assso- asot- asso- associt!" He walked up to her and wrapped his gigantic mitt areound her heas so that her face was in his palm. Then he started to squeeze.


Kate, her mind occupied, hadn't even noticed the large man in front of her until her face was already in his palm, and he'd already begund to squeeze.
Well. This is uncomfortable. She thought, simply, and shrugged.
She was about to bring out the claws, and simply dig them as far into his arm as possible, but was interrupted, as the voice in tha back of the room had spoken up.

"Please, please... Calm down. Violence is not needed now."

lucas marcone

Croc dropped her back in her seat. "Maybe if the brooding emo chick would be nicer to DL, I wouldn't have to make her." Croc looked upset but Dile Lass looked like she were about to die of embarassment. She litteraly ran over and pulled Croc into a corner and had a very heated talk with him.


Kate looked as if she were going to spit something back at him, but was cut off by a buzz from her pocket. She jumped, took the phone out from her pocket, and quirked an eyebrow.

"I thought I fired you, what is it?" a long pause, and a slow grin grew on her face. "Wonderful." She sounded so immature and delighted here, it was hard to beleive it was even the same person. She hung up, the same grin on her face, and stood.

"Well, it was.... uh.... I have some other business to attend to. A certain old friend of mine is back at home, and I beleive I owe her a little something." She laughed here, sure that just about everyone in the room would pick up on it, before walking to the door. The robotic servants that had threatened to fire on her earlier, now just milled about, leaving a path for her to leave, as told by some silent command from their host. One ran into the room, and up to the host, and began whispering.
"Yes, yes... I want her replaced. Oh? Well, what are you waiting for, bring her up here!" the robot saluted, bowed to the rest of the room, and sped back out.

lucas marcone

Their fight could be heard by people a good deal away but it was faint and they had to listen.
What!? Croc said defenceivly.
Even villians have some manners! Ego drives most of these people you can go around exposeing weakness otherwise we'll be booted out of her in a hurry! DL ment buisness and Croc could tell.
C'mon DL she deserved it!
most of the people in here deserved it at one point in their career! The key word here is restraint! what have i taught you?!
first impressions are everything. ok ill try to keep it down Croc said hanging his head.
*sigh* good now c'mon you're going to apoll- They noticed Kate was gone so they tried to play it off and started talking to people again. DL went over and introduced herself to the man in armor Croc tried to intoduce himself to the scientist rabbit.


"My name is Daemon, lass. Although sometimes my enemies curse me as The Morning Star, and other times as The Black Knight, probably on account of the armor.", Daemon chuckled as he acknowledged her introduction, then went into a low whisper as he got closer to her. ,"I overheard your associate as I was resting, he probably made the right decision. I knew something wasn't right when I entered here."

There was something wrong here, but it wasn't the soul who was just allowed to leave. Daemon could feel it, but he wanted to show approval for the lass and her compadre to get them on his side should things go awry, or atleast ensure that he wouldn't have to take unnecessary action. The man in the white suit's gaze had been fixed on Daemon as he exchanged pleasantries with the lass. He expected some bafflement of his appearance upon arrival, but that time had gone and passed.

"He can feel it too. Although he is just as blind as I am at the moment.", thought Daemon as the lass went back over to Croc. Daemon was now starting to get annoyed, and began staring at the ceiling as he reclined again. ,"Two mad scientists, a kremlin and the ivory to his ebony, a hitman, a knight, and an ATM. I really wonder how much of a character this replacement will be. It's like I'm in some kind of Grand Theft Auto game at the moment, except its the Timesplitters/Donkey Kong Country version.", Daemon thought as he let out a yawn. Then again the world is already full of enough bizarrities and he wasn't really an exception.


A shadow demon chatter and waved for the silver haired human looking boy with a glowing crystal embedded in his forehead to follow it. the two came to a familiar looking door and the  shadow demon chatter then slunk away vanishing in the shadows disappearing form sight. the boy sighs and  ran a hand through his hair.

On his back was a weapon called the Arc Edge special. like the original are edge it had flip action attack capability.  with some trepidation he knocks on the door. Rue wonder what DarkE was thinking when he sent him here. was there really a point? and how had DarkE even found out about this ? He could feel a few aura's of power coming from the room on the other side of the door. had they invited his boss to this meet or had the boss merely chosen to crash the party by sending him there? oh well such thoughts had to wait as the door began to stir and open.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Putting his fingers to his temple, the white suit made a look of wanting to fast-forward the whole conversation, but as he couldn't, he promptly skipped further chatter and looked at the shadowed figure meaningfully, ignoring the others' messing about.
   "I hope there's a point to this assembly. My employer is patient, but not one who likes idling," he said, casually.


"Patience, patience..." The voice said in a calming, but as always, amused voice, to the blond in the white suit who was  obviously getting impatient.
"We're just waiting on one more for now..."

As if on cue, a giggle can be heard from the door, barely cracked open, followed by a loud bang as the door was flung open.
"And here i thought you'd never bother!" Another giggle. "I mean come on... to tell me you were having this meeting, and then not invite me?" Roulette's voice was high pitched and raspy, and sunded constantly as if she were going to burst out laughing.

"Yes, well..." The host was beginning to seem exasperated- and it was easy to tell why.

"I mean come on, I thought you liked me!" another giggle.

"Yes, Roulette, well-"

"Oh, who are these people?" She asked, acting as if she'd just now noticed the others in the room. "oh, oh! Are these my new friends?"

"Friends. Right."


[More for the madhouse.] Sheridanna thought, idly taking notes and occasionally drawing small schematics for new gadgets. She glances over at the new entry, then at the diamonds on the table, before going back to her clipboard.

The soldiers, on the other hand, stay silent and still as rocks, faces hidden behind their helmets.


Rue follows the boisterous girl that had brushed past him inside.. the mention of the meeting confirmed what he';s been told and looking around he began to take stock other there others here for once glace that DarkE insists on him keeps church coins on him at all time.  stepping off the the side he looks at the expression on the faces of the people already in the room and wonders if it is he ore the the girl that preceded him that caused the stir among the inhabits of the room.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Anastasia gave the Croc another mental once over. Big, from the sounds of that little hushed argument not the brightest bulb on the tree, big, kinda nervous and apparently easily bullied, big, overprotective of his partner, big... Beneath the collar of her lab coat she grinned, Big is useful.
"A pleasure, Croc," she replied, shaking his hand warmly, "I look forward to working with you."
Which may have been more than could be said of the next two. Both demonic looking, one with the posture of a noble or someone else used to barking orders (the instant he tried to do so with her she'd see to it that he was the most regal person in the room with a chemically-induced limp) and another who seemed obviously deranged (and yet sort of reminded her of one of the apprentices of a villain she did a lot of work for. Girl with a lot of spunk, a lot of potential. Probably the horns, that's how they resembled each other. That and the crazy). Curiouser and curiouser...
"Don't suppose you're familiar with those already here?" she asked Croc, a thought occurring to her. You're the dumb muscle, yeah, but dumb muscle is first and foremost untrained and nonspecific labor; they usually get around in the biz with a bunch of different contractors. You don't ignore the distinguished grunts, because everybody else probably has at some point.


Liz looked to Daemon. "Interesting set of names..." he said bemusedly. "Wish mine was half as menacing as those. I'm Liz, and it's nice to be working with you."

He was interrupted, though, and watched in slight amazement as Kate's demeanor changed entirely before she left the room, and as she was replaced with...

Oh, you've GOT to be kidding, Liz almost said out loud, stopping himself. It was a purple-skinned, rainbow-haired... thing of no discernible age, with pointy teeth and creepy eyes. In a weird way, she reminded him of a much older Crystal, but she was ditzy enough to make Crystal seem like a hard-assed law school graduate. Then he noticed the boy with the gem on his head. Seemed like the moody type, but that weapon on his back was interesting.

"You can sit, y'know," Liz called to the boy.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Rue nods and pulls out a chair sitting. removes his arc edge he places it on the side of the chair. "pleased to meet you. I am Rue." introduction said Rue sits. and wonders just who all  came with out  adequate briefing like himself.( there is a meeting taking place tomorrow. get ready and take some coin's.) that was the extent of his briefing. before the shadow demon lead him there today.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

lucas marcone

Most of these people are news to me. but I've met Liz, He seems to be genuine. I know you see me as nothing more than muscle, I really don't have a problem with that. Maybe after this is over we could work out a partnership or something. Just don't think it makes you better than me. That pisses me off. As Croc cast eyes on Roulette his eyes went big and he looked as if he saw the most disturbing thing on the planet(and that's saying alot).
....buhhuh? in a hushed voice to Anastasia Croc wispered That has got to be the Weirdist girl i have EVER seen. As if something clicked he reached out his hand Croc my name's Croc where is my head today?

nearby Dile Lass was heard to say Up your ass I'd venture. *giggle*......sorry i though maybe...

she could feel Croc stareing her down so she turned her attention back to the matter at hand.

She said to Anastasia And I'm Dile Lass


Rue nods taking in name and appearance. he wonders if Croc is as strong in a fight as he looks. He reminds him of a weapons smith that he fights on occasion. a powerful guy almost as strong as a dragon with out the easy to hit advantage. still such thoughts were for later. chances are they had some major plan or project in the works.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Tapping his cheek with his head in his hand and leaning back, still seething smoke, Sebastian, as he had introduced himself, muttered something but straightened his face immediately.
   "Fine, fine. I guess there's no harm..." he said in a low tone, and then turned to study the new entries. He quirked his eyebrows both curiously and disbelievingly at them both. For a moment or two he mused over a mental image of putting on a circus act with all these figures. He stopped just about before the juicy parts, and instead pondered the lab-coated girl's sudden interest and expression against Croc. Then he shot a glance toward the bejeweled spectacle's weapon. Stranger and stranger, he was starting to think that he might stay just for the heck of it, even if the oddness of the company might make them nigh-useless for certain purposes.


Anastasia resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow. She considered herself better than most people and was fairly certain that he would be acting only as muscle, true, but what had made him bring it up? A complex? It would fit the profile, but even so. If it was a textbook machismo situation, he probably wouldn't have mentioned it. Interesting... Either way you'll be a useful one, wont you? You always need some muscle around, if only as a guard while you set up; extra security never hurt. She simply studied Rue as Croc introduced himself to him, noting how the man's gaze lingered on various points on Croc's frame such as the teeth, bicep, trunk... A serious fighter, probably some manner of martial artist. Or maybe just a fight junkie. That weird weapon means that I'm probably looking at someone with some serious (and thereby probably obscure; some temple full of monks who think oneness with the universe can be attained by punching things or something) training.
And then she noticed the man across the room keeping an eye on her.
Human, probably rich, looks like a Professional, she thought to herself, mentally adding the capital P that separated a major hitman from a thug, Fairly rich and shows it, to the point of looking somewhat like a snob, an effect he either doesn't notice or doesn't care about. Not giving much away... and that made him dangerous to have focusing on her. Giving no outward sign of noticing him at all, Anastasia turned an ear slightly to focus her hearing on him a bit more. She was jerked out of her own thoughts by Dile Lass.
"A pleasure," the collar of Anastasia's lab coat wrinkled slightly, in a manner that was easy to take for a smile. Whether or not it was, there was no way of checking for oneself, "I take it you come with this big lug?" She jerked a thumb at Croc.


Rue could feel others reading him even as he read them what did they think of him? where they right? there were humans here as well as non humans . this made  fitting in a lot easier.  still he itched to know what was going on here.. uncertainty was always so had to bare. still he spent five years on one quest so he was sure he had the patients to wait this one out to find out what there goal was at least..
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Speaking of bizarrities....this "replacement's" brash entrance reminded Daemon of the totality of just how free we really are. If our actions define us then this "girl" is ignorant bliss incarnate. Daemon pitied her, yet he also envied her for unlike him she is completely in the present. "This one holds promise.", thought Daemon after going over the possibilities and eyeing the lab coats again in new light. "The only thing lacking is direction, I have a feeling that won't be a problem."

Just as there was chaos there also entered order. Order comes at the price though just the same. Daemon could sense though that he was sent here by a higher power, his appearance and his weapon gave it away, as did his demeanor. The luminous crystal infused in his head tipped him off that he was under somebody's influence, but unlike a simple peon this very defined weapon in his possesion hinted to Daemon that this guy was probably a commanding entity for whoever he served. The longer Daemon gazed upon him though he began to feel himself overcome with inner rage, he could feel a burning sensation emanating from the scars on his back, and the dim radiance in his eye's began to rise in intensity. He quickly took his gaze off him; his eyes became dim, the sensation faded. He couldn't understand this new animosity to this man he just met. It was as if he was consumed by an ancient rage so powerful that the entirity of his being began to burn. Not one to make a scene though unlike Roulette, Daemon quickly regained his composure and began his staring contest with the ceiling once more.

"Whats happening to me.", thought Daemon. If the conclusion of this meeting was as Daemon suspected, he didn't know how he would be able to work with this man.    


Liz listened patiently to the conversations around him, tossing a tiny diamond lazily into the air and watching the light glint off of it. Then he heard something very quiet, and glanced at Sebastian. The human had muttered something under his breath. Probably didn't deserve concern, but still...

He observed the others, just to get an idea about them. The cat with the clipboard and soldiers was scribbling something; obviously an analyst about everything she did, but what were the soldiers for? We wouldn't try and kill her yet... Liz thought. She hasn't done anything even remotely irritating. So why the unnecessary muscle when it's probably costly? He walked over to the feline.

"Any particular reason you're being so quiet?"
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Sheridanna glances up at Liz, then over at her soldiers, then looks back up at Liz.

"Just minding my own business for now." She smirks. "Why do you ask?"

She then gives him a look that says [Try anything funny and they'll be picking bits of you off of the walls.]

lucas marcone

"Yes, and you're lucky he didn't hear you call him dumb. Anyway I'm looking forward to working with you." Dile Lass said with a smug grin as Croc wandered off to sit down alone.


Rue was getting a bad feeling about the aimlessness of the meeting so far. there was more sizing up and semi posturing then talk of goals and strengthens. he touched his forehead gem and could almost hear Mint saying. ( "what these fools need is leadership.  give me 20 minutes and my magic would whip them into shape. then maybe  we could concur the world" ). That mint was never one to give up on her goals. he doubt that she really wanted the world anymore but since it had been her dread she would never let it go. but mint was gone at least for now.

he watched Croc go sit off the the side alone. he seems to have something on his mind. Was the Warrior troubled or board. he somehow doubt it was boredom the look was too thoughtful as is considering something.

Rue then looked at the demon or was he a daemon? (it was an important distinction as most daemons from his experience  were once human) who's power had been flaring earlier and wonted what the heat had  felt so ominousness. had it been directed or was he merely losing temper with the lack of direction?

He saw the business man waiting as though he was both board and used to this kind of thing

The  woman in the lab coat 'Anastasia' he believes she introduced her self as seems to be talking the a woman called Dile Lass about Croc.  Dile Lass seems defensive of the warrior.

Waiting for direction he glandes around and for a moment he saw a set of  black eyes reflecting  light in a shadow then the were gone. he had not felt any energy form the shadows but still it was probably a shadow demon. that or he was getting paranoid.

( sorry tired to clean it up for clarification)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Liz smirked back. "No reason, just curious. Hell, I haven't even learned your name yet." Then again, those soldiers made it a bit difficult to ask without getting a little nervous. And that look wasn't any more inviting. He couldn't speak telepathically, but he found himself thinking to her: Look, I'm not going to hurt you, and I already have a girlfriend, so please stop looking at me like that.

"I'm not gonna get shot if I ask your name, right?" His tone suggested he was only half-joking.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


"Oh, no. You only get shot if you ask me what my last name is." She grins in a very Florence Ambrose-esque fashion.


Liz laughed quietly and nervously, and willed himself not to shudder. Pointy... very pointy. He shook this thought away and regained his composure, smirking as if nothing had happened.

"Okay then. I don't use my last name either. What's your -first- name?" he asked, trying not to seem too rattled. Easy, Liz... you can make spikes out of silver, remember? he mentally reassured himself.

The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Still leaning on his palm, the white-clad man pulled in the last centimeter on his slim smoke, and then took it out, smothering it between his index finger and thumb and idly dropping it next to his suitcase on the plain floor. He let out a long, even sigh, and then reached into his suit jacket and took out a little notebook. Spinning out a pen that seemed to appear between his fingers from out of thin air, he began skritsching down notes and then sketching, something he was apparently quite good at.
   "Those are some intimidating-looking fellows you have there," he said to no one in particular, but somehow still managing to make Sheridanna feel that his attention and speech were both precisely directed at her.


"Sheridanna." She smiles - without the teeth this time - at Liz. "And you are?"