Villain's league (IC)

Started by Miaka, June 26, 2007, 10:04:55 PM

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lucas marcone

"As much as I hate to say it. I'm no polititititition.....on" Croc added an extra "on" and quite a few "ti"s just to be safe. "If Dl will be bounceing out that baboon they have in office now she'll need support, money, and a vice president with enough confidence to carry them both."

low and behold Croc put forth a semi intellegent tidbit.

"how about Liz? I'm sure you would have fun running an entire country further into the crapper than it already is."

DL looked at Liz and said "I'd be happy to have you as a running mate." DL was obviously becomeing more infatuated with him from the way she said it.


Roulette was right this couldn't be done unless someone here had the "requirements". Daemon pondered for a moment, then he pulled out an iphone of his own that he "acquired" a few days ago. He then did a Google search on the requirements for U.S. presidential candidacy.

"Hmm, in order to do this the candidate must be a natural-born citizen, have lived here for atleast 14 years, and be atleast of the age of thirty-five. Sorry to rain on your parade lass, but you don't look thirty-five and I mean that in a good way.", Daemon explained. "The paper trail of citizenship and residency can be dealt with, the problem is that you need the age, or atleast look the age. That shouldn't be too much of a problem with some good cosmetics, although I admit it would be the first time I'd see a woman trying to make herself look older, hehe."

Daemon then raised an eyebrow as he made another discovery, "Hmm, it appears that the vice-president must also meet the same requirements as the president himself in order to run. I'm not exactly sure how to gauge the age of someone of your nature, Liz."


"What do they mean, natural-born?" Roulette wondered, one long finger resting on her lower lip. "Do they mean we can't have a clone president?" She nodded at Daemon. "Yeh, you're right. DL, you look like yeh've just graduated. Actually... Who here actually is over? I lost count at 50." She nodded, sending brightly-colored strands of hair into her face.


Rue shrugs. he was not born in this place and despite being over the age requirement he was not technically naturally born. "well if we have some candidates i'm sure that they can uses the actions  of the distraction groups as a political  catalyse to gain notoriety and  public approval"

Rue wonders how they would run all of these  distractions and still keep hidden in the shadows.  maybe a red herring would work if the planted it deep enough. some groups that it could be trailed to that does not necessarily exist like form the movies. it could also sever as a warning  just in case some one was digging in too close to their objections.  after thinking about it a bit more he broaches the topic of a "shell organizations" for decoy and alerting purposes."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Daemon paused, then sighed and reclined.

Staring at the ceiling Daemon replied, "I don't remember......I can't remember how old I am..."

His voice was cold, piercing, and true. He felt no reason to lie about his age, that not even he himself knew. The oldest images Daemon could recall to himself were of him waking up on an alaskan fishing vessel surrounded by the mangled and sheared bodies of its former crew. This was about five years ago, going from that "awakening" he certainly wasn't within the requirements.

Age, citizenship, residency. These were just numbers and words, numbers and words subjected to the same manipulation any talented individual could impose on them to pass as truth. Being alone for so long had its advantages and disadvantages. Daemon had no one to be the wiser of his origins as long as he performed as an "American", but by the same token appearing out of the blue can lead to suspicion. If Daemon had anything going for him it was his charismatic appearance. Although he looked to be within his twenties, he was built, and could pass for thirty-five with the mindset that he has kept himself fit throughout his life and had a healthy lifestyle. People are living longer today then ever before, so it wasn't that much of a stretch, for him atleast.

"If someone does end up doing this, it'd be wise to be relentless in this endeavor. We can't let any rivals find out about our true past, but by the same token we must also formulate an "American" backstory for said candidate. We will need to keep media focus on the faults of our enemies, not fixated on us. Once again though, money can speak volumes. I'm sure with proper "persuasion" we can keep them on our side, since our resources are nigh-limitless. That said I have my doubts about Liz running in this. If anybody found out about your "gift" we would be done for. Of course we could plant candidates running from both the left and the right, with either outcome we'd still win so if one of the candidates was sabotaged somehow by a devious disgruntled party member we'd still have the other to fall back on for ultimate victory.", Daemon pointed out to the table.


"I'm thirty, thanks for the reminder Roulette," Anastasia said caustically, "And Dile Lass, looking the right age isn't too big an issue. You'd be amazed at what can be done with synthetics and a bit of glue these days. The issue is the act," she leaned back in her chair, "You'd have to act the right age, and preferable not too bright. The U.S. public in general takes badly to people who seem too smart; they don't trust their government and don't want it getting too clever. It's why they keep getting leaders like the aforementioned baboon. You'd probably be a great politician, yeah, but in terms of getting actual votes you kinda lack the 'can sit down and get a beer with' quality. However, you're more qualified than most here," she raised an eyebrow at Daemon. Can't even remember your own age, going around in body armor? Real subtle there, slick.

lucas marcone

"With all due respect doctor...." Dile Lass started,"I happen to be very good at know like good ole Bill C." Dile Lass was bright and tactful, two things that normally lead a villin back to the light. However Croc was nice enough to instill into her the "get it done by any means necessary" ideal. If she did become president after the plan worked it's self out she might actually try to rebuild America on the ideals she learned as a child. For some reason though she couldn't help but smile at the thought of being the first female president and being the one to prove wemon actually do run things better. Croc just poped open a beer and watched.


Liz had been taking a sip of water when Croc suggested that he run alongside Dile Lass for presidency. Without really thinking, Liz gasped and started choking on a water droplet.

Once he regained his composure, he shook his head. "Sorry. As much as I love chaos, I'm not good with politics. Last time I tried my hand at it was in second grade." His speech had run like this: "I promise to be a responsible, dependable class president, and to give you all free ice cream." His opponent, Brian, on the other hand, had threatened to throw a couch at anyone who didn't vote for him. Liz didn't even get the sympathy vote. "Besides, politicians are the sort of people who'd lock me up and drain me of anything valuable I could make."

When Daemon went over the requirements for presidency, and mentioned that Liz's age was difficult to tell, the gecko sighed in relief. "Nope. Not old enough to run for the next eleven years, and I think I'd end up coming across as too condescending to the Red States. I'm not sure about the legality of clone presidency, Roulette, but you might not get the Catholic vote if they figure that out about you." So far, it was either Dile Lass or Daemon if they decided to try for presidency. Liz awaited the outcome patiently.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

lucas marcone

Dile Lass gigled at Liz's reaction. Croc knew what was up and that he had to qush it in order to remain successful.


"I never said I was a clone." She pointed out. "Was just curious. Though, on second thought, I forget. I might be. Hey, am I a clone?" She turned to look up the table and look into the shadows at the end of it.

"No, Roulette, you're not." The voice sighed, exasperated.

"'Sides, they wouldn't have had the technology back then anyways. I said I lost count at 50, but it's been a good number of years since then. But anyway, it's not like I'd ever get the vote." She giggled. "I can see it sow- Madam president, please, don't set your clothes on  fire!" She giggled, but paused after a moment.
"What? It's a problem! I can't help it!" She exclaimed, quickly.
..By now, people should have realised that paying the girl much mind was probably rather idiotic.


"Ah geez!!!", Daemon shouted as his chair collapsed under him. Listening on to Roulette's rambling caused Daemon to lose his balance making him fall backwards onto the floor.

"Well that was just wonderful. I might as well just lie here...", Daemon thought as he lied there somewhat embarassed. Then he spoke up, "Hehe, whoops...kinda saw that one coming."

Daemon then got himself up and regained his composure. "Alright then. As I proposed a few minutes ago I think it's best we send two candidates, one coming from the left and one from the right, this way we will still win no matter the outcome. Dile Lass I suggest that you be the candidate coming from the left, I myself will be the right wing candidate provided no one has any objections. While the lass and I are working our way up through the inside though have we come to an understanding on what you guys will be doing throughout this endeavor? It already seems Sheridanna has something in mind since she left."


"I've got a couple objections to you being our other candidate," Anastasia interjected, "No offense intended, but you strike me as having all the campaign skills and subtlety as a sledgehammer with fireworks on it. You stomp around in armor, you're a big guy, even your voice is a bit too out there. I say if we have to have another politician we just buy one. They're pretty cheap these days, if you know the right channels to bribe them by."


Having only caught on to Dile Lass's crush on him a few minutes ago, Liz felt a bit guilty, seeing as he'd have to end it.

Was she really that oblivious to all my talk about Crystal? he wondered. He'd made his dating status pretty clear. He glanced at Croc, trying to convey that he knew this had to stop, but he'd need help.

When Roulette spoke, Liz shrugged an apology for thinking she was a clone. Somehow, it seemed like a plausible explanation for her behavior, but he wasn't sure why. Then again, any kind of explanation would be believable at this point. And how did Mr. Shadowy know her, anyway?

This train of thought was derailed when Daemon fell over. Liz hadn't even noticed him tipping his chair or anything. He stifled a laugh, watched to make sure he was okay, then went back to listening to Anastasia counter Daemon's suggestion of running.

"Hm. You might be right. Unless we bribed periodicals and TV stations not to interview Daemon, they'd probably catch us. And that would have to include MAD, People, Time, Newsweek, maybe even Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart." He paused. "And if no-one was reporting on him, people would get too curious. Bribing some right-winger would be safer."

The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Daemon rolled his eyes, "It's just a suit of armor...I can take it off you know. I wear the armor mostly when I know I'm going to be in a fire fight. Plus my definition actually works to benefit here, since I doubt most conservatives would back someone who looked like a weakling or didn't have a strong resolve. I can play the part I assure you."

"No faith whatsoever..... They have no idea what they are getting themselves into and the cost of their folly will be their bane.", Daemon silently condemned as he gazed past them. He then lamented, "Well, if this is too much for you I'll just go back to my original plan."


Finally, after having sat and just somehow blended into the shadowy background by means of silence or some uncanny skill of anonymity, the white-clad man spoke again.
   'If I may say, I could easily do what you ask for. I do come off as respectable, is that not right?' he asked, looking around. 'I could even tidy up. And while I may not be a citizen, I could easily "become" one. I've got the age too.' He certainly didn't look it, but that could easily be helped.
   'Of course, if you ask me, I certainly wouldn't want to candidate. I'm more fond of more direct ways of running things into the ground,' he then casually stated, making a little gesture and a smile. He certainly wouldn't give up his favorite pastime, just because he'd become president.


"Well, we don't have too good an idea as to what else you can do. Don't want to tie up our best resources in red tape," Anastasia shrugged, "Either way, politics is what you'd call a long term plan, we may not have to make a decision on it quite yet. Besides Daemon, you strike me as being more helpful on the 'hitting people' end of things. It's not a particular part to play, just a degree of relatability. Perhaps if we needed to get at the 'ancient saurian' or 'infernal' demographics you'd be a good idea, but I honestly think that having you involved in that, with or without the armor, would go badly. Again, if I can bring us back to the matter of a starting point and base of operations? Politics or otherwise, everything else really spirals off of where we begin."


Liz glanced at Anastasia once when she mentioned a base, then began narrowing down choices in his mind. "We'll probably have to be in America. Now, where could we go in America where no-one would notice us?" This was probably the hardest question Liz had ever considered in his life. On the one hand, if they chose an uncrowded state like Nebraska, there'd be fewer people to notice them. On the other hand, if they chose an extremely crowded place like New York City, and chose a sufficiently inconspicuous building, people would be too busy with their own lives and more interesting places to care about them.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Yawning a little to himself, Daemon became convinced that he wasn't going to get anywhere deliberating his point further. Yes his strongest asset was his unrelenting resolve in "hitting stuff with large objects" catagory, but the impression he left upon entering was what defined him to the others and he knew now that the only way he'd be able to show his "finer" abilities would be through example. That would be for another time though.

"Hmmm, how about we have around four forward command posts, stationed across the country. One on the east coast, another on the west, one near Alaska to keep an eye on them and Canada, and one on Oahu, Hawaii. Having a presence everywhere will give us the edge in that some Americans can't just resign themselves to the idea that what's happening in N.Y.C matters little to them if they are on the other side of the country.", Daemon suggested. The only problem with having four seperate bases though would be lack of mobility since the forces would be spread thin. That probably could be circumvented though Daemon thought. Especially after considering the ride he had on the elevator to the "lavatory".


Rue finds himself becoming distant. this discussion was dragon one and planing was more of of his bosses forte then his own. he boss always said that he was responsible and reliable because of his planning complimented hits physical power but that was not it. all he did was try to be prepared for any problems that might show up.  he remembers the first time someone ran into whom he cone not predict or understand. it was right after he ran into that girl and her family at the alter. ...
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Not too far on the coasts." Roulette pointed out, raising a long, thin finger, and pointing at Daemon. "Too far out, and there's the people in the midwest that don't even hear about crap that happens on the coasts. So.. Some midpoint. If the issue is having more of a presence, then you cover more ground a bit further in." She nodded.
"Though, i'm not sure how we went from 'hidden' to 'having a presence'." She giggled, yet again.


"Well its not so much as having a presense, but making it more convenient to operate over the country if we have resources spread nearby. You know, something like safehouses.", shrugged Daemon. He then cracked a smile and gestured, "I'm going to go ahead and get my original plan in motion now. It seems everything that needed to be said here has been said so there's no need to drag this out longer."

Daemon then gave the host his iphone number, then said, "You got my number, if you need me for anything else let me know. Otherwise, I'm heading to Florida. I got some...plans...."

Daemon began to laugh as he got onto the elevator and rode it to the surface. He then left the building into the city. It was all too clear to him now what needed to be done for this plan. To further facilitate this he went to a motorcycle dealership and bought a Kawasaki Ninja-zx14 to get himself out of the city with haste. If what he read about in the news was true as he bought his bike, he had only three days left.


Nodding as Daemon left, Liz turned back to the table. "Yeah, I think I've worn out my strategy muscle. The basics are down, at least." He stood up, putting his blazer back on. Almost as an afterthought, he wrote down his cellphone number quickly on the back of an old business card and slid it across the table to the host. "Call me if anything changes or if I'm needed. Otherwise..." He bowed to the table, only a little mockingly. "I'd best take my leave. Thank you for letting me help."

He walked to the elevator, allowing one robot to press the right buttons so he'd head upstairs. Once he reached the lobby, he walked out of the building, dialing a number on his phone.

"Hello, Crystal? It's me. ... Yeah, didn't last as long as I thought... listen, this whole thing's a bit bigger than I thought, and the guys I'm working with seem pretty competent... no, they won't hurt you, I made sure of that. But still, you might want to be careful these next few days. ... We can talk about this when I get home, 'kay?"
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

lucas marcone

"Bad DL!" Croc said as he waited patiently  for Liz to be out of ear shot. "He has a girl!"

"Well I never! wasn't too obvious was it? Oh i know he has a girl friend but *giggle*" Dile Lass was lost in her crush when Croc whaped her a good one on the back of the noggin.

"Ok OK im sorree."


Sebastian took off and pretended to clean and then idly play with his glasses, while he listened to the others and saw them beginning to leave. He'd got his priorities down, and from watching them all he was fairly certain of which ones would be most useful. Liz had left and was off on his own, and somehow 'Daemon', the dangerous loner, had taken an interest in him. Those looks and questions were not without meaning. 'Croc' and his girl were a pair of thugs, and Roulette was a nutcase to be regarded and aimed like a gun, but not an unfriendly one. And as for Anastasia...
   'Well, I'm all for New York or San Fran,' he said. 'But I can move anywhere. It helps.' He smiled another of those smiles he seemed so good with, and then shifted in his chair a bit. So quick it looked like a magic trick, he made a card appear between his fingers, and then spun it through the air so it landed at the end of the table. It read simply 'Sebastian Hart,' and a number.
   'Now, something which I've always appreciated, and which is much more vital to work, is good equipment,' he then said, and turned to Anastasia. 'So what do you say we have a... casual talk? Over dinner. My treat.'

lucas marcone

"P-I-M-P...." Croc said with a big grin on his face. Then he looked to Ana, "You know he's going to get the better end of the deal...." Croc stood up "Whelp I'm off to go get richer....those cigars don't pay for them selves. C'mon DL" Croc walked for the door.

"Pleasure to meet you all." Dile Lass looked worried and rushed. "I hope well work together soon. Sorry for those rather untasteful comments." She gathered up all her things and ran off after Croc.


Anastasia rolled her eyes at Croc's comment, Didn't know it was possible to verbally vent testosterone.
"Good to see someone else knows what's important in this business," she reached for the business card, Nice design. Elegance in simplicity. She wasn't too much for simplicity herself, but still. "Sounds like a plan, Mr. Hart. Tomorrow at seven good? I have a few things of my own to see to before this whole project starts."

lucas marcone

Croc and Dile Lass rode the elevator to ground floor in silence. They got out and started going home to prepare for their part in the delicate balance of destruction and reclamation. "Hay DL you've been rather flirty with most men lately....something wrong i mean is..."

Dile Lass reaced the car first and hopped in the drivers seat. "You recruited me off a dateing site....I was hopeing to have found someone by now....Ya know the rich doctor type, to help in my charities and such...Ah to dream is to let you hopes float upon the air never to be seen nor granted." She started the car. "C'mon change in plans we're going to take over a small asian country. That will give us some play room....and as leaders diplomatic immunity."

Croc got in. "Well DL you know if you really want someone you probably already know them. All you need to do is make the move."

Dile Lass remained silent but floored it. The rest of the motly crew remained unaware of their plans and watched them speed off in a Shelby Mustang.


'Tomorrow at seven sounds wonderful. I know a great place,' Sebastian replied and smiled. He too would need the night for himself. Just for comfort.
   As things seemed done, and Sebastian then stood up, picked up his briefcase, and bowed slightly toward the shadowed figure. He looked genuinely proper in that suit, though the wicked smile seemed misplaced on his beautiful face.
   'Right then. You know where to call. I will make myself available from tomorrow and forth,' he said, then turned and exited by means of the same way as the others had. Well outside he walked a while, before getting into a low, metallic black Audi with toned windows and rolling off.


Anastasia waited for the other to leave the room. It occurred to her that he was possibly the only one she didn't really have pegged yet. He hadn't offered much in terms of his own abilities. Might be nothing to worry about... But then, I wouldn't be where I was if I didn't keep all the variables in mind. Best keep the subject of that 'casual talk' off of any of my more interesting projects, Then there was Sheridinna. Daemon, he didn't seem like someone to write off. And in order to accomplish anything she'd probably have to go through Liz for cash.
With that, she pocketed the card and turned to look at their employer. She had to look up a bit, which meant he was probably the first in a long time to see her grin without it being obscured by her coat. For the purposes of this narrative, you shall not know what that looks like.
"What interesting circles you travel in."
And with that she walked out the door, got into a van that looked (on the outside) as though it should have been sent to the junkyard (or, if you'd seen the inside, sealed in a mile of lead and blasted into space) ages ago. It really was impressive what one could do with a test tube, some donors for materials, basic neurosurgery skills and patience these days.
"Mommy says we're heading to our nearest hide-away. Hop to it." With a crooning noise audible to only the driver, the van sped off.

lucas marcone

Croc and Dile Lass arrived in Laos without much trouble. Sure they got a notice that their car was being held up in costums and they nearly lost their luggage but that soon would not matter. Not in the slightest.

"DL. What's the plan? You goin all politicals and stuff?"

"No Croc, America may have required us to play the game of cat and mouse but this is a small country and reletively not noticed...By the time people think to send aid...we'll have taken over and have an army ready to mobilize against them. there by createing the kind of diversion that the "Boss" needs."

"Uhhhhh.....Does that mean i get to smash sh*t?"

"Huh? OH yes Croc we get to smash sh*t."