Villain's League (OOC) - Open

Started by Miaka, June 10, 2007, 09:23:09 AM

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possible but improbable. a few good voluntary could make this game interesting bot the batman- gang buster skill without out physical super powers and the i have power but not really directed kind would be nice (kind of F4 that only have clear and present threat to the planet)  an overly organized and powered set likes the justice league or some one like that could complicate the game a bit much
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Oy. Sorry I had to dig up this topic from the depths of the board, but I needed to tell you guys that I'll be unable to post for about a week, as I'll be in Paris. (I really wish I had Liz's power for spending money...) So if Liz is really needed, could someone else post as him for me? It'd really help me out, seeing as my internet time will be pretty limited in Europe.

My apologies for the trouble, and I'll bring you back a mime. (flips a gold coin and bows out of the room)
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

lucas marcone

anyone know of a good small asian counrty to take over? i could use google maps but i'd rather everyone feel that my hostile takeover be beneficial to the RP.


Well, are you thinking about asia specifically or that general eurasia area? Because I hear Ukraine's nice this time of year. On that note, so's Cambodia.

lucas marcone

i was under the impression the mysterious man wants all of europe.


i'm kind of lost during this part of the planning? i think that i'll got set up the trail for the acts of green peace vandalism but i'll need a way to connect the others and to have them contact me to organise our efforts. i figure we'll attack the fur and auto industry first.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

lucas marcone

so is are we done? or are we just takeing a break?



(jolts the topic with defibrillators)

Granted, the post is more than a little sappy, but that's the way it is. Live with it!
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Don't get me wrong I'd like to keep this going, but yeah it just seems like there's no real direction, or an opposing force. We need some kind of "Superfriends" that is trying to thwart our evil plans or something.


Hmmmm. Think we should start a "Hero's League"? Miaka, any ideas?
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Well more or less I think each of us should try to come up with a good hero that we have some control over, but Miaka has ultimate control over them in that she can use them all to assemble a "super meeting" or something etc. Or someone could assume the role of the hero if they wanted too.


If a "hero's league" is started to oppose the "villain's league", I would like to be in it. While I know there will be victories and defeats for both sides, I'd rather not play on the side of the hero's if, in the ultimate long run, we are doomed to lose. Unless the RP ends in a continuous "stalemate" good an evil always balancing each other, neither ever acheiving an ultimate victory. That would be good.

I'm getting an idea. What if a "heroe's league" was started...but in a separate IC and OOC thread? They would tie together like this: In each thread, both sides try to track the other, but are never privy to all their details. If there is a combat, here's how it will work with two threads:

In the Hero's thread, the Villains are "npc"s, "controlled" by the GM(Miaka)
In the Villain's thread, the Hero's are the npc's, also GM "controlled".
Here's how the combat/overall game system would work:
Combat between Heroes A, B, and C, and Villains X, Y, and Z.
In the Hero's thread, Hero B makes an action against Villain Z(an NPC in the Hero's thread)
In the Villain's thread, the GM takes the action made by Hero B in the Hero's thread, and posts the action exactly the same for Hero B in the Villain's thread(an NPC), but decribes the action from the Villain's perspective.
Villain Z then makes an action in the Villain's thread in retailiation to Hero B.
The Gm takes Villain Z's action, and places it in the Hero's thread, where Villain Z is an NPC, and describes the action from the Hero's perspective.

Wha'dya think? Something else that would probably be good is some mod/admin programming that will prevent someone registered in the Hero thread from viewing or posting in either the Villain OOC or IC thread, and vice versa.

Is this a good, basic idea? (If it's to become reality, there's probably many other issues that will have to be worked out, but I can't think of them)

EDIT: Thought of one. With the two factions of players being separated from each other IC and OOC, something might occasionally be brought up that everyone needs to know about. Maybe a fifth "mutual" OOC thread for all-player discussion?

llearch n'n'daCorna

The forum can't limit people per thread. So we can't do that, as that - the closest we can do is filter by board.

And even that's a bit of overhead we really don't want to mess with...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well then, we'll just have to rely on the good faith of the players not to peek.

Oh wait, am I being naive again? :rolleyes

Ah well. I don't see any other real option...

Wait a sec. llearch, aren't you the webmaster? I remember asking who was the webmaster a while ago, and you answered it was you. Can't you work some programming voodoo to add a function where admins/mods can ban forumites from individual threads?

That could actually be an extreamly useful admin power for this entire forum...

But even if your answer is no, this problem really isn't that big of one. My idea of the Heros Vs Villains multithreads could probably still stand with everyone staring at each other's threads. It might detract a little fun, but players might work it out for themselves that it's better not to look. But I'm asking if you can see any other immediate problems that need addressing, so I can think of a solution.

Of course, the real voice (and only real possible game-stopper to this :B) is Miaka. This is really all up to her whims; I'm just merely offering a humble suggestion to expand this RP. If she wants to, she can shoot this down like a WWII plane with an AA turret. Even if she doesn't think it's a bad idea, she might not be up to GMing two RPs at once.

llearch n'n'daCorna


Yeah, I can whip up a change to umpteen -thousands- of lines of code in a language I don't have a lot of experience in, in a massive self-referential application, with no free time. Sure.

This in the same app I've been meaning to update the templates for, oh, about 6 months now. At least.

Have some idea of what you're asking, hmm?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Ok, Ok, I'm sorry. Just thought I'd ask. No big deal.

lucas marcone

here's a problem...five freaking threads!? don't you think that somewhere something is going to get lost in translation? then that will lead to the more serious RPers to get into arguements and result in a less fun enviroment.

and glitch i joined the villians expecting to be crushed like a bug. you can't be picky when it comes to the outcome of an RP. infact sometimes it's fun to loose if you make a great story in the process.


Heh, yeah, five threads... I'll admit the logistics involed are quite--no, make that extreamly--difficult, maybe even borderline impossible, but not absolutely impossible. If several people put their minds together, I'm sure a system could be worked out. Though now that I think about it, Miaka probably won't even want to consider something of that scale. Ah well.

About RP outcomes... you were expecting to be crushed like a bug? You give Miaka no credit whatsoever. She said in the first post, and I quote:
So, I was just reading through one of the few, if only, RP's I've joined on this board(The conference for the elimination of superman. >>) And the idea occurred to me for something similar...

Villains have always seemed to act on their own- their plans all seem to have the same goal, but the means differ enough to keep them separated, and thus weaker.
Now, who's to say these power-hungry maniacs couldn't form and alliance of some sort? Make their goal all the closer?

That's what I'm asking all of you today... Who would get up and join me to eliminate the so-called "forces of good" and give us a chance for victory?
In one way of putting it, you're saying you expected her to lie.
I also never said I had anything against losing, I specifically stated that I know that there are always victories and defeats in battles for both sides of any conflict. In the case of Good vs. Evil, it is a conflict where the battles are won and lost, but the war never ends. Neither can ever truely, totally, or permanently eradicate the other.


Yeah I think 5 threads would really be more trouble then it's worth. More so I think it's really a matter of whether we want the "heroes" to be NPCs or PCs, and if the former, whether the GM or someone delegated to that role will actually go through with orchestrating them. If the latter I think it would be alright to just keep it all in the same threads for less confusion.

lucas marcone

i think we should have the OOC and IC and that's it. but i think we need to get some PC heros but if needed we can make more NPC.

should the need araise i could whip up a hero if you need one....however he or she will never face my own characters. if left to my devices and control over two opposeing parties more often than not an epic battle and death occurs early.

i kinda wish i had a necromancer villian in here though. but, the mastermind arctype is being used by quite afew people already .


It's kinda what I was going for in my last few posts, I wanted to illustrate that something tangible was trying to go against us, the only way I really saw to make that happen without overstepping too much was to have my character do battle against a nameless entity. From what Stygian has posted it seemed he was also trying to illustrate that something was against us.


The main reason why I suggested multithreading was that so the Heros and the Villains aren't posting in the same thread, primarily when there isn't combat going on, so the Heros and the Villains don't know each other's plans.
The very basic concept of it was probaly doomed, anyway. Oh well, though :/

I gues the Heros and the Villains will just have to share :P That is, if there ever actually is an opening for Heros :B ... If there is, I am first in line :)


To be honest for the sake of keeping this thing going I wouldn't mind making a hero as well.  >:3

lucas marcone

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 21, 2007, 06:20:33 PM
The main reason why I suggested multithreading was that so the Heros and the Villains aren't posting in the same thread, primarily when there isn't combat going on, so the Heros and the Villains don't know each other's plans.
The very basic concept of it was probaly doomed, anyway. Oh well, though :/

I gues the Heros and the Villains will just have to share :P That is, if there ever actually is an opening for Heros :B ... If there is, I am first in line :)

don't worry were all porfessional enough not to metagame


Thought metagaming is a small part of it, it's not the whole reason. The bigger reason was the "suspence" factor, you'd never know exactly what the other players were up to.


Y'know what? Xeksue's right.
Don't get me wrong I'd like to keep this going, but yeah it just seems like there's no real direction, or an opposing force. We need some kind of "Superfriends" that is trying to thwart our evil plans or something.
You guys really need, if not someone to really screw you over (And no, I'm not really intending that), at least someone to start harrasing you and make things interesting.

Miaka, when you read this, I have a question:
Can I post my character I've already thought of and join in as a Hero to start opposing the Villains?
After that, my character can put out a "call" to gather a force of heroes IC, while you simultaneously put a "call for interest; Heroes!" OOC. Is that ok?


Agh, I'm sorry, I lot happened while I was out.
I tried posting to let y'all know that I was out of the country, but the computer in my hotel refused to let me post anything.
Again, sorry!

Actually, I really like the idea of having a Hero's league, but five threads really would be a lot...
I'd prefer to, if we ever did fight, to have a thread for that, and allow the characters to fight each other personally. It's so much more fun that way.
Also, I very much prefer to not be a DM. I'm a shitty one.
I get ideas for threads and things like this, I hate controlling them.
Sorry, but I'd very much prefer it if we could find someone else to.


*fidgets fingers* Errm, well,....I could be the GM for the mutithreads... I've been thinking about the mechanics, and I'm pretty sure I could do it.... but the problem is, I'm now so hell-bent on actually being one of the Heroes! I mean, last night, I picked up my pencil, and for the first time in probably about five years, I actually drew up my entire character so I could post him up so you guys would know what he looks like.

But I already pretty much dropped the multithread idea anyway. I was asking if I could just get my character in and start RPing in the current threads.

EDIT: whoawhoahwoawhoa, wait a sec, hold the phone. You're the GM of the Villains, yet you also have your own in-game character outside of the NPCs (Roulette). Maybe....I could be the GM of the Heroes, as well as having my charcter in? We actually can do the multithreading that way, you GM the Villains and I GM the Heroes, and you and I work together when they meet up. Wha'dya think?


Sounds like a plan.
Though, really, the only NPC I'm be playing would be the Boss who I still haven't thought of a name for.