Villain's League (OOC) - Open

Started by Miaka, June 10, 2007, 09:23:09 AM

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Sure, go ahead, but I'm going to hope your character has more to their behaviour than just being bored and sadistic 24/7.

Here we go with the character I'm keeping.  :rolleyes

Name: Roulette
Age: in her 50s or 60s. Visually... who can tell?
Gender: Female
Race/Species: even she doesn't know, but it's suspected to be from some reach of hell.
Type: just plain old crazy.
Organization: Whoever she decides to latch onto.
Motto: The world should have more lazers.
Appearance: Roulette is... strange, let's say that. Tall, thin almost to the point of being disgusting, and obviously without much sanity left, and that's not even the most of it. Her skin is a bright, vibrant purple, of all colors, and her hair, cut about to her chin, hardly has any color classification at all- each streak seems to be a different shade. Her wide grin is full of sharp, pointed teeth and a forked tongue, and her large eyes seem to have got which color goes where mixed up- what should be white is blue, what should be blue is black, and what should be black is white. As if she couldn't get any stranger, her shoulders, spine, elbows, knees, wrists and ribs all seem to have sprouted spines- only one or two on each location, but enough to make her look menacing. ach spine is black with a reddish sheen, and they are extremely hot to the touch.
Her clothing choices hint at colorblindness, and consist of a bright orange top(sleeveless and cut off before the ribs, laced up in the back), and baggy, lime green pants with large holes in the knees to allow for the one spike on each knee.
Notes: She most likely will act as if she's your best friend even before she knows who on earth you are.
If much blood get spillt around her, she goes into bloodlust, and she becaomes entirely the same kind of material her spines are made of, and becomes unbeleivably hot to the touch.
Behaviour: Overly friendly, overly hyper, just about everything, she does to the extreme. Bubbly and happy, to dramatic and depressed, with almost no middle ground.
She'll freely admit that she's annoying, but if anyone else calls her that, then she'll bawl her eyes out.
Specialties: element of surprise. With the insane, who can tell what their next move is?
Motivations: She's morally against all of this. She's just doing the people she's telling herself are the best friends in the world a favor.
That, and her instincts lead her to do evil. It's what she's programmed to do, and she tries to fight it, but it's like telling yourself not to breathe.
Flaws: Acts in extremes, none of her logic makes sense, doesn't give a whit for science, or math, or anything that needs a logical explanation.

lucas marcone

so she doen't give a whit about gravity?


nope. ^^
she satys on the ground, why should she care how?


thanks i'll post in a couple of minutes. and don't worry as a game player  my character plays to keep the game interesting and going. it's how he tries to keep his boredom at bay. to him this is like a game of survival and like all gamers he plays to win
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Styg unless your character is a mind reader, he never actually hears my character's thoughts on how this seems like a videogame world.



Quote from: Xeksue on June 29, 2007, 08:03:35 PM
Styg unless your character is a mind reader, he never actually hears my character's thoughts on how this seems like a videogame world.

I suggest you stop putting quotation marks around them, otherwise there's nothing to show that it's NOT speech. :P


Yea thats true. From now on when he does an inner monologue I'll use a darker font color like this and when he's actually speaking I'll use red font. Sorry bout that.  :animesweat


Or you could use brackets of any flavour. "This would be speech." [Whereas this is thought.] (Or this) {Or even this} ~(Or this, if you're feeling artistic.)~ The problem with different coloured fonts is that there are multiple themes to this forum, with different backgrounds. Your dark blue text, for example, will be practically invisible on some of the CV-inspired themes.

But then I guess you can't please everybody. :B


question did Roulette open the door form outside were rue is waiting of form inside were the others are?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Oh, I'd though Rue was inside already. oops.

She opened the door from outside, but she probably wouldn't have noticed Rue anyways.


The easiest and simplest way to differentiate between though and speech is this:
"I am speaking aloud nice things about you right now."
I am contemplating in my mind the best way to bring you a painful death right now.
Simple. Most books that i know of use this format, though some books that have thought-to-thought communication as a major point, like the old Animorphs, they show thought speak with:
<I am talking directly to your mind right now.>
Simple and effective. You can't do any better than that. :)


ah no worries i can work with that. aster mint she probably seems normal to him anyway.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

lucas marcone

Ok diffrent colors is a pain in the ass when trying to be gramaticly correct so im going back to the old format.


well well said Xeksue. i am impressed with how you emoted you character and while Rue is under DarkE's influences he's not spell bound. the crystal in his forehead is part of his concerts it's called a life crystal and it it part of a dew prism.  the dew prism is made of force and it is in it's self a model of that universe and posses a good amount of power much less then acutely relic it was  taken form but still it can hold and preserve souls or lend rue strength when he's in need. it was made part of him for one reason to help him open the doorway and returned his creator Valen to the universe. this was reason was quashed when he was betrayed by Valen and turned against him to say the soul and life of the one he quested five years  to save. (most of Rue's background is taken form the Dew-prism - threads of fate video game created by square.  Rue is one of around 5 known brothers. the elders bothers  Runician  lost his soul crystal power the younger brother Rue lost his memory but not his power. the youngest bother Ruenicus had both memory and soul crystal power but was give a new purpose by rue shorty before  mint's latest attempt for world domination lead to a distance. now in an attempt to fix things Rue encountered DarkE and enters his service for a price. since then DarkE  for his own reasons has been slowly restoring to Rue's that which was destroyed. For the time being Rue but  lead his minions as a general commander and most trusted aid. .
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Thanks e_voyager. I kinda figured Rue wasn't under any type of direct mind control or the likes, merely that DarkE is subtly influencing his decisions or the like. I kinda went with that to make it appear that DarkE's essence was present which would allow me to develop my character a bit because Daemon is essentially a fallen angel so I figured that with a demonic presence nearby in the crystal it would cause that to happen.

Your latest post has me kinda confused in the second block right after where he mentions Croc. Is Rue suspecting that Croc is a demon/daemon?


no he merely believes that Croc has something on his mind. that maybe he's  a little conflicted with what is going on here and wondering if this meeting is going to turn out to be in his best interest. also in the case of a daemon i misunderstand i was thinking war hammer in which case Daemons were humans that gains  power form demonic gods becoming practically immortal themselves and  demons of high power.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

lucas marcone

"Dile :ass"? leave it to E to make the funniest finger slipps i have seen in a while. heh if croc has his way that's exactly how he probably would treat her. but alas his mother raised him too well for that. but appearntly not well enough to keep him from villany


good and evil are  relative but manners transect so boundaries.  i'll see if i can find and fix it.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

lucas marcone

you're being a little liberal with the settings plot and the mysterious man miaka is controling. try not to god mod too much


yeah I know, but after 3 pages I figured she would have taken the initiative by now. =/



Gyah, I'm sorry, I've been douing this to roleplays a lot recently.
And I'll be completely honest, I'm stalling for time, I have no idea what the hell this dude wants.
probably world domination.

Not so much that I have a life at the moment(Summer vacation, come on. Who has a life during summer?) it's more of a writer's block/lethargic/slight depression for no good reason I can think of.
I'll try and do better, yeh?

Though Xeksue: I would appreciate it very much it you'd stop playing my shadowy character.
He is, in fact, a character, and not purely a plot device.
Thank you very much.


Hmmm.... methinks then maybe you may have started this RP a bit too soon, Miaka. As far as I know, most GMs actually figure out the major plot points of an RP before starting it. This RP is an excellent idea, but you might have rushed it. It's alright though. I'm sure you can find a way to salvage the situation. ;)


Its alright Miaka sorry bout that, if it makes you feel better you can kill off my character if you want.  >:3

lucas marcone

can I can I?!?!?!? :reaper :grave :dancinggrave just kidding. but honestly? how about contenental domonation first. maybe the shadoy guy is the leader of a nation looking to expand. like hitler minus the whole genoscide thing.


if we're talking ruling egomanics i would think him to be more like Doom form the marvel comics not movies. he rules a country and is forever trying to add the world to his dominion. he's succeed once or twice only to lose it all to to his ego getting in the way.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


One thing that has me slightly confused is, it sounds like, if the villains come up against any resistance, it will be from the countries themselves. But in the beginning of the OOC, Miaka said something about "sticking it to those do-gooders" or words to a similar effect. But so far, the world that has been portrayed is one seemingly devoid or unknowing of any "super"-people.
Yet all (or most, or some) of you have designed what seem like supervillains.
My question is, if the characters really are super, the who, or where, are the superheroes?
The NPCs who will oppose the characters at every turn, always attempt to thwart your plots and plans? Who are they? What is their team? Do the villains even know about them? (They damn well should!) And do they even exist in this RP?
If there isn't going to be any real, true opposition to the villains  (excepting themselves) then this RP won't seem terribly interesting.


Llearch(I think it was Llearch, anyways) asked something about playing a superhero for this, and yes, i would very much appreciate getting some people to play superheros for this, because, as you said, it really is quite boring otherwise.

And yeah, some resistance comes from the country themselves... but a lot of superheros are just annoyingly patriotic, and will stand up against us.


Any real super villain (or superhero, or super-anything for that matter) should be able to lay waste to any police force, or any conventional military, for that matter. (That is, military that is not specifically equipped to combat supers). Only a super would present any real threat or challenge to another super. That's kinda what I was driving at when I said "country resistance".
If there is an opening for an actual superhero, I would probably want to join, but since this RP is supposed to be about the Villains getting their way (most of the time) I wouldn't want to play a hero who's supposed to be on the losing side (most of the time, but ultimately losing in the final end). Villain maybe, but not hero. That's why you, the GM, should, instead of playing your own villain, Roulette (aside from Mr. Mysterious Shadow), play a team of heros as NPCs.