Brotherhood of the Machine (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 08, 2007, 09:33:20 AM

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   "Alrighty then. Mount up, everyone!" Jexx said as he climbed fully into the van and put the last of the microcommunicators away. The few people in the group who hadn't gotten any yet would have to get them when they reached their first chosen outpost. Jexx sat himself in the back with all the equipment, and took a few things off the wall and out of the crates. He carefully and prudently checked one or two over, being technology-familiar enough to identify most by simply looking at them, using common sense and process of elimination to discover their exact functions and settings. While Jexx probably wouldn't actually be using most of the devices--he believed his handcannons and personal skills were sufficient for most jobs--it was still best to familiarize oneself with these things.
   At least Jexx knew exactly what he was doing and what he was checking out, unlike Josh, who was fourtunate not to touch one of the micromatter detonators that were in a compartment near the transcommunicators. Jexx had seen them before, they were quite popular with the Rebels for when they try to get into a Brotherhood structure. If Josh had touched and inadvertantly activated one, he and the van would have been gone so fast there wouldn't have even been smoke.

lucas marcone

"Exo were awaiting your orders sir." Josh said casually "We need some leadership."


"Unit will take one of the vans and set up a small camp at the clearing as stated, and wait for further intel regarding the state of Northon. Meanwhile, others will recon the town and attempt to learn what they can. Once sufficient information has been gathered regarding the inhabitants and potential source of control, group can formulate a proper plan for removing the source of control."

It climbs back into a van.

"Unit has a standard radio-" it taps the handheld attached to it's right shoulder. "-should communication be necessary. Audio receptors and vocal array are setup somewhat differently from the model those communicators are adapted for, thus making use of them extremely inconvenient. Additionally, Unit's inbuilt radio-" Exo taps it's lower chest "-was rendered... significantly nonfunctional during a particularly vigorous combat engagement and has yet to be replaced, due to rarity of parts."

Prof B Hunnydew

"Great I'll be in Van 2 then" says the Doc... She check her scanner and it's wireless connection to her medical Laptop in her bag.  "I wonder If I need a weapon... Well, it can't be helped I would not know how to use one anyway."  She has her heavy Taser for robots but it is very close range. 


lucas marcone

Josh piles into the van like evryone else, with plent of protest. He kept his hologram projecter.


Morgan hopped back into his seat in his van and waited for everyone else to arrange themselves so they could get on with the operation.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Very well, let's get this going," said Dorcan irritably as he climbed back into the van.  Incubi have poor attention spans and he was not looking forward to yet more time cooped up.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Paladin Sheppard

"Aye lets get this show on the road." Victor says  as they all climb back in the vans.

((OOC: sorry about the lack of posts guys I was told there was net access where I'm staying but there isn't :/))


"Back in the van, buddy." Baiye grunted softly as she picked up Gidget, and hauled herself into the third van - riding with Exo once had been enough for her.


Letting the communicator magnetize into place with a slight "Clenk," Mister got back into Van two.
"I suppose my appearance shall leave me guarding the van?" he asked as they drove, "After all, if Exo is any example of the golems of today I shall stand out quite a bit otherwise."


   "Actually, I've got an idea about hiding you, Mister." Jexx said from behind a pile of stuff in the back of the van without even looking up. At the moment he seemed to be checking over an energy rifle of some kind. "In plain sight. I'm thinking that whoever you partner up with could pretend you are a modern robot, but your shell was built in a style to mimick an old robot. So long as no one actually opens you up, and you don't make a scene, I think that could work. You do need to get used to this world anyway."
   The Jexx looked up for a moment. "Is that everyone? Ok then! Whoever is driving these hulks, let's move!" Jexx put away what he was looking at, got up, and sat down in the chair for the computer console of the van's command module, and began familiarizing himself with the van's cool mobile outpost systems.


Dorcan sat in the van as it made its way to the clearing.  It was following van 2 under automatic control, or so he assumed.  Either that or someone else was driving it remotely.  So long as it continued to do so, he wasn't really bothered about the specifics.

The journey so far had been dull, mostly small-talk.  Partly that was his own fault as he wrestled with inner doubts, preparing to tell her and then getting cold feet at the last moment.  But I'll have to tell someone... and we'll probably be arriving in a few minutes.  It has to be now.

He glanced at Josh... as before he had succumbed, the journey lulling him to sleep.  Then it had been an inconvenience that left Dorcan alone and bored, but now it gave him a measure of privacy.  He deactivated the transmitter on his tooth and turned to his other companions.

"Baiye," he said in a low voice.  "There's something I need to tell you.  A confession, if you will, but I don't want the others to know yet."  He sighed.

"Where I came from I was a powerful magical creature.  A demon.  An incubus.  In many places my kind were hated and feared because some of us chose to... eat souls," he said.  "I didn't", he added quickly, "and I couldn't do it now if I wanted to".

"I visited a town once, a rustic place where they loathed my kind.  I can't remember why now... we are very impulsive creatures... but anyway, I seduced someone.  We were found out.  They forced her to speak against me and a one night stand suddenly became a rape.  They executed me," he said.  Baiye was silent.

"I didn't realise at the time that there was another incubus present.  I don't know how he found out, but when I died he stole my soul.  I woke up a few days later, and when I did I was like this." he paused and then looked at her with a sad smile.

"Perhaps you're wondering why a magical creature has made a study of android technology?  Or perhaps you've already figured it out.  The others will eventually.  I couldn't hide it from the doctor, but I wanted to come clean with you."

Without waiting for a reply, he lowered his head and pressed a small patch of fur just behind his ear.  It sprung open to reveal the diagnostics port.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


She had taken off her headset and was playing with it while Dorcan talked - patiently listening... as he finished, Baiye blinked, taking it all in stride. She had been slightly unnerved at the mention of the "soul eating", but was rather calm throughout besides that short moment. But... an android? She didn't know what to say, exactly.

"I knew there was something I liked about you." She smiled a little, her face still retaining a confused look. It look like Josh was still snoozing comfortably. Gidget was up in the front seat, entertaining himself by "driving" (as it turns out he had hooked into the van's port, though still letting it run itself - he just liked the unnerving aspect of having a dog driving the van). So it was just them. Dorcan and Baiye.

"That explains why Doc was so out of sorts after you went in. Here I was thinking it was me." She laughed - a hollow sort of laugh, though she was really trying. Her mind was a little turned around - she had been working with technology since she could use a wrench, but here she was with her emotions in tangles. She was close to crying... but she didn't.

The whole concept made her a little dizzy, though she tried her best to hide it. She cast him a soft smile, trying to seem 'normal', then crouched over her knees and stared straight ahead as she tried to piece together her thoughts.

Prof B Hunnydew

The doc has been updating her medical files and sending them back to th rebels' command computer on a secure data line.  Adding her own personal note to each persons file.  She is also testing the air samples, that she has collected they drive on  into the city. 

"Can we stop at a re-fueling station or refreshment stand?, I need to go." asks the Doc.  As the Vans travel pass the city into the woods in the west of town.  We maybe not need to refuel our vehicles but people still need to eat and take breaks from driving.



   Jexx, on the main command computer console on the van side opposite to Doctor Sally pulled up a satallite map on his monitor. "Actually," he started, "We are pretty much there already. Anyone who need to take care of -business- can do it behind some trees. And we have plenty of rations in some of these crates." He said, gesturing to the crates in the back of th van that he was just rummaging through earlier.
(OOC: the proposed camp is to the south-west of the town, not the west)


"It doesn't explain why the doctor was talking about contraceptives, though," Dorcan murmured.  "Conceiving a child is definitely outside my capabilities and she knows that full well.  I'm not sure I'd want to try it with a human anyway... no offence..."

Baiye didn't answer.  He glanced back and saw that she had assumed a foetal position.
"Is it really so shocking?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

"After all, you seem to have true A.I. here.  Is it really that... bad... that my mind is housed in a synthetic body instead of flesh?"

"Perhaps it's just me," he mused.  "I never really had a very good sense of surprise.  The first guy who had the technique applied to him really freaked out.
In any case, it looks like I was right to have kept this secret.  Promise me you won't tell the others yet?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   Just as Dorcan was asking Bayie to keep his secret in the third van, in the second van Jexx decided to let the third van know they were just about to arrive at their destination, as they didn't have a real navigator or driver to update them.
   Jexx, being a very quick and adaptable learner, had already figured out most of the functions on the command console. You can't survive fighting the Brotherhood for two years all by yourself if you're not. He opened a comm-line to the third van behind them. "Just a heads-up," he said, "We are about to arrive to the first command site. Have a nice day."
  However, for some very strange reason, the recieving van had it's main comm unit turned all the way up. As Jexx's voice blasted over the speaker, Gid was knocked right out of the driver's seat, falling to the floor in a very comical fasion, Baiye was jolted out of her curled-up form on the floor, wincing and covering her ears, Dorcan merely blinked in surprise, and poor Josh got the rudest wake-up call in his life.


Gidget scrambled back into the seat, a grumbling growl emmiting from his internal speakers. His paw clacked on the button controlling the intercom, his face twisted in an absurd scowl.

"Thanks. For. The. Info. Now. shut. the. %&*!. Up." His voice echoed through clenched teeth, obviously more than just irritated. Who knew the pet robot had a pet peeve? Guess it comes from having highly sensitive ear components.

In the backseat, Baiye uncurled from her hunched position, her eyes regaining their previous mischievous glint. She smiled a little and playfully swatted at Dorcan's ear in an attempt to convey that there wasn't anything wrong. 

"It's not you, It just that I... I just need to think a little."  It's one thing for Gid, it's another thing for an organic soul... at least it is for me. She grinned and slipped her headset on back on, a lot more herself. She successfully ignored the 'contraceptive' comment on the other hand - it seemed that this either hit close to home or was extremely embarrassing. More likely the latter.

"Though... this explains a lot. Heh, I thought there was someone just as obsessed with robotics as me, but this makes a lot more sense. I guess you just spilled it to me because I'm going to be your 'mechanic'?" She smiled and slipped her hands back behind her head, reclining back in the seat next to Dorcan.

"And don't worry. I won't tell anyone - that's your closet to open when you feel like it. But I don't think that they'll be all that 'freaked out'." She bit her lip a little, a little embarrassed after her own episode, but she continued, despite her guilty feelings.

"After all, this doesn't make you any less yourself. You're still you, and I still like you." She smiled again, and closed her eyes as she relaxed in the seat, perhaps trying to sort her thoughts in a less conspicuous way. As tt turned out, it was about at this point that Josh was actually becoming aware of his surroundings, which was rather lucky on both Baiye and Dorcan's accounts - saving them both the pain of explaining the cryptic conversation to him.

Of course it's not you. It's me. I don't know what to think of myself anymore. Was I really falling for him? Oh, semiconductors. I don't know what the heck's happening. I wish I never woke up this morning.


"I don't foresee any problems with my augmentations, but there's always a chance," said Dorcan in a businesslike manner, glancing at Josh as he stirred.  "So yes, if it comes to that I would appreciate your help."

Not for the first time, Dorcan silently cursed over the loss of his empathic abilities.  He was still a bit concerned about what Baiye was thinking of although he tried not to show it.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

The Doc gets out of Van 2 as they arrive at the homebase site, and seeing Baiye's flush look as she and Dorcan exit their van.

She takes the girl aside and whispers teasingly  "Baiye, girl, What are you ever think about that you are blushing...I didn't expect you to have an Bonaparte complex, you know. I knew a girl in love with her tank or another girl who built robots that she could love.  Still be careful, Baiye, Dorcan maybe a machine now, but that maybe not last forever."  

"Now come we need to find a Ladies room, somewhere off the beaten path over there, You guard and then I guard you"



Mister shook his head at Jexx's methods of alerting the others. "Most unbecoming, young sir. Remember, you'll have to work with these people," however, from the sounds of the conversation as they exited the vehicle, it was apparent that what was considered proper conduct may have changed since Mister's time. Were he organic, he would have hung his head. Instead, he merely stood near van two and waited for matters to proceed.


   " 'Most unbecoming'? What are you talking about? All I did was let them know we were just about here." Jexx said, slightly confused as he stepped out of the van into the bright sunlight again, blinking like an owl. "And by the way, did you ever hear my suggestion for how to hide you earlier?"


Exo, meanwhile, parks the first van under the foliage and climbs out, shooing everyone else out of the van as it opens it up and starts getting out equipment for setting up camp. Tents, sleeping bags, so on and so forth.

"Unit suggests others make maximum use of available light hours whilst they can. It would be inadviseable to get caught out around town in the middle of the night."


   "Oh really? Night operation is what I'm best at." Jexx said, grinning mischiviously. Jexx turned back to Mister for just a moment, "If you didn't hear my suggestion earlier I'll tell you when you ask me."
   Then Jexx walked over to the first van that Exo parked. "If you didn't even know how to operate the Rebellion microcommunicators, I'd take a bet that you can't deploy the command module on the van either." Jexx went to the back of the van, and opend the double back doors. Climbing in, he hustled whoever the passengers were out, rather rudely. "Alright, disembark people! Move it! Hup hup hup hup! Go on! Scram! Shoo!" It took about fifteen seconds of pulling, pushing, and commanding to escort all the very loudly protesting passengers out. Once they were all out, Jexx quickly closed the doors. Someone shouted at the van, but there was no response, of course. After about ten seconds, someone else lost patience and started walking toward the van, intent on getting inside and screaming a few choice words at Jexx.
   But then a loud whirring and grinding sound was heard from inside the van. Four support struts, one above each wheel, popped out of hidden panels and firmly set themselves in the ground. The top-center of the van opened up, and deployed a satallite dish and several antennae, making a radar/sensor and communications array. Several other panels shifted along the van, which then protruded all manner of devices and arrays with infathomable purposes and functions, except to someone who actually knows what they were for. What even looked like short-range point-defence beam cannons deployed from the top front and top back of the van. Once all the noise had stoped, the back doors of the van-now-turned-into-a-fully-functional-command-post opened. Jexx leaned out, with an almost insane giddy-happy full-toothed smile on his face so wide and open it almost looked as if his head were going to split in half.
   Snapping an unproffesional, inexperience salute at no one in particular, he said, "Mobile Ops Alpha successfully deployed and fully operational, sirs!" Glancing around with that smile still on his face, he then said, "Those Rebels sure know how how to deck out their rides! You would not believe how good they are at cramming all kinds of shit into small spaces!!"

lucas marcone

The double doors of the van Josh Bayie and Dorcan were in. He was sitting in the doorway. His nose was bleeding alot, his muzzle was oddly angled and he seemed to have a concusion. "Gob dabum." He said sleepily "i dink muh nobe ib oken." It appeared that Josh had slammed his muzzle into the side of the van as he was laying on his side when Jexx got through. never one to be woken up like that the surprise paniced him and "Bam".


"Correction: Unit is fully capable of making use of the vans, however, due to it's notable incompatability with the microcommunicators, it does not know how to use them as such usage details are irrelevant and POINTLESS!"

It glares foully at Jexx with a look that would blow up an entire tank division if looks could kill, then goes back to setting up some tents.

"Suggestion: Get moving before Unit is inclined to make adjustments to your behavioural circuits with something large and heavy. We are part of a team now, do not let your personal 'experiences' or arrogance get in the way of anything. Just because you happen to be one of the few here that has some experience with the Brotherhood does not make you special. Your survival so far has been sheer dumb luck, and any calculation would show you should be six feet under by now."


Baiye rubbed her nose hastily as she mumbled under her breath at the doctor. Again with the embarrassing? She sighed inaudibly and meandered off into the bushes with the otter for their potty break. She didn't say anything to the petite doctor, as a cue to switch subjects.

"Er, uh. It looked like Josh got his muzzled banged up a little when Jexx assaulted us with sound. He probably needs that looked at..." She twiddled her thumbs as she "guarded" for Joywaves, trying to come up with something else to say.

Back at the main camp, Gidget had meandered out of the third van, shaking his head every few steps. His audio sensors still echoed. It hadn't helped that he had been integrated with the system when Jexx had blasted his ears - it only made the sound louder in his head.

The dog's expression was absolutely livid. He trotted over to Jexx, his ears pinned back and a hint of a snarl on his canioid lips.

"I swear to you, if I had real hands, I would be strangling you right now. What the heck? I still can't hear out of my left reciever..." The corgi's electronic voice trailed off as he realized that Jexx had no idea what he was talking about. He cursed under his breath and tried to remain calm.

"You nearly about gave us all a heart attack - in fact I'm surprised my proccessor didn't freeze up - with that 'message' of yours. Our end was turned up all the way. It came out around 115 decibels... give or take a few, I'm not exactly an all purpose measuring tool. But you scared us out of our circuits." Gidget shifted uncomfortably under Jexx's gaze, his ears twitching and his eyes shifting.

"I suppose I'm sorry for getting irritated... But it's your fault too!" It was a big step for Gid to own up and apologize. Unfortunately, this was as sincere as the sarcastic A.I. got - so it wasn't much of an apology. Still, one should take it at face value.

With Baiye out in the "powder room", Gid was a little unsure of where to go. In an attempt to protect himself, should anyone blame him, the canine 'bot scampered underfoot of Exo, fellow member of the 'anti-Jexx' club. He didn't make much headway in getting the camp set up, but the little 'bot did pull out a meager amount of camping supplies in an attempt to help.

lucas marcone

"Jedx yoo domp mot! Ib I colb balk I'B kib yoo im ba chobs!" Josh was comeing around but was still pretty dazed. After all it takes some force to bust up your nose like that. "FUDK! loobat mallba bloot!" Josh's comment hinted at his concern. the pool of blood both in and beneth his hands was growing quickly and he was too loopy to even THINK to use his magic


   Jexx's happy mood deflated faster than a popped ballon at Exo, Gidget, and Josh. Not really even able to say anything, he jumped down from the van in a very subdued manner, mumbling something like "I'm sorry" as he passed Gid, "was just joking" as he passed Exo, and "apologies" as he passed Josh. Going to a tree, he jumped up on it, and even though thouroghly depressed, managed to climb all the way into the canopy, out of sight, and into other surrounding trees without even rustling any leaves. He really does have some skill. As he was up in the trees, trying to recover, anyone on the ground with a sensor or magical perception found they could barely detect him. His markings weren't glowing, and there wasn't much blockage from the trees, but all the same, it was very difficult to even pick up a pick of his signatures.


"Nice work guys," said Dorcan irritably, removing the backpack and heading over to the tree that Jexx was rapidly disappearing into.  His wings twitched slightly as they felt the breeze.

Donning his gloves again he leapt to the nearest branch and made his way up in pursuit.  He didn't have the stealth or finesse of Jexx, but he was strong and he didn't tire.

As he approached the sullen figure, the doberman suddenly realised that he wasn't sure what to do.  Comforting people was so much easier when you could read their emotions.
Too bad.  I'll just have to wing it now.

"Jexx?"  He called softly, a faint note of concern in his voice.  "Are you alright?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E