Brotherhood of the Machine (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 08, 2007, 09:33:20 AM

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   "What am I doing here?" Jexx asked somewhat rhetorically. His handcannons were back, but Jexx was just leaning back against the tree, staring off at nothing into the distance, and wearing a very sorry-looking face.  "I'm no good at working in groups! I've never done it before! At least, that I know of." Jexx amended himself, in his depression not even realizing that that treaded close to letting slip the first little bit of his secret. "Look at what I've done! I've broken Josh's muzzle! Not only is that hard to do in the first place, but that hurts!  Doc'll fix him up probably...but still, that's definately not something that will make your day. That little dog-bot, Gidget, I nearly blew out his ears. Baiye'll replace them, but still..." Jexx shook his head. "I don't know what kind of bots you have back home, but here, ones with developed A.I.s can actually feel things. In just as many ways as we fleshies can. And the big guy, Exo..." Jexx morphed his right cannon into a hand and put his forehead in it. "That's probably the worst. He's a still a developing A.I., and still in his first year! The first couple of years are so influential and imprinting on an A.I.s development. Did you see how angry he was? That's almost surely going to stick with him for the rest of his life. And it's my fault."
   Jexx was silent for a minute. Then he spoke up again; "What am I doing here?" He repeated. "I try to help out with things around the team, 'cuz, you know, that's what you're supposed to do, and I end up harming three of my teammates. I'm no good at this. I should go back to what I am good at." Jexx reached up with his right hand, and popped his microreciever out of his ear, then he did the same to the microtransmitter in his tooth. He held the two devices in an open palm over the side of ther tree, and said, "I should go back to being alone."
   His hand slowly began to turn.

(OOC: Tapewolf, cue confidence-restoring pep talk!)


"I can't stop you leaving if you feel that's best," began Dorcan softly.  "But if you do, think what that will mean to the others.  Their last memories of you will be about what you did, and that you left.  Are you sure you want that?

"These things happen, Jexx.  Exo will get over it.  Gidget will get over it.  Even Josh.  This time tomorrow we'll probably be laughing about it.  Yes, Exo and Gid will have a strong negative impression for a bit, but neural networks are pretty tough things.

"I know more about AI than you probably realise, and in my experience, the best way to make them forget your little goof is to create a stronger impression to displace it... a positive one.  But you can't do that if you go off on your own."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   As Dorcan spoke, Jexx hand stopped from dumping the microtransmitters. He was still for a moment, internally wrestling over what to do and say. "The only reason I went along with all of this," Jexx slowly began, "Is because I was promised help with my own personal mission. But now...I just don't know anymore. I...I want to stay...I don't know for sure why...This has all been so different from a normal day in my life, breaking the monotony, y'know?" Jexx looked at his open palm. He closed his fingers slighly, poised to close his entire fist back around the microcommunicators.
   "Do you really think I can fix what I've done?


"Well, when it comes down to it, what have you done?" asked Dorcan with a slight grin.
"Raped someone?  Killed someone?  Torn out their soul and used it to light your desk-lamp?  No.  You've given one person a bloody muzzle, by accident no less, and annoyed two other people.  In the grand scheme of things that's nothing.  So what are you worried about?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   Jexx gave a laughing snort at Dorcan's comments. "Heh, well, when you put it that way..." Jexx closed his hand around the microcommunicators. Smiling, he said, "You're right. I'm being stupid. Even if I've never had to deal with anything remotely along these lines before, this is no way to act and definately not how you're supposed to handle it." Jexx reactivated his microcommunicators and slotted them back into his ear and tooth.
   "I've wasted enough of our time up here. Let's get back down. We got us a camp to help set up." Jexx jumped back to the tree that he climbed up originally, the one Dorcan was on, and began his decent.


"No problem," said Dorcan, and extending his black leathery wings, jumped out of the tree.  As he fell he assumed the posture they had been taught in SAIA and sailed gently to earth, removing his gloves as he went.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   Jexx eyed Dorcan as he glided down from the tree. "Show-off" he muttered to himself. Then he got a michivious smile. "But so am I!" Jexx then moved away from the trunk of the tree and began climbing down by the branches, in a routine not unlike a money swinging around. "Race you down!" Jexx called out to Dorcan.


Morgan exited his van after parking it appropriately.  Though the broadcast from Jexx had been a short burst, Morgan quickly shifted vision frequencies to check for any Brotherhood traffic increases or active transmission pings.

Sighing in relief as he failed to find any, Morgan checked his gun and the appropriate credentials for his cover with the narcotics unit.

"I'm heading in on foot, don't feel like driving at the moment.  If anything comes up, let me know... my communications frequency is published to our command comm.  The channel is labelled f-o-x, foxtrot, oscar, x-ray." He sounded bored and tired.

Morgan shook his head as he left camp, Why did I get saddled with a bunch of amateurs?  Serves me right for pretending to be one.

Morgan entered the town and headed towards the local constabulary/sheriff/police station.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Dorcan landed neatly and went to fetch his pack.  He was just in time to catch Morgan heading off.
"Exo," he said.  "Where is Morgan going?  I do not believe we have yet established our assignments."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   Jexx swung down from the lowest branch and landed on the ground after Dorcan, and walked over to the three members of the 'anti-Jexx' club.
   Stopping in front of Josh Gidget, and Exo, he said to Josh, "Look, I'm really sorry about your muzzle. If I could do anything to fix it, I would. Though I'll make sure Doctor Sally takes a look at it if I have to."
   Turning to Gidget, he said, "I'm also sorry about your ears. I didn't know that your end was cranked up to max. Whatever Rebel was using the van before us probably had some heavy metal rock going on or something like that."
   And finally, to Exo, he said, "I was being sarcastic (mostly), but that was still a stupid and juvenile comment of me to make. I'm sorry."
   To all three of them, he said, "And I'd like to try and make it up to you three. Is there anything specific you would like me to help with in setting up camp or any other matter, or should I just throw together your tents?"


Gidget sat contemplating at few feet away, listening to Jexx's apology. Gidget didn't really care anymore... and to tell the truth, it -had- been partially his fault anyways.

Note to self: Don't turn up the speakers to play techno while in rebellion van.

"No worries. I'm just a little edgy, and so I get upset easily. And it really didn't do much to my ear circuits - if anything it cleared it up a little. " Gidget's muzzle flashed an eased smile. It seemed like nothing really upset the bot for long - probably something to do with being a H.R. artificial intelligence.

"As for your offer... I'd like a quart of some nice oil. I like vintage." He cracked a grin and his ears flipped around amusedly. Yeah, Gidget was a headache on four legs - but at least he didn't hold a grudge long.

"I'm kidding. Of course. I don't need anything besides a power source, which Baiye brought along with her stuff. I'm absolutely fine."


   Jexx laughed at the "apology accepted" from Gidget. Turning to Josh and Exo, he said, "What about you two? Is there anything I can do for you?" Then Jexx noticed just how much Josh's muzzle was bleeding. "Oh, um, damn, man. Should I get you some bandages and a rag for that? At least until Doctor Sally gets back?"

lucas marcone

"Ib ba gud octer ib ennished I'd abishiabeid ib boo coulb elb ee bit boo ber, bo i canb het looge dat." Josh said in a slightly sour tone. Then he shot jex a smug smileish thing he could muster with that kind of an angle on his shnoz and shot a few fleks of blood at him after clearing his hands. A large bulbous patch of fur was standing up near the base of his muzzle. It looked as if parts of the blood vessel was damaged and leaking beneth the skin.


   "Err, uhh... Sorry, but I really couldn't understand a word you just said. I'll just go get the bandages and rags anyway." Jexx ran at top speed to the nearest van. Jexx then began pulling out stacks of crates, looking in them, then tossing them on the ground. Finally he found the crate of medical supplies. Grabbing a length of bandage, a sort metal pole, and a rag, he scampered back over to Josh. Jexx used the rag to mop up as much of the blood as he could. Then, taking the bandage and pole, he quickly made a tourniquet around Josh's long muzzle, and made it very tight.
   "MRRRRRMMMPPPHHHH!!!!" Josh protested loudly.
   "Quit your complaining, there needs to be a lot of pressure on that thing to stop the bleeding, at least until miss Joywaves gets back. You got banged up really bad." Jexx turned the pole just a small amount more, for good measure. Not to hurt josh, but because he was genuinely concerned about the amount of bleeding that Josh had been doing. The Jexx stepped back and took a good look at Josh. The tourniquet seemed to be working, at least for the moment, even though there was quite an indignant look coming from behind the bandage. Jexx suddenly laughed. Josh couldn't talk anymore!
   "Hey, I actually like you better this way!" Jexx said jokingly. Josh just glared.
   Jexx turned to Exo to ask him if he needed anything from Jexx, but found Exo glaring off into the distance. Jexx followed his gaze, right to the mess Jexx had made at the van where he got the medical supplies.
   "Oh, um, right. I guess you want me to go...clean that up then." Jexx quickly scurried off to the van, and began properly unloading the crates of weapons, gear, equipment, and supplies and arranging the creates in neat orders.

Prof B Hunnydew

Once away from the boys, The Doc take off her microphone necklace and says to Baiye "Please, Baiye, I'm joking with you, and it is just between us.  It is your own life, but Dorcan did said that he was Incubus, who in legends don't have a good rep., and even if he is not incubus, it is a bad image of oneself when you call yourself that. 

I will explain something to you, My power is the power of empathy.  I can hear/feel emotions of others and their pain when I touch them, but my control is only skin deep.  I can block anyone out if I want but not Dorcan and he is andriod.  We connected on a deeper level than I usually go, an uncontrolled flood on emotions and thoughts invaded me and I know my thoughts invaded him.  I don't know what I know, since my mind is still trying sort it out.  But I know for the first I lost control, and you just happen to be my next patient.  Know that My control is/was back with you, and I only check people for any pain they themselves sometimes deny." says a sad otter.  "Come let's go back, I just want to talk to you and I also want some Ditty Bitty Donuts, but they had to drive here without stopping.. Goddess, these cyber-punks and robots forgot that we organics need to take a break once in awhile"

The doc is just shock to see the mess of Josh and her medical kit. "Whay Cyberspace were you doing? and Beating up on Josh, shame on you, Jexx"



   Jexx's head popped out from behind one of the stacks of crates he was arranging, organizing, and sorting. "What are you talking about, Sally? I wasn't beating on him, and I had to do something to stop the bleeding until you got back."

lucas marcone

Josh just sat there wimpering trying to breath through his squished mouth. they couldn't blame him after the numbness wears off the pressure tends to be very uncomfortable.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Hushshsh You big goofs...!" scolds the Doc as she takes a clean towel and forces Josh's head up with his muzzle in the air "Now, Stay like that a minute."  The Doc takes Josh hand and makes him hold the towel.  Josh feels the familiar touch of magic with the Doc's touch as the last of his bleeding stops, but he still has a headache.  With practice ease, The doctor has the medical kit back together in a minute and restores it in the van.

"Let that Headache remind you to watch where you are going and not to run off in a panic" Says the Doctor.  "Now, Do we have a stove and where is the food stuff?"



   Jexx finished sorting, stacking, and organizing all of the crates of stuff from the first deployed van. Noticing Dortor Sally saying she needed some sort of stove or fire and some food, he went over to the Food, Cooking, and Medical supplies pile he just made. Grabbing one entire crate, he tooki it to the center of the clearing. Going back and opening up another crate, he pulled out a device that was vaguely cone-shaped, but was a bit hollw and there was no pointed end to it, as well as grabbing a grill and some pots and pans. Setting the device up on the ground next to the crate of food, he deftly manipulated a few toggles, knobs, and switches on the device. Controlled flames instantly sprang up from insidde the device. Jexx smartly snapped the grill over it, then layed out the pots and pans next to the arrangement. "I do hope that is satisfactory, Doctor Sally." Jexx said.
   Walking back over to Exo, he snapped a salute with his handcannon, a salute much better than the one he gave when he was in the van. He really was trying to help now. "Is anything else I can assist with, Exo, sir?"


Exo makes a muffled chuckling sound as it snaps an oblong crate open and peers at the contents, though it may just be random tension vibrations in the myomer or air in the chassis...

"Negative. Preparations are almost complete."

It closes the crate again and locks it, standing and thinking for a moment.

Paladin Sheppard

Staring in shock at the little drama in front of him, Victor quickly snapped out of it. 'By all thats holy....' he thought.

Seeing Morgan starting off to town Victor jogged to catch up his duffel bag slung over his shoulder. "Wait up Morgan."

Vic checked that his pistols were loaded and strapped tight. He didn't need to worry about concealing them as he had a carry permit. The shotgun though was still nicely hidden with its stock folded in his bag.


   Jexx also noticed Morgan and Victor leaving. Then Jexx remembered that Victor was the only one aside form Griffy who had not gotten any microcommunicators earlier. Quickly stopping by the equipment crates Jexx set up himelf, he fished out a microtransmitter and a microreciever and ran over to Victor, shouting, "Hey, uh, whatshisname...uh, Oh yeah! Victor! Wait up! You're gonna need these!" Jexx reached Victor and pressed the two devices into Victor's hand.

Paladin Sheppard

"Don't need em kid" Victor taped at his throat and ear. "Implants." Victor handed them back.


   "Unless you can scan the channel and frequency coding of the microcomms, like Morgan and Baiye, you do need them, otherwise you can't get into the channel. It's secured, dedicated, and encrypted. For Rebellion use only." Jexx explained.

Paladin Sheppard

Sub-vocilising to the microbead in Jexx's hand Victor transmited to them.

"Kidd what do you think my stuff is for?"
Victor cocked his head to the side continuing to transmit "My implants maybe failing but they are still top notch, and I'm very capable of breaking the encypt on these."

Prof B Hunnydew

"Hey, Jexx do you have some favorite....Din.." the Doc, started to ask Jexx as she saw him run off into the woods... "mmmm I will just have to do a soup or no a stew... Yea a Beef stew with carrots and potatoes"   she starts up the stove with a large pot of water, and cutting the carrots, meat and potatoes..

After a few minutes, she remembers to put her microphone/transmitter back on her neck


lucas marcone

Josh walked over to Joyweaves. "Ifin ya need any help cooking id be happy to lend my talents." He said in a very casual way. "I'm a great cook after all...... By the way thanks for fixing me up. I'm still a little foggy of the last few hours but I'm pretty sure Jexx caused it by accident. And that van wall is none too soft...." Josh was trailing off.

Prof B Hunnydew

"OKay Here chop the onions, and cellery.  Baiye do the potatoes, or can your dog do julian fries?" asks Sally.   The Doc seems to be making enough stew to last a week.


lucas marcone

Josh whipps out his handy dandy gouge your spleen out all purpose knife. This sucker is about eight inches long not counting the hilt. Then he starts diceing like he's done it all his life. "I find that BBQ sauce with just a little spring water makes for a fine stew sauce."


Baiye smirked at the "julian fries" comment. She took it as a complement - and she was starting to really like the otter.

"I can do 'taters." She smiled and took a knife from the cooking supplies, as well as a chopping board. She slowly made chunks out of three potatoes, her hands working in good enough rhythm, though her face was contorted in concentration. To tell the truth - she wasn't so good at domestic chores.

Okay - she was more than "not good" - she survived off a steady diet of ramen, toast, and caffeine. But no one needed to know that. Besides - how hard was it to chop something up?

By the end of the first potato, she had a small pile of not-nearly-identical pieces. But they were edible - and that was all that counted.

Gidget lay curled up at Baiye's feet - he seemed to be asleep - but behind those close optical receptors, he was probably surfing the web. Baiye had the distinct feeling he was reading naughty fanfiction - as was his hobby - but she didn't make a comment. Everyone had their quirks. Gid just had more than the average robot-dog-thing.