Brotherhood of the Machine (OOC) [PG/14] - Open - New players welcome!

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 07, 2007, 02:18:39 PM

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lucas marcone

hallogram projecter. when he stepped back to "watch" he turned it on and left to check stuff out so they wouldnt yell at him for "wandering about trying to get us caught" josh found out how to work it in the van.



lucas marcone

he can be at times. though its more often than not serendipitious


For those who can't make out what Exo meant by "significantly nonfunctional", it basically meant "it done got broken".

If anyone were to investigate the box (which they can't, because the chestplate is in place and can only be removed with very precise pressure and placement thereof), it's got a hole punched in it and the old round is sitting in a mess of broken electronics. Nanos can't repair everything, and Exo only repairs as fast as a normal humanoid. Internal organs take some time to heal. ;)


It's not quite clear where we are.  Are we within walking distance from the town?  AFAIK the only characters who have got back into the van are Exo, who will be commanding the operation, and PBH who is backup.
I'm not sure if the others are going to drive in with their conspicuous vans or what.  This might seem like a question for Dorcan to ask in-character, but he should be able to see visually how far from the town they are.  i.e. my character currently knows more than I do  :<

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I've gotten in one of the vans. :rolleyes
What we are doing is we are all getting back in the vans to drive to the clearing that Exo mentioned, which is where we will deploy one of the vans as out first command post. We will also properly organize and equip ourselves, then pick two other spots to set up the two other vans, probably in sort of a triangle around the town. Then all or some of us will sweep the city and recon for anything strange or unusual.

And when I pictured the vans, I always thought they were an inconspicuous plain tan color, not oh-look-at-me-I'm-not-a-spy-van-black :giggle

lucas marcone

Josh is going off exploreing, If one were to want to accompany him one whould do so now before he goes lone wolf out there....pardon the pun


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 29, 2007, 11:25:28 AM
What we are doing is we are all getting back in the vans to drive to the clearing that Exo mentioned, which is where we will deploy one of the vans as out first command post.
Right.  I knew the vans were going there, as are Exo and PBH - but there is an argument for no-one else going with them, or only enough people to get the other two vans into position if they can't be made to do so of their own accord.

I take it we're going with three vans, by the way - if Josh splits, Dorcan is going to have the van all to himself.  Either way, someone else will have to move their van into position.

By the way - is anyone else here going to be off for AC?  I'm not yet sure how easy it's going to be to get online. 

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


This is a problem. We ALL need to go to the clearing, because we decided that standing in the middle of town attarcts too much attention. The characters MUST actually plan who's going with who, and who's going alone. Someone (preferably Exo, or Morgan) needs to quickly go and grab Josh's arm and pull him back. I'd send Jexx to do that, but Jexx doesn't have any real authority. And even if that isn't needed, I doubt Josh would listen to Jexx. I also don't want to tag along with Josh, for 1) Jexx is supposed to go it alone himself, 2) There's some stuff that Jexx is going to have to do at the camp with everyone, and 3) I don't want to have to babysit the dumbass anyway. (Meaning Josh the character, not Lucas the player)
Just up and going off like this is actually the sort of thing Jexx would have been most likely to do, him being experienced and used to doing things himself and going alone. The reason I haven't is because if we all just go off with no plan whatsoever, we are going to fall apart.
So Lucas, it would probably be best if you just get Josh in the vans like everyone else should be.

lucas marcone


Insignificant notice: I'm prolly gonna be out for most for today. I'm going to tour an aircraft carrier! See ya!


Exo will probably remain at the first van and spend some time setting up camp whilst the others recon. It's more than capable of handling itself unless the Brotherhood intervene with a tank.

And even then it has the odds in it's favour. :B


Ok, I wrote down the names of all the characters and did a check-off. Only Griffy and Mister need to clamber back in the vans now.


Is Josh also in Van 3 or has he swapped places with Baiye? 

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Okay, I'm rly sry, but can we have a roll call of the vans, because I'm as confused as hell.


I just said, I wrote down all the names and check all the posts. You are now the only one who hans't gotten back in the vans now, Bill. Your character is standing around just as confused as you are. :giggle


Quote from: BillBuckner on June 30, 2007, 10:00:46 AM
Okay, I'm rly sry, but can we have a roll call of the vans, because I'm as confused as hell.

I read that as 'sly' but yeah.  We seem to have three vans.
The third van now contains Dorcan, Baiye, Gid and probably Josh.  Since neither Dorcan nor Josh can drive - don't know about Baiye - I've been assuming that it is automatically following van 2.
If Baiye can drive, she will probably be the one who takes it to its destination point.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 30, 2007, 10:06:16 AM
I just said, I wrote down all the names and check all the posts. You are now the only one who hans't gotten back in the vans now, Bill. Your character is standing around just as confused as you are. :giggle
Actually, I don't think I even got out of the van.



What? *checks*
Holy damn, you're right!....Well, we are all set then! To Exo's clearing!


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 30, 2007, 10:15:21 AM
What? *checks*
Holy damn, you're right!....Well, we are all set then! To Exo's clearing!

I'd like to get a word in with Baiye en route.  I want to spring the android thing on her before AC  :P

That means taking Josh out somehow - I've got an idea but to avoid godmoding I'm going to wait for Lucas to OK it first.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Another insignificant update: Similar to yesterday, I'm being dragged off again, this time to a Six Flags Marine World. Prolly won't be posting until tonight. Cruddies.


Quote from: Tapewolf on June 30, 2007, 10:17:10 AM
I'd like to get a word in with Baiye en route.  I want to spring the android thing on her before AC  :P

:giggle After all, I did get her into the van with Dorcan already.

I've got an adventure coming up too. Cruddy family reunion. Not -nearly- so fun.


Right.  Lucas kindly agreed that Josh is liable to doze on road trips.  I have that problem myself, and in any case coming from a magical enclave he's not going to have built up much resistance to it.

If my assumption that the journey to the clearing is now well underway is premature, let me know when it's more appropriate and I will shift the text into the right place later on.

It's more fun if this happens towards the end of the trip so that Baiye is still a bit dazed when they get out.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


How's that for a response?

She's not really disgusted or unnerved... she's just confused. Me thinks she may like him even more than before once she gets her thoughts in order.  ;)

Prof B Hunnydew

The doc has been updating her medical files and sending them back to th rebels' command computer on a secure data line.  Adding her own personal note to each persons file.  She is also testing the air samples, that she has collected they drive on  into the city. 

"Can we stop at a re-fueling station or refreshment stand?, I need to go." asks the Doc.  As the Vans travel pass the city into the woods in the west of town.  We maybe not need to refuel our vehicles but people still need to eat and take breaks from driving.



Ummmmmmmm..... Prof?
I think you posted in the wrong thread........ :B :B :B :B :B :B

That and the proposed camp is just to the south-west of the town, not the west.

Prof B Hunnydew

Sorry Fix Tech

Also Tapewolf,

I remember, I only asks Baiye if she needed the "Pill", not Dorcan.  Please check my posts



Baiye accidentally let it slip to Dorcan right after she left your office back in the warehouse. Check that post :P


Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on July 01, 2007, 06:26:00 PM
I remember, I only asks Baiye if she needed the "Pill", not Dorcan.  Please check my posts

Dorcan: "Did the doctor seem at all... odd... to you?"

Baiye:  "Yeah... she did. I wonder what was up with that. She said something about you, and then how it wasn't really about you, she offered me contraceptives, and then she avoided touching me. It was a strange deal."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

"It doesn't explain why the doctor was talking about contraceptives, though," Dorcan murmured.  "Conceiving a child is definitely outside my capabilities and she knows that full well.  I'm not sure I'd want to try it with a human anyway... no offence..."

Okay I am just confused, I was not thinking at Baiye and Dorcan would get together when I talk about contraceptives to Baiye... But I will stay out of it.  And I told Dorcan to talk with Baiye for medical/repairs