Brotherhood of the Machine (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 08, 2007, 09:33:20 AM

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Prof B Hunnydew

"The bio interface sensors are common, too commmon to be traced and should not take but a few days to replace, but I don't think that Baiye can't do the surgery " says the Doc as she makes her list of spare parts that she will need of Victor for Mia



Baiye nodded as Dorcan spoke. Her head was obviously out of sorts at the moment, though.

"Examining locals... Gotcha... Clipboards... Survey... Marketing. Yeah, that'll do." Her voice was somewhat flat, but she was was still trying to listen, at least.

When the doberman brought up the doctor though, she snapped out of it a little.

"Yeah... she did. I wonder what was up with that. She said something about you, and then how it wasn't really about you, she offered me contraceptives, and then she avoided touching me. It was a strange deal." Baiye's eyes popped as she realized that in her rambling discourse she had mentioned the shot. Her cheeks turned bright red again.

"Uh, I, I.. I need to get back to working on Exo - I need to get that done." She rushed over, grabbing her toolkit, and busily started working in his large interior, trying to forget the last few minutes.

Baiye had been over poking through Exo's system when she heard her name brought up. She twisted and stood up, wire cutters and a soldering iron in her hands. Her face already had a smudge of grease on her cheek.

"Huh? Oh, he's got problems?" She seemed a little dazed - working on Exo had taken all her attention, thankfully.

"Victor's not responding well to some cyborg implants. Sensors, I believe, according to what I heard..." Gidget's head tilted up to Baiye, his expression rather solemn - but that was just his "Baiye, you are such an idiot" face.

"Oh, err.. Lessee. I can switch out your sensors - at least a few of them... I'd rather leave things like nervous systems alone - I'm not used to working with biological components... The best I can do is switch some things - but I'm far from proficient at doing that sort of thing." Her face twisted into a scowl, her mind trying to come up with some sort of solution.

"I don't even know what I'd do... Dr. Joywaves is probably a better choice... Though if she told me what to do, I could probably fix it without screwing over your nervous system... I don't want to get into probabilities, though." She hesitantly supplied, her eyes gazing off into a corner of the warehouse as she pondered.


Exo just stands there, staying as still as it can whilst Baiye works, optics occasionally flickering on and off in a strange replication of blinking.

"Request: Could one of you go and start up the vans?" It gestures with one hand toward the back door as carefully as it can. "If the vans are started up now, calculations predict they'll be ready to go by the time we are finished planning."


Dorcan stared at Baiye as she practically ran across the room.  Am I in some kind of interdimensional lunatic asylum?

He resumed his studies of the map until Exo requested someone to start the vans.
"I don't know how your griff- uh, vans are powered or operated," he said, "but I would like to learn if someone else can show me."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Mia came back in, pushing a dolly loaded with boxes.
"Here we are.  Some of these aren't the most optimum of equipment, so you'll just have to make do." She says. "Be careful with the sensitive stuff.  We would like to get as much of this back as possible."
As she spoke, Jackson walked back in.  He spied Mia and walked over to her.
"Ah, Mia, I need to ask you about something." He said.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Prof B Hunnydew

Look, Mia, Please Take these bio sensors out of my paid, and I will like them in a week or so If not sooner.  Victor needs a refit with these, but he should be fine until this mission is done  " says the doc as she hands Mia her list.  " and I need extra rations please"



Mister was completely lost in the ensuing conversation. Bio sensors? Tracking systems? The sciences had obviously come a long way, or at least far enough that he knew little of it. He simply waited patiently for his newfound comrades to conclude their preparations and planning.


   Jexx likewise stood observing the proceedings much in the way 'Mister' had. Then Jexx decided to actually take stock of the newcome 'golem'. Jexx was particularly facinated by the strange pipes sticking out of Mister's back that regularly vented little puffs of steam. Jexx sildled over to Mister.
   "Hey, uh, big...steambot guy," Jexx said "From what you've said, it sounds like you were from way back in the old days, when magic was still pervalent in the world. Your very design and technology seem to be of an extreamly archaic kind, and yet still seem to be quite effective in today's world. What was it like back then?"
   Most of the general populace of the world knew about, or at least heard stories of, the old days of magic. There were even a few libraries that contained old texts and historical documents that the Brotherhood hadn't gotten around to torching yet.
   But when, for all intents and purposes, you've only been 'alive' for two years, and have spent evey moment of those two years climbing buildings, jumping rooftops, and blasting off Brotherhood heads with plasma balls, you tend not to have such common knowledge, have heard such stories, or had much time to hang out in old librairies. As such, you tend to be quite curious about these things, especially when you are actually talking face-to-face with a relic/artifact of such times. And as Jexx asked his question to Mister, his mechanical legs and cannons-for-hands were very noticable to the ancient golem.

Ryudo Lee

Mia looked over the sensors and jotted down some information.
"Yeah, a week should do it.  These aren't easy to come by for some reason." She says. "And there are extra rations in there.  Always be prepared, I always say."
She looks around, as Jackson waits patiently.
"I hope that's everything." Mia says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Might I trouble you for a clipboard, portable data tablet, or whatever else would be used by someone conducting a survey?" asked Dorcan.  "And perhaps a cap or some other kind of hat?  If you have one large enough to cover my headwings it would probably make a better alternative to the crash-helmet."

So saying, he took the backpack and began to cut a large hole in it with the scissors and a pair of sidecutters from his pocket.  A short while later he put it on.  It was uncomfortable, but it certainly concealed the wings.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

She digs through the stuff she had brought and produced a clipboard with some blank paper on it, and a few pens.
"That should cover that." She says as she goes back into the stuff she brought out.
She brought out a rather non-descript cap, looks it over, and then looks over at him.
"Do you think you can fold your wings down somewhat?" She asks.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Dorcan scrunched his headwings up and put the cap on.  "Thanks," he said.  "It's a bit of a tight fit, but it will have to do.  How does it look?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Morgan eyed Dorcan and snickered, "You look like a terrorist or a travelling journalist, which might be worse."

Continuing to snicker, he gathered his requested gear from Mia after which he headed to first van and unloaded everything, including his case.

Opening up the laptop, he booted it to the desktop and examined the system properties, "Not too bad, not bleeding edge, but it will do."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"That's because we are terrorists," said Dorcan with a sly grin.  "At least I'm sure this Brotherhood thinks of us that way.  Whatever.  If you have any better ideas - short of mutilation - I'd be eager to hear them."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   "Hey, uh, big...steambot guy," Jexx said "From what you've said, it sounds like you were from way back in the old days, when magic was still pervalent in the world. Your very design and technology seem to be of an extreamly archaic kind, and yet still seem to be quite effective in today's world. What was it like back then?"
Had he the articulation, Mister would have smiled at the youngster. Or was he a construct? If he was, it was a very good simecrulum. If not, where had he aquired those mechanical limbs? Prosthetics?
"Well, young sir, there is much I could tell you. How about this?" He leaned forward by about 55 degrees, putting his eyes level with Jexx's, "I shall tell you of my time, and you can tell me of yours. You see, young sir, the reason I have done so well in todays world is by for the most part staying out of it," he gave a tinny, almost grandfatherly laugh, "For one thing, I only recently have found that the sciences used in my construction are considered archaic. I am, or apparantly was, a top of the line golem using new methods of alchemy for propulsion," he stood up straight again with one hand behind his back and one arm across his chest, "What about such times do you wish to know, young sir?"


Wandering back in, Morgan winked and gave the thumbs up to Dorcan, "If we look like terrorists, then we probably won't get noticed.  The obvious are normally overlooked.  I guess you won't be going into any restruants or similar places where wearing a backpack like such would seem odd, especially if you can't take it off."

Morgan checked the pistol, ceramic, 10mm HV with flash suppressor/silencer and a fair amount of spare ammo.

Interface: negative, weapon is manual mode only.

"Ok, best not to rely on tactical computer systems too much.  good old fashion hand-eye coordination for the win."

In an area clear of friendlies and with safety on, Morgan spun around and quickly brought his gun aim on a small container on the edge of a desk, "bang."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   "Well, thanks to the Brotherhood, magic is all but extinct at this time, but most people still know about the old days through hand-me-down-stories mostly, though I think there may even be a few libraries with ancient texts that have survived the Brotherhood's hand. As for me well..." Jexx shuffled his feet slightly, "let's just say I never really had the 'time' to hear those stories. I can't even think of a specific question to begin...Hey! You said you've survived by staying out of this world, right? What is it like, returning to the world at large? Something similar happened to me once, so I think I should be able to sympathise." Jexx said.
   Jexx then overheard snatches of the conversation between Dorcan and Morgan. "Hey, did someone say they need a 'mutilation'?" Jexx said, getting a quite disturbing grin on his face. The high-pitched whine of his now-charged handcannons were quite audible. "Would, 'crisped to cinders' work fine instead? That I can help with. I've had a lot of experience practicing on the Brotherhood!"


Baiye had to returned to her work on Exo, and a few moments later she re-surfaced with a small device she had assumed to be the transponder - she had left the remainder of Exo's internal components as close to how she found them as possible.

She smiled as she twisted the object around in her fingertips, pleased with herself.

"I think that's it. Now let's see if it's workable." she flipped something near her ear and a visor sprang up across her eyes, data streaming across the green screen as she examined the device in her hand.

"It's out of commision at the moment, but I think it was manually switched-off - I'd assume that was the tech's who gave you the 'fresh start', Exo? I think we may be able to get it running. I'll look at it again once we get on the road." She flipped the switch again and the screen flickered away, her grey eyes amused. "It'll give me something to do."

She pocketed the device in her tactical vest, patting it assuredly after it was stored. "No worries."

Gid's ears stood upright as the dolly was wheeled in.

"Mmm. Goodies" He inhaled as if in ecstasy - soon interrupted as Baiye shoved him with her leg as she came over to pick up her stuff. She poked around until she found a short box with her things inside. She picked it up and brought it over to her toolbox to get things sorted out.

A set of hex keys, missing one - no biggie, an adjustable wrench, and a nice spanner. A paper bag held a pair of lenses for Gidget, and while not top of the line, were a huge upgrade from his old scratched optics. A low-power handgun rounded out her "presents" - as well as a scrap of paper with specifics for their internet connection.

"It feels like my birthday!" She glowed and hugged the hex key set for a moment.

In a few moments, Gid was seeing the world in a whole new light - and Baiye slipped the pistol into the interior of her vest, her toolbox all packed up and ready to go.

"I'm good to go - And no worries, Dorcan - I'm not particularly hungry." She smiled and winked.

Turning to Jexx, she rolled her eyes - how unstable could someone be?
"Aw, lay off - it's not funny.  Are we getting ready to go, or not?"


"I get the nasty feeling I'm forgetting something," said Dorcan, "But that always seems to happen before I leave.   Unless there's anything else, I guess we'd better head out."
Although he was now wearing the cap in preference, he was unwilling to leave the crash-helmet behind, and placed it in the bottom of the backpack where it rattled slightly.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Morgan smiled, "Invariably we always forget something and usually remember when we need the forgotten object.  This is where improvisation comes in.  Now if you'll excuse me, I need to use this van to put on this concealable armor stuff."

Morgan ducked into the van where he stored his gear.  Stripping down to skivies, he slipped on the light, formfitting suit and made the appropriate adjustments so it conformed to his body size.  It was a nice fit under his clothes.

Morgan jumped into the seat of the van and stuck his head out the window, "Anytime we are ready mates."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   "Well, I'm ready to go at any rate. Who else is ready?" Jexx said to the group. Turning back to Mister, he said "We can talk as we walk out to the vans."

Prof B Hunnydew

"Yea ready, " says the Doc as she loads her medical bag,  small suitcase of clothes and herself.  "I would like the backseat please"



Exo carefully replaces it's chestplate and checks it's gear is in place - handgun in it's holster and sword at it's side, then moves out to the garage.

[Good enough.]

It moves over to one of the empty vans and opens the door, climbing in the front on the driver's side. It carefully stows it's sword behind it's seat and places it's hands on the wheel, flexing it's fingers.

"Query: Do any of you know the route to Northon? If not, Unit will take point. Follow, once we depart."

Exo revs the van a couple of times and closes the driver-side door. Those watching might get the distinct feeling the bot is grinning madly - or would be if it had a face.


Mister refrained from comment when Jexx threatened Dorcan. An individual little more than a child speaking as such, and having replaced his own limbs with armaments to back it up... It's very strange, returning to this world. Very, very strange...
However, as usual, he was too polite to voice his concerns over the direction society had taken. Rather, he simply went out to the vehicle and got the door for the Doctor. One of the oaths of a knight and warrior is to uphold the values of chivalry. I'll not fail in any one of my functions!

Prof B Hunnydew

"Thank You, Mister ....  What is Your Name again?" asks the Doc.



"That would be just it, Madam. Mister," The golem gave a low bow.


"Friggin' finally."

Griffith clipped his still-valid Narc badge to his coat, and got into the passenger seat of the van.


Eenie, Meenie, Miene, Moe... Whatever.

Baiye grabbed her toolbox and pulled the backseat door to Exo's van open, waiting as Gid hopped into the backseat. Baiye grinned, and scrambled into the backseat next to her creation, the two of them becoming a little stir-crazy already.

"Let's blow this place!"

lucas marcone

Josh hopped in beside Bayie. "C'mon speed machine! metal to the pedal to the other metal!" Josh's village was little more than an average sized town much like a slightly urban suburb (with technology about the same as us). He had rarely gotten the oppertunity to ride in a car, but when he did he liked it fast! "So Bayie, maybe you can explain to me some of the nuances of machines androids and cyborgs. I know i have implants but i know little of them besides i can get 'five bars' nearly anywhere. This is because we had one or two doctors in our town that had been to the outside world. they weren't like me they were normal people so the blended in but they came back with so much more tech we were all dazzled!" Josh waited intently for her to share her wisdom.


   Jexx walked out to the vans with the group. As he headed for van number one, he said, "Finally, we are getting underway. Finally, I will soon be able to get my hands around more Brotherhood bastards, and strangle the truth out of them if I have to..." And Jexx, for once, had actuall hands instead of cannons, to everyone's monumental surprise, because they had not seen Jexx with normal hands instead of handcannons yet (save Exo, becauase he had seen his on at least one occasion before when he was assigned to tail Jexx), and was making gestures as if he was choking the neck of something invisible. The invisible neck most likely belonged to an imaginary Brotherhood priest. Then before anyone could blink twice, his cannons were back, and he was climbing into the van.