Okami 2

Started by thegayhare, May 19, 2007, 07:44:20 PM

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Now as awsome as Okami was what sort of thing would you like to see in a sequell?  Yeah I know that there won't be one since Clover broke up but if one was made what would you like to see?

If no one's ever played Okami this might contain spiolers

My own thoughts would be to set the game on the celestial plain. 

In the first you learned that the demons and monsters attacked the celistial plain and killed all the celestials and conqured the home of the gods. 

The game would start as the Ark aproaches the home of the gods a great wined monaster appears and attacks the ark.  The masts are destroyed and the ship is sent crashing into the plain.  The impact knocks Ammy from the deck and she lands in a cursed zone and in her weakened state a number of monsters finder her and capture a number of the gods.  The creatures flee as Waka comes to the rescue.  See when Orochi left the celestial plain he left several powerfull monsteers behind to keep the plain under control.  The leaders of these monsters grew more powerfull by feeding on the vices of humans, feeding on the souls of slain celestials becoming powerful demons in the process. 

You've got to destroy Orochi's captains, re gain your god powers and restore each god to it's land, See there are sectons of the celestial plain that dedicate to the gods of your brush and returning the god to that land will gain you never never before seen powers.  Also you'll have to find the materials needed to repair the Ark because Waka wants to return to the luner civilazation in order to find out why the ark had been filled with monsters.


The second game would probably be based on more Japanese mythology, like the last game. That's one of the reason's I enjoyed playing the last one, as they seemlessly entwined various Japanese myths all into one big story. So they'd probably keep along those lines, with myths they didn't get to(maybe have Tsukiyomi or Oonamuji, or hell, even Genji). Or perhaps some famous Samurai and Shogen? Like Nobunaga, Musashi and Kojiro, or something. Something like that.


While right now a sequel is unlikely, not all hope is lost. Granted, Okami had horrible retail sales which was a prime factor behind Clover closing their doors and merging back into Capcom.

What will probably happen is a Wii-Make first.  If the Wii version sells enough, a sequel may be likely after that.  So, keep dreaming :D

As to where it would take place? I dunno... probably see Capcom pulling the trick SquareSoft pulled with Musashi, and moving to another dimension or world.

King Of Hearts

What I'd want is for Capcom to take on the mythologies/folklores of other countries as their heroes.

Maybe a Anubis as a full jackal, or Chucuhalin [or however you are supposed to spell his name.] as a giant Wolf, Zeus as a swan, etc.


Quote from: King Of Hearts on May 20, 2007, 05:31:05 AM
Zeus as a swan, etc.

Or a bull. Or some rain. Oh Zeus. :V


Quote from: King Of Hearts on May 20, 2007, 05:31:05 AM
What I'd want is for Capcom to take on the mythologies/folklores of other countries as their heroes.

Maybe a Anubis as a full jackal, or Chucuhalin [or however you are supposed to spell his name.] as a giant Wolf, Zeus as a swan, etc.

That would actually make a pretty awesome series, each game in a style that reflects the cultural art. Egyptian, Maori, Native American, Greek / Roman (pretty well the same thing. :p), and more.
I think Okami would be fine without a direct sequel. A good game that doesn't get over-capitalized on? Might be nice! :D
/kicks the internet over


Quote from: King Of Hearts on May 20, 2007, 05:31:05 AM
What I'd want is for Capcom to take on the mythologies/folklores of other countries as their heroes.

Maybe a Anubis as a full jackal, or Chucuhalin [or however you are supposed to spell his name.] as a giant Wolf, Zeus as a swan, etc.
Don't forget Jesus as Himself.  >:3


Quote from: BillBuckner on May 20, 2007, 05:58:53 PM
Don't forget Jesus as Himself.  >:3

Because everyone wants to be crucified at the end of a game (well, the bad ones at least).
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Yeah, that's the part where you go to Hell and kick Satan's ass. (I'm pretty sure that was in the bible)


No, actually it isn't.  The supposed "harrowing of hell" is no where in the bible and was made more popular by our poets rather than our prophets.  Surprisingly, the bible only mentions hell in passing as more of an indication that the wicked would be punished, rather than actually stating a claim that hell was a place.  Gehenna refers more to the place where Jerusalem's trash was burned and the city had so much of it that the fires never really went out, hence the 'eternal flames' bit.

Back on topic, I like the Okami game and I'm proud to say I own a copy, but I'd preffer that they stay away from Nobunaga myths, 'cause frankly other game fanchises have ground him into the dust (you know who I'm talking about).
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Who cares if it's in the bible? Most of the preferred demographic hasn't actually read it.  :B

King Of Hearts

Quote from: Zina on May 20, 2007, 02:13:29 PM
Quote from: King Of Hearts on May 20, 2007, 05:31:05 AM
Zeus as a swan, etc.

Or a bull. Or some rain. Oh Zeus. :V

Or even an Eagle and get some Ganymede on the side.

On the topic of Nobunaga... why is the guy always vilified in fiction? I thought he was a good guy that united the warring daimyos in feudal Japan?


If they don't make the stinking sequel I'm going to Capcom and making it myself.

Failure to continue work on this glorious master piece is a blasphemy I cannot allow.


Quote from: King Of Hearts on May 21, 2007, 06:51:17 AM
Quote from: Zina on May 20, 2007, 02:13:29 PM
Quote from: King Of Hearts on May 20, 2007, 05:31:05 AM
Zeus as a swan, etc.

Or a bull. Or some rain. Oh Zeus. :V

Or even an Eagle and get some Ganymede on the side.

On the topic of Nobunaga... why is the guy always vilified in fiction? I thought he was a good guy that united the warring daimyos in feudal Japan?

Nobunaga might have united Japan, but he was far from a 'good guy'. He unified Japan by conquering the entire thing and brutally killing all his rivals in battle. He wasn't a terribly nice person. :C


Quote from: Zina on May 22, 2007, 02:57:38 PM
Nobunaga might have united Japan, but he was far from a 'good guy'. He unified Japan by conquering the entire thing and brutally killing all his rivals in battle. He wasn't a terribly nice person. :C

At least he killed them in battle.  In Rome you usually didn't have the luxury of defending yourself.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


doubtful there'll be a sequel since capcom gave clover the axe.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: Turnsky on May 24, 2007, 05:54:39 AM
doubtful there'll be a sequel since capcom gave clover the axe.

Negative. Last I checked, they just molded the Clover employees into Capcom's. I don't know all the details, but considering those developers will be working under the same banner that they published under, it isn't as unlikely as people might think.


Quote from: The DXM on May 30, 2007, 05:08:59 PM
Quote from: Turnsky on May 24, 2007, 05:54:39 AM
doubtful there'll be a sequel since capcom gave clover the axe.

Negative. Last I checked, they just molded the Clover employees into Capcom's. I don't know all the details, but considering those developers will be working under the same banner that they published under, it isn't as unlikely as people might think.

http://www.seeds-inc.jp/   Almost all of the former high level clover developers  are involved with Seeds Inc.  Some are still under contact to Capcom, which means that they technically work for both companies.


QuoteAt least he killed them in battle.  In Rome you usually didn't have the luxury of defending yourself.

The Romans were like the Mob. They invite you into their car, one has a gun, and you know they're going to kill you, but you just smile, nod your head, and get in the back of the car anyway. 

Anyway, I think a second Okami might be a good idea, but it might not be.  The ending certainly left it open for it, but to do it, they might have to tack on Lore to Japanese myths and then make it sound Japanese.

I would really hate to go to the Astral Plane and find Odin there reciting haiku poetry along the lines of:

I had killed a man
He had a wife and two kids
I slept peacefully


Another thing I find odd is that a lot of people draw the fact that the game didn't have much success in Japan towards the cause of Clover's downfall. I just don't see how this can be the case, because if you're one of the top selling titles in the US for an entire year, you're going to turn over a profit. That's like half the gamer population of the world right there.


Quote from: The DXM on June 05, 2007, 10:09:32 AM
Another thing I find odd is that a lot of people draw the fact that the game didn't have much success in Japan towards the cause of Clover's downfall. I just don't see how this can be the case, because if you're one of the top selling titles in the US for an entire year, you're going to turn over a profit. That's like half the gamer population of the world right there.

not really. Keep in mind that although the Xbox was a decided second in the US market, it's world wide sales kept it in 3rd place in overall console sales. It never did pass the Gamecube, although many sites reported that it did, very few reported Microsoft restating Xbox sales 4 years in a row at tax time.

The problem with Okami is similar to that of the Ford Edsel. Yes... it sold.  But, it didn't sell in numbers or quantities needed to make up the studio expenses. As of it's closing, Clover was reporting over 400 million yen in losses ( http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=20331 ).  Hideki Kamiya and Atsushi Inaba had also left Clover, although like Shinji Mikami they were still working under contract with Capcom. ( http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=20387 ).

This, however, has been a constant problem for Capcom. Gamers have been begging for "original" games for a long while. Countless blog posts decry the EA style of game releases which sees a new number, and that's it in the game.  However, consider that almost all of Capcom's original games, such as Viewtiful Joe, P.N. .03, Killer 7, and Okami had horrible launch sales.

One of the primary differences between how Nintendo does it and how other developers do it is that Nintendo counts on having extremely long sales on it's games. Sure, not every game may make it into the top 10, but if you take a look at a lot of Nintendo first party games like Geist, Metroid Prime, Wind Waker, Eternal Darkness, and Pikmin to name a few, you'd find that such games were still in the top 100 and top 50 lists a year or more after their retail launch and still commanding a $30 price point, while other major franchises like Ratchet and Clank, Jak, Advent Rising, Beyond Good and Evil, and GTA were finding their way into the bargin bin with $20 price points.

Yes, Okami is still selling. Yes, you do see a lot of people exclaiming "how did I miss this game" (such as Mookie from Dominic Deegan).   Yes, there is a lot of interest in the title.  But, Capcom and Clover didn't budget for Okami to be selling in 2007. They budgeted for Okami to be selling in 2006 on all charts in the top 5.  That didn't happen.

Another item to keep in mind is that a large percentage of the American market thinks Halo is a good game series, and go completely haywire anytime Bungie says something. Keeping that in mind, I'm extremely surprised a genuinely good game such as Okami managed to do the numbers it did at all without being on a Nintendo console.


yay, finally bought Okami, so I can join the conversation.

I'm also more than a bit bummed that Clover ended up folding.  I'd have loved to see a sequal to Okami, with various bugs fixed up, and possibly the ability to do more than one Celestial Brush technique at a time.(rejuvenate this, slash that, and make these three trees bloom, all on one canvas!)

I am glad, at least, that the brush is so forgiving, as you all know that the PS2 controller is really clunky when it comes to trying to "draw" anything.

Reese Tora

Quote from: Fuyudenki on June 09, 2007, 01:11:21 AM
yay, finally bought Okami, so I can join the conversation.

I'm also more than a bit bummed that Clover ended up folding.  I'd have loved to see a sequal to Okami, with various bugs fixed up, and possibly the ability to do more than one Celestial Brush technique at a time.(rejuvenate this, slash that, and make these three trees bloom, all on one canvas!)

I am glad, at least, that the brush is so forgiving, as you all know that the PS2 controller is really clunky when it comes to trying to "draw" anything.

Having worked with a joystick powered drawing program on the Commodore64, I can attest that any joystick based drawing system is pretty clunky.

I also recently bought Okami (due to this thread), and I'm improving, but I still have a hard time getting the brush to do waht I want it to.  Blooming cursed trees and grass seem to be the hardest thing to get right, though connecting vines to hooks has caused me a great deal of trouble at certain points.  Crossing off names from my enemies list is the most difficult, since it calls for a horizontal line, and is least forgiving of variation.

(Just the other day, I realized that Ammy is drawing with her tail. :3 )
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


horizontal lines are easiest for me.  Blooming trees seems to work best if the circle goes clockwise.

Cherry bombs and seeds, I think, are by far the easiest.  Cherry bombs require just a circuit with a line intersecting it in one spot, and seeds are... dots.

I'm practicing so that I can place lilly pads directly under where Amaterasu's going to land.  Style points, woo!

Reese Tora

Quote from: Fuyudenki on June 09, 2007, 05:20:05 PM
horizontal lines are easiest for me.  Blooming trees seems to work best if the circle goes clockwise.

Cherry bombs and seeds, I think, are by far the easiest.  Cherry bombs require just a circuit with a line intersecting it in one spot, and seeds are... dots.

I'm practicing so that I can place lilly pads directly under where Amaterasu's going to land.  Style points, woo!

Ammy can't jump very far (well, unless she's running fast when she jumps) so just put a circle around her shadow, with the back edge touching the rear of the shadow to account for forward motion.

I seem to have the best luch drawing my circles counter clockwise, I suspect it comes down to personal style in that case.  It certainly doesn't affect the brightness of the sun adn the speed of the plant's blooming. ^_^

It's scandalous some of the cherry bombs I've gotten away with drawing successfully.

(wait, aren;'t we supposed to be talking about Okami 2? )

One thing I hope they change in any sequal ist he fishing game.  It's frustrating becasue I seem to end up back where I started every time the face dips in to the blue area on the power gauge; I'll lose four or five seconds of effort to a second's inattention, and I have trouble focusing on the gauge and the fish's direction of movement at the same time.  I was doing pretty well on the smaller fish, but this larger fish made me waste somewhere around five minutes on it before I gave up and threw the rod (and fisherman) into the lake. >:3  That was the single most frustrating portion of the game for me so far (I'm just past the wind shrine, plenty more for me to find frustrating, I'm sure.)  It certainly doesn't help that Kokari's voice sounds are annoying, especially when he keeps making them as I try to reel the fish in.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


wait till you try to land the marlin... the bigger fish can take ages

I got so fed up one time I tried to use the cherry bombs to dynamite fish


pfft.  I deliberately drew one cherry bomb that was a circle with a braided-boot-shaped tail attached, and it took it.(braided boot: in the shape of a foot, but the lines crisscross everywhere)

Is the marlin bigger than the giant trout?  Fishing is time consuming, but I only overloaded the stress meter once.

One thing I would definitely want in the sequal would be the option of not helping all those random people.  It irks me when the game forces you to use the brush to help, say, Susano, the wannabe-hero perform his stupid moves, or Mr. Orange do his dance, and then they take all the credit, and don't even acknowledge that there's anything special about this frighteningly intelligent snow-white wolf standing in front of them.

I mean, if I were a god, and people treated me like that, they'd either start seeing their "magical" dances and moves stop working mysteriously, or they'd see some miracles they didn't want to see.(Susano, you idiot, you'd be nothing without my brush!)


Quote from: Fuyudenki on June 10, 2007, 04:36:14 PM
Is the marlin bigger than the giant trout?  Fishing is time consuming, but I only overloaded the stress meter once.

Yep The marlin is the largest fish,  the Whopper is only the third largest fish.

the thing is you realy don't have to catch the marlin if you don't want to,  it'll give you an upgrade to your wind power if you catch it and follow it to the endbut it's not nessisary to story

Quote from: Fuyudenki on June 10, 2007, 04:36:14 PM
One thing I would definitely want in the sequal would be the option of not helping all those random people.  It irks me when the game forces you to use the brush to help, say, Susano, the wannabe-hero perform his stupid moves, or Mr. Orange do his dance, and then they take all the credit, and don't even acknowledge that there's anything special about this frighteningly intelligent snow-white wolf standing in front of them.

I mean, if I were a god, and people treated me like that, they'd either start seeing their "magical" dances and moves stop working mysteriously, or they'd see some miracles they didn't want to see.(Susano, you idiot, you'd be nothing without my brush!)

well the way I see it you arn't the only one preforming the miracle in that case since the miracle in question is beyond you capabilities.  look at the susano scenes for instance your brush can't cut those boulders.  In those cases your focusing your powers with a boost from his own beilif.  You build up Susano's confidance by slashing the easy targets.  then once he realy believes he can do it that certainty gives you the extra umph you need to realy do it


The hardest ones for me to draw were always the moon and sun. Sure, I can draw a circle around any clover you give me, but ask me to do it in the sky? That's much harder.

Okami is like the crown jewel of my games - right next to Tales of Symphonia, and maybe some other stuff...

Back to Nobunaga - at least the real deal didn't have the creepy magical sword like in Samurai Warriors games. >,< He always scared the boogies out of me on the battlefield. Nene is better. Go Hideyoshi!

I don't think Okami really flows with the whole sequel business. It would be like making a Shrek 4 IMO. I will continue to revel in the glory of the art of Okami. I loved those flowers that spring up behind you when you walk.

Out of curiousity, do any of you play with a skin on your second time through? I like the black one, myself. It's purty.


That grass bloom is difficult. 

*draws circle around corruption*

No!  Not flowers, bloom.

I played around with the skins.  I would stick with the poofy one, but the bark is so, meek.