
Started by rabid_fox, May 12, 2007, 08:24:52 PM

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Ryudo Lee

How about an internet radio recommendation?

Normally, internet radio is being blocked by my office's proxy.  But I discovered one of my co-workers listening to music and found that it was coming from an IE tab.  I asked her about it and she pointed me to a site called Pandora which was created out of the Music Genome Project.  It survives off of ad-free subscribers, but you can get all the service of a subscriber for free anyway, just with some ads (which I have yet to see).  Anyway, you just create an account and then start building Stations.  You build a Station by entering in a song title or an artist title and then they go through their collection and find music by the artist you selected AND artists that play music similar to what you chose.  And you can create multiple stations and then make a QuickMix which will shuffle through your Stations.  There's a lot of music here, and a lot of it is new music.  Though you will probably come across artists you've never heard of, but with the way it's designed, even if you've never heard of the artist, you'll probably like the music since it's a similar style to what you originally selected.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!



I tried.  I'm keeping.  I love you.


If anyone has Speed Channel, I recommend watching the MotoGP race at Le Mans on Tuesday afternoon. Best race I've seen in a long time.

Jim Halisstrad

Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on May 20, 2007, 04:30:04 PM
Similar related novel suggestion: Tad Williams' "Otherland" quadrilogy.


Even though it made me break down and cry like three times >.>


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on May 21, 2007, 09:35:12 AM
I was so mad when I discovered it didn't provide to non-US countries. D:<

ANYWAY I recommend the band Harvey Danger.
You can download an album for free from their site, although one of my favourite tracks (Elvis, I Don't Love You Anymore) is on the bonus CD that comes when you buy the CD. Another favourite, and one you can actually download, is War Buddies. :D There's a lot of good stuff there.
/kicks the internet over

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: Jim Halisstrad on May 23, 2007, 11:56:26 PM
Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on May 20, 2007, 04:30:04 PM
Similar related novel suggestion: Tad Williams' "Otherland" quadrilogy.


Even though it made me break down and cry like three times >.>





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Quote from: Qeniheru on May 20, 2007, 12:14:43 PM
Okay, another awesome power metal band to recommend.  If you like metal that is more melodic in nature, give Sonata Arctica a try. They have a new album coming out which is pretty good, but I like their older stuff more, like Winterheart's Guild and Reckoning Night.  And yes, they have a Myspace too. :P
That is good... I think I'll have to download some.

While on Power metal, I'm going to recommend Blind Guardian, Demons & Wizards, and 403.

Blind guardian/Demons & Wizards sound very similar to each other(And sonata Arctica, kinda), and they're both wonderful... A lot of their stuff is based on fantasy stories(Blind Guardian did an album or two based on Lord of the Rings)... in general, good stuff.

403's a little less "Melodic" and a bit more like metal, and a lot of it is in very incromprehensible Engrish, though the voices have an almost operatic quality to them, and it makes the band sound very unique. >>

If you've seen either of the "Nightmare city" flash animations, 403's Southern cross and Northern Lights were used as backround.

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: Miaka on May 26, 2007, 11:49:04 AM
While on Power metal, I'm going to recommend Blind Guardian, Demons & Wizards, and 403.

Blind guardian/Demons & Wizards sound very similar to each other(And sonata Arctica, kinda), and they're both wonderful... A lot of their stuff is based on fantasy stories(Blind Guardian did an album or two based on Lord of the Rings)... in general, good stuff.

~o/ one ring to the dark lord's hand, sitting on his throne. In a land so dark, where I have to go... /o~

If I remember rightly Demons and Wizards is a combination of someone from Blind Guardian and someone from Iced Earth (I'll recommend those guys, especially their take on Dante's Inferno. Win!)

And I'll add to your "Blind Guardian did LotR" with "Demons and Wizards did Stephen King's Dark Tower".

~o/ Call me Flagg, I'm the good man, I'm the dark man... /o~
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