So I've made a goal for myself

Started by Fizzbit, January 18, 2006, 07:09:32 AM

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I've decided that I'm going to go to the Cessna Employee's Fitness Center (the Gym) as often as possible from here on out. (My Dad works at Cessna, so his kids get free entry into the fitness center and such)


Well, I don't think I'm fat. If you need a reason as to the cosmetic intentions of my decision, I do need to tone up my body and gain some definition, especially in my arms and obliques.

The actual reason, however, is that I'm going to Europe this Summer with People to People Student Ambassadors. It's this program for really smart students who are outgoing and are very active in their desire for learning. I was the only one in my school picked. I'm gonna be so lonely on that trip til I make friends... but I digress.

I have weak knees. I have had them ever since birth, because I was also born with knock knee (my kneecaps turn inward, towards each other) as a result, I have little endurance in my legs because I get frequent and chronic leg cramps. I intend to get my legs into as best shape as possible so that they can endure the tremendous amount of walking that I have to do.

Also, I have to carry my luggage EVERYWHERE I go. No leaving it in a little hotel all day, because every day, we'll be switching hotels. My carry-on can be no heavier than 11 lbs and my two suitcases no more than 44 lbs each (I'll start out with one suitcase, but with all the stuff I'll be buying, the program allows for two luggage cases coming back). That isn't a lot, espcially for the carry-on, but if you think about it; carrying all of that around for 20 days will get tiresome, not to mention exhausting on my muscles.

SO, here's my plan.

1) Go to the gym at least three times a week, but strive for five.
2) Workouts should be at least 30 minutes long, no longer than 60 minutes. This will prevent over-working my muscles to the point that uric acid will put me in pain the next day and make it undesirable to go to the gym. Not to mention I'll be going to school in between these workouts, so I want to pace myself.
3) For luggage carrying, focus mainly on arms and back, with some abdominal exercises for bending down and pulling up objects.
4) For extended periods of walking, focus on all areas of the leg, particularly the hamstring and calf.
5) Spend whatever time left on cardiovascular equipment such as treadmills or stationary bicycles to increase overall body endurance and stamina.

Whaddayall think?

Jorge D. Fuentes

That actually sounds like a good idea, though an 11lb Carry-on seems a bit small for the amount of time you'll be traveling.

I'm guessing you're going to use those nifty Air-tight clothing bags that suck the air out of clothes, etc.  If so, then maybe you can fit enough clothes for all the days you'll be out AND stay light.  11lbs is really low, though...


11 lbs is just the carryon. The luggage bag is 44 lbs =P The carryon is gonna be for my journal that I have to take, any medicines, maybe a CD player, money, stuff like that.



I would suggest saving and getting some of the more "high-proformance" sports fabrics for while you're out of the country.  They're light, they really don't wrinkle, and they dry extremely quickly, which means you could wash them in the sink and hang them dry overnight.  This would save a lot of room in your bag...

Also, go to goodwill and pick up a bunch of bottoms for while you're over there that you wouldn't mind trashing- that gives you extra room in your bag for things you want to bring back before you have to glomp over to another bag entirely. (Then, also, if something gets damaged while you're there, you won't be trashing your favorite pair of jeans.)

But, the working out plan sounds really good.  Remember that the first day will hurt, the second day will hurt more, and it usually starts becoming managable the third day.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Yeah, I'm already feeling the effects of the first day, but I gotta keep pushing!

I've thought about the goodwill thing. True, the clothes are really cheap, but I feel really bad just throwing away clothes. We will have access to a washer and dryer on the trip, so I won't have to bring along a TON of clothes, at least. I'll probably bring ten outfits, and a small spraybottle of Febreeze if the washer and dryer isn't readily available.

The only thing I honestly do have to remember to do, however, is to bring a nice outfit. We'll be going to meet with a member of Parliament, and we may do other things which require formal getups.

If I can't get the goodwill thing, I'm at least buying a lot of khakis. They're thin, and roll up really easy, so I can put a lot of them in a spacesaver bag, then vacuum-seal the bag. That should save a ton of room as well.



And your just working on your legs? Mainly?


Hey Clara,good,you are in training,me have to train in the highness,for the mountains,
Where you go?,I´m in romania,exploring Drac´s Castle,again I was looking for the Keep,and I am in the Catacomb(track:Awakening)....YYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!
A SKELETON HANGED WITH CHAINS IN THE WALL!!!!....only my laptop and some torchs
ligth the tunel...hope to be alive tomorrow......good nigth... :help :help