Tell us! (PI Thread)

Started by Fizzbit, January 16, 2006, 07:24:18 PM

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Fill 'em out!

[ Series 1 ]
Current Location:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Righty or Lefty:
Zodiac Sign:

[ Series 2 - Your favorite ]
Slushy Flavor:
TV Show:
Song at the Moment:
Song of all time:
Spice Girl:
Food & Beverage:
Subject in School:
Weekend Activity:
Frozen Yogurt:
Roller Coaster:

[ Series 3 - What is ]
Your most overused phrase:
First thing you thought when you woke up:
Last image/thought you go to sleep with:
First feature you notice of opposite sex:
Best name for a Butler:
Your best feature:
Your greatest fear:
Your greatest accomplishment:
Your most missed memory:

[ Series 4 - You prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke:
McDonald's or Burger King:
Single or Group Dates:
Adidas or Nike:
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers:
Dogs or Cats:
Rugrats or Doug:
Single or Taken:
Monica or Brandy:
Tupac or Jay-Z:
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes:
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:
One pillow or two:
Chocolate or Vanilla:
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa:
Cappucino or Coffee:

[ Series 5 - Do you ]
Shower everyday:
Think you've been in love:
Want to go to college:
Like high school:
Want to get married:
Type correctly:
Believe in yourself:
Have any tattoos? Where:
Have any piercings?
Get motion sickness:
Think you're a health freak:
Get along with your parents:
Like thunderstorms:

[ Series 6 - The future ]
Where will you be at age 20:
How do you want to die:
Dream job:
Country you'd like to visit:

Here's Mine:

[ Series 1 ]
Name: Clara Leet
Birthday: October 9
Birthplace: Wichita, KS
Current Location: Wichita, KS
Eye Color: Bloo
Hair Color: Light Brown
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Font: Times New Roman :D

[ Series 2 - Your favorite ]
Music: Hard Rock, Celtic, Videogame
Cartoon: Drawn Together
Color: Deep shades of blue, green, and purple
Car: Mine :D
Slushy Flavor: Strawberry or Watermelon
Magazine: Play
TV Show: 60 Minutes
Song at the Moment:  "Poison" by Alice Cooper
Song of all time: "I Wish" by Drain STH
Language: English plz
Spice Girl: ...wut
Food & Beverage: Chinese and Coffee :D
Subject in School: Chemistry
Weekend Activity: GAMING
Frozen Yogurt: Vanilla
Roller Coaster: The Mamba

[ Series 3 - What is ]
Your most overused phrase: "Neaty"
First thing you thought when you woke up: "COFFEE"
Last image/thought you go to sleep with: My boyfriend
First feature you notice of opposite sex: Hair
Best name for a Butler: Geoffrey ^.^
Your best feature: Probably my eyes or nose
Your greatest fear: Being completely alone/Unable to experience physical contact of any kind (I mean hugging and shaking hands, jeezus!)
Your greatest accomplishment: Becoming a Thespian
Your most missed memory: My Mother

[ Series 4 - You prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: Both
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Uh...
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers: FINGAHS!
Dogs or Cats: Kitty!
Rugrats or Doug: Rugrats
Single or Taken: Taken
Monica or Brandy: ...wut
Tupac or Jay-Z: Rap is icky :(
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes: Shania Twain
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
One pillow or two: SIX!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa: There's a difference?
Cappucino or Coffee: ...I have to choose?

[ Series 5 - Do you ]
Shower everyday: Mostly every other day, but it's not something I'd protest against.
Think you've been in love: Think? I AM in love!
Want to go to college: Yus ^_^
Like high school: Yes
Want to get married: Yes
Type correctly: Ues
Believe in yourself: Yes
Have any tattoos? Where: Nowhar
Have any piercings?: Nope
Get motion sickness: Sometimes
Think you're a health freak: *rolls in mud*
Get along with your parents: Yes
Like thunderstorms: YES

[ Series 6 - The future ]
Where will you be at age 20: In college
How do you want to die: In my sleep
Dream job: Designer
Country you'd like to visit: Ireland


Well, fine. I'm bored enough to do this...

[ Series 1 ]
Name: Mike F.
Birthday: Jan 14
Birthplace: Virginia
Current Location: Indiana
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Font: Uhm... Verdana?

[ Series 2 - Your favorite ]
Music: Tool or APC
Cartoon: Daria or the Tick
Color: Most any Blue
Car: Nissan SER Spec V
Slushy Flavor: Blueberry or Raspberry, but not Blue Rass.
Magazine: Entertainment Weekly
TV Show: House
Song at the Moment: 10 Years - Wasteland
Song of all time: Tool - The Patient
Language: English
Spice Girl: None
Food & Beverage: Chinese Food, Cherry Coke
Subject in School: Art
Weekend Activity: Being a Lump
Frozen Yogurt: Chocolate
Roller Coaster: I hate them

[ Series 3 - What is ]
Your most overused phrase: Indeed
First thing you thought when you woke up: Turn the alarm off
Last image/thought you go to sleep with: Whatever project I'm working on
First feature you notice of opposite sex: Eyes
Best name for a Butler: Alfred, of course
Your best feature: My scathing wit
Your greatest fear: Heights and Falling
Your greatest accomplishment: Uhm...
Your most missed memory: If I miss it, then I wouldn't know what it is...

[ Series 4 - You prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: Wendy's
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Work Boots
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers: Buffalo Wings
Dogs or Cats: Cats
Rugrats or Doug: Doug
Single or Taken: Taken
Monica or Brandy: Who?
Tupac or Jay-Z: I repeat, who?
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes: Oh for fucks sake...
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Twinnings
One pillow or two: Two
Chocolate or Vanilla: Can't you have both?
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa: Cocoa
Cappucino or Coffee: Frappucino. Frap frap frap...

[ Series 5 - Do you ]
Shower everyday: Yes!
Think you've been in love: My wife better hope so...
Want to go to college: Only now if I need a Masters
Like high school: No
Want to get married: I'd rather stay married, thank you...
Type correctly: Apparently not normally
Believe in yourself: Yes
Have any tattoos? Where: Want, but no.
Have any piercings? Nevar.
Get motion sickness: If I read in the car
Think you're a health freak: No
Get along with your parents: Yes
Like thunderstorms: Yes

[ Series 6 - The future ]
Where will you be at age 20: Apparently 5 years younger
How do you want to die: Quietly prefered
Dream job: Writer for a hit TV series, preferably one I came up with an own the rights to
Country you'd like to visit: All of Europe, really.


[ Series 1 ]
Name:Jose Hernandez
Birthday: 29-july
Birthplace: Mexico
Current Location:Paris,France
Eye Color:brown
Hair Color: red and black
Righty or Lefty:righty
Zodiac Sign: leo
Font: monotype corsiva

[ Series 2 - Your favorite ]
Music:Dark,neo-orchesta,classic,Castlevania and black concerto
Cartoon:Gundam Wing
Color: Black and red(twiligth cloak color)
Car: Escourt 99
Slushy Flavor: Bitter
Magazine: Club nintendo and EGM
Song at the Moment:CVCoD-Abandoned Castle(the curse of darkness)
Song of all time:All the songs of Clock tower and the firsts levels of Castlevania
Language: Spanish(total)english and french(a half)
Spice Girl: none
Food & Beverage:italian,japaneseor French and every kind of coffe(I have drink 20 types)
Subject in School:Physics and chemistry(play in class too,god bless the Gba and the DS)
Weekend Activity: The forums,see my girlfriend,play castlevania
Frozen Yogurt: I hate the yogurt
Roller Coaster:Medusa(six flags,Mexico)

[ Series 3 - What is ]
Your most overused phrase:Damnit,not again!
First thing you thought when you woke up: sleep again
Last image/thought you go to sleep with:My darling Clear La´croix
First feature you notice of opposite sex:her hair and eyes
Best name for a Butler: James
Your best feature: none
Your greatest fear: Spiders and demonic subliminal messages
Your greatest accomplishment:none yet
Your most missed memory:My Romania visit.....

[ Series 4 - You prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King:McDonalds(free wi-fi conection for DS)
Single or Group Dates: single
Adidas or Nike: nike
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers: nothing
Dogs or Cats: bats
Rugrats or Doug: Doug
Single or Taken: single
Monica or Brandy: *****
Tupac or Jay-Z: nothing
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes:none
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
One pillow or two: one
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate nestle
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa: nothing
Cappucino or Coffee:the horror.......I have to choice?you are so Bad

[ Series 5 - Do you ]
Shower everyday: everyday,yes
Think you've been in love: Olrox´s in love?
Want to go to college:absolutely,yes
Like high school: yes
Want to get married: ......yes
Type correctly: I dont know
Believe in yourself: yes...i guess so
Have any tattoos? nope
Have any piercings? not
Get motion sickness: no
Think you're a health freak:not
Get along with your parents: NOT!!!
Like thunderstorms: some

[ Series 6 - The future ]
Where will you be at age 20:in the school
How do you want to die:Killed  or die in a Dark lord competition....
Dream job: Work in Konami,in any seccion(you can joke of me)
Country you'd like to visit:Japan....and I was in europe!!!!


(I'm bored...why not?)

[ Series 1 ]
Name: Melissa Kay F.
Birthday: Nov. 11  ((Yes Veteran's Day))
Birthplace: Oklahoma  <had hick accent until I turned 5
Current Location: Missouri
Eye Color: Um..they change from tones of brown, to sometimes hazel, or even go into tones of green....yeah...
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Righty or Lefty: Lefty
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Font: Papyrus

[ Series 2 - Your favorite ]
Music: Rock, Video Game....all kinds except Country..
Cartoon: Batman
Color: Violet
Car: Lamborgenie Diablo
Slushy Flavor: Blueberry
Magazine: Seventeen
TV Show: Married with Children
Song at the Moment: Wish I had an Angel by NightWish
Song of all time: Dragula by Rob Zombie
Language: English
Spice Girl: None
Food & Beverage: Sushi, Sweet Tea
Subject in School: Art
Weekend Activity: Drawing usually...or working
Frozen Yogurt: Blueberry
Roller Coaster: AH! No....they're evil.

[ Series 3 - What is ]
Your most overused phrase: Bleh
First thing you thought when you woke up: Turn the alarm off
Last image/thought you go to sleep with: Seeing if the closet door is closed.
First feature you notice of opposite sex: Eyes
Best name for a Butler: Alfred
Your best feature: I'm actually nice...
Your greatest fear: Needles...
Your greatest accomplishment: Um...getting my best friend back together with the love of her life.
Your most missed memory: Most of my memories just cause me pain, so none...

[ Series 4 - You prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King...
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers: Fingers
Dogs or Cats: Kitty
Rugrats or Doug: Rugrats
Single or Taken: Taken
Monica or Brandy: Ew
Tupac or Jay-Z: Double Ew
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes: Shania Twain
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
One pillow or two: One
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa: Cocoa
Cappucino or Coffee: Cappucino

[ Series 5 - Do you ]
Shower everyday: Yes!
Think you've been in love: Yes...
Want to go to college: Now...I really wish
Like high school: Heck No
Want to get married: I guess...
Type correctly: Not Normal, but fast...
Believe in yourself: Yes
Have any tattoos? No
Have any piercings? No...
Get motion sickness: Yes I can
Think you're a health freak: No
Get along with your parents: Sometimes
Like thunderstorms: Yes

[ Series 6 - The future ]
Where will you be at age 20: I don't want to think about it
How do you want to die: in sleep or get blown up...
Dream job: Writer and Artist...
Country you'd like to visit: All of Europe, especially Italy.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?

Jorge D. Fuentes

Wheee!  Here is my Info:

[ Series 1 ]
Name: Jorge D. Fuentes
Birthday: January 12
Birthplace: Ecuador
Current Location: New Jersey, USA
Eye Color: Black (really dark brown)
Hair Color: Black
Righty or Lefty: Righty unless playing Trombone
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Font: Tahoma 10

[ Series 2 - Your favorite ]
Music: VideoGame/Synth
Cartoon: Pokemon
Color: Purple-ish Blue (Indigo?)
Car: none
Slushy Flavor: BLUE
Magazine: Nintendo Power
TV Show: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Song at the Moment: Wily's Castle (Mega Man II)
Song of all time: Vampire Killer
Language: English, Spanish
Spice Girl: Does not apply
Food & Beverage: French Fries & Coke
Subject in School: Mathematics, Computer Science, Art, Literature
Weekend Activity: Lounging about playing VideoGames
Frozen Yogurt: No thanks
Roller Coaster: The Chiller (Batman-themed rollercoaster at Six Flags Great Adventure)

[ Series 3 - What is ]
Your most overused phrase:  Rargh, Blargh, Indeed
First thing you thought when you woke up: "Gotta stretch, dammit!"
Last image/thought you go to sleep with: My girlfriend
First feature you notice of opposite sex: Eyes, Face, Breasts (not in that order)
Best name for a Butler: Jones
Your best feature: My eyes and Hair
Your greatest fear: Growing old and fat
Your greatest accomplishment: Graduating a Technology University with a B+ average
Your most missed memory: When I find it, I'll tell you

[ Series 4 - You prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Timberland
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers: Nuggets (they're more fun)
Dogs or Cats: Cats if well trained (I'm too lazy to train 'em, though)
Rugrats or Doug: Depends on which Doug (Nickelodeon or Disney's)
Single or Taken: Taken
Monica or Brandy: Uh... does not apply? (WTF are they?)
Tupac or Jay-Z: Same as above...
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes: Same as the two above
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Snapple is the Best
One pillow or two: Two
Chocolate or Vanilla: Depends on what I'm having.  Mostly Chocolate, I guess
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa: I'll take either
Cappucino or Coffee: Cappucino (but I like Espresso Doubleshots too)

[ Series 5 - Do you ]
Shower everyday: Every day but the Weekend
Think you've been in love: Yeah
Want to go to college: Went, Graduated, good stuff
Like high school:  Yeah I did.  It was fun.
Want to get married: At some point, but not right now (not financially ready)
Type correctly: I suppose so.  There might be typos here and there, but for the most part, yes.
Believe in yourself: Often
Have any tattoos? Where: None
Have any piercings? No
Get motion sickness: Yes, unfortunately
Think you're a health freak: Nah
Get along with your parents: Yeah, for the most part
Like thunderstorms: They're cool to stare at, yes.

[ Series 6 - The future ]
Where will you be at age 20: Old, Fat, and if lucky, married and with kids
How do you want to die: In my sleep, at 79, leaving a fat inheritance
Dream job: Getting paid $30/hour to have a good night's sleep (8 hours).
Country you'd like to visit: Japan


[ Series 1 ]
Name: Richard Cutting
Birthday: April 2
Birthplace: Orange county California
Current Location: Florence Or
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black
Righty or Lefty: Ambi dex
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Font: Don't care..

[ Series 2 - Your favorite ]
Music: Symphony, video game, Heavy metal
Cartoon: You know I can't say
Color: blue
Car: Nissan Skyline
Slushy Flavor: Don't care
Magazine: Official Playstaion Magazine
TV Show: Muppet Show
Song at the Moment: none
Song of all time: none
Language: English, Spanish
Spice Girl: none
Food & Beverage: Big sandwhich with a coke at  hand
Subject in School: Math
Weekend Activity: Work. Woot
Frozen Yogurt: not sure
Roller Coaster: not sure

[ Series 3 - What is ]
Your most overused phrase: woot
First thing you thought when you woke up: Shower time
Last image/thought you go to sleep with: Blank
First feature you notice of opposite sex: Boobs
Best name for a Butler: Alfred
Your best feature: I got none
Your greatest fear: Clowns
Your greatest accomplishment: N/A
Your most missed memory: My sassy cat

[ Series 4 - You prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: Wendy's
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers: Nuggets
Dogs or Cats: Cats, Ferrets
Rugrats or Doug: neither
Single or Taken: single
Monica or Brandy: eh?
Tupac or Jay-Z: Die both of you
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes:No
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton Ice tea
One pillow or two: one
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa:both
Cappucino or Coffee: both

[ Series 5 - Do you ]
Shower everyday: Yes maybe even twice
Think you've been in love: nope
Want to go to college: no I'm going to the military
Like high school: not really
Want to get married: sure why not
Type correctly: every once in a while
Believe in yourself: sometimes
Have any tattoos? Where: nope
Have any piercings? nope
Get motion sickness: nope
Think you're a health freak: hell no
Get along with your parents: Yesh
Like thunderstorms: I love em'

[ Series 6 - The future ]
Where will you be at age 20:
How do you want to die: Killing
Dream job:
Country you'd like to visit: Europe

Proto Belmont

Boy it's been a while since I was hear...

[ Series 1 ]
Name: Keith Klinger
Birthday: October 21
Birthplace: RiceLake WI
Current Location: Exeland WI
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Light Brown
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Font: English111 Vivace BT

[ Series 2 - Your favorite ]
Music: Classic Music, Gaming Music
Cartoon: Family Guy
Color: Blue
Car: Blue 1992 cutlass ciera
Slushy Flavor: Blueberry :P
Magazine: Golf Digest
TV Show: Mythbusters
Song at the Moment:  Metroid Prime:Phendrana Drifts
Song of all time: Mozart: Die Zufriedenheit
Language: English/ learning Spanish
Spice Girl: None! :p
Food & Beverage: PowerBar ProteinPlus/Meso-tech protein shakes (Yeah, I'm a health nut)
Subject in School: Chemistry
Weekend Activity: Video Gaming
Frozen Yogurt: Yoplait Whips Chocolate moose
Roller Coaster: Dueling Dragons

[ Series 3 - What is ]
Your most overused phrase: "Yah"/"Yeah"
First thing you thought when you woke up: "Crap, I forgot to read for my History Class."
Last image/thought you go to sleep with:
First feature you notice of opposite sex: Eyes, Face, Their Smile, Legs
Best name for a Butler: Martie
Your best feature: Lush forest of Curly hair/Gymnastic body
Your greatest fear: Breaking any bone
Your greatest accomplishment: Holding the rank of 3rd in my entire grade
Your most missed memory: Petting, playing with my first puppy

[ Series 4 - You prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds's
Single or Group Dates: Group Dates
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers: Chicken fingers
Dogs or Cats: Dogs (Still love cats thought)
Rugrats or Doug: Rugrats
Single or Taken: Single :[
Monica or Brandy: Monica
Tupac or Jay-Z: Ermmm, neither...
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes: Shania Twain
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton Ice Tea
One pillow or two: One
Chocolate or Vanilla:  Vanilla
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa: Hot chocolate
Cappucino or Coffee: Cappucino

[ Series 5 - Do you ]
Shower everyday: Twice actually (due to the amount that I sweat)
Think you've been in love: Hellz yes
Want to go to college: Yeah
Like high school: Yup
Want to get married: After college
Type correctly: For the most part, yes
Believe in yourself: Claro!
Have any tattoos? Where: Nope
Have any piercings? No
Get motion sickness: Sure do
Think you're a health freak: Hah, of coarse!
Get along with your parents: <3 'em
Like thunderstorms: If the system is extreme, then no

[ Series 6 - The future ]
Where will you be at age 20: At college
How do you want to die: Anyway that's not macabre (in my sleep.)
Dream job: Some job that revolves around Science/Biology
Country you'd like to visit: Europe (Mainly to visit Austria)


[ Series 1 ]
Name: Kevin
Birthday: 12/18/87
Birthplace: Whittier, Cali
Current Location: Home
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: very dark brown
Righty or Lefty: both on occasion
Zodiac Sign: rabbit
Font: trebuchet MS

[ Series 2 - Your favorite ]
Music: J-rock/metal
Cartoon: Karas
Color: Black
Car: Scion Xb
Slushy Flavor: Coca Cola
Magazine: Shonen Jump
TV Show: Chappelle's Show
Song at the Moment: Kurenai
Song of all time: Dragon Blade
Language: Japanese
Spice Girl: none. i hate them
Food & Beverage: Curry Ramen and Ramune
Subject in School: Art
Weekend Activity: Hanging out, playing Parapara
Frozen Yogurt: Strawberry
Roller Coaster: Xcelerator

[ Series 3 - What is ]
Your most overused phrase: Enjoy yourself!
First thing you thought when you woke up: GGX, GGX, GGX!!!
Last image/thought you go to sleep with:  GGX, GGX, GGX!!!!
First feature you notice of opposite sex: Looks
Best name for a Butler: Space Butler
Your best feature: Personality
Your greatest fear: Heights and Service
Your greatest accomplishment: Probably having gotten revenge over some squabbling
Your most missed memory: Uhm... when I first played GGX!!!

[ Series 4 - You prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: McD
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers: Nuggets
Dogs or Cats: Dogs
Rugrats or Doug: none
Single or Taken: single
Monica or Brandy: ?
Tupac or Jay-Z: Jay-Z
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes:...
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nestea
One pillow or two: two
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa: both are the same
Cappucino or Coffee: cappucino

[ Series 5 - Do you ]
Shower everyday: yes
Think you've been in love: yes
Want to go to college: yes
Like high school: no
Want to get married:yes
Type correctly: yes
Believe in yourself:yes
Have any tattoos? Where:no
Have any piercings? no
Get motion sickness: ?
Think you're a health freak:yes
Get along with your parents: barely
Like thunderstorms: meh

[ Series 6 - The future ]
Where will you be at age 20: dunnno
How do you want to die: dunnno
Dream job: Animator/Manga Artist
Country you'd like to visit: Japan!!!!


[ Series 1 ]
Name: John Trussell
Birthday: August 2, 1987
Birthplace: Zainesville, Ohio
Current Location: wellington, Kansas
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Font: Franklin Gothic Book

[ Series 2 - Your favorite ]
Music: Rock
Cartoon: Cowboy Bebop
Color: Silver
Car: VW Bug
Slushy Flavor: Grape
Magazine: Nintendo Power
TV Show: Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Song at the Moment: 'Cable Car'-The Fray
Song of all time: 'Real Folk Blues'-Cowboy Bebop theme Song
Language: Japanese (can't speak more than one or two words, but I'm wanting to learn...)
Spice Girl: Sporty
Food & Beverage: Lasagna and Diet Pepsi
Subject in School: History
Weekend Activity: Online Gaming (Flyff)
Frozen Yogurt: None (I hate yogurt)
Roller Coaster: None

[ Series 3 - What is ]
Your most overused phrase: "Well, don't that suck?"
First thing you thought when you woke up: "Damn."
Last image/thought you go to sleep with: "Yawn."
First feature you notice of opposite sex: Eyes
Best name for a Butler: Malcolm
Your best feature: Eyes
Your greatest fear: Nothing
Your greatest accomplishment: Living to see my 18th birthday
Your most missed memory: Summers playing Final Fantasy 3/6

[ Series 4 - You prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: Whichever is closer
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Whichever is comfortable
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers: Whichever is available, and fastest to make
Dogs or Cats: Dogs
Rugrats or Doug: Doug
Single or Taken: Single
Monica or Brandy: Neither
Tupac or Jay-Z: Tupac
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes: LeAnn Rhymes
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
One pillow or two: Two
Chocolate or Vanilla: Can I have both? Swirl, please!
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa: Whichever is available
Cappucino or Coffee: Cappucino

[ Series 5 - Do you ]
Shower everyday: No
Think you've been in love: No; I know I've been in love.
Want to go to college: No
Like high school: NO!
Want to get married: Eventually...maybe...probably...neh, it'll never happen.
Type correctly: I try to
Believe in yourself: Nope.  I don't believe I can do something: I know I can
Have any tattoos? Where: No
Have any piercings? No
Get motion sickness: No
Think you're a health freak: No, never
Get along with your parents: Sometimes...
Like thunderstorms: Only if I have a sleeping cat and thunder strieks (or booms, as the case may be...)

[ Series 6 - The future ]
Where will you be at age 20: I have no clue
How do you want to die: my sleep?
Dream job: Blacksmith
Country you'd like to visit: Japan

Tech N9ne

[ Series 1 ]
Name: Chris Nabinger
Birthday: 8-20-79
Birthplace: Boston MA
Current Location: The Echoside
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Font: Arial

[ Series 2 - Your favorite ]
Music: Horrorcore
Cartoon: Invade Zim
Color: Orange
Car: ...
Slushy Flavor: Blue Raspberry
Magazine: Linux-Journal
TV Show: TNA-Impac
Song at the Moment: Tech N9ne - Trapped in a psychos Body
Song of all time: Metallica - One
Language: English
Spice Girl: Baby
Food & Beverage: Pizza and Red Mountain Dew
Subject in School: Geometry
Weekend Activity: Games
Frozen Yogurt: Vanilla
Roller Coaster: Batman And Robin: The Chiller

[ Series 3 - What is ]
Your most overused phrase: In response to how are you "Suffering Comfortably"
First thing you thought when you woke up: I have to piss
Last image/thought you go to sleep with: Bash terminal screen
First feature you notice of opposite sex: Ass
Best name for a Butler: Butler
Your best feature: Eyes
Your greatest fear: Not having children
Your greatest accomplishment: Making more money then my parents
Your most missed memory: My Grandmother

[ Series 4 - You prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonads
Single or Group Dates: Group
Adidas or Nike: Neither, Payless is where it's at
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers: Nuggets
Dogs or Cats: Dogs
Rugrats or Doug: Doug
Single or Taken: Taken
Monica or Brandy: Brandy
Tupac or Jay-Z: Tupac
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes: Neither
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
One pillow or two: 2
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa: Chocolate
Cappucino or Coffee: Coffee

[ Series 5 - Do you ]
Shower everyday: yes
Think you've been in love: yes
Want to go to college: yes
Like high school: I did
Want to get married: I already did and am again
Type correctly: sometimes
Believe in yourself: yes
Have any tattoos? Where: Yes, on my Right arm
Have any piercings? Nope
Get motion sickness: all the time
Think you're a health freak: HA!
Get along with your parents: Sort of, its an uneasy truce sometimes
Like thunderstorms: yes

[ Series 6 - The future ]
Where will you be at age 20: I'm already 26
How do you want to die: Parachute failure
Dream job: Palentologist
Country you'd like to visit: Germany

Sin Ominous

[ Series 1 ]
Name: Steven Lundy
Birthday: February 1st, 1984
Birthplace: Marietta, Georgia
Current Location: Rome, Georgia (college); Roswell, Georgia (home)
Eye Color: blue-green
Hair Color: Brunette
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Font: Optima

[ Series 2 - Your favorite ]
Music: Classic Rock, Metal
Cartoon: Family Guy
Color: Blue
Car: VW Jetta
Slushy Flavor: Blue Raspberry
Magazine: Gamepro, Nintendo Power, Newsweek
TV Show: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Colbert Report
Song at the Moment: "Fiddle About" by The Who
Song of all time: "Moskau" by Dschinghis Khan
Language: English (though like German, Russian, and Japanese)
Spice Girl: N/A
Food & Beverage: BBQ Ribs and Root Beer
Subject in School: Psychology
Weekend Activity: Hanging out with lady friends, catching up on games
Frozen Yogurt: N/A
Roller Coaster: Hulk - The Ride

[ Series 3 - What is ]
Your most overused phrase: "What the hell?"
First thing you thought when you woke up: *groan*
Last image/thought you go to sleep with: faded computer screen
First feature you notice of opposite sex: Smile, personality, breasts, buttocks
Best name for a Butler: Jeeves
Your best feature: My eyes and wit.
Your greatest fear: Any insect that stings.
Your greatest accomplishment: Preventing my roomie's suicide.
Your most missed memory: My first kiss.

[ Series 4 - You prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Neither - New Balance
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers: Chicken Fingers
Dogs or Cats: Cats
Rugrats or Doug: Doug
Single or Taken: Still single
Monica or Brandy: N/A
Tupac or Jay-Z: N/A
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes: Shania Twain
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton Ice Tea
One pillow or two: One thick pillow
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa: Hot Chocolate
Cappucino or Coffee: Cappucino

[ Series 5 - Do you ]
Shower everyday: Yes.
Think you've been in love: Yes. Gotten screwed over each time.
Want to go to college: Am currently in college.
Like high school: It was alright.
Want to get married: Too expensive.
Type correctly: I try my damnedest.
Believe in yourself: Yes.
Have any tattoos? No. Where: N/A
Have any piercings? No.
Get motion sickness: Not too often.
Think you're a health freak: Far from it.
Get along with your parents: Occasionally.
Like thunderstorms: No.

[ Series 6 - The future ]
Where will you be at age 20: Have already passed it.
How do you want to die: In my deathbed, with a wife/girlfriend by my side.
Dream job: Working at Apple or Nintendo Power
Country you'd like to visit: The Netherlands


Name: Matthew Cloud
Birthday: December 10th, 1981
Birthplace: Dallas, Texas
Current Location: Misawa, Japan
Eye Color: They change from blue to gray
Hair Color: Blonde
Righty or Lefty: Southpaw
Zodiac Sign: Sagitarious
Font: Optima

[ Series 2 - Your favorite ]
Music: Everything
Cartoon: Simpsons
Color: Green
Car: '78 Grande Prix
Slushy Flavor: Raspberry
Magazine: Disinformation, Utne Reader, Bento, Mazi, Paladin-Press, Pulp, Andrei, Anistoriton, Etc.
TV Show: Southpark
Song at the Moment: "Speak Militant"By Sabacolypse
Song of all time: Too many.
Language: English, little german/spanish/portuguese/japanese
Spice Girl: The one the doesn't suck
Food & Beverage: Rice, Either Cilcon or Ron Rico
Subject in School: Mass Media
Weekend Activity: Club/bar hopping, Socializing.
Frozen Yogurt: Boysenberry
Roller Coaster: N/A

[ Series 3 - What is ]
Your most overused phrase: "Da f*ck?"
First thing you thought when you woke up: *YAY! It's snowing! No running today!*
Last image/thought you go to sleep with: Thinking of people loved and lost.
First feature you notice of opposite sex: The way they look at me and blush
Best name for a Butler:Wently, maybe "sir"
Your best feature: My eyes and mind.
Your greatest fear: My greatest fear is knowing I will never succeed at failing.
Your greatest accomplishment: Surviving.
Your most missed memory: I'd rather not say.

[ Series 4 - You prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's
Single or Group Dates: both?
Adidas or Nike: Neither - Adidas
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers: Chicken Fingers
Dogs or Cats: Both
Rugrats or Doug:Niether
Single or Taken: Always single ;-)
Monica or Brandy: N/A
Tupac or Jay-Z: Necro
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes: Shania Twain
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton Ice Tea
One pillow or two: None
Chocolate or Vanilla: Choclate
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa: Hot Chocolate
Cappucino or Coffee: Coffee

[ Series 5 - Do you ]
Shower everyday: Yes.
Think you've been in love: Yes. Gotten screwed over each time.
Want to go to college: Dropout, going again soon
Like high school: I was a Demi-God
Want to get married: Too many beauties in the world
Type correctly: I try my damnedest.
Believe in yourself: Yes.
Have any tattoos? No. Where: N/A
Have any piercings? No.
Get motion sickness: Not too often.
Think you're a health freak: No.
Get along with your parents: Occasionally.
Like thunderstorms: Yes.

[ Series 6 - The future ]
Where will you be at age 20: Passed.
How do you want to die: I'll never die! I'll have my own little sect ;-)
Dream job: Already have it.
Country you'd like to visit: Romania or New Zealand