More english class for olroxshade

Started by olroxshade, January 14, 2006, 08:57:38 PM

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This story starts in the ICVD forums,posting in the topic:"poor IGA",after responding a
post ,Succubus blame my english writing, so please  teach me some of your word writing....... :help


Where are you from? (I think I remember reading Mexico, but I'm not sure)

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

Destina Faroda

The more you type in English, the better you get at typing in English.  If you want to write in another language, then I advise you to write in that language.  Do not listen to  Succubus.  She's a bad woman.  :D
Sig coming...whenever...


Remember, Destina, the rules here do say "English Only" :) Although I doubt the Spanish is being used to conspire against the forum or mock us behind our backs =P Still, the rule stands. And it's cool to see that he at least wants to try to be understood by everyone, not just hispanic-speakers.

Orlox, are you taking English classes in school? I'd advise to maybe read literature in English, and study the word structure, because you're better off learning English in a concrete source rather than forums where you may find that some people can barely type with vowels. Also, watch some American movies or anything with English voices. It'll show you how the language is used when expressing emotion and such like that. I see that you have a general grasp of it so far, and you're at least understandable, so don't feel like your posts are completely in vain.

Also, Destina, watch what you say. That little comment about Tina is violating Rule 6 - Don't bitch about other forums and their members at this forum. Keep it all off-board.


Well,thanks and answer Damaris:
Yes I am from Mexico,but in this moment I am in Romania
Sailor Steeler:
thanks for the suport,you are so nice
Clara E. Leet:
Yes i am taking english lessons in my school(i am the best of all the others)
I read in english and use the SAP sistem every time to I see Lost and the contender
(new in my country)
Thank´s to all! :bunny ^_^


So this is where the Engrish sprang from.

Now would be a good time for a more you know emote.



Well whattya know.


Akwardly enough they go together. those emotes.


Well,here is a question,Yours want my leave of the forum?


No, you just need to continue to work on your English, that's really all.


Absolutely stay :)  It will be good practice for you.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


My spanish isn't what it was ten years ago, being my seconfd language I forgot most of it.


well,the reason is :in icvd all try to let me out,why?


IMPORTANT ADVISE!!!!!!don´t hear inocent devil.......he is very bad......


Why aren't you liked at ICVD? Simple, it's an old thing about survival, you last you're ok, you don't, then you don't.

It's not that you're not liked (by some at least), it's that you're new and they just want to rib you a little to see how well you do.

As the old saying goes, LOL INTERNET, don't take things seriously.


yes,I take the things seriously,but after my next vacations in Paris,I feel more better