
Started by Tapewolf, April 02, 2007, 07:03:21 PM

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That is pure awesome. That'll probably occupy about five more years of his life, by a conservative estimate.
Yap by Silver.


Its surpizing see your old man text you that Tape


Quote from: Toric on September 03, 2007, 01:55:36 AM
That is pure awesome. That'll probably occupy about five more years of his life, by a conservative estimate.

I guess we'll see.  Dungeon Siege got him doing a few 1AM sessions, much to my stepmother's ire.  Anyway, I'm glad he liked his present  >:3

Quote from: Zedd on September 03, 2007, 02:03:20 AM
Its surpizing see your old man text you that Tape
Heck, he introduced me to computer games.  One thing I wasn't sure of was if he'd take to it since he generally prefers more actiony games than RPGs.  I've never been able to get him on SS2 or Deus Ex, which is a shame because he's an SF nut and SS2 is the closest I've been to being on an actual starship.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



No screenshots yet, but I've been doing some very strange things with the console.
I created a new character called 'Dagoth Ur', and cranked him up so he has the following stats:

Strength: 50000
Agility: 50000
Speed: 100
Acrobatics: 100  (if you set this to 5000 or so, you'll jump off the map and the game will cry)
Athletics: 100
Endurance: 100
Axe, Longsword, Shortsword, Blunt weapon: 50000
Hand-to-hand: 1000000

It's pretty cool.  He can run forever without tiring, it doesn't matter what happens to him because he can't die and he can leap from tree-to-tree.  The weapons are a mixed blessing... a single axe stroke to someone's head will kill them - which frankly is as it should be - but the weapons wear out very, very quickly.

There are two interesting things which I've discovered:
1. If you barge into the Facility Cavern, you can kill Dagoth Ur (not me, the proper one).    A quick clubbing with something and he'll drop dead still uttering the words "How can you kill a God?".  This does however mean that you can't win the game.  Come to that I'm not sure you can anyway, but that's another problem.

If you don't use a weapon at all, hand-to-hand attacks will knock someone out instantly.  Naturally this includes Mr. Ur himself, so if you just smack him one, he'll fall to his knees breathing rapidly.  Probably for about two hours realtime.
If you then dive off to the Heart, he'll teleport as usual (but unconscious of course).
Finally, you can simply bash the Heart in with any old weapon.  The endgame sequence doesn't seem to trigger properly though, even if you do use the proper ones.

2.  Go to Gnisis and find the bloke paddling in the river.  Smack him one and he'll fall unconscious into the river.  If you do this right, you'll find that he starts to drown, and in an attempt to save himself, will jerk around, rising gently into the sky as he does so.  This seems to continue indefinitely until you move out of the cell, at which point they'll come crashing back to earth and die.

Alas, I haven't been able to reproduce these without cheating...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Probably OT, but just got started in Oblivion on the ol' 360. Great game, good graphics, though the framerate has some problems. Voice acting is a massive plus.

Annoying things that are different than Morrowind:
You can't see a character's disposition without going into the persuasion "minigame".
Lockpicking is annoying.
Stolen items can not be sold to ANY merchant, except fences for the Thieves Guild fences, and you need to be in the guild to use them.
Paying a guard a bounty won't instantly clear you, you have to go to the nearest castle. So no gradually killing people by repeatedly paying off bounties. :C
(If you raise his disposition above 90, though, you can get him to ignore your crime.)


Lockpicking is easy as crap in Oblivion, after twenty hours I was opening very hard locks without breaking picks. I hate how they took out traps though.

On a side note, I've been playing with the mods for Morrowind and my favorites so far are the nessecities of Morrowind and the CM-partners mod.

Nessecities of Morrowind makes it nessecary for you to eat, drink, etc., and adds some much needed realism. CM partners is a mod that uses the new companion module in the tribunal expansion to add over 70 NPCs that you can party with, and they can actually become intimate partners. Although same-sex relationships are disabled in the normal mod there's an expansion someone made to remove the dialogue limitations.

I also don't know if anyone mentioned 'Slof's better bodies for beasts' yet, but it's excellent. Be warned though, because it'll turn your copy into an AO game in no time flat. Slof refuses to make undergarments apparently.


There are trap mods for Oblivion... I know Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul includes them. I finished the Blackwood Company headquarters only to hit a trapped chest when I began looting the place. God that sucked as the boss was a hard fight (well, by OOO standards) :<

Also, AlienSlof does make undergarments... sexy sexy undergarments... FOR MEN... often crotchless... :>


Quote from: Kasarn on September 11, 2007, 06:00:30 AM
There are trap mods for Oblivion... I know Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul includes them. I finished the Blackwood Company headquarters only to hit a trapped chest when I began looting the place. God that sucked as the boss was a hard fight (well, by OOO standards) :<

Also, AlienSlof does make undergarments... sexy sexy undergarments... FOR MEN... often crotchless... :>
:shifty I'll buy two...


People floating in Morrowind

Sorry if this is a bit image-heavy.  If it's a problem let me know and I'll sort something out.

First, here's someone that Dagoth Ur has just beaten the crap out of in the water.  To avoid drowning, they, uh, fly:

Here's a distance shot.  Dagoth is battling some other sod whom he's just annoyed so that he can lead them down into the water and drown them.  As usual, he's wearing the uniform from the last person he's killed:

Two people floating in Morrowind:

Dagoth Ur walked out of the cell, causing the victim to fall like a stone.  The round blob is the victim, caught here in mid-plunge.  Why they look like that I know not:

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E