
Started by llearch n'n'daCorna, February 18, 2007, 07:38:54 PM

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OKay I just got heavily attacked by TwistedRebelDB47.  I could use some help here!
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Geez... that was three days ago yet. What's happened in the meantime?

Now Jim's getting raped too.

Sigh. :kittydepressed

Well, guys. I'm packing for a trip right now and heading into peace mode, so I can't really help with the diplomatic end of this problem. I sent Jim and Valynth a care package to help them through their anarchies though. I think you'll need to accept it before I hit hippy mode though, so please log in and grab your monies ASAP.


I'd recommend visiting their IRC and asking WTF is going on. TPF has attacked us seven times in the past two weeks (only six visible, so they'll have to take llearch's word on the one he declared peace with). That looks a little more serious than the usual "tech raid" thing, so you might be able to get their leaders to lean on these people a little and get them to lay off.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Where would one find their IRC? I've looked, but damned if I can find anything.

And attempting to log into CN forums is failing, due to their mail being spamfiltered. :-/

Edit: Nevermind, Google resolved it. In the wiki...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

hay guys i've hit a snag of debt switching my trades around for what i think might be better for my nation. if you guys could send me some money till i can secure my last two trades it would be totally awesome, but don't feel you have to. also i do realize there is a "war" going on and ive sent what i can to those in need. well at least one of you.

llearch n'n'daCorna

23:23 <Quiz[TPF]> What's up?
23:24 <llearch> ... obviously I need to type faster.
23:24 <Quiz[TPF]> there?
23:24 <llearch> yup.
23:24 <Quiz[TPF]> Lol.
23:24 <Quiz[TPF]> Okay, so which alliance are we talking about?
23:24 <llearch> wanna take it up here, or there?
23:24 <llearch> "Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance"
23:24 <Quiz[TPF]> Here, preferably. :)
23:25 <llearch>
23:25 <llearch> ... apologies for the length of the URL.
23:25 <Quiz[TPF]> No, no, it's fine. :)
23:25 <Quiz[TPF]> No, you don't appear to be in any sort of's just our tech-raiders.
23:25 <llearch> there's another attack not listed there, for some reason.
23:26 <Quiz[TPF]> Anyway...I can arrange for them to send peace, if you'd like.
23:26 <llearch> 7 attacks in less than two weeks on an alliance of no more than 9 is a little bit over-eager, wouldn't you think?
23:27 <llearch> while I accept that, according to your alliance charter, it's acceptable, it'd be nice if they could spread that out a bit. ;-]
23:27 <Quiz[TPF]> Heh.
23:27 <Quiz[TPF]> Well, I can pretty much guarantee they won't be attacking you guys again. ;)
23:28 <llearch> thanks, I appreciate it.
23:28 <Quiz[TPF]> Also...
23:28 <Quiz[TPF]> You might want to try obtaining a protectorate agreement with a larger alliance.
23:28 <Quiz[TPF]> Because that would eliminate this issue in the future.
23:28 <llearch> we're working on it.
23:28 <llearch> yeah.
23:28 <Quiz[TPF]> Oh, okay. :)
23:28 <Quiz[TPF]> Well, thanks for being so reasonable.
23:29 <llearch> problem being getting any sort of agreement out of the nine people, other than they all happen to be in the same area at the same time... ;-]
23:29 <llearch> you're welcome.
23:29 <Quiz[TPF]> Generally I get the "OMG NO U CANT DO THIS HALP". ;)
23:29 <Quiz[TPF]> So it's nice talking with someone rather more understanding of the situation.
23:29 <llearch> heh. Of -course- you can do it.
23:29 <llearch> you're bigger than we are. *shrug* ;-]
23:31 <Quiz[TPF]> Well, I guess...but size isn't the only factor that comes to the table in these sorts of situations.
23:31 <llearch> true.
23:31 <Quiz[TPF]> Politics are very important likewise.
23:32 <llearch> OTOH, if you -really- wanted to ZI the lot of us, as an alliance, you probably could. And it's all within the game rules - even if not really a lot of fun for -us-...
23:32 <Quiz[TPF]> Yeah, but you're pretty cool from what I've long as you maintain that understanding, you won't have to worry about that.
23:32 <Quiz[TPF]> We might like to fight...but we're not assholes or anything. ;)
23:33 <llearch> heh.
23:45 <llearch> oh, btw, I've posted this into our forum, if that's ok?
23:45 <Quiz[TPF]> Yeah, that's fine. :)
23:45 <llearch> cool. Figured I should probably ask, but, as usual, thought it just a -little- too late. ;-]
23:46 <Quiz[TPF]> XD
23:46 <Quiz[TPF]> Yeah, it's fine.

So. We should be sorted in the near future.

But we should also look into getting a protective agreement with someone. The downside to that is a) figuring out who, and b) coming up with the wording. They all take it so -seriously-... ;-]

Anyone want to be a diplomat? I have other tasks...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

I nominate you for diplomat, and I have a friend in The Order of Light, he isnt influential or anything but it might make a small diffrence. They look worth looking into.


Thanks for the aids guys.  After a few cruise and bombing runs, my raider offered peace so I accepted.  Also, I had enough money stored that even with several million getting stolen, I recruited a heavy soldier population so soldier aid would really hurt me right now.  Thanks for the sentiment though.  The money will go to fixing the massive damage I got durring this time.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Heh. We now have -9- attacks since the 8th. 8 since the 18th...

Two on Arc, three on Jim, two on me, one on Tez, and one? on Valynth.

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well, we simply aren't an alliance under their rules. So, just because you ask nicely and they ask the raiders to peace out doesn't prevent others from raiding anyway.

Minimum alliance size varies but, generally speaking, you need at least 10 members before they start caring. Of course, more is better...

As for a protectorate treaty, you could pick just about any alliance to approach. However, if I were in a large alliance and was randomly approached by a micro-alliance, I'd probably just try to press for a simple merger.

lucas marcone

i suggest we find people to join us. i could probably convince my friend to leave the order of light. if we could find other people maybe we can get enough to be considered an alliance. even if we dont i would highly reccomend not mergeing. i like our small close knit feel.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 20, 2007, 05:35:40 AM
Heh. We now have -9- attacks since the 8th. 8 since the 18th...

Two on Arc, three on Jim, two on me, one on Tez, and one? on Valynth.


Make that three. I've PM'd all three asking them to stop and reinforced as much as I can. We are not amused.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Two more popped up today, Arc.

Yeah, we are not amused.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Down to 2. One of mine has called it off.


Well... go back to their IRC and whine some more. :animesweat

Or go get a diplomatic mask on their forums. We need to get them to deal with us on an alliance level rather than as individual tech raiders.

We really do need more members. Maybe get some of the extra LW peeps to come visit us? TPF recently downgraded their minimum alliance size (with respect to tech raiding) to 10 members. If we had just one more person, we'd be getting reps instead of more raiders.

I think it's pretty clear that we've crossed the boundary of what we can do without becoming active in CN politics. It's fine to want to be neutral and all, but we're now at a size where anyone big enough to either protect us or pick on us will be really big. Kasarn is probably right about major alliances seeing us in terms of mergers rather than protectorates, though.

Alliances give protectorates to people they like, anyway. Perhaps we should start off by trying to join treaties that don't matter much, like GRAPE. We're easily one of the strongest micro-alliances in Purple. Plus we're a small alliance of big people rather than a sprawling mass of newbies (and thus more valuable in war and aids). I'd be ranked 3rd in UPN, 6th in Invicta, and 1st in Auxiliary Army. The rest of us would mostly be top 10% as well. Then we'd have a springboard to more serious talks with the major Purple powers, and (by extension) alliance blocs like CDT and the rest of the game. I wouldn't even mind if we get involved in a little military action with them. It's kinda boring doing nothing but collect taxes to save up for $30 mil wonders and infra jumps. :animesweat

Anyways, I hope everything works out. Cy'all next week. :kittycool

P.S. Does anyone know what happened to Jim? They probably can't do much more damage given his soldier count, but he does need to log in to accept his aid and any peace offers. Also, my economy will be seriously screwed up if he doesn't renew our trade before I get back... :dface
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

heh. I'll see if I can get hold of Jim.

I've been sitting in their IRC all evening waiting for the guy to arrive. He finally did, says he screwed up, and failed to send the messages yesterday, but has now.

So with any luck, it should all filter down by the time you get back, and we'll have just -one- person to talk to.

I've logged into DNF and Auxiliary Army's forums and enquired about embassies and/or Protectorate status... we'll see how that works out. (DNF is yet to show up in the wiki...)

Might be worth seeing if we can get people back into CN from LW, though.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

i could convine my friend to leave the order of light if we need more people.


Right, I'm clear of all attackers and have dropped into Peace Mode for the time being - at least until the anarchy is over.

lucas marcone

ugh....i cant even pay my bills anymore.


Quote from: lucas marcone on November 21, 2007, 12:44:40 AM
ugh....i cant even pay my bills anymore.

Infrastructure: 1040.00
PROTIP: there was an infra jump at 1000. Too late to do anything about it now. You should start to earn more somewhere around 1100-1200 infra.

Banks: 1, Barracks: 2, Clinics: 2, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Police Headquarters: 1, Schools: 1,
PROTIP: destroy the 2 Barracks, Foreign Ministry, Police HQ and School and then build 5 Factories. As your next purchases, focus on Banks and then Stadiums.
Since you already have 2 Clinics, you could buy a Hospital as well.

Nation supports nuclear weapons but does not own any.
Connected Resources:    [...], Uranium, [...]
PROTIP: with that government position, uranium gives you nothing except the ability to own nukes. Change it to the supporting nuclear power option and you'll get an income boost.

edit: also, HAI 2 U GUYZ! Do whatever you want. :3

Sienna Maiu - M T

Oh hey, what d'ya know. It really has been that long.


llearch n'n'daCorna

ok, so I'm sitting on most of Tez's 3 million here. Who needs what in terms of petty cash?

I'm thinking I'll pay my bills to day and tomorrow, until I get out of anarchy, which means I'll be needing ~1.3 million, but there's at least a million that I can farm out if you guys need it?

Heh. Having looked, probably the best thing anyone can do is accept Tez's or Kasarn's help... ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

thanks for the tips Kas, and the cash. i was afraid my citizens would always be "very unhappy" but now my money makers are getting back into gear thankyou!


Yes, many thanks for the cash. Now I can stop my anarchy! ... after my people decide it would be in their best interest on 23 November >.<


Hey guys.

I'm in your alliances, taking up space on your Faroe Islands.

lucas marcone

YAY Cog's in it naow! whoo! Aiyno would you like sum of my d00dz to put in your bases?

llearch n'n'daCorna

Just an update:

I'm now on the forums for DNF, Auxiliary Army, UPN, and Invicta. Of those, apparently AA is pretty dead, but the manglement there appear interested in at least discussing things. Invicta is active, in that two of the management posted in the day after I got an embassy set up. UPN is also active.

And we received, as a result of being on the Invicta forums, this request:
Subject: Merge
Hey I saw you on the Invicta Forums and was wondering if you would merge with us. Dawny and doubleU left Novus Orbus and so did we so we are both counterparts of the late novus orbus

From Air4ce1Jr, whose alliance has 28 members and a total strength of 49k. We have 10, and 110k.

I declined, on grounds of we're there because we want to be a bunch of friends, not because we want to get into the politics. I also pointed out that we'd not benefit from that, because a) our top 8 would all fit in their top 6, and b) our top 5 would instantly become -their- top 5.

I didn't mention that Cog is the only one of us who is newer than their -oldest- member. Although Canadian Bacon is, I think, slightly younger than their oldest. (73 versus 79 days)

I did offer to enter into talks about treaties, though. On the forum, so there's some track of it. I'll let you all know how that works out.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

llearch n'n'daCorna

Bright sparks. He wants me to sign up to -his- forum, so he can talk to me where he's comfortable.

I have... but it doesn't win him any points.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Hay guys. Just letting you know that I've been declared war on when I wasn't looking. He's too small for everyone else, too...

*coughs* If anyone wants to donate to the Solum Defense Fund, it'd be much appreciated.

*resists urge to channel Soviet Union and attempt to bury this guy*

llearch n'n'daCorna

This means probably Kasarn, if he's up to it. I've already chipped in 500k to the "Boost Cogi" fund the other day, so I can't directly contribute...

... unless someone wants to be an intermediary?

Also, Brun is considering playing. No pressure, though. ;-] Just warning in case anyone is considering tech trading or saving up or the like, there's a possible additional player coming onboard...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Done. However, try to spend as much of it as possible before launching any attacks as, if you lose, you are throwing a lot of cash away. CN has an underdog bonus, so it happens more often than you'd think.

Now I'm down to one aid slot :/