The Castle (OOC) - Open

Started by Stygian, February 14, 2007, 05:22:38 PM

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If Keaton were actually alive she would probably have killed all of us ten times over and will have stolen at least one of our wallets and identification so she could go out and see the Borne Ultimatium. Now our deaths are absolutely guaranteed after that bit of mental-scarring.

Not that I'm complaining. At least I'd go out laughing. :P

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Wouldn't dream of anything else. I think I've already demonstrated that I am serious about that, if not here then elsewhere.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I wouldn't expect any less of you, Stygian.

On the other hand, some others may take this as licence to go nuts. For -them-, the warning must be explicit. If only so I can come back and beat them senseless with it later. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Ooh! How tempting! I shall have to write up more things like this...


Alright, now I'm confused. Wasn't Rynkura in the kitchen? Jeremiah and Gina are both in the library, and not exactly advertising their conversation.

Aisha deCabre

Actually, Rynkura came back to the library.  It was just a short stay in the of my previous posts pretty clearly shows her coming back if you scroll up a little bit.

As for the conversation, she's an Angel in disguise.  It should be fairly easy for her to overhear things.  At any rate you don't have to worry about her butting in.   :rolleyes  She was just answering Bambi about the ghosts, not you.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Aisha deCabre

I'm terribly sorry for double-posting, but now I'm confused.

Bam, I don't think anyone's heard of a Fae being born to non-Fae parents, in a completely different world than what Furrae is.  That and I thought that Fae, if this would be the same Furrae as the comic, ONLY exist on Furrae.

Not to mention that you've compromised your own character sheet a few times.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

I agree. If your character sheet only tells us your character's false memory you need to submit an accurate character sheet ASAP. No more secret abilities.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Damn. It's happened again. ¬_¬;;

Tomorrow, at about 4, I leave for a beach house my family's renting for a week. I'll just have Ketefe be in the room and being really quiet, if that's okay. I hate having to do this again, but that's the way it goes.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Actually, I'm gone for the rest of the summer too. If anyone asks, Jeremiah's just keeping to himself.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Stygian, you prat.

... just in case you thought nobody would notice all your innuendo. :-P

Oh, and Mel? Are you thinking Escher-esque?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Mel Dragonkitty

Yes. Although in the case of this crazy castle it could be a literal representation.  :lol
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Prof B Hunnydew

Okay Okay I have does some thinking and research.  I edited my last post in the IC line.

I was trying for some history and not abilities. 


Mel Dragonkitty

I would still appreciate seeing an updated version of your character sheet. Bambi had changed quite a lot since she crashed into the castle.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Prof B Hunnydew

BAM 2.0

Here it is Mel

Please ask any question and I will revision


(walks into the room with a bag full of beach-glass)

Back again. Again. :animesweat

Incidentally, Stygian, you caught me. Bailey's Irish Cream is pretty much the only alcohol I'll drink. How the hell you guessed that is beyond me.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


*sends his most heartfelt and sincere apologies to Mel Dragonkitty*

lucas marcone

you guys still takeing applicants?


It's still a free RP. Trudge on in. Just be mindful of the rules and toes...

Aisha deCabre

Agreed.  Rules are on the front page, don't lose sight of them.  Sometimes it seems that's easy to do.   :U

It might be advisable to also put up a character sheet.  Since I've put my secondary character's in this OOC, but not my primary's since it began...SHAME ON ME.   :U  Here it is.  Copy-pasted, but updated to the Castle.   :3  It will also be changed if my character has a change.

Name: Aisha deCabre
Nickname(s): Aish, Isha
Age: mid-20s
Race: Being
Species: Panther (black jaguar)
Family and Association(s): Has no living family to speak of, but perhaps a missing brother: Ayan Cabre.  Also likes to keep in touch with her mentor, the Healer Rynkura Msh'Taan.
Place of Origin: A valley called the Shadowed Depths in a remote part of Furrae; born in the village of Soldeluna and educated at the Healer's Monastery on the further side of it.

   Physical description

Height:  5'5''
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: Lean, strong but not too muscular
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black with a couple of dark grey streaks in the fringe
Fur Coloration: Slightly lighter black than the hair, with a barely distinctive spot pattern.
Distinguishing features: Her hair is quite long, reaching down to the middle of her back and is almost always braided.  She wears a crimson hooded cape, and navy blue clothes, with a black belt that has her weapons strapped to it.  There's only one scar on her body, on her back, the only one she wanted to keep.

   Biographical and general information

History: Aisha was born and lived in her home village with her parents and older brother until she was twelve.  Her mother died of a sudden illness when she was seven, and it is there that she started learning how to fight amidst regular studies.  Her brother went off when she was ten to fight in a war, and never came back.  A couple of years later, her village was attacked by demons, and her father was assassinated.  She fled the burning village and lingered on the border until she met the healer Rynkura, who taught her the finer arts of battle as well as some non-magic healing.  At age eighteen was when she started adventuring and bounty hunting, determined to find these demons and avenge her family, and perhaps even find her lost brother, should he be alive.

   Personality: The first thing one will notice about Aisha is that she's secretive.  When asked her name, the most a stranger will get out of her is her first name, and otherwise refers to herself as "The Risen".  Aisha is mostly a loner, and likes to travel.  Getting to know her, one would also call her stubborn and sometimes quick to anger.  She carries a determined will and a bit of impatience, and if she starts something then she must always finish it; so her fights rarely end in a tie.  However, Aisha is also optimistic and doesn't believe in dwelling on the past.  Among friends, she is protective and sociable, and also carries a sense of humor, though sometimes a grim one.  The only race that she's quite biased against is the Demon race, although she tries to be attentive and think before acting on impulse.

   Abilities: Aisha doesn't use magic herself, but she has a variety of enchanted weapons, mostly light-enchanted.  Her reportioire consists of: her favorite weapon, the bladed boomerang that can come back to her on spoken command if it doesn't anyway; a light-magic embued bracer that helps to heal wounds and dispels curses; the Dragonblade, a sword which repels and is impervious to magic; and a ring on her tail that glows in the presence of dark magic.  Within the RP, she has also gotten a holy sword with magical properties befitting the her case, sending out a whiplash of fire with a swing.

   Strengths: Aisha is quite fast and stealthy.  Her senses are finely tuned and heightened, so hardly anything, including enemy weaknesses, escapes her notice.  She is also good with a sword, the only close-range weaponry that she has much practice with.  Her specialty however is long-range weaponry...for example, she can easily either kill or paralyze someone with an arrow.

   Weaknesses: Being as stubborn as she is, Aisha could be determined to keep a fight going even past her own limit, sometimes forgetting what her limit is.  Her attitude sometimes gets her into a bit more trouble than she realizes.  If she has no time to think, then she can be short-sighted at times.

   Trivia: Despite being a bit hard-headed, Aisha is also curious by nature and likes to take time to think and solve problems.  She enjoys times of peace just as often as a fight, and will even stop to help others if they are so in need of it.  Her greatest and only fear is being forced to see someone who she cares deeply for die, and not being able to do anything about it.  She also knows as much about healing as she does about combat, but rarely uses the skill.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


*coughs, and slips this under a few other character sheets*

It was there the whole time, I swears!

Name: Cogidubnus Mithlome
Nickname(s): Cog
Age: 280
Species: Were
Family and Associations: Father (Eruantien Mith'Lome) and Mother (Rawiya Lon'an)
Place of Origin: Aspira

Physical Description

Height: 6' 2''
Weight: 185 lbs.
Build: Good shape, but of a mild constitution.
Eye color: Yellow
Hair: Shoulder length, silver
Skin/fur: Caucasian, and grey when he has it.
Distinguishing Features: Cog is bereft of distinguishing marks or features, except for his shades and hat, which he is seldom apart from. He wears a suit of sorts, of very loose, black clothing. The buttons of his jacket are made of silver, and he often has a piece of twisted silver hanging from a thin silver chain on his neck. His sword is solid black, excepting for the furniture, which is all made of silver, and his hat and glasses are trimmed with the same.

   Cogidubnus was born approximately 200 years ago in the land of Aspira. His early history is largely unknown – left only in his memory, and to those whom he has decided to tell. We know the names of his parents, and the area of his birth – we also know that he discovered his own lychanthropy at the age of 15.
   He has had a largely unremarkable history, excepting for his life-long study of the art of the Sword, and some unusual and unfortunate incidents concerning a rogue wizard. This has left him with somewhat a distaste for magic users. Cogidubnus wanders around much as he feels fit to do, settling down to teach some youngsters how to swing a blade when cash is needed, and moving on when he can.


Cog is a very deadly melee fighter, and is focused on killing a single opponent very quickly. His quick-draw technique allows him to surprise his opponents, and his incredible speed with this technique usually lands him a one-hit kill. Having studied the sword for almost 270 years, he is an incredible swordsman, deadly with the sword both in and out of the scabbard.
Cog's most valuable attribute is his speed. From a simple standing stance, he can draw, strike, and resheathe his sword before his opponent can register the movement, let alone blink. He uses this speed to deadly effect, and it extends to more than merely drawing the sword. His cuts are fast indeed, and he can string them together with deadly results, the effect not unlike a long, continuous arc of steel.
When his sword fails, however, Cog turns to his lychanthropic heritage. The Wolf grants him more than increased speed and strength – it also gifts him greatly increased senses, both when he is a wolf and not. His eyes and nose are always sharper than they should be, and his ears are always listening.
Thanks to his many years of training, and partly to his lychanthrope blood, Cog can manipulate the energies to an astounding degree. Due  to the particular nature of the energies inside him, Cog has learned to manipulate it not only within himself, but without -  to manifest it physically, the energy taking the form of almost-invisible waves of force. Depending on how hard he concentrates, or how much energy uses, he can knock a cup off a table, shatter glass, or crush bones. This ability does come at a price – overuse can exhaust him, and it takes him time to recuperate.


Besides his sword and himself, Cog has few other defenses - the five charms that he carries about himself serve rather well, however. Each one has a different effect, but each also has a limited amount of charge. They are as follows:

The Broken Moon: Inundates everything it touches with holy magic and imbues it with those properties.
Winter's Bite: Imbues a weapon with holy properties.
Iridescence: Creates a shield of holy magics around the user.
St. Angela's Cross: An Amethyst-studded cross that can heal minor wounds.
Coin of Storms: A coin that can absorb and store light, and emit it later.

Due to a strange twist of fate, Cog found himself cursed with the burden of becoming what he most hated – which, strangely, turned him into a mage, for some time. A very powerful one. However, he managed to dispel the curse, only to find that the magical knowledge granted him still resided in his memory, apart from the magical geas. Thusly, Cog has some measure of magical ability, and great power with thunder magics.

   One-on-one, Cogidubnus can usually slaughter a single opponent. He is inhumanly quick with his sword, and he has multiple tricks up his sleeve for those whom steel cannot cut. He carries multiple protective charms on him, usually of a light-magic nature, and he can use his internal energies to create bubbles or waves of force – depending on many factors, it can be powerful enough to crush an opponent.

   One-on-more than three, however, Cogidubnus tends to get overwhelmed quickly. As well, he has a few of the weaknesses that lychanthropy gives him: wolfsbane is a very effective poison against him. He is weaker when fighting in a full moon, unless he is in full wolf form, in which case, he has gone mad. He will kill anyone close to him, and is feral in his rage.

Very fond of coffee. Hates most mages, finding them abusers of power. Has a strange past, which he'll seldom mention, unless it's to ask if you've seen a tiger by the name Arcturus. Is soft-spoken, but eloquent and friendly, and oftentimes will start spouting poetry at the slightest provocation.

lucas marcone

name: Ian Abernathy
species: were (rat)
height: 5'9"
skin/fur: caucasian/ dark gray almost black normal patterns
build: lean (think skater)
Ian looks like a typical 90's tech punk.
hair: black neck length hair in human form. Short and spikey in rat form.
head: onyx rimmed sunglasses, two studs in left ear three in the right. one nose stud and a toungue stud
neck: dog tags one with vital info and the other with a thundercats logo.
torso: black leather jacket(no gloss) over a plain wife beater.
hands: right hand has a class ring with an onyx stone.
bottom: baggy fatigues and a belt to hold them up.
shoes: world industries skate shoes (black with grey on the sides)

strengths: good with familiar tech( tech includes guns like he can use PC's with ease and can unjam guns on the run) has experence useing fire arms, crafty, quick thinker

weaknesses: he is mortal and as such has the limetations of a mortal, he will act without thinking, has a fear of fire and snakes and heights, can't see well in the night with his sunglasses on, and he bleeds more than a normal person would.

personality: Ian never really grows up untill he has to. Comeing out of his teenage years he still has alot of the immuture sense of humor, smartassness, cockyness, easy going traits. He is a fun guy in his free time, but when he has a job to do he gets kind of serious about it. He never looses his fun factor though.

Mel Dragonkitty

Lucas. I answered your post the way I did because Mel and Ian are in the kitchen, far from the hallway. They have no idea the others have gone out into the storm.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

lucas marcone

i kinda thought they were leaveing as we were entering the way they worded it.


So, Keaton is the most fun to freak out, Cog is the most fun to mess with, and I'm the most fun to scare, eh Stygian?

Then again, all three of those actions are related.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Quote from: Black_angel on August 30, 2007, 11:30:56 AM
So, Keaton is the most fun to freak out, Cog is the most fun to mess with, and I'm the most fun to scare, eh Stygian?

Then again, all three of those actions are related.

This girl – I like her. She catches on fast. :3



I think I'm going to have to vary things quite soon. But you're right; you have been rather fun to toy around with for a while now. Still, I have to find some way to get you more personally engaged in this whole business, or we're never going to find out any juicy details about Ketefe.

Prof B Hunnydew

Is it Okay if Step in again?
.... I needed a little time away from this RP (and No I am not mad or angry, a Fae character is harder to play than I thought.....)... but then the story was going along with Character development of others.  So I let go on without me, a little... Now, Maybe a good to re-enter.... But Should I refind my character a little more... Since I have more data on Amber's Fae creatures.

Thank you for playing

lucas marcone

yeah im not so sure fae and science really go together. but it's fine by me.

Prof B Hunnydew

The Character concept was for Bam is a Fae lost roleplaying in a High tech setting (There are many High being Cities on Amber's world).  For that role, she had to lower her magic power levels to nearly zero, so that she could learn and work with high technologies. 

When I crashed near the castle and found my way inside, I found that my magical abilities were needed again, and at high level.  But now, she is wondering if she really is needed at the castle at all.   At this point, I'm think of being , more like Mab, upon my return, I will use my powers only when I'm really needed.  But that is going to be tough to gauge....