Kingdom Hearts (OOC)

Started by Melpomene, January 28, 2007, 12:10:42 AM

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I don't know so much about Kingdom Hearts 2 (though I've finished it), or Chain or Memories, but I used to know quite a bit about the original while I was writing a fanfic for it. Though I messed with a lot of the rules to fit with the insertion of a new character and it went AU... so I'm not truly sure if what I know is right or not XD Still, I was onto the 'Nobody' thing before they even became rumours. :)


wow that's kinda cool Malpomene
you figured everything out just by playing the games over and over
I have chain of memories and have beaten KH1 &2
I haven't beaten KH:COM and before I start playing it again I need to find the charger for my DS

Tiny crested flint

Wow, just wow.
Boogeyman's char sounds exactly like something the acutal KH writers would come up with! :bow Amazing job. 

Why is he (you said there is no gender but it seems we will refer to it as a he) called squeekey?  Is the padlock and chain rusty and squeeks when it moves?
So is Restriction some kind of Boss/mini-boss?
Is the "locking the aspects of people away" thing like a spell or something? (what action does he perform to accomplish that)? Is it permanent or just temp?
I realize that I ask a bunch of questions that would probably be answered in the RP anyway so feel free to ignore me.


No, I'm glad that you're asking. It means I've come up with something interesting!
I assumed that heartless, being rather simple in motivations, would have simple thoughts and give descriptive names. He's "Squeekey" because he's so timid and squeeks when surprised.
Yes, he is essentially a boss.
How long the lock lasts depends on the situation. The further away from him the afflicted person gets, the more likely it is that they'll break his hold on their own. A keyblade wielder can also undo it. The action he performs is that he holds up the padlock so that the persons face is framed in the loop, while the lock is open. He then closes it, focusing on what he wants to lock away. There's a few little sparkly purple things, and voila!


Well qill squeeky stay away from my character or will he just dislike the fact my character has a keyblade


Tricky. As a heartless, hearts of keyblade wielders are that much more enticing, and their pull is almost as tangeble as gravity, but for all of them there's also the element of fear; that blade's lethal. As stated, he wouldn't do anything alone, and is fairly likely to just cut and run if he gets spooked.

EDIT: Didn't notice that you're a heartless keyblader. Probably just regard you as another heartless, but one that he'd rather avoid, lest that keyblade interact oddly with the padlock.


Well, I'm sure that your character won't like mine, Zoan. XD I hit the jackpot with mine- both a Keyblader AND a Nobody.


Quote from: RJ on February 04, 2007, 09:04:54 PM
Well, I'm sure that your character won't like mine, Zoan. XD I hit the jackpot with mine- both a Keyblader AND a Nobody.
you never know
he could attempt to 'team up' with your character only to slay her and take her keyblade >:3


*insert RJ doing an anime face-vault here*


Quote from: Zaon on February 04, 2007, 09:07:33 PM
Quote from: RJ on February 04, 2007, 09:04:54 PM
Well, I'm sure that your character won't like mine, Zoan. XD I hit the jackpot with mine- both a Keyblader AND a Nobody.
you never know
he could attempt to 'team up' with your character only to slay her and take her keyblade >:3

Not if she has a bodyguard. >.> <.< What?
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Quote from: Daimien on February 04, 2007, 09:34:30 PM
Quote from: Zaon on February 04, 2007, 09:07:33 PM
Quote from: RJ on February 04, 2007, 09:04:54 PM
Well, I'm sure that your character won't like mine, Zoan. XD I hit the jackpot with mine- both a Keyblader AND a Nobody.
you never know
he could attempt to 'team up' with your character only to slay her and take her keyblade >:3
HEY I have a heartless on my side XD
fear squeeky the heartless

Not if she has a bodyguard. >.> <.< What?


Aaaaw, this makes me so happy~ Everyone's plotting and threatening one another *squishy-huggles everyone*

Now if only Griffy would get her bio up! ><!!! RAWR!


if only she would *giggles*


Name: Kadais Everstar
Nicknames: Kaddy
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Genis-Species: Aemulus flarinus
Appearance: Minus the keyblade The pants are smokey gray, the shirt and bracers are yellow, and the shoes are black with an orange stripe. Fur color is red and white hair.
Personality: Thoughtful, both in generosity and in thinking about things. When relaxed, can be rather goofy.
History: Kadais grew up in a small valley along the south-eastern coastline of one of the main continents of Aemulus, nearby a chain of volcanic islands. Being of a fire nature, he always wanted to travel to those volcanos in hopes of finding secrets or techniques to add to his fiery repetoire. However, being that they were in the midst of the ocean, Kadais was never able to get to them, so he remained in his village of Omanaki and the surrounding countryside.

Kadais's one weapon, his trusty swallow, was what he would use to help the locals defend their livestock and gardens from the local wildlife. He obtained it by saving up a stash of munnies from doing random oddjobs around the village. On the blades of the swallow are emblazened flame patterns surrounding a swallow.

Living in the quiet village is really where Kadais gets his attitude and demeanor from. Since he was always doing oddjobs, he became friendly to the people and gained an overall charismatic attitude. He became a thoughtful fellow by sitting atop a hill near the shore and staring at the islands, making his mind wander from subject to subject.
Homeworld: Aemulus
Weapons: Swallows. Aka metal staffs with a blade on each end. For reference, see Serge from Chrono Cross, Wei Yan from Dynasty Warriors, the wind weapon from Onimusha, and Ansem's final form from KH1.
Abilities: Fire, obviously. Both creation and control over. However, he's unable to control fire that would, say, be part of someone else, like a heartless, or any fires caused by a magic of stronger origin than himself. He's rather agile and fast, but can only maintain it for short durations. He's also a whiz at digging holes.
Likes: Warm areas, teamwork, energetic fun, snocones.
Dislikes: Cold areas, ice magic, hits to the face and crotch, oceans or large bodies of water in general.

I guess I'll just be a keyblade ally. Unless there's one more space open as keyblade master. But I don't mind not being one of "the elite", so to speak.



This is shaping up to be an all-star RP :D

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Sirius Griffon

Sorry to keep folks waiting x-x;

Name: Aratol DeShanen
Nicknames: Ara, Tolly if you wish to be killed
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Species: Dragoon
Appearance: Aratol stand at 5'7", short for her breed. At first glance she looks to be a normal human being. She has long, strawberry blond hair which she keeps in various braids so as not to get in the way of fightning. She bears a scar over her chest, and her eyes are a deep black, no pupils.

Clothingwise, one would note right offhand she covers her nose and mouth. This was due to heavy burning recieved from a light related wound. She also wears long, arm length gloves, with cut out fingers that reveal her clawed hands. Her shirt is lowcut but the middle has chainmesh, and she wears a loose fitting skirt, as well as boots with sharpened claws that seem part of the boots but are her actual claws.
Drive Form Name: Talon
Drive Form Appearance: In Drive Form, Aratol shifts into her full dragon form. In her case this would be humanoid however. She stands as a sevent foot too dragon, covered in hard black scales, spines, and her eyes are completely black. PERFECT for nighttime, or shadow fights. In the daytime however, not quite as useful...  But she has the horns, the tail, the lengthened claws and wings. If I get a piccy Ill post.
Personality: She is rather distant and cold from most folks. She doesnt like to socialize much, due to past experiences, but she still has her morals, her beliefs, and the will to press on and fight. She tends to be quiet at most times, watching rather than acting upon matters until it is most opportune to act. She can be a great strategist, and is rarely known to loose her cool.
History: While most dragoons are known to stick to their Clans, Aratol fell upon heartbreak at an early age, finding herself betrayed. Rather than risk loosing her temper, she opted to effectively banish herself and lifve the lifestyle of a Wanderer. During these travels she would pick up various tasks of varying importance, or live off the land. But she grew to enjoy her new life quite a bit.

However, during one of these trips she came upon an invasion of sorts. A town being taken over by strange shadowlike things. Being a shadow user herself, she thought to control them but found their Instincts too strong, too wild. So instead, she tried to fight them and was doing well at it until she noted they were pushing past her, to lesser threats to heighten their numbers.
Seeing a group of heartless heading to the town square she ran towards them as they surged towards her and knocked her out...

Only to find herself in a strange place, between worlds, where she was asked a few questions (the sora place). The voice told her Sacrifice was important... but to choose what to sacrifice wisely. For who would be left to fight were she to sacrifice her life?

She wakes up, keyblade in hand, heartless running amuck, and sets back nto the battle, skeeping the ehartless from spreading and ending the assault. But she had a badfeeling it would only be a matter of time. If not here than another town in this world...
Homeworld: Koit
Keyblade Name: Sacrificial Shadows
Keyblade Appearance: SS is completely and totally black, which earned it the nkackname Blacky, though it also has shades of blue and purple. The holt is basicly shaped like a bats wings would be, a pair, though tendrils of shdows move along it. these tendrils go upwards, to form a blade that looks rather like a clawed hand.
Keyblade Ability: Reach: It tends to attract orbs betterm as well as bringing enemiries closer in. Basicly, the claw reaches out and snatches whatever it is told to. ;)
Abilities: Aratol tends to specialize in kicking attacks and high jumps, and uses her keyblade to normally strike a finishing blow and help her in her nromal attacks, which is why her keyblade has a slighter longer hilty than most would.

Magic wise, she has the ability to cast float and darkness. Darkness can be used to eitehr shroud an area in shadows, or as a concetrated attack wave. Float, well, causes people, objects, or enemies to float.
Likes: silence, starry nights, an empty field, forests, cliffs, berries, meat of any type, dakness, shadows.
Dislikes: Bright light, fire, loud, opinionated and obnoxious people, cowards, selfish folks



Species dragoon eh... I should clarify that my character Ze is based on a Final Fantasy skillset and he hates Dragoons/Lancers.  That is to say the class, the spear wielding, jumping knight-like warriors such as Kain Highwind, Freya Cresent and Kimahri Ronso.  He has nothing against the species of similar name. 

Ze is loosely based from a Final Fantasy theme, classed as a hybrid of a traditional Blue Mage and Gun Mage, swordplay and gunplay. 

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Kadais Everstar: ACCEPTED
Aratol DeShanen: ACCEPTED

Sirius Griffon

Ze hates dragoons/lancers hmmm? Well that should make things interesting Azlan! I guess it would be alright if Aratol stuck mostly to her keyblade and magic abilities.

Oddly, she is based more upon a legend of dragoon dragoon.

(Peronally I love dragoons, Cid Highwind you forgot in that list ;))

Blue mage and gunmage hmmm? He would be quite versatile, definitly a plus with any charrie!


Hrmm well I guess I won't ask to see if I could be a keyblade wielder. It would be odd to see a keyblade that looked like it came from Tron.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Interesting choice of Keyblader, Griffy :3

Though... (it shouldn't matter I suppose) I had always thought only children were allowed to be Keybladers?

Oh, and Mel... you should change the names to include (OOC) or (RP) in the title since it's confusing! :dface


lol, sorry, thought I had before *knocks on empty head* ._.;


Quote from: RJ on February 05, 2007, 02:09:41 AM
Though... (it shouldn't matter I suppose) I had always thought only children were allowed to be Keybladers?

Might be cause of their innocent hearts. But if you think about it, Sora is aging in the series. And I can't see the Keyblade just vanishing from his arsenal, no? Also, if you've seen the special ending on KH2, it might possibly knock that possibility out of the way.

Besides. Alternate Universe.. Heh.


AU is the answer to everything  :rolleyes


well gathered from what I know of the KH univeres (limited as it is) I believe that anyone can in fact weild a keyblade
but as stated before by our DM I believe that each keyblade is different and sort of has a ...personality of it's own (though incapable of actually speaking and acting of it's own free will)
and as such each keyblade chooses who will weild it. Thouh if you remember from the first game Sora's keyblade becomes Rikus at one point. This is becuase the Keyblade was atracted to Riku's (or should I say Xehanort's) stroung heart and will. It reuturns to sora though because his heart grows strounger than the Xehanort's heartless Heart.
also the reason Roxas weilded a Keyblade was because he was sora. The keyblade became loyal to the 'owner' I gues you could say and remained with him because sora was currently on ice.

also I'm not sure but rumor dictacts that the creators of the keyblades are known as 'chasers'
not sure if this is important cause it's an unconfirmed rumor but a preaty well supported rumor


Well you can also note that King Mickey has a Keyblade and he's a good 50 years old. :3 Though maybe a smidge less in the KH universe. Heh.


also I think KH3 will take place before everything in KH 1 & 2 and have to do with Xehanort and his memory or something like that
the teaser trailor was weird >.<
well in other KH related news I'm gonna attempt to adapt the world of KH into DnD ver 3.5 (or something like that)
any help will be apreciated

Tiny crested flint

grrrrr... I utterly dispise going first. It always feels like I'm starting off differently than what the beginner set up for. Rrrrrrrr...