Kingdom Hearts (OOC)

Started by Melpomene, January 28, 2007, 12:10:42 AM

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Tiny crested flint

Sweet!  we're gonna have RJ and Azlan? (nice char btw) Now we're cooking! :chef

Can't wait to see RJ's keyblade, it'll probably have chibi cuteness powers or something, cool. :3


Quote from: gothtk14 on January 30, 2007, 09:30:45 AM
Quote from: Melpomene on January 30, 2007, 01:08:49 AM
Gruna Whopple: ACCEPTED!

--One more character before a Keyblade can be claimed--

Goth.T.K., I'd love it if you join! :D

Okay :D

Name: Goth T.K.

Nickname: T.k.
Gender: Male

Appearance: Height-5'7 Weight-110LB
Slim, blue skin except when in animal form blonde, Blonde hair, Green eyes.

Helps any one in need of help. Kind to all. Dose not know of his much of his past. He had a bad running with Heartless. Trained by a traveling Group of fighters when at the age of 10. They disapperead one night. Found a 14year old Human-feline girl at the age of 13 she has no clue what her name is but she can transform like gothtk. she travels with him where ever he goes.

Personality:Nice and kind to all except evil.
Weapons: Swords and Ice Shields
Abilities: Ice, Ninja, Magic, Transforming, ETC.
Likes: Meat and Innocent girl in need of help.
Dislikes: Mean People.

Will this do?


Minimal but... Goth T.K.: ACCEPTED!

RJ, Zaon, in my first post I put a ratio in which I'd like Keybladers to be in, because I don't want a load of them. But if one of you would like to make a Heartless or Nobody Keyblader (or both of you make one of each??) I'd allow it, considering we need more baddies :<


Quote from: Melpomene on January 31, 2007, 11:07:59 AM
Minimal but... Goth T.K.: ACCEPTED!

RJ, Zaon, in my first post I put a ratio in which I'd like Keybladers to be in, because I don't want a load of them. But if one of you would like to make a Heartless or Nobody Keyblader (or both of you make one of each??) I'd allow it, considering we need more baddies :<

Thanks. I will see if i can get some people to be baddies.


Quote from: Melpomene on January 31, 2007, 11:07:59 AM
RJ, Zaon, in my first post I put a ratio in which I'd like Keybladers to be in, because I don't want a load of them. But if one of you would like to make a Heartless or Nobody Keyblader (or both of you make one of each??) I'd allow it, considering we need more baddies :<

Oh, oh, oh! I'd love to be a Nobody Keyblader! I've never gone to the dark side before.  :mwaha

I'll try and find that sketch I did first before I try anything. The Keyblade suits a specific personality in a way.


Well then since there is a nobody keyblader I'll make a Heartless Keyblader >:3 *starts on profile* I'll let you know when I'm done :compbash


Yay!  Bad guys... now be nice bad guys... wait, that wouldn't be being a bad guy then.  Be gentle.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


*flails* Yay! Baddies! *gives everyone cookies*


Name: Bauchan
Nicknames: Deadra
Gender: male
Age: 17
Species: Fae (heartless)

Appearance: Bauchan stands at 5'11" tall with pale white skin, firey red eyes, and black hair that is tied in a long pony tail that reached his mid-back. He has a pair of fae wings that resemble dragonfly wings and he usually hides yet can appear at will. They are pure black with red veins. He doesn't care for anything other than the colors of destruction, black and red. His jacket and pants are as black as the darkness he weilds and his over jacket are upside down blood red crosses on the arms. The shirt he wears under his jacket is a blood read with a black heartless symbol on it. His boots are heavy, steel toed, strap up types. This is what the true face of evil looks like.

Drive Form Name: Shadow Drive
Drive Form Appearance: In his drive form Bauchan's hand grow into dark claws and his skin turns a shadowy black and his eyes turn into two blood red glowing circles. His hair is shoulder length and wild. He emits a small cloud of darkness from his feet. He also does not wear his jacket or weild his keyblade. Also he is faster and stronger in this form but he does not have access to his magic but he can steal the hearts of others.

Personality: Bauchan is a sadist at heart or heartless. The screams of his victims continually ring through his ears and the sight of their mangled bodies plays through his mind. Watching others in pain brings this mad man joy. You'll know when to clear the streets as the screams of the numerous victims rings through the neighborhood.

History: He grew up in what would be the 'slums', if you could call it that, of Koit. He felt like others were always pushing him and bullying him. His mother treated him like a slave and his father had left them when he was still young. His mother would use her knowledge of fae magic to keep him tied up so he would have nothing to do but work. When he sometimes refused to work she would punish him and how he hated it. One day his hatred developed into a blind rage that caused him to set fire to his home and kill his mother. He didn't remeber everything that happened, but what he remembered the most was the power he had held and he wanted more. Unfortunately a fae court deemed him dangerous and made him prisoner till he had control over his power.

He was sent to a wizard to learn to control his power. The wizard was a rather unkind man didn't like anything less than perfection. Bauchan hated the wizard cause he felt weak around him. He wanted to feel the power he felt when weiled the flames that distroyed not only his mother but his home. He was also a prisoner of the court and they would often use him to distroy their enemies. He hated the 'servtitude' and the ones who enslaved him. Over the years the hatred he had for the court and the wizard also turned into rage. Unfortunately he knew he couldn't do anything so he followed orders. As he followed the orders of the court and the wizard his heart grew darker.

One day Bauchan's heart gave into the darkness and when it did, he gained the power he had been looking for. He exploded with darkness and while he lost his heart to darkness he gained a keyblade. He felt it's power as he held it and it was then he attacked the wizard. He didn't kill the wizard instead he had the wizard teach him the secrets of magic and controling his power. After he felt he had learned enough from the wizard he killed him and distroyed everything that belonged to him. Then he hunted down the court members one by one and tortured them with an inch of their lives and stole their hearts.

After he ahd stolen the hearts of each of the court members who he felt had wrounged him a portal opened up. He entered it curiously and inside was darkness, pure darkness. When he had emerged from the darkness he was apon the ruins of what seemed to be an ancient castle. In it he found tomes of books that described creatures called heartless that lived in the realm of Kingdom Hearts, the world of Darkness. It was then he decided that he would open the door to Kingdom Hearts and use it's power to emerse all worlds in chaos.
Homeworld: Koit

Keyblade Name: Demonshin
Keyblade Appearance: This keyblade is covered with the blood of thousands. Its shape resembles that of a Demonic Long sword. The key chain is a cross with a demonic incantation engraved upon it.
Keyblade Ability: This keyblade has the ability to absorb the hearts of those who are slain by it.

Abilities: Fae Magic- He can use nature to preform magical feats. He mainly uses it to torure or slay his enemies though.
Flame- He has the ability to use and create flames at will but it requires concentration.
Heartless- He has the ability to not only summon and command heartless to do his bidding.

Likes: Power, torturing others within an inch of their life, distruction, Darkness, using other people to further his own goals
Dislikes: other keyblade weilders, dealing with people who are 'weak', being used by others, being called by his real name


 :mowdizzy ok that took a long time so tell me what you think. I know I could have done better in his history among other things


 :) Okay, I found the old sketch. I realised the perspective of it was off so I did a re-sketch.


...I just realised I forgot the second wing on the butterfly  :rolleyes Oh well, you get the point.

Still working on my profile. Dang, I'm so picky...


I just added an extra paragraph to my history to make it more... interesting


Bauchan: ACCEPTED!

Haha, that was a wonderful bio. *hums* Our first villain is a fairieboy~

And RJ, those're both beautiful Keyblades *-*


WOOHOO ^_^ thank you and I wanted to make sure his pull to darkness and his lust for power and distruction seemed natural

Tiny crested flint

you succeeded in all that and more for it takes a great amount of skill (I think it does anyway) to create a multifacited baddie character.  :boogie :boogie

And RJ's Nobody Keyblader, has that ever been done before?  looking foward so much :eager


Quote from: Density Destiny on February 01, 2007, 03:13:58 AM
And RJ's Nobody Keyblader, has that ever been done before?  looking foward so much :eager

:) Roxas was a Nobody Keyblader.

I've finally come up with a name for my character (I decided to go with a female since there's already quite a few males). I was quite unsure for a while if I should stick to the usual Nobody way of naming... but meh, might as well. I decided to call her 'Amayax'. Amaya means 'Night Rain' in Japanese.


Hrmm have you reached your limit for players or could you take one more? I'm thinking of throwing my hat in with this if there is room. Maybe make someone representing the cyborgs.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.



Quote from: Daimien on February 01, 2007, 10:09:27 AM
Hrmm have you reached your limit for players or could you take one more? I'm thinking of throwing my hat in with this if there is room. Maybe make someone representing the cyborgs.

We could always use one more! Go ahead, all sorts of hats allowed! ^.^!


Quote from: Melpomene on February 01, 2007, 03:31:43 PM
Quote from: Daimien on February 01, 2007, 10:09:27 AM
Hrmm have you reached your limit for players or could you take one more? I'm thinking of throwing my hat in with this if there is room. Maybe make someone representing the cyborgs.

We could always use one more! Go ahead, all sorts of hats allowed! ^.^!

Like the saying goes "The More The Merrier".(I think)


we could always use more people (especially baddies) :3

Tiny crested flint

Quote from: RJ on February 01, 2007, 08:13:24 AM
Quote from: Density Destiny on February 01, 2007, 03:13:58 AM
And RJ's Nobody Keyblader, has that ever been done before?  looking foward so much :eager

:) Roxas was a Nobody Keyblader.

*facepalms repeatedly*


Quote from: Density Destiny on February 01, 2007, 05:03:29 PM
Quote from: RJ on February 01, 2007, 08:13:24 AM
Quote from: Density Destiny on February 01, 2007, 03:13:58 AM
And RJ's Nobody Keyblader, has that ever been done before?  looking foward so much :eager

:) Roxas was a Nobody Keyblader.

*facepalms repeatedly*

Why are you doing that.


lol, I think it's 'cause Destiny Destiny's embarassed that she didn't realize Roxas was a Keyblade-wielding Nobody.


Welll anyways can we get the show on the road? Or do I have to cause some distruction before something happens

Tiny crested flint

Quote from: Melpomene on February 01, 2007, 05:29:14 PM
lol, I think it's 'cause Destiny Destiny's embarassed that she didn't realize Roxas was a Keyblade-wielding Nobody.

Hold up, first i'm a guy, you said "she didn't realize" second, my name's not the word Destiny twice, it's Density (as in mass-solid, liquid, gas) then Destiny.

Just clearing that up and no big (i thought Aiyno Wolf was a girl till I checked profile)

-or am I?- hahahaha



Soooo sorry >.> Normally, it's the females who use the word 'destiny' in their screen names, so I simply assumed.

*hands you a cookie*


um I don't want to be rude but so far there is only ONE keyblader character offically in the RP
is it just me or do the people who claim Keyblades seem to take a while in creating their characters
I know it probley takes a while to create their keyblade and their drive form but still
It shouldn't take this long to complete
I'd understand if their net was down but I'd give them a time limit or something before opening their spots to others
Xze- said he would post his char on wensday but has yet to show anything
Sirius- has yet to give info on anything
RJ- has revealed some info about their character AND their keyblade so ...RJ's ok


OK then I'll throw something down. Though I doubt it will be a baddy.
Name: Tarson Hunter (Though not many people actually know his real name)
Nicknames: Volt
Gender: Male
Age: 25 (Old man of the group it seems)
Species: Cyborg/human
Appearance: Volt stands about 6'6". Has a large powerful built (Solid build). His hair is auburn, shoulder length and is normally tied back into a ponytail. He also has a goatee. His right is clearly robotic. All alround the eye socket is metal and the eye is black with a red pupil. His other eye is hazel. He normally wears a black hooded sweatshirt, dark cargo pants with combat boots. Some times he wears a black muscle shirt instead of the sweatshirt. When he wears the muscle shirt it is clear to see that his whole right arm are robotic shoulder. He has scars all over his chest and one scar on his face that goes from his forehead to his jaw on the left side of his face. (Runs right next to his right eye)
Personality: He's not very talkative. If someone talks with him he will carry on a conversation but he doesn't tend to start any himself. He tends to keep to himself on most everything. In a fight he will back the people he is with to his death. It takes him awhile to find someone trust worthy enough for him to call them friends.
History: Volt was born to fairly well off parents in the City. His father actually ran a business there. The older he got the more he worked with his father. His father's business dealt with them going to the Jewels. One day his father and him where in The Jewels and he meant a girl. They started seeing he each whenever they could, usually she would sneak down to see him. One her father found out about it and forbid her to see Volt any more. When she said no her father paid some men to take out Tarson. The men went too far and killed Tarson's mother and father. Volt was off at his daily martial arts lesson so he wasn't there when his house was burnt down.
Volt went to the Jewels to confront the girls father and let her know that her father had her parents killed. Only when he got there he found that the girl was sent to another part of the city with her new husband and the men that had burned his house down where there waiting for him along with the girl's father. While confronting the father the men jumped and be at him. The next thing Volt knew he was on the verge of death in the Scum. He wouldn't have survived if a man where not passing by and decided he could use Volt as a body guard. So the man had Volt taken to a hospital and "fixed up".  When Volt awoke he was barely human. His bones where strengthen with a metalic lacing (Think how Wolverine got his adimantine bone lacing). His muscles where enhanced so he would be much stronger (About ten times the normal man). Most of his organs where replaced with cybernetic version. His right arm, shoulder and eye where completely replaced with robotics. He ended up haveing to work for the man his debt was paid back. So he willing became the man's attack dog, with his martial arts skills and new enchanced body he was good at his job. Volt soon wished that he was left to die, the girl he loved was married to another man and he would never get revenge for his parents death. This all happened to him around the age of 17. He served the man for 7 years until the man was killed in a turf war. While many of the others that worked for the man faught for control he simpley walked away and became a drifter. Going where ever the winds took him.
(That enough for ya?)
Homeworld: Ishan
Weapons: His hands and feet, he is a high ranked martial artist after all. His enhanced strength and cybornetics
Abilities: He can charge his right and with electricity and hit opponents with it. He either chooses to charge his opponent and hit them in the chest with his charged hand (Shush I know what it sounds like)  or he can send electrical charges through the ground by driving his hand into the ground. The opponent has to be stand at most 100 yards away. He can also do this with up to five opponents.
(What ya think?)

Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


I like it :3
course he seems more like a neutral party than anything
but I think my character might be able to 'fix' that
AKA tempt him with the one thing that volt wants