Kingdom Hearts (OOC)

Started by Melpomene, January 28, 2007, 12:10:42 AM

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Xze will get her profile up ASAP!!!! :mowninja

Quote from: shadow of death on February 20, 2007, 09:01:49 AM
so are there any hot 15 year old girls on this thread

*goes Ninja on your Ass*

:shifty you're cut... :shifty

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Quote from: Xze on February 20, 2007, 10:31:58 AM
Xze will get her profile up ASAP!!!! :mowninja

Quote from: shadow of death on February 20, 2007, 09:01:49 AM
so are there any hot 15 year old girls on this thread

*goes Ninja on your Ass*

:shifty you're cut... :shifty

:mwaha :giggle :lol :mwaha :giggle :lol That is funny.



Quote from: RJ on February 21, 2007, 09:14:01 AM


I told him it was not a good idea but he does not listen. He was next to me.

Tiny crested flint

*sigh* Shadow, you die now. :kruger


Gah, this thread sees more posting than the IC one.


Quote from: Boogeyman on February 21, 2007, 09:15:24 PM
Gah, this thread sees more posting than the IC one.

Yes, but it's quantity, not quality.

Definately not quality..


Quote from: shadow of death on February 21, 2007, 08:58:22 AM
Quote from: Xze on February 20, 2007, 10:31:58 AM
Xze will get her profile up ASAP!!!! :mowninja

Quote from: shadow of death on February 20, 2007, 09:01:49 AM
so are there any hot 15 year old girls on this thread

*goes Ninja on your Ass*

:shifty you're cut... :shifty

why did you do that. and yes i am very cute.
if i have implied anywhere that you are cute, you are seriously mistaken. i said 'Cut'. not 'cute.' now if you'll excuse me, i think i have better things to do.

oh, and stop PMing me.

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


I hope the action picks up again soon :<

llearch n'n'daCorna


Accidentally tripped over, and cleaned up, all those non-thread related posts. Oops.

hope nobody notices....

*stomp* *stomp* *stomp*
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


On a non-thread related note, is Llearch not the most awesome of admins? I believe he is.


Yes, we rather like him, too.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Ok I'm still in the thread but right now I consider myself just above NPCs in importance. Everyone else seems to be in a fight or something like that so I'll just lay low for a bit but I will be keeping an eye open to see if I've been dragged into anything or to see if I should post.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Quote from: Daimien on February 26, 2007, 07:26:19 PM
Ok I'm still in the thread but right now I consider myself just above NPCs in importance. Everyone else seems to be in a fight or something like that so I'll just lay low for a bit but I will be keeping an eye open to see if I've been dragged into anything or to see if I should post.


Tiny crested flint

Stupid little one word posts like that AREN'T NEEDED!  No kind of actual text conformation of the previous statement was Nessesary!  It's just wasting space with pointlessly short and useless quips. 

Now look, you're a good kid and I like you but if you're gonna post something actually contribute somehow!  Otherwise you are just wasting people's time. Get it together.

EDIT: whoa, I... yeah, I lost it there.  Sorry about snapping ya'll didn't deserve that.  I feel like such a Jerk.  Yep, that was out of line and it's my bad.

llearch n'n'daCorna


It's -my- job to growl at him for doing something stupid like that.

It's -your- job to STFU and click on the "report to moderator" link.

.. after that, we come along and beat down on him. Or her. Or whatever. :-)

.. I'll let you off this time, though, because you were so eloquent :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Anyone heard from Mel by any chance? 

I am not familiar enough with KH to operate alone on this, so I need some info.  What types of Heartless are there and what do they do?  What happens to someone overwhelmed by a Heartless?  What is the general interaction between a Nobody and a Heartless?

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: Azlan on March 01, 2007, 11:16:42 PM
Anyone heard from Mel by any chance? 

I am not familiar enough with KH to operate alone on this, so I need some info.  What types of Heartless are there and what do they do?  What happens to someone overwhelmed by a Heartless?  What is the general interaction between a Nobody and a Heartless?

Ok... far too many heartless to name. But if you ask for a type (ie, flying, water, beastial), we can help ya.
As for getting swarmed, unless the swarmee is strong of heart and still fighting, they generally get their hearts stolen and turn into a generic heartless.
The only interaction between the average heartless and average nobody there's been has been... none, as far as I remember.  They've never shown em interact, as they were usually just both armies of different people working for the same goal of swiping as many hearts as possible and opening the paths of darkness between the worlds.


well ...Heartless and Nobodies don't seem to get along either
while one is stealing hearts to increase their numbers and strength the other is stealing hearts to gain their own hearts back (or something like that)


Quote from: Kenji on March 01, 2007, 11:29:04 PM

Ok... far too many heartless to name. But if you ask for a type (ie, flying, water, beastial), we can help ya.
As for getting swarmed, unless the swarmee is strong of heart and still fighting, they generally get their hearts stolen and turn into a generic heartless.
The only interaction between the average heartless and average nobody there's been has been... none, as far as I remember.  They've never shown em interact, as they were usually just both armies of different people working for the same goal of swiping as many hearts as possible and opening the paths of darkness between the worlds.

If I knew they had a type I would have asked for specifics firebutt :P

I don't think I need anything specific, just a generic humanoid type that likes to melee. 

A Nobodies question: Are Nobodies detectable as different in some way, since generally their appearance is not much different?
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: Azlan on March 02, 2007, 12:21:08 AM
Quote from: Kenji on March 01, 2007, 11:29:04 PM

Ok... far too many heartless to name. But if you ask for a type (ie, flying, water, beastial), we can help ya.
As for getting swarmed, unless the swarmee is strong of heart and still fighting, they generally get their hearts stolen and turn into a generic heartless.
The only interaction between the average heartless and average nobody there's been has been... none, as far as I remember.  They've never shown em interact, as they were usually just both armies of different people working for the same goal of swiping as many hearts as possible and opening the paths of darkness between the worlds.

If I knew they had a type I would have asked for specifics firebutt :P

I don't think I need anything specific, just a generic humanoid type that likes to melee. 

A Nobodies question: Are Nobodies detectable as different in some way, since generally their appearance is not much different?

Hence me listing a few examples. :P
Ahem.. humanoid melee heartless:
Soldier. They hop around a lot and do a spinning kick through the air, ballerina style. They also claw
Shadow. Basic grunts. This is what peeps usually turn into. They swipe.
Large Body. Weak to magic, immune to non-piercing front physical attacks. There's also a "Fat Bandit" version, which is a fire spewing arabian-esque version.
Air Pirate. Flying puncher, basically. Usually in groups.
Air Soldier. Pretty weak. Usually in big groups.
Bandit. What ya see is what ya get.
Defender. Without magic, get BEHIND his shield. And don't get rammed...
The Fat Bandit.
Gargoyle. More winged wonders.
Invisibles. Annoying suckers. Swords, tails, and wings as weapons.
Pirate. Sword wielding, ground version of Air Pirate. Usually in groups, like most smaller units.
Wight Knight. Freaky, twitchy, spazzy movements that hit multiple times and are usually followed up by another WK's attack.

That's the ones from KH1. I'll get to 2's in a bit.


Lance Soldier. The lance can act on it's own if let go and tends to dork around. But will go after the heartless if you grab it.
Armored Knight. (The one on the left) Pretty much a swarming swordsman.
Hammer Frame. Need I explain the attack?
There's the Morning Stars which are just big spiked balls with skinny arms and legs sticking out, and a head barely peeking out with a tall hat. They drop on you, do lots of damage, and are excedingly annoying.
Luna Bandit. The usually hop-about sword swinger. But they block with the swords and swing LOTS.

That's pretty much all the more humanoid heartless. There's a few more, like a centaur or half-wyvern statue, but they're a bit of a stretch.


Tezkat pokes his nose into the thread to display random fanboyish KH geekery...

Quote from: Azlan on March 01, 2007, 11:16:42 PM
I am not familiar enough with KH to operate alone on this, so I need some info.  What types of Heartless are there and what do they do?

There are a few Heartless bestiaries on the web. You can find fairly comprehensive descriptions of the various Heartless and their powers in various game walkthroughs as well.

There are two basic types. Pureblood (natural) Heartless are usually black-skinned with glowing yellow eyes, unclothed (though sometimes accessorized with weapons or chains), and tend to have darkness-related powers. Emblem (artificial) Heartless are created by nasty Heartless-making machines and have abilities and appearances which reflect their world of origin. Neverland had pirate-themed Heartless, for instance. Dunno how that would work in this RP (robotic Heartless in Ihsan and fairy Heartless in Koit, perhaps?).

Neoshadows (big brothers to the wimpy Shadows) make good generic pureblood Heartless enemies. They look more or less like humans in black rubber bodysuits with glowing yellow eyes and crooked antennae poking out of their heads. They have the ability to shadow meld, but apart from that, they just hop around trying to claw your heart out. There's some nice footage of Roxas fighting a small horde of Neoshadows in these videos...

QuoteWhat happens to someone overwhelmed by a Heartless?

Someone falling prey to a Heartless has their heart ripped out of their body. The darkness within that heart becomes a new Heartless--usually a Shadow (the weakest type of pureblood Heartless)--which appears shortly after the attack in the same area. The body and soul disappear from the world altogether and reappear in another realm on the border between darkness and light (e.g. KH2's Twilight Town) as a Nobody. (It's not clear whether that happens to all victims or merely the stronger-hearted ones.) The cutscene that plays when Sora first enters the Second District of Traverse Town in KH1 portrays a man falling victim to a Soldier Heartless. (It's about 1:45 into this video, if you have the bandwidth to spare.) It's not immediately apparent in the game footage that the Soldier is the attacker (Soldiers are artificial Heartless that aren't created that way), but the manga version explicitly depicts the Soldier reaching into a woman's chest, yanking out her heart, and crushing it in hand before her body disappears.

QuoteWhat is the general interaction between a Nobody and a Heartless?

Heartless are after hearts, which Nobodies don't have. Nobodies are also after hearts, but one can't free those from the Heartless without a Keyblade. So... left to their own devices, they really have no reason to attack each other. However, Nobodies (their leaders in particular) do retain much of their human intelligence and may have their own agendas with respect to the Heartless. Likewise, Heartless can be controlled by strong external forces that have their own goals.

QuoteA Nobodies question: Are Nobodies detectable as different in some way, since generally their appearance is not much different?

Only the strongest Nobodies retain human form. Those are indistinguishable from normal humans unless one has the power to detect/influence hearts. They're very good at acting like normal people--given the very talented and expressive voice actors giving them life in the game, you really couldn't tell that they didn't have real emotions unless somebody told you. The lesser Nobodies, although humanoid, are obviously non-human (though some could be mistaken for "freaks in ... white jumpsuits").

Tezkat opens a corridor of darkness and quietly slinks out of the thread.  :mowninja

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Quote from: Tezkat on March 02, 2007, 02:39:39 AM
Tezkat pokes his nose into the thread to display random fanboyish KH geekery...


Tezkat opens a corridor of darkness and quietly slinks out of the thread.  :mowninja

Now those are cool heartless and nobodies.

Tiny crested flint

*sigh* why did you quote the entire thing?

Thank you for the info Tezkat, I was a bit new to the KH stuff too.


To the guys actually in the RP thread:
All of you who haven't posted a story in a while, try and get one in there. With so many posts in between yours, if almost feels as if you guys are just doing absolutely nothing of importance in your character's lives the whole time everyone else is advancing in time. :T


Quote from: Kenji on March 06, 2007, 10:03:50 AM
To the guys actually in the RP thread:
All of you who haven't posted a story in a while, try and get one in there. With so many posts in between yours, if almost feels as if you guys are just doing absolutely nothing of importance in your character's lives the whole time everyone else is advancing in time. :T

Sorry, I'm just waiting for someone to send heartless or a nobody at me and my cat friend.


Quote from: gothtk14 on March 06, 2007, 03:54:46 PM
Quote from: Kenji on March 06, 2007, 10:03:50 AM
To the guys actually in the RP thread:
All of you who haven't posted a story in a while, try and get one in there. With so many posts in between yours, if almost feels as if you guys are just doing absolutely nothing of importance in your character's lives the whole time everyone else is advancing in time. :T

Sorry, I'm just waiting for someone to send heartless or a nobody at me and my cat friend.

Dude you haven't even done an introductory post. I mean I have three posts, Zaon has two and we haven't posted in a while. We did do introductory post saying where we were when all this stuff went down. I mean you basically have to put yourself in the action if you want action. You can't wait for anyone to bring you in. Right I'm kinda waiting to see where RJ ends up after going into the portal.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Quote from: Daimien on March 06, 2007, 04:14:27 PM
Right I'm kinda waiting to see where RJ ends up after going into the portal.

I'm stuck in limbo... *Writer's Block*


Quote from: Daimien on March 06, 2007, 04:14:27 PM
Quote from: gothtk14 on March 06, 2007, 03:54:46 PM
Quote from: Kenji on March 06, 2007, 10:03:50 AM
To the guys actually in the RP thread:
All of you who haven't posted a story in a while, try and get one in there. With so many posts in between yours, if almost feels as if you guys are just doing absolutely nothing of importance in your character's lives the whole time everyone else is advancing in time. :T

Sorry, I'm just waiting for someone to send heartless or a nobody at me and my cat friend.

Dude you haven't even done an introductory post. I mean I have three posts, Zaon has two and we haven't posted in a while. We did do introductory post saying where we were when all this stuff went down. I mean you basically have to put yourself in the action if you want action. You can't wait for anyone to bring you in. Right I'm kinda waiting to see where RJ ends up after going into the portal.

Oh, okay. Now where do I go from here? *Walks around crashed gummi ship*


Quote from: RJ on March 07, 2007, 02:33:46 AM
Quote from: Daimien on March 06, 2007, 04:14:27 PM
Right I'm kinda waiting to see where RJ ends up after going into the portal.

I'm stuck in limbo... *Writer's Block*

Oh I thoughy you was waiting for the GM to tell you where you ended up. Goth you should have figure out what area you're from when you made your character. Once you get that figure out just kinda go from there.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.