Ryudo Lee's Legacy: OOC Topic

Started by Aisha deCabre, December 22, 2006, 02:53:44 PM

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Excuse me, but that is just straight Auto-hitting right there. You didn't ask for my permission to switch bodies. Hell, you didn't even explain what the spell was until you already cast it. I'm not having this. You should have asked for my permission first. To say i'm annoyed would be an understatement.


I understand why you are upset, but a simple, “Please don’t do that” would have sufficed. On the other forum boards I’ve been to, that sort of thing would have been accepted. I will remember not to make the same sort of mistake in the future, but can you please try to be more polite next time I make a mistake?


I'm sorry if I snapped, but i don't count making a move without someone's permission as being polite, either. However, i understand that you didn't know, so its all good.


Hm… but I still need to find a way to make the spell backfire while still serving the purpose. I’m pretty sure you won’t disapprove of this one.

EDIT: I must depart to bed now. I know it’s a bad time to leave, with your character isolated from any other save one of mine, but I’m beginning to run low on my creativity at the moment. Sleep calls to me.


A point-out to Cog:

Lusia (whose real name, as can be read further back, is Clarissa) is down for the count and unconscious.


Ah. Well, no-one will mind if I happen to remove a few lines of dialouge, then? :B

Truly, I thought she had merely....collapsed, not fell unconscious. Why, oh why, is Mel Brooks running though my mind here? >:3

topher chee

meh, i missed 5 days worth of this RP, can anyone tell me what happened very briefly please?

Cheese Foxlee

topher chee

ok, i guess i'll have top go look into that...

Aisha deCabre

Okay...just so we're clear on something...the angel that everybody was fighting.  Is that the one that just fell from the sky?  Or the one that we put back together before?  Or are they one in the same?  What?

The RP just seems to be rushing off into a black hole here.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


I concur. And, I do think that we must take all neccessary measures to make sure that people don't go around and be so fricking random shiney magic zoop! in the future... Right now I feel like sicking Mary Poppins on you all. A few of us appreciate a bit more seriousness.


And a few of us do not appreciate so much seriousness.  I do tolerate seriousness though, it just makes for boring games.  All the gloom, doom and fail really gets dull and a bit of fun is needed.  I learned to live with all of you trenchcoat wearing, dark glasses sporting banality fiends, spouting your brand of doomsday, tragedy and conspiracy.  The least you can do is tolerate the glamour, candy and comedy.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Who said I like trenchcoats? The gloom makes for perfect accentuation of the bright points, without one having to throw in a shiny "nani ga deru ka na?" every other post. It's just that I like to think that an enticing plot is more valuable than slapstick and colouration.

Oh, and as for banality... I really can't do anything but laugh at that. Take a look at some of the forum boards and the comments within. Let's not have an obsession for cute and randomness here too, shall we, please?

I'll finish it off by saying that I'll gladly engage in some good humour and play, as long as I get to scheme, Cheese gets to do his story without people intervening, and Stygian doesn't get a veritable koala thrown in his face for pettyness' sake.


I have no appreciation for Guilty Gear, so I do not use "What will come out?" moves.  Enticing plots are esential, but what you find as such and what another sees this as will vary.  We shall have see where it goes, patience is so lacking in kids these days.

I guarantee nothing, except that no koalas are involved.  As you have stipulated, you must be allowed to plot... even if in futility, Gimp gets to do his story and I get to be whom I wish to be, as well as what everyone else wants. 

I would prefer if you withdraw your desire to be in control of everything and play like everyone else, but one must be true to one's self.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


I really have nothing to say but for the fact that as of yet, I have tried to get a plot and conversation going with several characters, and have engaged in the RP without excesses. I shall not point fingers, but there have been no attempts of trying to seize control by me, at least. I try to keep quality and moderation. Some other pseudo-godmoding though...

Now shush. I for one shall speak no more of this.

Cheese Foxlee

I'm working on it people.

The angel is broken up again (and yes it's the same as in the last RP.)  I'm looking for a way to lighten things up a bit and get everone back to having one quest.  One thing that was brought to my attention is that we really do need a villan, and to be honest, I don't want to make just one person play the bad guy.  It's way too much fun to just let one player have a go at it.

So here is what were are going to do.

All the characters have a past with enemies and rivals and such, so we are going to take turns.  Every player will have a turn to make up a bad guy, and play that character for a while.  when that villan is defeated, another person will have a turn.  When all players have had a chance to be the bad guy, then we will face  the UBER BAD GUY!

Who is the uber bad guy?  I don't know yet, so it could be anything, even Eric Cartman from SouthPark.

Sorry if an people feel ignored, but this is kind of a big party, so maybe we'll have to split into groups to get a more meaningful RP.


Well, technically, my bad guy (girl, whatever) has already been defeated, so my turn is done. Unless, of course, Pan gets a bad guy, as well.


...are you sure of this, Cheese? *fiendish grin*

Ah well... I'll come up with some nice humour to compensate.

Aisha deCabre


Well, thanks, now we finally have some ideas  :3 You might want to have Aisha's bad-guy person wait though...she doesn't have a specific one yet...none that I've created anyway.   :rolleyes
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Uh, I don't mean to sound funny or anything, but shouldn't there already be a story prepared? Maybe it's just me, but I would've thought that would be the first thing to think of by the GM. Ah well. I think I've got a character or two who'll provide some villian roles.


In the DM’s defense, some people are apt at creating plots on the fly. It certainly allows a great deal of flexibility.


Can we please just focus on getting Gareeku back right now? It's what's keeping us from going anywhere.


Rule #1 of creating a problem: always have a backup solution up your sleeve or be prepared to make one on the fly. I should be able to think of something, if need be.


Well whatever your solution is, make it quick, unless you want a pile of souless corpses on your hands. >:3


Pan may know a few magic tricks, but the fact remains that he is a rogue, thus he is capable of doing what he just did (or failed to do, if Gareeku stops him in time).

Cheese Foxlee

OK, so you caught me.  I've been flying by the seat of my pants the whole time.  That's Why I was really looking for some one else to be the Grand Master at first, but not enough of the original RPers took the cue from our catchy title...  I'm a terrable leader, and I never claimed not to be.  No regrets.

Quote from: Joat on January 14, 2007, 01:23:00 PM
Well, technically, my bad guy (girl, whatever) has already been defeated, so my turn is done. Unless, of course, Pan gets a bad guy, as well.

I think we can let you slide on that.  maybe the badgirl can make a return appearance as part of some evil group or something.  We did deal with her kinda quick after all.

we will need to pick a order if we are going to all play bad guys. So what is the best way to go about it?  Let's be democratic about this.


There's nothing but a bit of embarrassment to it, so we can say that we're done with the bickering, eh Cheese? In either case, I will risk and rush this so we can get back on track. Let's have the characters retreat and then get together so that they (and we) can figure out what to do, hm?


Such a noble effort, I am glad we have someone to do such a necessary task.

Have no fear Gimp, you have done well so far... the best leaders are those who do not desire it.  You know your faults and that makes you stronger, I do not have that truly clear insight and as such I am the lesser.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"



Cheese: Don't worry about it, man. Some of the best RPs are made on a whim. If you need any help at all don't hesitate to ask any of us. :)

Snuggles: What do you mean by transporting Gareeku to the "black side"? *Is a tad confused*