Abel 12/21/06 : Umm..what are those?

Started by Nerikull, December 20, 2006, 10:10:17 PM

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Quote from: AndersW on December 21, 2006, 11:45:05 AMAbel says he is Element resistant in comic #667

Well, there's a difference between element resistant and magic resistant.  If you cast fire at an element resistant creature, that's one thing, but if you cast Magic Missile or Ultima (from Final Fantasy) or Charm, you would probably succeed.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Problems is, a lot of creatures are both element and magic resistant.  The magic resistance is easy to overcome in a fair fight, but elemental resistance is really dependent on the race, or if you prepared the right spell.  Of course, like most races, it would take time for that resistance to build it, it doesn't just happen.


I completely forgot that Element resistance. So all elements is ineffectual to Abel but what about Dark, Holy hmmmmmmmmmmmmm what else should I throw at Abel.


From Amber's rant, "I'll try to get some sort of comical filler where I've set myself on fire up...or maybe some sappy mistle-toe kissy picture of a couple (any suggestions?)"

I would suggest Alexsi and Pyroduck for the sappy mistle-toe kissy picture of a couple.


Hm, cubi were originally a form of demon, thus stuff like holy water would be effective.  Now Amber has made them Angel/Demon hybrids, so either they've taken on both weaknesses, or neither.  But like I said, he may have learned some magic, but he probably hasn't gained the resistances yet.


I second that for the Alexsi and Pyro kissing under missletoe.


Unlike me...I still have this weakness always being burned...*headwing twiches*


There could be a difference between resistant and immune.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tapewolf on December 21, 2006, 10:24:33 AM
Quite.  Learning to walk is a good analogy, since it takes a long time.  Abel has a few minutes (or seconds) to learn if he's going to use any advanced 'cubi stuff.

Seconds. Less than 20, I'd guess, judging from the count Devin gave, and the hole poked in the wagon behind them a moment ago.

Quote from: Tapewolf on December 21, 2006, 10:24:33 AM
So yeah, he might make a good meat shield, but he'd have to be carried after the first hit or so.  (Why can't I do that in Deus Ex or Thief?)

Why do I have a mental image of someone being nailed to a shield by an arrow... and then being carried around by the brute wearing the shield? :-)
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:O  Abel got headwings... wait... does this mean he's actually a 'cubi?  *shocked*

I think Glory will hold off on killing Abel.  She probably thought he was the bad guy from the start; she held off because Devin vouched for him.  Even though he has two sets of wings now, she'll probably keep him alive if Devin says he's a good guy still...

Drake Manaweilder

Quote from: Alablast on December 21, 2006, 03:32:37 PM
:O Abel got headwings... wait... does this mean he's actually a 'cubi? *shocked*

I think Glory will hold off on killing Abel. She probably thought he was the bad guy from the start; she held off because Devin vouched for him. Even though he has two sets of wings now, she'll probably keep him alive if Devin says he's a good guy still...

Well what about the whole "Adventurer Racism" thing? I doubt that Dan is the only one who would have it.

Glory: "He has the potential to kill many people, and to do far worse, so we must kill him"

Of course he'll escape somehow, but he's still in being territory. Meaning that very few people are going to be friendly towards him. perhaps this is how he'll get "adopted" by Fa'lena.(yes, yes i suck at remembering how to spell names) He may not want to go home for fear of what his parents would think, Fa'lena/somebody else from SAIA runs into him, and upon hearing his story thus far, takes him to the academy.

This is likely about to get blown to pieces by somebody but this is my guess.


Quote from: Drake Manaweilder on December 21, 2006, 04:07:15 PM
Well what about the whole "Adventurer Racism" thing? I doubt that Dan is the only one who would have it.
Indeed.  I'm thinking Devin will prevent Glory from doing anything.  He's defended him once before... perhaps to make up for the rocks.

Today is proving to be a total mind____ for Abel.. he's just seen his childhood friend buried, been shot at by his childhood enemy who then protects him from other adventurers only to be attacked by monsters, see his childhood enemy's friend/lover die, then he get a pair of wings bursting from his head and now he's quite likely to discover that 6-year old Devin was right and he IS demonspawn!

Quoteperhaps this is how he'll get "adopted" by Fa'Lina.(yes, yes i suck at remembering how to spell names) He may not want to go home for fear of what his parents would think, Fa'lena/somebody else from SAIA runs into him, and upon hearing his story thus far, takes him to the academy.

My money's on him making it home.  The local doctor in Zinvfth might pass him onto a 'cubi and thence SAIA, but according to Amber SAIA isn't on the lookout for young 'cubi unless they're recommended.  See our nice wiki :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


No. Abel's just hitting cubi puberty. So we're all gonna need angst shields soon.


Im sure answers will be noted and doted forever


Quote from: Tapewolf on December 21, 2006, 04:19:47 PMToday is proving to be a total mind____ for Abel..

Heh.  One more reason to let time pass between strips.

It seems that headwings come out during times of intense emotion.  I suppose that makes sense.  Since `cubi feed on emotions, and if you're giving off that much emotional energy, you would probably want to get all the emotions that you can, and I'm sure that headwings would help gather those emotions.

Still, he didn't get his wings after denying that he was an incubus, so I guess that rules that stupid theory out.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Heeeeey, here's a world of hurt! What if, and I'm just being silly here, what if that thing that's attacking the village is another cubi, who is the one who gets to bring Abel to SAIA, and thus starts off his life of an asshat?

I know, but you haven't exactly been more creative than that...


Ohhh that'll ruin your day. That's why he's been so weepy and sensitive, his new powers are kicking in. Bad time for that to kick in is in a combat situation where there's already been a casualty. He's feeling everyone's stress and panic and Devins grief. And he's got magical powers he can't use yet, and people think a creature killed a bunch of folks.
Wow. That's a bad day. That's a really bad day. And now after this, Glory is going to show up and want him dead when she sees he's a cubi.

topher chee

i think this also might be when Abel gets all them swords ^^


Those are obviously latent Bishounen sparklies manifesting themselves around him.


Quote from: THiA on December 21, 2006, 08:06:38 PM
Those are obviously latent Bishounen sparklies manifesting themselves around him.

We'll know for sure if after the battle takes place, or before Abel fights, if at all, there are rose hips or cherry blossom petals in the air.


Quote from: familyghost on December 20, 2006, 10:14:03 PM
My guess is cubi heritage mixed with magic lessons are coming to fruition...

...Except that Abel doesn't have any cubi heritage.  His mother was normal, and his father was an adventurer.  Unless his mother really did stray, which is entirely possible after how she reacted to the implied accusation of such by the teacher, then Abel is a first-generation cubi, just reaching maturity.


Quote from: Aleolus on December 21, 2006, 09:48:14 PM...Except that Abel doesn't have any cubi heritage.  His mother was normal, and his father was an adventurer.  Unless his mother really did stray, which is entirely possible after how she reacted to the implied accusation of such by the teacher, then Abel is a first-generation cubi, just reaching maturity.

I dunno.  Consensus seems to be that she either knowingly strayed or that she was unwittingly taken by an incubus in Cid's form.

I'm with the latter camp, speculating that she figured it out later, and that's why she's so pissed at the teacher's accusation.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


It seems I was probably right on my previous prediction, now that I think about it. Now, a question I pose: Do (half)-dragons typically have some sort of familiarness with invisibility? Or an inherent ability that allows them to hide in plain sight?


Abel?  Why do you have Bishi sparkles?


I'm still of the opinion that May is a cubi .

now for the current situation  I think the attackers are either dragons in humaniod form or dragon worshipers (It was mentioned by Mab that some dragons had some religion form around them)

they are here searching for a succubus that disaapeared in this area years ago,  maybe the survivor of some dragon massacere, maybe a theif or double crosser who cheated a dragon.  But she went to ground in this area and the dragons never forget a debt.  May said Cid had protected and saved the villiage several times before,  Baybe those attackes were forey's by the same group.  May felt to scared to leave and possibly get caught in the open,  and when she had a family she was to scared to stay since that would mean her family was in danger.   For the most part dragons and cubi can take the long road with plans,  they've got years and years to play with so it wouldn't be imposible for  a search to still be going on.  The dragons wouldn't know that she'd left, so the attacks would continue and the latest sting of murders mentioned might have involved kidnappings and torture, the dragons learning of a boy born with wings some years back, of the adventureres family, locating there cubi target.

So all this would go to show the whys of some of Abels personality quirks,  His paranioa at the outside world, his voilent hate of dragons (the extreamity is outside the cubi norm I'm guessing), and his loathing for  those who hide what they are (his mothers disguise and years in hiding let countless others die in her place)

Mel Dragonkitty

It's Destaina's pain and torture class on a fieldtrip. Tomorrow's strip will start with "Now class pay attention while I... hey, you, spotty cubi, get over here with the rest of the class."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Who knows what's with Abel and those headwings. So the magic he has learned will be powered up by 2. I don't know if anybody has the answer just answer it thanks.


Headwings ftw,
But I feel sorry for Abel, 'cause until now he's been just sitting there with big, scared eyes for like 5 pages.


*floofs my headwings abit* No wonder why he was suprized...This whole head wing bit was a shocker to him


How can you be chocked if you get headwings? I would dance the happy chibi dance then.