Speaking of bad power stone ripoffs...

Started by Xuzaf D, October 16, 2005, 01:30:52 PM

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Xuzaf D

I heard Marvel Nemesis blew green, infectious chunks of mutagenic suck all over the place. I knew the second I had seen those damn "original" charactors that something was not right with that game. Has anyone that has played this game actually enjoyed it for more than an hour?

Why did they kill the Hulk? and is it true that Magneto is just another chump to beat down in this game?


I'm gonna have to go find some reviews on it now... But yeah, the new characters left a bad taste in my mouth.

Xuzaf D


Naw, and from the reviews, it's a damn good thing I hadn't either. Man, that sounds like a retarded game.

Xuzaf D

I think Marvel Vs. City of Heros would have been a better idea at this point. Other better ideas include apples vs oranges and redneck vs KFC original recipe.


They just need to get the liscnse and do a Marvel vs DC game at this point...

Xuzaf D

It's hard to do match ups in those two worlds. I'm still hoping for a 3D sequal to the Marvel vs Capcom series.


Well the biggest issues with the DC universe is just how much power do you give Superman? Having the godly character is always an issue. Honestly, I would think if the did a Marvel vs DC game, they would have to have Superman off the normal roster, and maybe only make him an unlockable...

Xuzaf D

I think Marvel universe charactors like Magneto, Hulk, and Apocalypse can all hold there own against Superman. Magneto and Hulk can throw buildings around and Apocalypse is pretty much a god. Master Mold would work, too. It's nice and big.
Still... Superman should never ever fight against the likes of Spider-Man and Batman.


Well it begs the question, really of what kind of plot would you have for a game like this. Here are my thoughts:

1) One way is to take the slightly weaker characters, the Batmans and Spidermans as you put it, and have them break off into good vs. evil. Have them battle it out until you reach whatever sort of end boss there is. Your basic one on one fighter game (with possibly the whole second or third character in reserve system like many Capcom games). The good characters can team up, the evil can team up, and the good never fightes the evil in the main game. Of course, all bets are off in Versus mode.

Make the strongest characters, Supes and Magnetos, and make them unlockables to not throw off the balance. Another thing to do to help limit characters would be the use of a Super meter so that you have to do some basic moves and damage to be able to perform the really cool moves. Like the Flash could get super quick and dash all over the fuck place, but only once his metter started to get full so he could burn some points.

2) The other way would be to have a tiered story mode, where the weaker characters battle it out and the stronger characters battle it out. You could use the same terrains, and even make the city fairly open for fights. Definately have building and cars destructable. This would feel a lot more like a Power Stone type game, mixed with Ultimate Destruction. Could be cool, although it wouldn't feel so much like a fighting game as a big brawler.

Xuzaf D

Idea #1 Sounds good- I wouldn't want Doctor Doom and Spider-Man fighting against Batman and Clayface. Maybe the Superman types can be the final bosses in story mode after gathering up a team of three or four team members.

example- I start a game as Clayface (I like clayface) and work my way through guys like Green Archer and Spidey. I then I get challanged by Doctor Octopus, beat him down, and he joins my team (I wouldn't want this to be the only recruiting method, but this is just an example). I would continue working my way forword, going through Batman, and then (after adding the likes of maybe Lex Luther to my team)  I fight the big guy: Superman.

I think super gauges are over done though. It gets kind of lame when I can't slash or fly like I should because of "low power" and ultra flashy super moves just don't sound like the work of Batman. Would he "summon" his Batmobile to shoot mob control weapons at people?

Concept #2 sounds just like the game this thread was initially about minus the whole Magneto Vs Elektra thing.


Well, you also take concept two and open the levels up more. Almost becomes more like one of the godzilla games...

Only reason I suggest a sort of super meter at all is because of characters like flash for instance. He'd be a bitch to fight if he can just run around constantly without limits in a fighting game.

Xuzaf D

The only advantage he has is speed. His punches aren't exactly going to destroy anybody, and he is definitely not going to throw a car, or even a large table for that matter.



See, this is already sounding like a cool game. Pity no one would be able to pull it off right...

Xuzaf D

I think Activision can probably do it. They've been doing well representing the Marvel charactors. However Batman and Superman have both had a dismal history of games which have ranged from mediocre to shit for as long as I remember (I wasn't old enough for NES Batman, so don't yell at me for that again...).

Oh, and how many DC heros can any regular Joe (myself excluded from the definition of 'Joe' in this case) name without watching Justice League Unlimited or ::shudders:: the Super Friends?

edit: When the hell is somebody else going to comment?


lol. I think they are avoiding this damn geeky topic.

As far as DC heroes, we start with the big three:

Wonder Woman

We thrown in:
Green Lantern
Green Arrow (as lame as he soemtimes is)
The Flash
and Nightwing (because he would be very different from Batman)

That makes the most famous ten, most of which belong to JL, of course, but then, if they aren't part of JL, who cares anyway.

Before we go to bosses, we could mention also costume and minor power swap characters that could be unlocked (ala SSB).

Superman - Supergirl and Superboy, and the alternate blue and white costume
Batman - the couple of costumes he's had, and maybe Batgirl, although I doubt that last bit.
(As a bonus, you could also do the Batman everyone hated when the original had his back broken.)
Wonder Woman - Wondergirl, of course
Green Lantern - Golden Age Lantern, and both Power Rings (Earth 2 and Earth 1)
Green Arrow - He has a sidekick, like Red Arrow or somethin.
The Flash - Golden Age costume, and Kid Flash
Aquaman sucks. He doesn't need extra versions.
Hawkman - Well, isn't there a Hawkgirl? I dunno how different she'd be.
Plasticman - Far as I know, there's only one, and he's always looked more or less the same.
Nightwing - This would be where you do the Robins, as well as maybe Batgirl here.

You could also do more of the Earth two variant characters, like Ultraman, Super Woman, Owlman, etc. These would more or less be alternate costumes. Another potential, either as an alt costume on Superman, or as his own character, is Captain Marvel. He also has like Marvel Boy and Miss Marvel or something.

Villains should be hard either. I don't know many of the villains besides Bats' and Supes' ones, but then, they have so many right there, aer more necessary? Joker, Catwoman, Luthor, Metalo, Bizzaro Supes (costume swap, obviously), to name a few. They are so colorful, I dig them the most. What to avoid would be making some new villain for DC and Marvel to fight. Keep it in continuity to please the fans.

I can do this for Marvel too, although the are far betetr represented, obviously.

Destina Faroda

I'm not commenting because the last time I commented on a comics topic, I wrote something stupid due to my not paying attention.
Sig coming...whenever...

Xuzaf D

I would hardly worry about that here. There's to much going on in the world of comics to avoid stupid remarks anyway.

Oh, and Darkmoon- I said something a schmo would know, and I'll be damned if I know who Plasticman is.


Jeez man. Even someone with a passing interest should know who Plasticman is. Of course... my wife who has brothers knee deep in comic books just walked in a went "who's Plasticman?" Ugh.

So fine, not all the heroes to DC are recognizable. But seriously, outside of Spidey, the famous XMen, and like... Hulk... I can't think of that many regonizable Marvel heroes either...

Xuzaf D

Let's see:
Captain America
Iron Man
Human Torch

All better known than Hawkman, Green Arrow, Nightwing. Offcourse they had the advantage of being in 90's tv series and recent movies.


I wouldn't consider Thor well known. I doubt the average person knows him (much as I recognize the name). Also, I would figure, by your logic, the average kid knows Nightwing, since he was in the Batman cartoons of the 90s, and made an appearance in Teen Titans...

Xuzaf D


Actually, I would also like to add to the list of DC characters the Spectre. He'd be hard to program and make properly playable, but he'd be a wack character to have around. Really make the game interesting.

A similar argument could be made for Multiple Man.

Xuzaf D

Oh hey... comic book villian battle at IGN. I'm not excited, but it's a way to kill five minutes...



You're right, that was easy enough.

Man, Bizzaro doesn't get nearly enough love.

Xuzaf D

The fight is almost over...


I think that it sucks that both of them have had their moments playing the hero. Oh well...


I forgot about that. Heh.

Yeah, I think there were far betetr villains that shoulda made the championship round.

Xuzaf D

And the winner is: Magneto? I can live with that. Still, why did Venom make it so far? I only thought he was cool when I was twelve...


I thought some of the other villains deserved better...


Quote from: Darkmoon on October 26, 2005, 11:41:44 AM
They just need to get the liscnse and do a Marvel vs DC game at this point...
Pretty much to the same effect as having a Sammy VS Capcom game. but in this case, peeps would complain like hell saying "Oh, this guy is stoo strong." or "This character is broken." or the most annoying in my opinion... "Oh my god. I can't believe the removed instant kills!"
Here were my responses to them:
1: It is fricking Sol Badguy. And you're just pissed because he beat the crap out of Ryu.
2: Broken!? And MVC wasn't?
3: Dude, if they had the IKs, it would make the Sammy side too unfair, and make the capcom characters suck. They have to balance crap out.

That was off topic, but you get my point. And yes I do agree that they should make a MvDC game. Hell, I'd buy it just to see how much ass can be kicked in a short amount of time.