Travels with a Kitsune (always open) [Chapter 3: The gate of water]

Started by Kitsune Ascendant, November 21, 2006, 12:49:22 PM

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Wakes up from a long night. Starts to move around in his cage again and looking around. "Ummm... guard could i get some food"
(OOC: He could always be in the cage next to mine i just noticed ^_^)


E nods and goes out  he  digs a few  pit falls with  spikes in the bottom of it. he also throws a few slime gaters into spots as he calculated would be effective. adjusted his  buster and  goes to a tress. using his buster he transports a toy solider factory into hidden spots. the little dolls will jump out and hope on the solder's sabotaging weapons and snatching necessary items.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


I wonder somehow we could do something...Lets see here..*makes a book appear in his hand*

topher chee

*looks out to the field from behind the tree, butterflies fluttering in his stomach*
I'm ready whenever you are


DM watches his monitors, checking the status of each trap.

"Is my assistance required at this point?"

topher chee

(OOC:I just may have to do illustrations for each chapter.....)

Kitsune Ascendant

alright. here comes our target. *170 aproaches the area, carefully looking for any missed traps. as he passes the tree, Moonsoul lands on his head and immediately rips every though from her victim, transfering them all to the staff he carried so that tophar would have easy access. after disentigrating the body, she shifts tophar into his new disguise and adds a small but powerfull enchantment to the metal staff before shifting to her fox form*

when you report to the security head, just invoke it with the thought <blood copy>. doing this last one myself would give us away, so I rigged the staff to do it for me. when I give the signal, you unlock all the cages. I'll transport them out, and go after vlad.

*wanders off to where 143 will soon be, waiting. as 143 aproaches, Moonsoul takes him out with as much ease as she did 170, then assumes her disguise*

<[to mel] alright, you can take care of the rest of them. good hunting!>
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!

topher chee

*as topher is called to the security head, he tries to remember what kitsune had said.  He looks up at the gaurd and quickly invokes <blood copy>*
*Returns and waits for MS's signal.*

Kitsune Ascendant

*the staff works quickly, drawing the memories and thoughts of the security head in an instant and giving tophar his final disguise for this little adventure. Moonsoul feels this, even as she takes out number 9. she learns the whereabouts of vlad, and goes directly to him to report*

master. there are signs of an infiltration.

vlad: I know of this. there is a powerfull kyuubi among our ranks. they will be dispached. what else?

<now, tophar!>

*smiles sadistically* actually, I'm not a kyuubi. *shifts back to her humanoid form, at full power* and you are going to pay for what you have done.

vlad: no kitsune has bested me yet, fool. you will fare no better. *as he speaks this, vlad's body shifts, bends, and contorts, the skin melting off, only to be replaced by red scales, with just the slightest hint of irredecent purple. when his body finnishes changing, he is revealed to be a grotesque four-armed humaoid dragon with an arrow tale and glowing red eyes* now DIE! <sends a bolt of raw telepathic energy at moonsoul>

*deflects the bolt* you won't even be a challenge if that's the best you can do. *sends an equally strong mindbolt at vlad*

vlad *deflects with equal ease* oh, I can do far, far better. demons of the night, I summon you!
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel heard the call and in turn called to e. <We'll be coming up the trail in a minute.> She stepped into the clear, making sure to step loudly on a stick to get the attention of the small group ahead. She froze for a full five-count, making sure they all got a good look; small feline, bright white and easy to track in the green forest. She could tell by the look on their faces that they thought they just got lucky. Then she turned and ran up the trail towards the first of e's traps.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

topher chee

*Topher enters his tapped form and dissapears into the a nearby vent.  Speeding through many different tunnels and floors, Topher notices a cage in the corner of his eye.  He spins around and slps through the vent unnoticed..  As he looks to all the captives he puts his finger up to his mouth. "Shhh...I'll get you outta hear in no time."  He unlocks all of the cages and opens a telepathic link with MoonSoul.  "We're ready."*


Snuggles perked up at the sounds of battle between Kitsune and the leader. "I need to get out of this cage and i guess there is no hinding it know." he thought. He starts to draw breathe and puts his paws up in front of his face and a ball of air comes out into his paws. He then puts one the the ball on the lock of the door and with quick speed smashes the lock with ease and pushes the door open and walks out.  Splitting the air ball in four, one for each ball he starts to move faster than air and finds Kitsune.

Landing he takes out the guards easily then looking up at the scene with Kitsune and the leader.

topher chee


(OOC: i guess i read the post wrong sorry. I guess forget the whole breaking out but he still will move towards kitsune in that fashion)


E replies to Mel. beware the pit falls the holograms have only a two and 1/2 second delay time  so if you jump on on jump off quick. here's a mental map of the traps i setup. beware the active ones as well. they move around
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Kitsune Ascendant

stay back. this one's mine. *slams her fist into vlad, sending him into-and through-the wall.*

you think a demon, even one as powerfull as you are, is going to stand a chance against the only kitsune ever to get a tenth tail? *shifts to fox form* I am going to rip you to shreds.

*with these words, moonsoul begins moving so fast that several small sonic booms shake the compound as she shifts direction, leaving burning claw marks all across the demon's back, neck, head, legs, and arms. letting the agony of these set in for a few seconds, she then bites off hands and feet, working her way up, until the demon vlad is nothing but a torso and a head. still alive, he is obviously in excruciating pain.*

you're probably wondering why you're still alive after all of that, vlad. I kept you alive. you are the first ever to anger me enough to do that. to torture you, all the while keeping you alive so that you could feel every drop of pain. and now that agony distracts your mind, I can drill into it as well. but instead of inflicting my horrors, I'll let your horrors do the work...

*thousands of wrongdoings come back to haunt vlad. he experiences firsthand the pain of his tortures, the inocent beings he has killed and in some cases eaten. it finally reaches such a point, all of the darkness of his ways condensed into that moment, that his entire being explodes. moonsoul quickly throws up a shield to protect snuggles. if one listen's closely, one can hear...laughing? no, it is a quiet sob. as the smoke begins to clear, it reveals moonsoul, back in her humanoid form, kneeling and softly sobbing.*

I was a monster there. no better than that beast. His cruelty to my kind pushed me and pushed me, and when he attacked my friends, I just about snapped...
*she then looks back, directly at snuggles, clearly distressed* I don't want to be a monster!

[it was then, however, that a voice rang out from the halls. it was beautiful, like a crystal bell, though faint like an echo at first]

child, you are no monster. you were angry, and you had every right to be. that you regret what you did when in that blinding rage is proof enough you are a good person.

[slowly, the figure of another kitsune fades into veiw, eventually revealing a female eight-tail kitsune. she stands a reasonably tall 5'9, and her fur is a beautiful golden, like the sunrise. she appears aged, though there are small hints that the look is not a matter of age itself, but a choice. she steps over and takes moonsoul's hand, lifting her to her feet gently]

Goldenwave: welcome home, child. *smiles softly* or should I say children? I never was sure with you.

Moonsoul: mother? *moonsoul stares into the eyes of this kitsune for a second, then throws her arms around* it really is you, mother! *they embrace for a few seconds, kitsune mother and daughter* oh, I have so many stories to tell you. And new friends to meet! *points to snuggles* over there's the newest one. his name is snuggles, and he's from a wind tribe. I haven't found out much else about him, but he was really shy when I met him. come on, I'll take you to meet the rest of them! but first, we need to get the rest of the kitsune out of here. *feeling that the cages have now all been opened, moonsoul teleports tophar, her mother goldwave, and all of the kitsune out to the base of the moutain where the cavesystem was*

*opens a telepathic link with mel*
<we're out of the complex. gather everyone at the cave system so we can plan the final blow to those beasts!>
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Kitsune feels resistance to the teleporation of snuggles. He is still back in the base but he feels different now like something else has taken over.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel heard the shouting behind her as her pursuers met up with e's various traps. She shook her head as they continued to follow, you would think that they would figure out it was an ambush when the first went down. She kept running until she only had one behind her. Then she had a thought, Moonsoul was going to need one witness to spread the message not to return.

Mel skidded to a stop, turning to face the man following her. At the same time she released the magic that made her small and gave her the appearance of a feline. The man who thought to catch a small cat found himself inches from 22 feet of dragon, roaring in his face, her wings spread to block the sun. The roar turned into a laugh when he promptly passed out. She carefully picked him up in her mouth and trotted up the path to the cave, rather like a large puppy with a stick, giggling all the way.

My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Kitsune Ascendant

hey mel! looks like you caught one of them. good idea, keeping one alive so we can send him back with a message. by the way, this is my mother goldwave *points to the 8-tailed kitsune over there*. anyways, I'm thinking we hit their base with everything we have, then I send this guy on his way home.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel spits her prisoner out on the ground. "Yuck! Nasty!" Then she bows to Goldwave, "Good morning, madame." Then she turned back to growl at her prisoner, just to remind him to stay still.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

topher chee

Topher bows curtiously at someone who was clearly an elder
"It is my pleasure to introduce myself.  I am Topher Chee, descendant of the a fire tribe.  I learn new things about myself and my heritage everyday, and I plan on using every bit of experience to m advantage in helping both you and your daughter, and hopefully the rest of this region."
The rather tall teenage elemental then kneels down on both knees, and bows in the direction of GoldenWave and MoonSoul.
"I am at your service."


DM stands at a high point above the cave, firing projectile weapons randomly at the base. He rapidly switches between no less than 15 different projectile weapons, moving them back and forth between his hands and his pocket dimension, to give the illusion that there are many assailants. He uses one lens of his shades as a screen, watching Moonsoul, giggling and grinning sadistically at her course of actions. It's not like he was ever ashamed of what he did in a blind rage, that was like a normal day in his eyes.

Upon confirming that all the kitsune had been freed, he puts away his weapons and turns to K2, who has driven up behind him.

"K2! It's time!" DM leaps into the air and lands a punch directly on the truck's grille. In a most unusual reaction, the entire truck explodes in a torrent of polygons, all swirling around a golden glowing cube. The cube floats higher as darkness swirls around it and red electricity crackles through the air, but close examination reveals that these are special effects just meant to intimidate and look evil. "Now show 'em that you are the most powerful dragon around!"

The golden cube begins spinning around, first in one direction, then another, faster and faster until it formes a glowing sphere of energy. From this core, shapes begin sprouting. Veins? No, wires, growing in length and branching off, forming the rough shape of a body. A metal frame soon follows, then pistons and motors, and thin plating to cover the internal workings. It's shape is most definitely that of a dragon. As the final touch, armor is applied; boxy and angular, and inexplicably shaded lavender. Instead of wings, on its back are a pair of triple-blade claws. Upon completion, its eyes glow red and it lets out a mighty roar.

DM ceases his maniacal laughter, that had been going on during the entire transformation sequence. He calls to Moonsoul.

"Word to yo mutha!" In one sentence, he failed to be both gansta and funny at the same time. He decides to stick to his evil war-mongering bastard schtick. "The Berserk Führer is ready to fire on command!"

Oh yes. That's right. It's that.

topher chee

(OOC:If I am going to be doing illustrations for each chapter, I need some refs.  Everyone who would like to be in it please provide a ref.  Hope theres not too many of you because then I'll have to scrunch us all up. But since when is that a bad thing O.o?)

Kitsune Ascendant

ah, that! here, gimme a second to join you. *millions of small sparks, appear, and as they start circling around faster, they begin taking the shape of a unique zoid. clearly based off the shadow fox, it sports laser blades like the blade liger, and in it's mouth is quite possibly one of the largest cpcs in existance. also, it sports a reversed paintcoat, gold with small sections of black*

fire on my mark! *as soon as the cpc finnishes charging, with the giant sphere of energy clearly visible, several energy anchors shoot out to keep the zoid from smashing into the back wall*

I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Sure I wonder if you want to look at my tome..I keep it around now and then


"And here I thought K2's power would make people in this universe fear me as much as the people back home!" DM stares in awe of the custom Zoid, clearly impressed.

The Berserk Führer, controlled by K2, turns to Kitsune, Mel and the others.
"He says that, but really people fear him because he makes giant war machines based off an anime series."

"Hey, I heard that!!" DM kicks the giant metal dragon in the shin, then hops around in pain for a bit. Once he regains his composure, he leaps up onto the machine's head. "Ready!"

The Berserk Führer's foot-locks fold down, its tail vents fold out, and its blade-claws open up as it begins charging energy. In another break from the norm, one claw charges red energy while the other charges blue, with green energy forming in its mouth. DM begins laughing maniacally again, the energy crackling mere inches to either side of him.

"Anyone who wants a piece of the explosive pie, now's your chance!" Drawing a sword, he points towards the enemy base. "Fire the Charged Particle Cannon!"

DM's jacket blows around as the energy blasts by. The three energy charges combine to form a massive white beam, headed straight towards the enemy base. A green hooded ghost appears next to the Führer, also laughing maniacally.

Whee, I got permission to use FamilyGhost's character there.


Dm sees a black blur coming from the base coming strait for himself on what looks like air balls at a great speed. The look in his eyes are different from what was seen earlier.  Snuggles takes a deep breath again and blows out into one of his paws that take the shape of a club the sized for some one larger and takes a swing at Dm and starts to say something in a bazaar tongue.


E shake his head. he remember ll the wars with the zoids. he remembered his one Ziod the liger X and archetype of liger zero. he missed the zoid but he could not summon it in this form as any call he made woe be directed towards gospel. still it would be fun to lower the hammer on this place but they had it well in hand. mean while Dm was under attack.

"die" he says as he attacker the  attacker as he strikes the  shikigami with three remote minds and a spreader drill.

I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Kitsune Ascendant

golden fox CPC, fire! *an energy beam nearly the size of of the the zoid it came from fires off, giving off colors that defy description. as it continues down, it takes the shape of a fox head, and an etheral howl echoes through the area*
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


He follows through on the hit. It was loud almost like metal hitting metal. As the three remote minds and a spreader come he puts up one of his paws holding an air ball and starts to twist it and makes it round as a sheild and uses it as a shield against the projectiles.