Creatures, monsters, and oddities (warning adult content)

Started by thegayhare, November 05, 2006, 01:33:12 AM

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Hello all

Monster making is a hobby of mine.  Though usually not willingly  they tend to pop into my head unwilled and offten I have to put them down on paper just to keep them from rooting around in the dark places there.

Most aren't for any story or for any particular world they just are there

At least one I'll be posting is a sexual monster hence the warning

I'm just posting them here to find out what you might think... and well  it's getting crowded in my head so I think letting them prowl around out here might be healthy

Penny Dreadful
Penny is actually from a game, she's what they called a Junkman.  Ma manikin machine made f trash and animated by a human ghost
Penny is an unusual construction, little is known about her inner workings but it is known that most of her chest is hollow (more on that later).  her skin is a burnish copper, mainly because it's made from pennies stretched over her frame like fine scale mail.  from a distance she looks like a full figured  human  though any getting to close would be sorely mistaken.  Her eyes will tell you right off what she is though since they burn with a white hot light. Little is known about her life before she was built but she's a vengeful person and hates humans, and anything that looks to human especially men.  She has built in weapons in the form of retractable brass claws and the rail gun.  The rail gun is a generally tucked away inside her body but when needed it slides out  of her back threw a fold in her skin and swing up and over her right shoulder,  the charged gun uses junk tech to magnetically launch pocket change at super high velocities..  The rail guns only weakness is that she herself can't aim or fire it,  For that she's forced to rely on Rat-a-tat. 

Rat-a-tat Is the one that built her.  He's a Feral, basically an animal with human intelegance.  He's a normal rat with a weird view on science,  He lies in a small apartment in Penny's chest cavity.  Originally he built Penny to serve as his body guard but she became his master soon enough.  He spends most of his time preforming maintanace on her superstructure as well as on the gun.  When in a fight he is forced to sit in the gunnery chair mounted inside the gun itself,  the controls are smiler to those in a ww2 bombers ball turret and Rat-a-tat is a crack shot, even on the back of an unpredictable psycho like Penny.

Penny prowls the sewers beneath new york.

This next one is a demon soldier.  one of those who continually battle in the armies of the generals of hell.  As part of there perpetual war games.

the demon generals have there own styles of combat and solders. Since this is hell the weapons of the Damned Souldiers inflict almost as much pain on the wielder as on there victims as part of there punishments.

The mountain guardians.
The dark mountains of the spines, with there constant arctic winds, are guarded by vast hordes of Damned Souldiers.  They march along mountain paths gripping axes and swords in there frostbitten fingers wishing the pain would stop.  But they are relived since there are those who have it worse.  The shock troopers of the frozen king are the mountains guardians, giant, squat, headless creatures, across there bodies are strapped the still moaning damned, in layers and layers, they help take the sting out of the air and absorb any attacks that might come there way.  There massive bloodshot eyes (situated in there chests, or shoulders, or sometimes bellies) peer out threw a net of interconnected limbs.   None are ever strapped across the top of there form where the neck of a normal creature might be, since there gapping maw is always hungry.  When bored they are known to tear loose limbs from there armour as a snack.

they fight wielding giant hammers, and clubs made of the ancient primordial Ice,  ice so cold it's said that flames can't ever melt them.

Well thats two for now, What do you think?

I've got to get some sleep I'll see you all later. good night

Vaguely Creepy

Fascinating. Especially Penny Dreadful.

(Insert infatuated voice saying: "Man, that girl is just a living doll.":p)

I get the basic idea about Penny, but she's intriguing. What part do "Junkmen" like her play in the world she's from? Are they just boogeymen, things that don't have any other purpose to walk around and be feared? Or do they play a cog in some greater machination of that society? Is there any specific kinds of junk that are usuallly used to make Junkmen, or will anything reasonably solid do? What is the rest of Penny made of, anyway?

I like your demons, too. The description of their pain and the monsters reminds me of what little I know of Dante's "The Inferno," at least as far as the absolute suffering goes.


In Penny's world there are massive cities beneath most major cities on earth.  there are 8 different types of creatures that take up residence in them (well there are more  but it's the 8 playable races).  I mention 2 in Her description Ferals and Junkmen.  Junkmen run the gamut of good bad and indifferent, just like all creatures.  Penny is just more of the bad. 

It's a truly interesting world and I'd go into more detail but the book is locked up in storage I do remember the background fr the world though.

Here are four of a series of 6 demons for a different sort of world then the Damned Soulders.
The Idea was that they were sent to earth to raise there own armies from the humans and to wage a war against one another to determine who's type of hell the earth will become

Slovos the Breeder
He's a demonic rapist who is using that to breed an army of monsters. The daemon is short, squat, vaguely toad like, with pale green skin and an impossibly wide mouth filled with rows of barbed teeth. He generally wears a pair of bib overalls if out in rural settings, or simple sweats if in a city.. His tongue its 3 feet long with a barbed tip and contains a powerful hallucinogen/narcotic. He stings his victim and then has his way with them. The victims never remember specifics but the whole thing takes on a surreal edge and they often have terrible nightmares the rest of there life. He's a herm so he attacks both sexes. For men his slit sucks up sperm, but for women his penis worms it's way into there womb and strips out any eggs (some can never bear children afterwards). Wether seed or egg thats taken the child gestates with in him for a day before his toadish lips open wide and he vomits up a basket ball sized translucent egg. He prefers to let them incubate in isolated swamps or underground lakes, or old flooded sewers. a few dozen children in each nest. He lets one hatch to watch over the rest before he moves on. The monster then grows in the egg the face always resembles the victim no matter how twisted or deforemed the body. They grow quickly reaching the size of a fully grown adult with in two months but most never hatch, they are all waiting patently for a signal from mommy. They are aware though and the babies watch anything that comes by. if they are disturbed they might rend there membrane and attack the intruder... Mommy won't like that though. so they often catch the intruder alive so that Slovos can have something to take it's frustration and anger out on. Since they have seen the nest the victim can't ever leave and will add two or three new siblings before being fed to the rest of the kids.

Ozashes the digger, king of zombies
Is much simpler. The key to Ozashes success is anonymity he quietly moves into a town or village and gets a job at the local cemetery. He is always dressed the same in an old tattered, mud spattered black great coat,and a hood pulled so far over his face that no one could say for sure what he looked like. And he always has his shovel in hand or across his back. Some how there is always a job for him and no one ever asks any questions. Those who see him think he's weird but thats expected of gravediggers. While he's there there are usually a high number of fatal accidents, nothing that can ever be traced back to him. At night he consolidates his hold over the graveyard, consecrating it to himself... when he's done every body that is ever interred will belong to him. Once his job is done he moves on to another town and new graveyard.  He isn't a zombie in and of himself,  he arose from a mass grave as the rotting bodies mingled. He clambered out a conglomeration of all those who died in the battle

Korando has complete control over his body, he can instantly shift his musculature, bone structure or blood. One of his favorite tactics when facing a group is to extend one arm out as a tentacle, the palm strikes the enemies chest and the the fingers then extend, the middle finger wrapping around the wind pipe, thumb and pinky would wrap around the chest pinning the arms to the side while the last two would go over the shoulders and down around the ankles and pulling tight hog tieing the enemy. He'll then either use the trapped enemy as a club or let his hand snap off at the wrist. Another is to let himself get hit by a hail of arrows or bullets and then use the blood flow to form a thick layer of armour. He can also break his body down becoming several smaller creatures. Engulfing the strongest fighters in tight binding ropes of flesh he carefully remakes them. When released they look the same as before and most of there personality is intact though they are now subservient to korando. They are more resilient then normal and stronger and on korando's command they will use a small portion of his power to twist into a spiked, bladed, fanged slavering war form

Tetch the chiurgen
When Tetch crossed over to the mortal world he found himself an image he liked and stuck with it. He's adopted the stereotypical look of an old fashioned doctor. Dressed in a black trenchcoat, he also carries a doctors case and a silver tipped cane. His features are very batlike and he has fine delicate hands. During the day he actually does run a clinic, his bed side manner is some what cold but nothing ever seems out of the ordinary infact the only thing that could possibly call attention to him is the way he walks he almost glides from place to place. At night he wanders the streets. If he's ever approached by representatives of the local law or large groups he simply states that he was called out on an emergency. The daemon comes into play when he finds some one alone. When he attacks he drops the case and cane and opens his coat. The coat opens like a pair of bat wings, the inner lining of the coat is pulsing pink and red veined wall of flesh centered on a lampray like mouth. Tetch then engulfs the victim swallowing them whole. Tetch is actually just the small part of a much larger daemon that exists in the mortal world. The victim is then trapped within the daemons body where they are constantly tortured and surgically remade. Till there life is nothing but pain and misery and they feel the need to spread the pain.

I'll post the last to of this one as well as some more damed souldiers in the morning