Right now, I fail, but things will be better.

Started by Stygian, October 17, 2006, 06:16:17 PM

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Just a note, RP style posting is prohibited outside the RP forum.  :)


Duly noted and edited for the sake of propriety. Shouldn't let the caffeine and sudden surge of desire to write take control. Think I'll draw something instead.


But it's so daunting to make a new topic amongst those RP threads that've been there for months  D:


The "Fur n' Feathers" one's a general discussion one, IIRC.


Sides the wine is made pure and fresh and no boomyish


Right. And the brownies are not hallucinogenic. At least I think so. But then again, with Furrae, who knows? Maybe I'm not actually seeing the green do loops through my nose.

Wish I could do something creative right now. Sat down and did a couple of drawings, but it's all guro so I can't post it here. And besides, I don't think anyone here likes to see bunnygirls being eaten from the inside by evil mutant centipedes. I watched The Faculty last night, and that movie always brings out the worst in me.

Wish I could draw proper comics though. I don't actually have the sense of style which is neccessary.


All you need is focus and a title my dear bat friend *pats*


*appears in a flash of blue light*

Hello! Welcome to this place of strangeness. Apologies for coming this late to the party.

Leave your remaining sanity (if any) at the door, in the secure storage provided, and be sure to hang on to your claim ticket.

As DigitalMan said, good spelling and grammar are always a point in your favour. Use them wisely.

It's okay to suck a little at first - we all did. (:confused I'd rephrase that, but I'm not sure how... oh, well. *shrugs*)

Have a welcome gift. *gives the new person a souvenir coffee mug*

Enjoy your time here.

*waves, and vanishes, leaving a shower of coloured sparkles*

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


*stares slightly confusedly for a brief moment, then exclaims*

Daaam yoo, Mistah Spakaru! Daam yoo an youl ewil pran!

Anyway, thanks. Dunno about the coffe mug