National Coming Out Day

Started by Poofyspikes, October 11, 2006, 11:51:41 PM

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As today is National Coming Out Day, I would like to make the following announcement:

I am gay.

For Abel.



Hmm, maybe I should post that Bridget "motivational poster" thing that apparently came from 4chan...


I would be gay for Abel, but that would mean, technically, I'm gay for myself... Well, my voice at least >>

I am not gay, though plenty of my friends are gay and bi.

Roureem Egas

Seconded for Poofy's statement.  :evar Also, maybe a bit for Dan...

Now excuse me while I go haunt the closest bookstore. I got some time before coming back to ogle at the two.

Jim Halisstrad

I'm gay.

For everything that has human parts and is above the age of 18.

I dunno though about this national coming out stuff.  My family would probably want very little to do with me if they found out I was Bi.  It's always sad when you can be more open with friends and strangers then your own family :/


Thats cause they fear. Not really, but its what people will say.

It seems that the new generation has much more tolerance, and acceptance, really, of gays and bis. At least, as I've noticed... >>

don't mind my ramblings


I wonder if It's finaly time to come out of the closet



I'm perfectly straight, but I seem to be a magnet for gay and bi people, probably because of my tolerance. But I'd think that would make me seem gay O.o


I don't know what the problem is, it seems to be common in highschools. I hear lots of people acknowledging each other's gayness all the time.


indeed our sixth form (my year for people aged 17-18) we have quite a few gay students and they're just as nice as the other people. People made a fuss at first but once the novelty wore off it was just common place.


Ah wonderus time...I am not afraid to show it...


I'm bi for Abel, 'Lexsi, Matilda, May, Jy-Jy and Dan.

...And it's all Amber's fault. D:

Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on October 12, 2006, 02:07:31 AM
What?! TGH's gay?! :O
The GAY hare is...GAY?! Impossible! D: It's...just...not true! D: There is NO way my buddy TheGayHare is GAY!



One of the very few reasons I have for not cosplaying as Rosette from Chrno Crusade is the fact that there's a lot of people who mistake her for Bridget (such as the idiot who went on a crazy bidding war for a picture of Rosette from the official artist, thinking the whole time it was Bridget).

And as we know, "Everyone's gay for Bridget!"  :rolleyes

:3 I'm gay for muffins.

King Of Hearts

Im singing in the rain, in a glorious fever. Im happy and gay~

*dances back in his closet*


Lately, they've found some very compelling evidence that alternative sexuality will be increasing steadily in the future.  One factor is simply overcrowding.  Male mice and rats show high levels of homosexuality when crowded (also increased aggression in other mice).  It's suggested that the behavior might be some type of feedback mechanism response to overpopulation, triggered by stress hormones, pheromone concentration, etc.  Research is still ongoing to discover what the biochemical trigger is.

There's some evidence that all the hormones that end up in city water (they found out that these very stable compounds do not get degreaded by sewage treatment) may be at levels high enough to alter the brain development of developing embryos.  Already proven is the fact that frogs and fish in some rivers with the highest levels of hormones (from excretion of birth control substances, primarily, which have had an upsurge in use), prohormones, and estrogen-mimic compounds (from plastics, pesticides, and other chemicals) are showing high rates of hermaphoditism and reproductive anomalies.  And tap water tests in cities have found levels high enough to have discreet biological effects.  Some of these compounds have been discovered to have stable presence in the environment for years, and thus are simply accumulating rather than disappearing.  And as water sources become more restricted and water re-use increases, the concentrations of these chemicals will steadily increase.  Yup, pretty soon the entire human race will be bisexual hermaphrodites with reproductive organs so malformed we'll go exinct... and it's our own fault!

*Charline grins* What my mother couldn't do, humanity will do to itself.  How deliciously ironic.   >:3

Of course, all other animals exposed will suffer the same fate...

*Charline growls*  Damn you humans!  Can't you just take yourselves out alone for once?   :cuss
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Time for me. I'm male,  read DMFA, and I'm still heterosexual in nature.  :U
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


I'm so pretty! Oh so pretty! I'm so pretty, and witty and gay!  And I pitty any girl who isn't me today.  Lalalalalalalalala!



I'm happy to say that I did indeed come out of several doorways and rooms today. I did my part. Did you?



*reads Alondro's post intently*

I love it when people do their homework  :3

And I suppose I could be gay for muffins, that seems reasonable enough.


Im Gay for legos and playdoh  :B


Quote from: Zedd on October 12, 2006, 06:05:21 PM
Im Gay for legos and playdoh  :B

... *hides the Lego figure version of himself used in his icon* o_o;


One of my BF's is gay and when I say gay I mean GAY. He's so gay it's funny :)
He dates the cutest guys... why must all cute guys be gay? D:


Because God has a really crappy sense of humor.


I'm gay for Abel, fighting games, pancakes, muffins, and Ben & Jerry's ice cream. OH BABY. :U


I'm gay for... meh.  I tried it for a few years.  Now I feel all weird/a little depressed about what I've said and felt.  I've tried it, it's just not for me.  But I hope everyone can find happiness with whoever they choose.

