Kittah Art...MA for NAKEDNESS!

Started by kittyblackrabbit, October 10, 2006, 03:49:08 PM

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Ok i'm redoing this first page for indexng
The fist links are just the photobukcket links since these are images that have been discussed. All other new peices will be the fourm post links.


NEW ART <-- Newest


Here we go have some art.



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Very nice art as usual, Kittah. I especially like the floofiness of the tails in the second picture. :)



J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Kitome Feathertail

Pretty cool, 4 paws up, I'd give you 6 but I need the other two to stand on


semi-on-topic, don't you already have a thread you could've posted in?



hooray Dylan~!
Love the second one. The tails are all floofy.


Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on October 10, 2006, 05:22:37 PM
I have 2 art topics. :P

Nice art, Kittah! :D

But either way, I'm not going to say anything, since any criticism I have to offer to THIS particular person usually gets met by swearing and flames, not necessarily by the artist herself *stares at a certain someone who isn't here right now* so I will say no more than I already have, which is probably already too much ''>.>


Then why say anything at all? =/ If commenting on Kitty's work causes you such grief, why don't you just ignore her? It's a big forum, and Kitty rarely posts, so I'd imagine that's fairly simple to do.


Because it wouldn't be fair to just completely ignore someone because of past incidents?


So instead you come in and complain and not even comment on the art? :rolleyes



Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on October 10, 2006, 05:36:53 PM
So instead you come in and complain and not even comment on the art? :rolleyes
but i just can't because I tend to notice all the flaws in something. It keeps me from doing any art, myself.

Quote from: Zina on October 10, 2006, 05:37:31 PM
Then...why are you bringing up past incidents? o.O
because if I'm going to show that I actually looked at something but refuse to comment, I think I have to say why, don't I? o_O


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on October 10, 2006, 05:40:44 PM
Quote from: Zina on October 10, 2006, 05:37:31 PM
Then...why are you bringing up past incidents? o.O
because if I'm going to show that I actually looked at something but refuse to comment, I think I have to say why, don't I? o_O
....doesn't that completely defeat the purpose of not commenting?
If you don't want to comment on anothers work, fine, but I don't see the reason for announcing why. Especially since no one asked.
But maybe that's just me. 


to be honest, I don't know any more either. Maybe it's the sleep deprivation.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on October 10, 2006, 05:47:38 PM
to be honest, I don't know any more either. Maybe it's the sleep deprivation.

I dont care about your opinion.
Thank you for playing
now GTF Out of my thread.



Hay guys how about them Kitty arts? Are they ever tasty.
Do you like Kitty arts?
Circle one. Yes No.



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Skype Name: Karaius


I guess since she doesn't care it's alright to do this: *circles no. adds a note that the coloring needs work, details, especially faces, are crooked, and the strange perspective changes on each body part as well as compared to the background are confusing, and the fact I haven't seen the art improve lately is worrying*

It's about time someone did any constructive crit anyway. Nobody apparently sees those things in anyones' art anymore. Just saying stuff is good and leaving it at that isn't going to get it to improve. I've tried to point problems out before, but things like THE ABOVE happen :/


hmmm what else to put in here ... i cant post the one i wanted to, to graphic...  oh well i'll post

Some of you have seen these some of you have not so have a go at them again whoot whoot


ok so she's not naked but it's still nice!


Props to you then for offering constructive criticism. Bear in mind quite a few of us are not artistically inclined, and thus don't have an eye for such details.

Anyway, those are some adorable squirrels. The feet on the girl squirrel are a little short though.

[Edit] W00T, nekkid! /typicalpost
I remember those. The topless squirrel is new, though. Very nice. Cool pattern on the bedsheet.
Yap by Silver.


Nakey ladies are good. :3 Mhmm.
'Cept that middle one. Too blah for my tastes.


Quote from: FireKatKid on October 10, 2006, 07:06:42 PM
Nakey ladies are good. 'Cept that middle one.

I should hope so.  It would probably count as incest  D:

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Amber Williams

I've mentioned prior that one of the big downsides to real-medium...especially pencils is that it will often come across with a splotchy effect.  A good way to cut down on that severly would be to use markers underneath to basically colour out the white paper.  But not everyone can afford a $150 prismacolour markerset.

In some ways Kittah's anatomy is a bit choppy, but that is something practice ultimately resolves...and Kittah has shown to be improving at a steady and healthy rate. 

It's been mentioned before, and I am expecting this will be the last mention of the issue...but for someone who seems to desire so greatly for their past transgressions to be cleared away Aridas, you seem to be more than happy to make your own barbs for no other reason than to express your dislike or opinion. Your comments here were out of place and serve no purpose than to make it known to people that you have a low opinion of Kittah. The whole "I have seen this but refuse to comment for some reason" is loaded.  It basically implies that there is an issue here that while you can't just launch into it, you  are simply putting your foot in the door for someone to give you an opening to go into it.

If you don't care for someone, try to avoid interracting with them unless its necessary. And frankly, walking directly into a thread dedicated to that said person is the opposite of trying to avoid confrontation.  You might as well just put "I have had many arguments with Kittah in the past and don't like her" in your signature and be done with it.
