More CVRPG attack "sprites"

Started by Castle Pokemetroid, October 05, 2006, 07:48:39 PM

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Castle Pokemetroid


This was hard! I've made another one, execpt animated! Can someone tell me how ta make the backround transparent?


*spontaneously appears to offer technical advice*

If you're using ImageReady and there's a white "Background" layer, go to that layer, Select All, and hit delete; that should make the BG layer transparent. If every frame layer has white space around it, you'll need to manually remove the white space there. And make sure you're using GIF settings that support transparency, as well as no anti-aliasing.

If you're using any other program... I haven't a damn clue o.o;

Castle Pokemetroid

I'm using something called Microsoft gif animator. Can someone help me with this?


Castle Pokemetroid

Cool! Ya know, from now on, I'll ask peoples to make the back clear for me, since my program won't let me. Thanks!


It seems the main problem here is that it appears you're animating the sprite after doubling its size. This means that all the original pixels are doubled (four pixels per point). When you edit it at this size, it moves by pixel, which means that these four-pixel blocks will get distorted into non-square shapes, making it so that they do not match the original style, nor do they look like they're part of the sprite. Some programs attempt to anti-alias the area around objects that are rotated; This is what's creating the white border all along the arm (including along the coat, though it's slightly difficult to notice at first since the majority of the surrounding the arm is white):

Editting and rotating the sprites prior to enlarging them should keep this problem from occuring. :3

Castle Pokemetroid

THiA, I've had that problem for a long time and I spent hours just on that one project. No matter what I do, they won't go away.

I never changed the size, so that's not the problem. Can you tell me how to fix that other than changing each and every little square manually?


You change each and every square around the area manually. That's pretty well the only way to fix it.

And, what he means by the size is that CVRPG sprites on the website are a 2x actual size. That's just because that's the size they are in the comic. When you use them for porjects outside of comicing, you're generally supposd to shrink them back down to normal size (not double size). The swor you're using, however, is at 1x size, so it has a different pixel height/width than the character.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


And the squares are called "pixels."  :3

Castle Pokemetroid

Acually, Darkmoon I already knew that they bigger than the ones in the comics. They're just easier to work with if they're bigger, so ya.


The problem is that you sacrifice quality when you do single-pixel-sized spriting on double-sized sprites.


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...