2016/11/07 [NG+ 263-5] - You and whose army?

Started by Tapewolf, November 07, 2016, 07:31:57 AM

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Well, this'll get really interesting.  A rampant Ceraph clanner, a subdued Ceraph clanner and a Moon goddess disciple who doesn't want them to do this at all.
Then we have the fact that hanging won't really work on Zack because he's not flesh and blood.  Beheading might, burning probably would.

Even so, I can see Talon possibly wanting to try and take out his friends as well, as accomplices.  Who are considerably more mortal than Zack.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Plus Art, who likes to point out he could take on a clanner very easily... >:3

Though to be honest there are a lot of ways this could go. I bumbled through three so far, it's been difficult to decide this one! So many options...