i dont think they respect me any more

Started by thegayhare, May 24, 2015, 05:08:57 PM

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I'm so happy we got our new chicks today. these are so tiny and cute they still make chicky peeps

We got 6 golden comets this time, yes there are actually six chickens in that picture, or as the breed is also called Cinnamon Queens...

they are soo adorable. they are way to young to be laying and so far we are keeping them separate from the other girls since they need there own grower food and we dont want the others to bully them. I cant wait till they can free range.

Here Spooky is inspecting our new girls.. look at the size differnce

We have the Comets enclosure inside the pen but out side the coop so they both can get used to each other.
Spooky and Cami seem to not seem to care one way or the other, Lizzy mutters and squawks abit but I think thats just because she wants that cherry tomato in the Comets cage. But Gabby, now Gabby is a big differnace she went on a 15 minute screaming fit at the sight of them and starts squawking at the top of her voice when ever she sees them. for fun I recorded a few seconds of her rant. I might post it some time


I kind of want to hear that chicken-rant, haha! I have one chicken that gets all squawky at new arrivals too.

Your new chickens are so little and cute! <3


Quote from: Merlin on May 24, 2015, 07:33:03 PM
I kind of want to hear that chicken-rant, haha! I have one chicken that gets all squawky at new arrivals too.

Your new chickens are so little and cute! <3

LOL  I know  they are so cute  I wanna snuggle them.   I almost asked the farmer if I could hug each one before we loaded them up

and if you wanna hear Gabby
You can hear her here


Good-looking chickens! I rather miss having some around my place.
"Death before Dishonor" they always said. It's because death is far less painful than eternal dishonor.


While my babies were being kept we noticed egg production had dropped.   I think I found out why

dispite all my work  the girls arnt eating there layer formula and have been stealing the babies grower formula...  such naughty chickens

we have just introduced the babbies to the flock in the past few days.  so they are trying to settle on the pecking order.   here we have one of the babies  who wasn't allowed to sleep on the perches cause Gabby is a bitch

But on a fun not since the babies are allowed to roam the yard now they are having fun exploring.  here is Boo hiding in our front yards bushes.   For a really big brown bird shes not doing too badly


ohhh the thing that happen when you don't have a camera near by.   First Lucy take up surfing, then Blue tries out to be a pirate

The surfing story is great.   Lucy has taken to following me around when ever I spend a lot of time out side.   so when I was cleaning the coop I she followed me down to the compost heap with my wheel barrel load of pine shavings and bird dookie.   After I dumped it she hoped right into the wheelbarrel clung to the rim and surfed all the way back up the hill.   and surfing is the term for it the way she held her wings out to the side, and ballanced  it was hilarious  sadly no camera

And Today Blue our fiercest hunter chicken, (I've seen her leaping into the air trying to catch low flying sparrows) decided to try out for a part on my pirate crew.    I had been mowing all day.   and my girls love the lawn mower,  so many yummy things get stirred up by it.  so I was taking a break drinking some water and sitting in a lawn chair in the shade when Blue walked up to me.  she stared up at me and jumped.  straight up landing on my arm.   She then stared into my face nose to nose with me for maybe 5 minutes before walking up my belly and onto my left shoulder where she perched for a few minutes clucking to her self and showing me what she was made of.   Again no camera.

But I do have this.   Its Lucy again.

this was a little more staged.  Lucy was checking out some tomato plants when I came over to see what she was doing.  I rested my arm next to her and she just walked on.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Heh. You have the best chickens ever. ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Hehe, your chickens are fantastic! More photos, more!!


I never thought chickens were interesting 'til you and Merlin came along. :3


sadly we lost a girl.   A fox got Princess.   I feel like such a failure.   I'm looking for coyote urine as a repelent.  I might have to shoot it


I'm sorry to hear that. I've lost my share of chickens to those bloody foxes myself. There's only so much you can do to prevent predator attacks, and it's not a failure - it's good that you only lost one, last time I had a fox get in he got my whole flock of five birds.

Good luck with the repellent if you go that route. Otherwise best of luck getting rid of the fox, ain't nothing wrong with killing a fox.


Quote from: Merlin on August 03, 2015, 06:52:18 PM
ain't nothing wrong with killing a fox.

(Goes to dig up some fox-hunting protest videos.  Then we'll see, precious.  O, yes.  Then we'll see...)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 03, 2015, 08:52:55 PM
Quote from: Merlin on August 03, 2015, 06:52:18 PM
ain't nothing wrong with killing a fox.

(Goes to dig up some fox-hunting protest videos.  Then we'll see, precious.  O, yes.  Then we'll see...)

Ohhh those people (meaning the fox-hunters, not the protesters). Really, if it's done humanely then killing pests is fine. But otherwise... yeah, I take your meaning.


yeah tape   I feel bad for doing it but I can't let the fox keep killing my chickens

We have a live trap we are planning on setting first but foxes are smart and are known for spotting those.   Coyote urine might work but it might not depending on the fox and it might draw in actual coyotes (since we've had moose, deer skunks and raccoons in our yard before its possible)  I also learned human urine wont work since its a fairly urban fox and has lost most fear of humans.  if we catch it the game warden can relocate it  but if not.  

Man my girls have had a rough couple of days.   first we lose princess yesterday then today my stepdads sister drops by with her mothers little yap dog daisy.   the hooked daisy on the dog run and she tscared my babies so bad it took me an hour to gather everyone up again.  but we were all happy and content Boo even crawled on my shoulder.  she did peck my neck and nose but I'll call them love bites.  they helped out while I was hauling wood.  then as she wa gettign ready to leave she went looking for where she had put daisys leash and again the dog bolted out the door this time un restrained.   It took me 3 hourse to find every one.   Poor Boo is so shaken up she refused to leave the coop after I got her hom.  shes still sitting in the corner while everyone else is perched on there roasts asleep.   It doesn't help that boo was the chicken Daisy specificly went for.   My big girls were all huddled under my neighbors porch, and were easy to find.  she loves the girls and often shakes her bird feeder so they will come visit.   I slowly managed to find the other  getting everyone home.

I think I'm gonna leave them in the pen for a few days so they can gather there wits about them.

I also was joking with some folks on a warhammer 40k forum before about making power armor for my girls based on the sisters of battle and calling them call them Sororitas Gallina of the Seven Sacred Herbs and Spices... with whats happened I think I will design the armor on paper anyway  and if I find a good sized hen toy or model I can build it on I'll make one too. 

I figure maybe wing mounted bolters or las cannon, and beak or foot mounted chainswords


Quote from: thegayhare on August 03, 2015, 10:46:16 PM
yeah tape   I feel bad for doing it but I can't let the fox keep killing my chickens

Yeah, I hope you can find some other solution.  And yes - I felt bad when Merlin lost all her pets, and I'm not exactly thrilled you've lost one either.
I also appreciate that where I live you don't see them much, that where Merlin comes from they're an invasive species which has caused a lot of problems, and that if I kept chickens or rabbits myself I might not be so fond of them.

But at the same time it makes me very uneasy to see people advocating killing them, especially on a forum where most of the users are furries and quite a lot of them self-associate with foxes.  I can't see that combination ending well, somehow.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 04, 2015, 04:15:17 AM
But at the same time it makes me very uneasy to see people advocating killing them, especially on a forum where most of the users are furries and quite a lot of them self-associate with foxes.  I can't see that combination ending well, somehow.

It was pretty insensitive of me to word it like that in the first place though. I'm sorry.

And power armoured chickens?? Now that sounds exactly like something I want to see >:3

Personally I'd see chickens more as noise marines, but I might be strongly basing that on my experience owning a rooster, haha. Sororitas Gallina of the Seven Sacred Herbs and Spices sounds equally fitting though!


Quote from: Merlin on August 04, 2015, 07:15:41 AM

Personally I'd see chickens more as noise marines, but I might be strongly basing that on my experience owning a rooster, haha. Sororitas Gallina of the Seven Sacred Herbs and Spices sounds equally fitting though!

LOL  I could see Gabby as a noise marine  maybe lucy  she can be as loud.  I'm tempted to make them Orks but they wouldn't fit...  they are aggressive enough but Orks just dont fit there personalities.

I don't play the game but I read the books and love the world... 

I love the orks,  but if I had to live under any race I'd go for the tau...  less likely to end up dead for no reason

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tapewolf on August 04, 2015, 04:15:17 AM
But at the same time it makes me very uneasy to see people advocating killing them, especially on a forum where most of the users are furries and quite a lot of them self-associate with foxes.  I can't see that combination ending well, somehow.

There's a big difference between nuisance pests, and the foxes that eat chickens.

I mean, uh nuisance pests, and the folks here who self-identify as foxes. Honest, it was what I meant to type! No, really!

(yeah, really. I just took advantage of a chance to troll people. ;-] Yay.)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


oh yeah I understand completely  I know alot of foxes, some of my best freinds are foxes, in fact several of all the exboy freinds who stomped all over my heart were foxes...  wait a minute... (gets my rifle) time for closure...



When Tape and I were at Confuzzled, a group of about furries fursuited as chickens and staged an anti-fox protest, with placards including things like "Who cares what the fox has to say?" It felt surreal, and I kinda felt discriminated against... :P


Quote from: thegayhare on August 04, 2015, 10:38:54 AM
LOL  I could see Gabby as a noise marine  maybe lucy  she can be as loud.  I'm tempted to make them Orks but they wouldn't fit...  they are aggressive enough but Orks just dont fit there personalities.

I don't play the game but I read the books and love the world... 

I love the orks,  but if I had to live under any race I'd go for the tau...  less likely to end up dead for no reason

I used to play when I was a kid. My brother would always yell at me for painting my tyranids rainbow colours.

I haven't played in a very long time. I love the world too, and I adore warhams memes and yelling "heresy" at my housemate.

And I would love power-armoured chickens >:3

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Sofox on August 04, 2015, 05:42:47 PM
When Tape and I were at Confuzzled, a group of about furries fursuited as chickens and staged an anti-fox protest, with placards including things like "Who cares what the fox has to say?" It felt surreal, and I kinda felt discriminated against... :P

... You should have fursuited up and campaigned against, with a placard saying "I care!" ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 03, 2015, 08:52:55 PM
Quote from: Merlin on August 03, 2015, 06:52:18 PM
ain't nothing wrong with killing a fox.

(Goes to dig up some fox-hunting protest videos.  Then we'll see, precious.  O, yes.  Then we'll see...)

*Charline hmphs* Killing foxes is fine!  There's like, a TRILLION of em on Furaffinity after all! 

But killing us lions is FORBIDDEN!!  If you do so, we must tear your eyelids off with rusty fishhooks and hang you from a really spikey acacia tree by your nutsack!

Because lions are mostest importantest people!   ;)
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Alondro on August 19, 2015, 02:25:50 PM
Because lions are mostest importantest people!   ;)

Also, they make terrible throw rugs.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 19, 2015, 04:49:58 PM
Also, they make terrible throw rugs.
But they can be made into a Fashionable hoodie...

I installed a game camera to try an spot the fox,  It was accidentally set to video  but it did get some good footage of me wandering around with Lucy on my shoulder


I fixed that its now set to photo,  and I lowered the camera 3 feet so its got a good angle

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 01, 2015, 09:25:44 AM
Very much a pirate chicken. >.<

Oh yeah my girls are ready to raid.   Funny story I wa sitting out with them and one spotted a moth.  she bent her head down and charge after it with her beak open.  she looked like the trex from Jurassic park chasing the jeep.   she almost had it when... Boom she was body checked by Blue knocking her aside and snapping up the moth with a jerk of her head.

Its rough out there in the grass lands

Sadly we did lose another girl.   Cammie died in her sleep yesterday.  she'd been having troubles,  we think it was pasting issues,  we  tried our best and cleaned her butt when ever we could catch her but she died in her nesting box.   Moms not impressed with the Roade island reds we have 2 left from our original flock and all but one was lost to some sort of congenital problem,


I've been hauling wood all day I sit down for a sip of water and poof I end up animal furniture

I know my cat see me a a mobile bed but I'm now a moving perch for my girls


llearch n'n'daCorna

I think this is a measure of chicken respect, actually. They trust you enough to know you're not going to eat them when they stand on you.

A good thing, maybe?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears