Formula 1: The End of an Era (OT)

Started by bill, September 10, 2006, 12:35:38 PM

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Quote from: Brunhidden da Muse on September 16, 2006, 08:10:04 AM
and if you want me to stop with the marquee effect then help me figure out where the tags for putting a quote at the end of a post are
either type [quote]blablabla[/quote] or use the second little button from the right on the second row
Quote from: Leafar on September 16, 2006, 08:21:07 AM
Great....Gornemant and now me we have 3 of the darkside at the same forum!!!!
too power for a single place...we might get this place boomed!!!!! :}

edit: btw if we don't get on topic again soon, Dama or Dark will arrive fast and furious... :paranoid
what, did I do something?  O:)



This looked like the best thread to post this in. Just came back from the NHIS NASCAR race, had a kickass time.



Harvick won, which kicks ass, since he leads the Nextel Cup standings now. His Reese's Chocolate driving suit, by the way, likely can be seen at least 5 miles away. It's freakin' day-glo orange. Anyway, I got a Coast Guard Harvick hat, to commemorate his total and utter rape (600 Pt. Lead) of the Busch Series. The US Air Force recruting guy gave me a free diecast too. We also saw a huge wreck at the end, Truex got spun on the frontstretch, hit the inside wall hard, spun across the track, and got hit by Kvapil. Everyone was alright, but that meant that Harv didn't get to do his burnout on the frontstretch, which was meh, since he does the best burnouts.


aw man...sum that to a dozen beers and get a hell of an awesome day!!!!!
meanwhile i was here standing my brother asking for us to play mario kart 64... >_> again.


somebody will have to explain whcih forum members are 'darkside' and why, although i will take it as a compliment

sheesh, how many mario karts have there been? at least CTR had the upside of including a bandicoot, an animal with some originality. italians have been racing for a while, and theres more then one famous mario at the wheel.

although- does anyone else thing that real racing would be better if you had the ability of droping miscilanious crap on the track?

QuoteJust remember, anything can be a weapon at your disposal.
even bunnies?
even bunnies.
ESPECIALLY underwear.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


sure...hey schumi *schumi looks* grab this!!!!!!!! *throws turtle skull*

and you just imagine how many  banana peels montoya would drop on the road xD


More OT goodness, MidlandF1 just got purchased by the Dutch sportscar company Spyker, and have a sweet new livery on their car.

Meanwhile, in more troubling news...

QuoteTop Gear's Richard Hammond is seriously ill in hospital after a crash in a rocket-powered car while filming for the programme.

The 36-year-old presenter was taken by air ambulance to Leeds General Infirmary's neurological unit.

A spokesman for the hospital said Mr Hammond was "stable".

Mr Hammond had been driving a dragster-style car capable of reaching 300mph at the former RAF airfield in Elvington, near York.Former firefighter Dave Ogden, who runs private firm Event Fire Services, was one of the first people at the scene of the crash.

He said: "We were down there with Top Gear who were filming him trying to break the British land speed record.

"On the previous run, the car had just gone over 300mph but I am not sure if it had broken the record.

"They had just done one more run and were planning to finish when it veered off to the right.

"One of the parachutes had deployed but it went on to the grass and spun over and over before coming to a rest about 100 yards from us."

He said his crew and an ambulance that was already on the airfield rushed over and found the car upside down and "dug in" to the grass.

Mr Ogden said he felt for a pulse and heard Mr Hammond breathing before the emergency crews worked together to turn the car the right way up and then cut him free.

He added: "He was regaining consciousness at that point and said he had some lower back pain. But he was drifting in and out of consciousness a little bit."

Former Top Gear presenter Quentin Willson said the presenter was "irreplaceable".

He said: "He is a wonderful, unique and distinctive Top Gear presenter. "He has brought an awful lot to the programme and his indefatigable energy, the fact that he tries absolutely anything once, may have been the reason that he has overstepped the mark a bit.

"He has turned Top Gear into a gang show with Jeremy and James and the three of them have wowed audiences all over the world and he is an international personality."

Mr Wilson added: "There is no pressure from the BBC or the producer to take undue risks.

"But that pressure is in your own head. You want to do an item on the programme which is mindblowing.

"You want to do a fantastic item that blows everybody away."

The presenter, who works on Top Gear with fellow hosts Jeremy Clarkson and James May, was born in Birmingham, educated in Yorkshire and lives near Cheltenham with his wife and children.

In addition to presenting Top Gear for the BBC, he also fronted Brainiac on Sky One until recently.


Michael Schumacher's F1 career is now officially over. In his final race, he blew a rear tire early, but made an astonishing drive, inclucing a monumental overtake of Kimi Raikkonen's McLaren, to finish 4th. He also set fastest speedtrap, and race lap. Truly an amazing driver, and a shame to see him go.