2014/03/27 [DMFA #1472] - What could possibly go wrong?

Started by joshofspam, March 27, 2014, 04:32:35 AM

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Well seeing as suspicious bard seems to have a similar invite in hand....Wrong seems to be down to a matter of degree.

Well him being at the Inn raised some suspicions about him already. Now we got to think about where and how he got a similar looking invite to what Dan's receiving?

Went back a ways. That color scheme seems to be Abel's room. What the heck is he playing at?
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Indeed it is Abel's room.  As for what he's playing at...  Abel has a few reasons to be of interest, especially to Quoar.  I'm betting on the invite not being of malicious intent if anything, but I may be wrong.  Maybe he wants to 'adopt' Abel to his clan, given Abel's the last of Siar's clan.  Don't forget Abel's unique wings and heterochromatic eyes, which have been noted to both be unique amongst the cubi.

Assuming it *IS* Quoar, I bet on something helpful.



Quote from: Strebenherz on March 27, 2014, 09:32:48 AM
Indeed it is Abel's room.  As for what he's playing at...  Abel has a few reasons to be of interest, especially to Quoar.  I'm betting on the invite not being of malicious intent if anything, but I may be wrong.  Maybe he wants to 'adopt' Abel to his clan, given Abel's the last of Siar's clan.  Don't forget Abel's unique wings and heterochromatic eyes, which have been noted to both be unique amongst the cubi.

Assuming it *IS* Quoar, I bet on something helpful.

The eye colours match, certainly.  If it's not him in avatar form, it's a good impersonation.  I'd like to think he's up to something beneficial, but that last pane is all kinds of ominous.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


well, the item Quar is leaving for Abel is pretty much identical to the envelope Piflak is giving Dan.. though obviously what is in the envelop is unknown.
it could be that Abel is being invited to Piflak's event as well, with Quar doing the inviting. given Piflak's interest in the arts, and Quar's renown as a musician, him showing up at her event isn't unlikely (in my opinion), especially if the event is as exclusive as Pilak implies.. an exclusive event means Quar could show up without really going against his efforts to be reclusive.


Wow.  That certainly does look like Quoar (or an avatar) and it's off the scale creepy.

Then, cubi in general seem to enjoy being off-the-scale creepy at times, even if they aren't normally.  Witness Dimanika.  Yet at the meeting?  She's a complete goofball.

I wouldn't necessarily read anything into the ominous-looking shadow other then a cubi being Dark and Mysterious, which would seem to suit Quoar perfectly anyway.


Quote from: mithril on March 27, 2014, 12:10:25 PM
well, the item Quar is leaving for Abel is pretty much identical to the envelope Piflak is giving Dan.. though obviously what is in the envelop is unknown.
I wonder if Abel would fall for the old "warp-aci disguised as an invitation" trick.


I'm still hoping Quoar is on Abel's side, but all I can think right now is "It's a trap!"

On the other hand, if the location of the party is anything like SAIA, maybe it will provide an escape from Hizell's watch. But if it's not, this could lead Hizell right to them...


The question would be whether all clan leaders have the ability to create areas where they have absolute power.


Quote from: Tuyu on March 27, 2014, 06:12:06 PM
The question would be whether all clan leaders have the ability to create areas where they have absolute power.
I'd assume if they did, there would be a lot more Tri-wings around.

But then again, considering how trollish Dragons seem to be at times. I wouldn't be surprised if Dragons have become experts at getting Tri-wings to come out of there shells no matter where they hide. It might be only certain Tri-wings after living so long or receiving a boost in power might be able to achieve a special zone like Fa'lina has and only a few of the Tri-wings left have one.

I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: Tuyu on March 27, 2014, 06:12:06 PM
The question would be whether all clan leaders have the ability to create areas where they have absolute power.

IIRC, it was implied and/or stated somewhere that Fa'Lina's power is spent entirely on maintaining the existence of SAIA and her omniscience, whereas other leaders have their power distributed partially to their clan members and partially to their various schemes. Working with a more limited scope of power than Fa'Lina's, I suppose the could maintain a smaller more temporary space for something like a party though...


Quote from: Tuyu on March 27, 2014, 06:12:06 PM
The question would be whether all clan leaders have the ability to create areas where they have absolute power.

I guess it depends on what direction Amber goes.  Fa'Lina demonstrates a surprising amount of power and ability, but has no clan members to her name, and is the second youngest clan member.  Going by those factors alone, she should have a very small amount of power compared to other clan members, but she is able to keep the Academy "off the radar", and keep some degree of clairvoyance of what's going on with her students and friends. 
Quoar is also the oldest clan leader by a fair amount, and there's no record of how many clan members he has under his name.  The level of secrecy he has may be magic-related as well, but it may be that he doesn't have to use as much magic to keep them hidden by sheer factor of making sure they're unknown.

So unless Amber decides otherwise for whichever perfectly fine reason, I can imagine it'd be quite possible for someone like Quoar to make some sort of demiplane like what Fa'Lina has.


It IS worth remembering that Quoar's emotional affinity is for Love, so while there are a number of ways that Love can be construed very very dangerously, I'm going to keep a mooooostly positive outlook on his planting an invitation for Abel?

Maybe Quoar is secretly a shipper at heart and is trying to play matchmaker with Abel and one of his own Clan, seeing as Abel's got the wings and eyes thing down pat already.  >:3 Or maybe he's working with Piflak and certain forum members to ship Abel and Dan at the party! Dun dun DUUUNNNNN!!!  :P But seriously, I'm going to stay optimistic and pretend that everything will come out sunshine and lollipops.

(Though hopefully Abel visiting a theoretical other demiplane or even just Piflak's house doesn't count as suspicious activity warranting the interference of a certain adventurer's guild... oh god what if the "I'm not the only one who'd like to see the end of Siar's line" is referring to Quoar beCAUSE of Aniz's presumptuousness in "breeding" Abel to look like a Quoar member oh god what if that's what Fa'Lina meant when she referred to "the last one to try this had three on the way when I shut him down" oh no oh no optimism tanking -- mayday, mayday, we're going doooowwwnnn!!!  D:)


Or it could be Quoar's related to Abel some way or another. That might explain the wings or eyes somewhere in the family

Aurik Marr

They way I remember it, Cubi don't always have cubi kids if they mate with a being. Even Aniz was surprised and excited about Abel's appearance, but perhaps May herself was a being decendant of Quoar? As a being, she wouldn't have passed the Quoar clan identity to able, but perhaps the power of her heritage was still made manifest in her sons traits due to his being born a cubi? I myself find this a longshot, though, as if Quoar clans power was enough to affect Abel's appearance through a being descendant of the clan, it probably would have made him a member of the clan itself as well, so long shot I suppose.


The way Aniz spoke about it, saying about Abel, "he's quite the piece of work" and "looks just like them" and "there just wasn't any time to test an ideal method", I got the strong impression that Abel's unique appearance was deliberate, and a direct result of something Aniz did. Aniz certainly seemed happy about it.


Hmm... is Quor currently the only male clan leader alive at present? 
Lurkus Wallflowerus


Quote from: YawnPB on March 30, 2014, 07:25:05 PM
Hmm... is Quor currently the only male clan leader alive at present? 

Yes.  Unless there are any who are so well hidden that even Fa'Lina and Piflak don't know about them.
The way I heard it, the male clan leaders tended to be more reckless than the ladies and were therefore easier to pick off during the wars.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E