MWO - Merc Corp Discussion

Started by Mao, October 30, 2012, 08:36:11 AM

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This thread is being put up to get the ball rolling on putting together a Mercenary Corp for Mechwarrior Online (See:  Here).  Currently the folks who have expressed interest in this are as follows:

Drath's Dad (Milton)
Drath's Friend (Graham)
Paladin Sheppard
Batsy (?)

And myself.  While not enough for two full lances yet (unless there's two more folks I'm missing), I think this is enough to get us off the ground.  Scratch that, we've got enough for 2 lances and a few extra (3 if we can get Batsy in).

If we're going to do this, the very first thing we need to do is figure out what we're going to call ourselves.  I'm going to leave this completely open to discussion because this is something we all have to be comfortable with.  It would seriously detract from the experience if every time you logged in you felt like a dork just because of a name! XD

At the moment I don't have any ideas, but I'd like to avoid silly/goofy names if possible.  That said, if the rest of you are into doing something silly, I can survive without it detracting from my experience too much.

I'd also like to stress that I don't want this Merc Corp to get too serious.  This is something we're meant to enjoy together and to relax with as we cause massive explosions in our giant robots.  Not something that makes people upset or feeling down.  It would really suck if someone you thought was your friend was constantly telling you that you were bad at the game or that you did something stupid etc.  So to combat this I just want to say that we should focus on working together and having fun.

Alright, I've rambled enough, let's get this thread started off with name suggestions!

Moved the motto and name suggestions to another post.  See here.

Updated the interested parties list as well.

llearch n'n'daCorna

The other suggests should all be left alone, I think. ;-]

The other mottoes suggested were "Crapulam terriblem habeo" (I have a terrible hangover), "Cave ne ante ullas catapultas amules" (If I were you, I wouldn't walk in front of any catapults), "Beati Pacifici" (Blessed are the peacemakers), "Braccae tuae aperiuntur" (your fly is open), "Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam." (I have a catapult. Give me all your money or I will fling an enormous rock at your head.)

Peacemakers could be in more than one sense, really. Because it's peaceful when everyone is dead, too...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I like how llearch's latin names are much more interesting than anything else I've been in before like "Judgement" Or whatever it was in latin. WoW guilds were kinda retarded, at least the ones I was in back in yee old The burning Crusade days.

I'm not much for names, because I tend to think of classical things like "Highlanders", etc.

I don't think many people would think "Swamp Rats" "21st Daumpkauf Recon" Would be overly interesting. My brain doesn't like to think of names over well..

Whatever we go with, I would be pretty cool with it.
Help! I'm gay!

llearch n'n'daCorna

Oh, yes. The suggestions last night were pretty amusing, too. "Target Rich Environment", for example. Or the other one, I can't remember what it was just now.

Not that I think they'd make good names, mind. Just that they amuse me. *grin*
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I'm mostly trying to avoid any names from Mechwarrior Lore as we're still not sure how the community warfare thing is going to play out, so I figured we come up with our own name and motto and can just play it off as us being obscure. XP

Looking at the current Merc corp list (requires an actual page to get on) over here, both style of names seem common.


Graham is a fan of Krasnaya Armia

It's something in russian, but he won't tell me what it is.
Help! I'm gay!


I'm up for joining in. As to mottoes, I put forth the motto "Semper variabilis" (Always changeable). I'd offer names, but at the moment they'd all be either incomprehensible or really lame (e.g. "The Clockwork Pilots," "Fortuna," "Rattle Bags...").


Quote from: Drathorin on October 30, 2012, 07:09:30 PM
Graham is a fan of Krasnaya Armia

It's something in russian, but he won't tell me what it is.

I'd rather know what it is before I use it for either a name or a motto.  It certainly sounds cool. :3

Quote from: Inumo on October 30, 2012, 08:17:03 PM
I'm up for joining in. As to mottoes, I put forth the motto "Semper variabilis" (Always changeable). I'd offer names, but at the moment they'd all be either incomprehensible or really lame (e.g. "The Clockwork Pilots," "Fortuna," "Rattle Bags...").

You'd be more than welcome to join.  As for the mottos and names, I won't discredit any of them, but I will say that I like "The Clockwork Pilots".  The only problem I have with it is that not everyone involved has anything to do with CMF.


Could say that we either kill, or die like clockwork?  :U
Help! I'm gay!

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Drathorin on October 30, 2012, 07:09:30 PM
Graham is a fan of Krasnaya Armia

It's something in russian, but he won't tell me what it is.

Red Army.

Take Krazny Oktobre (spelling optional, due to me not having a russian keyboard here, and it having been some years - or decades - since I last read Hunt For The Red October, by Tom Clancy...); I'd guess that the kraznaya bit is the same.

That is, of course, just a guess.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


sadly i don't have any decent suggestions outside of "Clockwork Mechs" it's worth noting that i too play regularly.  :3

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Names we've got so far:

Beer Steiners (motto:  "Crapulam terriblem habeo" ?)
Swamp Rats
21st Daumpkauf Recon
Target Rich Environment
Krasnaya Armia
The Clockwork Pilots
Rattle Bags
Clockwork Mechs
31st Clockwork Raiders (motto:  "It's only a matter of time")

Mottos so far:

"Cur Etiam Hic Es" ("Why are you still here?")
"Crapulam terriblem habeo" ("I have a terrible hangover")
"Cave ne ante ullas catapultas amules" ("If I were you, I wouldn't walk in front of any catapults")
"Beati Pacifici" ("Blessed are the peacemakers")
"Braccae tuae aperiuntur" ("your fly is open")
"Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam."  ("I have a catapult. Give me all your money or I will fling an enormous rock at your head.")
"Semper variabilis" ("Always changeable")


I'm kinda a fan of Sempir Variablis for the corp Motto, because the "Always Changing" Fits the corp makeup and different political factions we might be fighting for.

If our Mercenary Corporation is gonna be taking contracts from all the major houses, and possibly have clan mechs/contracts/pilots. It might even be more appropriate?

For the Mercenary Corporation name, I do like the Target Rich environment, or Hellbats...

Or Maybe Hellbat brigade?

Target Rich Hellbats? I'm bad at this Xp

Help! I'm gay!


Preferences From Batsy:

"Beer Steiners", "Rattle Bags", and "Clockwork Mechs"

"Cur Etiam Hic Es", "I have a terrible hangover" and "Semper Variabilis"

Paladin Sheppard

Still need pilots? I'm a founder but I hadn't intended playing till it went live :B


Sure thing, Pal!  We're still in the organizing phase (name isn't even decided) but the more the merrier.  Even with folks on at different times (the next thing I plan on looking into), if we can get enough so that folks never have to drop alone if they don't want to it'd be great!


Double posting to let you guys know two things:

1)  Sorry I've been quiet the last few days, life has been busy, but don't worry, I'm still around.  If you really need to get ahold of me, I'm almost always in llearch's irc and can be found there almost daily.  That failing, usually someone in there has my email or skype contact so it's pretty easy to get messages to me if you need to.

2)  I think we've exhausted the name/moto ideas so I want folks to do the following:

  • Either here, or to me somewhere, let us know your gaming availability.  I'd like to start organizing some drops/matches.
  • Either here, or to me somewhere, let us know your top three Corps Name choices and Motto Choices. (After which we can start work on a banner sig for use in fourms and other images for when mech customization comes in)

I'll get things started.


2-3 days a week, at the following times:
Mon-Fri: 6pm-12am (Atlantic Time, Halifax)
Sat-Sun: 10am - 12am (Atlantic Time, Halifax)

Merc Corp Name/Motto Votes:

31st Clockwork Raiders, "It's only a matter of time"
105th Hellbat Brigade, "Cur Etiam Hic Es"
Beer Steiners,  "Crapulam terriblem habeo"


I think I'm set on the 105th Hellbat Brigade.

As far as availability? Well I'm unemployed, so until that changes my schedule is pretty much..whenever.

Real helpful post so far eh? :D

Timezone: Atlantic (-4 UTC)
Help! I'm gay!


I want to be a part of this action, yo.
But I feel like I wont be truly free until my semester's over (Mid-December)
Also there's the whole matter of lacking a gaming computer. |D
Which will be remedied by then. Hopefully.

Eastern Standard Time. (-5)
Sat: 10AM - 12AM
Sun: ?? - 12AM.

Name/Motto Votes:
Beer Steiners - Crapulam terriblem habeo
Rattle Bags - Semper Variabilis
Clockwork Mechs - Cur Etiam Hic Es

llearch n'n'daCorna

Availability: Mostly fri and sat evenings until late, sometimes after 8pm and before 11pm GMT/BST during the rest of the week. Dependent on child care et al.

105th Hellbat Brigade, "Cur Etiam Hic Es"
Beer Steiners,  "Crapulam terriblem habeo"

In that order. But there's a big step between them.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Availabilty (time zone MST[UTC-7]):
Monday, Wednesday, most Friday, and Saturday evenings; more available on holidays.

21st Daumpkauf Recon - "Cave ne ante ullas catapultas amules"
31st Clockwork Raiders - "It's only a matter of time."
Swamp Rats - "Semper Variabilis"

Paladin Sheppard

Availability: Pretty much from 7am to 12am GMT+8... (yes I have no life)

31st Clockwork Raiders -"It's only a matter of time"


So, I was a bit bored today and made myself (and now also llearch) a MWO forums sig.

Click for full view:

I've got a template for it, so just let me know if you guys want one as well.  (The font used was called 7th service, if anyone is wondering :D )


That's pretty swag man.

I'm tempted.  >:3
Help! I'm gay!