Last Res0rt RPG Discussion

Started by Inumo, July 25, 2010, 12:04:11 AM

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Figured there should be a thread for the RPG discussion... Let me know if you don't want this. Here are my two cents.

Just finished reading through the book. I like the Russian Roulette. XP Anyways, I saw a few typos in the book. Page 12 with the Talmi might be one. I'm not sure if you meant to use "her" to refer to a Talmi. After that, page 24 (the Efreet) says "in ordr" for Infertility. There's also an awkwardness to the sentence that I can't quite figure out the source of.

In addition, there's some info that I feel is missing (might just be me). First off is how one could view an aura. If this ends up being a full-fledged thing, it needs to be a bit clearer. Secondly is what is necessary for a Shattered to become a Djinn. I didn't see anything about what a Shattered needs to do, just "learn fast..." Third, the information about a Reaper's Focal Artifact is a bit vague. I can't tell immediately what the Artifact can do, only something about cursing weapons and causing remote harm. And of course, Soul Stats and experience are missing, though this is just a beta version.

Beyond that, I like the idea. I agree that there should be a point where a person just can't do anything (it's not like a guy that can barely lift fifty pounds can stop a 1,000 pounds-of-force-per-square-inch tackle on a flimsy door). It also might be a good idea in later iterations to talk more about the show and the worlds, etc. As it stands it's a rule system that's missing some details and has an external world to go off of, which some people won't be able to reference quickly due to not having it memorized or centralized. Also a good idea would be a small section for GMs to explain how to handle checks, encounters, and experience, and another in the race sections to give some info about their cultures for the players to play with.


Will items that you have effect your stats accordingly situation?

Say a sniper rifle is good at taking some out at a distance when a target isn't running about so much. But at close range it seems a liability when the rate of fire means if you miss a person can run a few steps in front of you and either stab you or use a hand gun and shoot you right between the eyes. It probably wouldn't help if you took the shot at that range and someone stepped up to you out of your your scoops field of vision and did something similar.

Armor might effect how far and fast you are, or possibly such things like Adharia's pendant might have a few factors that might influence the stat's or situation as the case may be
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.