A CVRPG Animated Opening Sequence I made

Started by Castle Pokemetroid, December 04, 2009, 03:24:44 AM

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Castle Pokemetroid


I think I spent waaaay too much of my time making this, but I simply love the outcome. I can watch this over and over. I really like it, and I love how it came out, which is a rare thing, as I usually complain on how terrible my own animations are.

I remember about a year or two ago, I made an animation where Alec swung a lightning spear.

Now, I made this. I think my animation skills have certainly been getting better. Remember, this animation was still not made by flash or any kind of animation program.

I do admit this was a challenge, no doubt. I was limited at using a max of four or five sprites for each character. Only Darkmoon got that many sprites, however. The average was two or three for each character.

Can you name all the characters I used?

Castle Pokemetroid

I think it's quite a good thing I ended off with a bang, since I don't think I'll make any CVRPG stuff anymore.

I just felt that since I started this mock project, I should finish and finally lay it to rest. I like to finish what I've started, no matter how long it'll take.


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Castle Pokemetroid

Quote from: Darkmoon Firelyte on December 12, 2009, 09:25:31 PM
It's good to have goals.

True, so very true. I have three different projects, and it's my goal to finish all three, no matter how many years it'll take. It used to be four different projects, but I finished the Swords of Sorrow game, though there be a few bugs in it. Not like it matters any.

I just got done with the CVRPG one, which is what is here. Those weapon sprite things from a year or two before were animation frames that didn't make it into the vid, thought I never told anyone about it until I posted this now. Now that I look back, it would of been much too unessary to of added them.

Now I'm off to go do other things, mainly my two other projects, one being a web comic, and the other an animated web series.

As another note, even though you may not want it, nor do I think you care, but I can send you the .WMV file of the CVRPG animation I put on youtube, if you want it, Darkmoon. Not sure what you would want to do with it, but the offer still stands.


I appreciate that, but sadly I don't think I have the bandwidth available to host a WMV on CVRPG's server.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Castle Pokemetroid

Quote from: Darkmoon Firelyte on December 12, 2009, 10:04:11 PM
I appreciate that, but sadly I don't think I have the bandwidth available to host a WMV on CVRPG's server.

I was thinking it to be the case, but the offer's there nonetheless.

Question: If you link to an outside site, like youtube, for example, will the file take up any bandwidth on one's own site? Don't get the wrong idea and think that I'm asking to put the vid on your site, I'm just asking this as an informational question.

I'm learning how to make websites in my elective class, but the class only teaches you how to compress, then put on the site, so I wonder if linking from hosting sites will be any better.

This question also relates to the thread, since I'm think about this vid in peticular.

Also, since youtube is blocked from the school's internet, will the vid also be unviewable if I use an Embed link instead of a URL?

llearch n'n'daCorna

It'll use a trivial amount, that being the amount required to load the page that has the link on it.

If it gets popular, that can add up; if you have an image-heavy theme, it can draw down a significant amount to have a simple holding page, because the theme adds lots of bits and pieces to the page, and all of those need to be downloaded...

But that's by-the-by.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Castle Pokemetroid

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 13, 2009, 05:36:29 AM
It'll use a trivial amount, that being the amount required to load the page that has the link on it.

If it gets popular, that can add up; if you have an image-heavy theme, it can draw down a significant amount to have a simple holding page, because the theme adds lots of bits and pieces to the page, and all of those need to be downloaded...

But that's by-the-by.

So it's better to have the files on the site if only for convience sake in terms of loading pages, even though it'll take up more space being on your own site?

llearch n'n'daCorna


I fail to see how you got that from what I said.

If you have a link to a movie on your site, there has to be a page on which the link is, right? That page may have a certain number of hits. The movie will have a certain number of hits. You will need some bandwidth to host the content of that page, right?

If that page has lots of images on it as well as the link, it will take more bandwidth than if it's a text-only page (assuming you're not writing an awful lot of text, of course)

If that page becomes popular, it'll use more bandwidth than if nobody looks at it.

None of this has any relation to if you should have the file on your own site or on youtube (just picking that as your previous example, not being specific), since that's a totally different conversation.

You asked: Will it take up bandwidth if I link to youtube?

The answer: No. However, the page that links to youtube will be downloaded off your site, and _that_ page will use bandwidth. If you put lots of images on there, they'll all be downloaded.

Is that a little clearer?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Castle Pokemetroid

One thing I do wonder is if bandwith and the amount of space a site takes up is the same?

Bandwith is the traffic, isn't it? What I got from what you said is that how much space the item, may it be image, text, or video, dose not matter, as either way, the page will take up bandwith due to traffic, or page views, because of the fact that no matter what you do, the page must still be downloaded.

And I assume the amount of MB the item takes up dose not affect bandwith at all, but instead affects how fast a page loads.

I sure hope I'm getting this so far. Quite some valuble info right here.