Mass Effect

Started by Cvstos, November 23, 2007, 06:10:28 AM

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Wow. Great game. KOTOR-level awesomeness. I just beat my first run-through. Yes, first. I'm going to be playing this again and again, just like I did with the KOTORs.

It does have a few faults, but they're forgivable due to the excellence of everything else. GOTY candidate, IMO.

I honestly can't wait for the sequel, or a KOTOR game based off this engine. Despite the overall quality of the game, there's still plenty room for improvement, and each step they take there will only make things that much better.

Anyone else play this amazing game yet? 
"The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them." - Albert Einstein

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." -Albert Einstein


Getting this as soon as I get my 360 back. Heard it's amazing.


Paladin Sheppard

Nay but damn is this a great game.

Finished it and then I decided to give it another go with another character...Till I saw you can restart with all your levels and gear mwhahahaha  :mwaha look out Geth here I come  >:3 *loads up his master specter weapons*

Seriously visuals are fantastic, the voice acting is amazing, storyline has good twists, multipul armor/weapon/hack and biotic tools, huge info base ingame....I could go on for hours.

The fact that you can play male or female characters and have a romance is a big plus for me (I'm a sap I admit it :P)

And come on the Mako  :mwaha what could be more fun that driving one of these babys around blasting geth/pirates/mercs.


did you know for a time it was banned in Singapore over an interspecies lesbian kiss?

In one scene in the game the two female characters kiss and caress.  The sequence ends with the alien character saying, "By the gods, that was incredible, commander."

So the city state's censor board issued cited "lesbian intimacy" for its ban on the sale of the game.

It reversed itself the next day and you can buy the game,  which just goes to prove as long as there are dirty old men lesbians will have it a little easier. 



Paladin Sheppard

Heh that was a good CAD

My fav panel from that is the third seeing how the way Wrex (the alien for those who've not played) is.


My favorite was probably the fourth one. Marmalade...

Paladin Sheppard

Buying Mass Effect - $89.95 AUD

Playing through the game till you get to use the Mako - Really good fun

Using the Mako to run down a Geth Armature and then blowing it to pieces with the 155mm cannon -Priceless


Mass Effect - £45.99

Conversion to Singapore Dollars - $5

Being banned over a simple exchange of hot alien love - Priceless