An open letter to Amber

Started by ReverseRazgriz, May 01, 2021, 11:29:28 AM

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Screw you. No, seriously, screw you. I joined DMFA a little less than a year ago and was immediately taken in by the wonderful anti-racist content but when I decided to finally go through the archives, I found this:

You spend all that time preaching against racism but then state that it's okay to be racist against PoCs because they are liable to brutally murder you at random? I'm sorry, I've seen some racist things throughout my life but this has got to be the worst. You're not fooling me and I'm not spending any more time reading your spiteful content. Goodbye!

The One Guy

The Poe's Law is strong here...

But in case you are serious (actual comic page for reference):
The being/creature divide in DMFA is not, nor is it intended to be, a perfect reflection of racism in real life; unlike in the real world, creatures actually are liable to brutally murder beings at random.  Not that Abel is actually saying it's okay to be racist anyway, rather he's remarking that it's understandable, not right.  This is made clear in the very next page, where Abel elaborates on how the issue relates to upbringing and culture, not something inherent to race.


Quote from: ReverseRazgriz on May 01, 2021, 11:29:28 AM...but then state that it's okay to be racist against PoCs because they are liable to brutally murder you at random?

So you see a character talk about a violent (fictional) race and you instantly think they're referring to PoC? Why and how in the world do you make that connection? Because it's honestly kinda uncomfortable to see someone talk about violent races and PoCs in the same sentence.

In any event, if this is the most racist thing you've seen in your life, than you must live a pretty charmed life. I wish you the best!


Quote from: ReverseRazgriz on May 01, 2021, 11:29:28 AMYou spend all that time preaching against racism but then state that it's okay to be racist against PoCs because they are liable to brutally murder you at random? I'm sorry, I've seen some racist things throughout my life but this has got to be the worst. You're not fooling me and I'm not spending any more time reading your spiteful content. Goodbye!
This isn't an airport, there's no need to announce your departure.

You're drawing a false comparison by using an out-of-context quote to imply the exact opposite of the actual impact of the strip. Fox News would be proud of your efforts.

There's an old internet saying... Don't Feed The Trolls. Given that this is clearly designed to incite drama, with baseless accusations that have absolutely no connection to reality, I find it appropriate here.


This is about as ridiculous as that rant years ago over Amber's callback to people mistaking Dan for a female resulting in what I think was the only locked thread in the entire forum.  I look forward to this becoming the second locked thread or even deleted in the very near future.

Red Phoenix

Quote from: Nightmask on May 03, 2021, 03:37:57 AM
This is about as ridiculous as that rant years ago over Amber's callback to people mistaking Dan for a female resulting in what I think was the only locked thread in the entire forum.  I look forward to this becoming the second locked thread or even deleted in the very near future.

Actually, there are two others: this one and this one

Amber Williams

Quote from: ReverseRazgriz on May 01, 2021, 11:29:28 AM
So hey I read some of your comic and decided to base your entire morality and worth as a person on an out of context panel from 2006.  I made an account on this forum just to tell you.  I think you are a stinky poo head forever so hopefully this will somehow hurt your feelings and make you feel bad.


Welp, now we have four locked threads. I didn't think this day would come. I'm proud *sniff* and yet sad it was this douche that did it. What a sad little troll.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Well that was fun.

I'd like to put out there that I really appreciate the logic y'all put out there. Good job. :)